Version 2.0.4: Released Jun 20, 2020
Changes in applications:
rawlog-edit, rawlog-grabber: Now allows loading external "plugin" modules (.so) with user-defined types.
RawLogViewer, navlog-viewer, ptg-configurator allows more than one "plugin" modules to be loaded.
Changes in libraries:
\ref mrpt_math_grp
New semantically-rich named static methods:
\ref mrpt_obs_grp
CObservation3DRangeScan::points3D_convertToExternalStorage() stores point clouds with points as rows (vs as columns as it did before).
\ref mrpt_opengl_grp
Emit warnings to std::cerr whenever opengl memory is leaked due to OpenGL buffers being created and destroyed in different threads.
Overlaid text messages are now also (de)serialized in mrpt::opengl::COpenGLViewport, and hence in 3D scenes in general.
All opengl shader base classes now expose their internal buffers as const ref. See children of mrpt::opengl::CRenderizable
\ref mrpt_system_grp
New class: mrpt::system::CControlledRateTimer (+ associated example)
New functions: mrpt::system::loadPluginModule(), mrpt::system::loadPluginModules()
mrpt::system::CRateTimer: enforce use of high-resolution monothonic clock.
mrpt::system::CTicTac: enforce use of nanosecond monothonic clock.
Misplaced functions moved to their proper namespace: mrpt::io::vectorToTextFile()
New functions: mrpt::system::thread_name() to get and set thread names for debuggers.
mrpt::system::setConsoleColor(): Do not change color if stdout/stderr are not real terminals.
\ref mrpt_nav_grp
mrpt::nav::PlannerSimple2D does not throw an exception if goal/source is out of map bounds.
mrpt::obs::CObservation3DRangeScan would try to (incorrectly) "autofix" camera resolution if loading an externally-stored observation.
mrpt::maps::CPointsMap::determineMatching2D(): avoid potential multi-thread problems with a vector::swap()
Fix build against opencv <3.4.4
Fix potential pointer to local returned in CParticleFilterData
Fix: mrpt::maps::CPointsMapXYZI::setFromPCLPointCloudXYZI() was using a non-existing method.
Fix: mrpt::nav::PlannerSimple2D did not honored maximum path length correctly.
Fix race condition in CGenericCamera_AVI unit test.
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