script-server ( is an excelent tool, which allows you to easily execute command line scripts from web interface.
The purpose of this version is to enable user to install additional tools, so that they can be executed via script-server.
- nmap
- dig
- whatweb
- sslscan
- Knockpy
- whois
- Tesseract
Download repository
$ git clone
$ cd script-server-netdud
Build your docker image:
$ docker build -t test/script-server-netdud:latest .
Details about the config can be found at
Create and start the container:
Replace /host/path/to
with your path to this folder.
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 \
-v /host/path/to/config/conf.json:/app/conf/conf.json \
-v /host/path/to/runners/:/app/conf/runners \
-v /host/path/to/scripts/:/app/scripts/ \
-v /host/path/to/conf/theme/:/app/conf/theme/ \
--name script-server \
The application is available at
The admin interface is available at
You can add your custom software to the container by modifying the following line of Dockerfile
# install tools that you want to use with script-server
# modify this line by adding your tools
RUN apt-get install --yes nmap whatweb net-tools nikto
Then just build the docker image again.
This script is built based on,