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Exactly Once Streaming with Kafka & Cassandra

To curtail any message delivery semantics debate please heed that this project implements exactly-once as defined by Kafka's documentation. I am aware of why you can't technically have exactly-once, so if you like, you can think of this as at least once with deduplication assuming guaranteed delivery order of messages in a partition.

Exactly Once semantics with Kafka and Spark Streaming can be implemented as the Kafka documentation recommends: by storing the partition and offset with the data once it's been processed, and then manage the topic's partition and offset on the event of failure/restart. On startup it will query Cassandra for the last offset for each partition and then begin processing from the next offset. To maintain Exactly Once across a whole distributed infrastructure takes some work as you have to manage partition and offset each step of the way, but it can be done fairly easily if designed up front.

Developer Setup


  1. Install docker and docker-compose (developed against version 1.11.1 and 1.6.2 respectively). NOTE: When on Linux add yourself to the docker group so you don't require sudo to execute these commands.
  2. Confirm ADVERTISED_HOST environment variable matches your docker host IP in kafka service located in ./docker/sbt-docker-compose.yml. On Linux you can find out this IP with the command ifconfig docker0. On MacOSX you will need to use the docker-machine IP which can be found with the command docker-machine ip.

Now you can bring the docker services up and perform ad hoc operations against them, or run the automated tests.

Ad-hoc operations

This project uses the sbt-docker-compose plugin to make it easier to run automated integration tests using services defined in docker/sbt-docker-compose.yml.

To start up the services for the project.

sbt dockerComposeUp

To stop:

sbt dockerComposeStop

To apply the schema to the Cassandra instance you can execute cqlsh in the container to get a shell. Then you can define the keyspace and tables. Use docker ps or inspect the results of sbt dockerComposeUp to get the container ID.

docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] cqlsh

C* Schema

Define the keyspace and tables:

CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS exactlyonce WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };
    id bigint,
    ts timestamp,
    partition int,
    offset bigint,
    source text,
    client text,
    health int,
    PRIMARY KEY (partition, offset)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS exactlyonce.alerts (
    ts timestamp,
    source text,
    event_count int,
    PRIMARY KEY (source, ts));
TRUNCATE exactlyonce.alerts;

Integration Tests

To run automated tests (make sure services are stopped before you do this)

sbt dockerComposeTest

Run in IntelliJ manually

  1. Bring up docker services sbt dockerComposeUp
  2. Create C* schema (schema is above)
  3. Create a run configuration in IntelliJ: Run -> Edit Configurations -> "Add New Configuration" (+) -> Application -> Enter (including double quotes): "run-main com.seglo.learningspark.exactlyonce.EventStreamingApp" -> Add VM parameter: -Dspark.master=local[*]<DOCKER-HOST-IP> -> Add Program argument <DOCKER-HOST-IP>:9092
  4. Run EventStreamingApp using configuration created in step 3 and TestMessageGenerator in parallel
  5. Stop docker services sbt dockerComposeStop


Configure & submit job to YARN

  1. Build a fat jar: sbt assembly
  2. rsync to a node on the cluster with spark client utilities. Ex)

rsync -v -e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/myprivatekey.pem" -a ./target/scala-2.10/exactlyonce-1.0.jar centos@[HOST/IP OF SPARK CLIENT]:/jobs/

  1. Create C* schema (schema is above)
  2. Create Kafka topic: Kafka topic

./bin/ --create --topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 3 --zookeeper <ZOOKEEPER-IP>:2181

  1. Run spark-submit with the job.

./bin/spark-submit --class com.seglo.learningspark.exactlyonce.EventStreamingApp --master yarn-client --conf<CASSANDRA-SEED-IP> /demo/exactlyonce-1.0.jar <KAFKA-BROKER-IP>:6667

  1. Start TestMessageGenerator to produce simulated events onto Kafka

java -cp ./exactlyonce-1.0.jar com.seglo.learningspark.exactlyonce.TestMessageGenerator <KAFKA-BROKER-IP>:6667

Run the spark-shell on YARN

CMD: ./bin/spark-shell --master yarn-client --driver-memory 512m --executor-memory 512m --jars /jobs/exactlyonce-1.0.jar

NOTES: Don't pass in the cassandra-connector package because it will conflict with hadoop libs on the guava dep. Instead, just pass the "fat" jar created with the sbt assembly plugin and then pass the automatically created SparkContext (sc) into SparkDemoApp.testRdd(sc) to return a CassandraRdd


Docker & Docker Compose Command Reference

Run docker-compose (-d to detach). NOTE: This will not work with ./docker/sbt-docker-compose.yml

docker-compose up -d

To attach back to containers to see output/logs:

docker-compose logs

Run cqlsh on the cassandra container.

docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] cqlsh

Run kafka-console-consumer on kafka

docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /opt/kafka_2.11- --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning

Open bash shell

docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash

Publish the modified spotify/kafka image (upgraded kafka to sbt-docker-compose doesn't support build: param, so to use it we have to build and publish it locally first.

docker build -t kafka09 ./demo/docker/containers/kafka09/kafka