Releases: MF42-DZH/ModePile
Releases · MF42-DZH/ModePile
ModePile v1.7.2
Critical Patch
- Fixed slowdown when checking for main class and made it completely thread-safe. This affects SubscriberChallenge and all modes which use custom assets. Please replace all class files.
ModePile v1.7.1: Thread-Safety Update
- Although we realise that NullpoMino usually runs single-threaded, this is a safety update to some checking methods in order that any future development that uses custom resources or animated backgrounds can be done without worrying about issues with threads.
- Added alternate constructors for non-destructive FieldScatter-ing.
ModePile v1.7: The Contributor Update
New Major Version!
We have two new contributors, MandL27 and ry00001!
- FieldScatter library for all your field explosion needs.
- SubscriberChallenge mode! git gud, get subscriber!
- RetroMania2Mode, a Sega ***ris '99 mode!
- Added game over effects to MarathonTwo.
- Tweaked profile loading and unloading across all of the modes which support them.
Please overwrite all your .class files and also add in every new thing / overwrite in the install's res and config directories. However, if you already have config/setting/profile.cfg, do not overwrite it. If you do not have it, just put in the new one from this install or leave it alone.
ModePile v1.6.4: The Profile Overhaul
Very Large Changes
Please overwrite all your .class files and also add in every new thing / overwrite in the install's res and config directories. However, if you already have config/setting/profile.cfg somehow, do not overwrite it. If you do not have it, just put in the new one from this install.
UPDATE 2019/09/01 12:08 GMT+1: Fixed drawing bug in FireworkChallenge and Pong and overall profile behaviour. Please update to the latest version to avoid data loss.
- Added profile loading to all modes. Use the ingame "E" button on the settings screen of a mode to access it.
- Fixed No-Spins mode in IdiotMode.
- Doubled the speed cap in Pong.
If you want to share this somewhere, please put the GitHub release link and not a direct file link. It helps with maintenance and there are some notes or help texts here in that some might need.
Fixed profile rank importing in some modes.
ModePile v1.6.3
Major, Critical Patch
- FireworkChallenge's scoring has been fixed. This is the critical mode patch.
- ColourPower's power-up charge text no longer gets cut off when using the big side next view.
- Fixed some modes' score displays not working properly when using big side next view.
- Modes now use the improved hard drop effects.
- Finished ExamSpinner and ProfileProperties.
- Fixed FieldManipulation's checkLineSplit() method.
- Added two (currently unused) background types.
- Interpolation now supports Bézier curve interpolation.
ModePile v1.6.2.3
Small Patch
- Fixed selection bug in settings status in FireworkChallenge.
- Added USAGE.txt to clarify uses of libraries.
ModePile v1.6.2.2
Minor Patch
- Changed FireworkChallenge to have ghost piece enabled all the time to match Ti behaviour.
- Added more methods to MathHelper and RendererExtension.
ModePile v1.6.2.1
Small, Critical Patch
Fixed a detection duplication issue in ShadowMarathon.
ModePile v1.6.2
- Added performance-based scoring to ShadowMarathon.
- Fixed some array element position errors in ShadowMarathon. (Incompatible with old scores.)
- Cleaned up FieldManipulation's fieldCompare method to remove unused vars.