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sudo pacman -S alacritty alsa-utils android-tools base base-devel blueman bluez-utils bridge-utils brightnessctl btop cheese cmatrix dmidecode dnsmasq dolphin efibootmgr fish flatpak font-manager git grim grub grub-customizer gst-plugin-pipewire gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines gvfs hypridle hyprland hyprlock hyprpaper intel-ucode iptables-nft kwallet lib32-gnutls lib32-mesa lib32-vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-intel libguestfs libpulse linux linux-firmware lxappearance mako man-db mupdf nano ncdu neofetch neovim networkmanager noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji npm ntp nwg-look openbsd-netcat p7zip pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse plymouth polkit-kde-agent power-profiles-daemon pyright python-pydantic qbittorrent qemu-desktop qt5-3d qt5-charts qt5-connectivity qt5-datavis3d qt5-declarative qt5-doc qt5-examples qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-imageformats qt5-location qt5-multimedia qt5-networkauth qt5-quick3d qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-remoteobjects qt5-script qt5-scxml qt5-sensors qt5-serialport qt5-speech qt5-tools qt5-virtualkeyboard qt5-wayland qt5-webchannel qt5-webengine qt5-websockets qt5-x11extras qt5-xmlpatterns qt5ct qt6ct ristretto scrcpy sddm sl slurp sof-firmware supertuxkart thunar tk tmux ttf-font-awesome ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd unrar unzip vde2 vi virt-manager virt-viewer vulkan-intel waybar wev wine wireplumber wlr-randr wofi xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland zram-generator zsh
yay -S ani-cli catppuccin-cursors-macchiato cava google-chrome pfetch pwvucontrol qt5-gamepad qt5-lottie qt5-purchasing qt5-quicktimeline qt5-serialbus qt5-webglplugin qt5-webview spotify-edge wlogout yay yay-debug zoom zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git