Here is a selection of lectures, blog posts or GitHub repositories related to deep learning.
Olivier Grisel & Charles Ollion - M2 Datascience, Paris-Saclay, France - link
Andrej Karpathy - CS 231, Stanford, CA, USA - link
Martin Gorner - TensorFlow without a PhD - link
Michael Nielsen - Neural Networks and Deep Learning free online book - link
Andreas Mueller & Sarah Guido - Introduction to ML with Python - link
Joel Grus - Data science from scratch - link
Distill - link - All posts
Chris Olah's - link
Andrej Karpathy's - link
Eduard Tyantov - 2017 DL achievements - link
TensorFlow models - link
TensorFlow examples - link
Keras examples - link
PyTorch examples - link
Machine learning for physicists - link Understanding DNNs - link