+# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# transformations.py
+# Copyright (c) 2006, Christoph Gohlke
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2010, The Regents of the University of California
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of any
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+# from this software without specific prior written permission.
+Homogeneous Transformation Matrices and Quaternions --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.lib.transformations`
+A library for calculating 4x4 matrices for translating, rotating, reflecting,
+scaling, shearing, projecting, orthogonalizing, and superimposing arrays of
+3D homogeneous coordinates as well as for converting between rotation matrices,
+Euler angles, and quaternions. Also includes an Arcball control object and
+functions to decompose transformation matrices.
+ `Christoph Gohlke <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/>`__,
+ Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine
+:Version: 2010.05.10
+:Licence: BSD 3-clause
+* `Python 2.6 or 3.1 <http://www.python.org>`__
+* `Numpy 1.4 <http://numpy.scipy.org>`__
+* `transformations.c 2010.04.10 <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/>`__
+ (optional implementation of some functions in C)
+The API is not stable yet and is expected to change between revisions.
+This Python code is not optimized for speed. Refer to the transformations.c
+module for a faster implementation of some functions.
+Documentation in HTML format can be generated with epydoc.
+Matrices (M) can be inverted using ``numpy.linalg.inv(M)``, concatenated using
+``numpy.dot(M0, M1)``, or used to transform homogeneous coordinates (v) using
+``numpy.dot(M, v)`` for shape ``(4, *)`` "point of arrays", respectively
+``numpy.dot(v, M.T)`` for shape ``(*, 4)`` "array of points".
+Use the transpose of transformation matrices for OpenGL ``glMultMatrixd()``.
+Calculations are carried out with ``numpy.float64`` precision.
+Vector, point, quaternion, and matrix function arguments are expected to be
+"array like", i.e. tuple, list, or numpy arrays.
+Return types are numpy arrays unless specified otherwise.
+Angles are in radians unless specified otherwise.
+Quaternions w+ix+jy+kz are represented as ``[w, x, y, z]``.
+A triple of Euler angles can be applied/interpreted in 24 ways, which can
+be specified using a 4 character string or encoded 4-tuple:
+ - *Axes 4-string*: e.g. 'sxyz' or 'ryxy'
+ - first character : rotations are applied to 's'tatic or 'r'otating frame
+ - remaining characters : successive rotation axis 'x', 'y', or 'z'
+ - *Axes 4-tuple*: e.g. (0, 0, 0, 0) or (1, 1, 1, 1)
+ - inner axis: code of axis ('x':0, 'y':1, 'z':2) of rightmost matrix.
+ - parity : even (0) if inner axis 'x' is followed by 'y', 'y' is followed
+ by 'z', or 'z' is followed by 'x'. Otherwise odd (1).
+ - repetition : first and last axis are same (1) or different (0).
+ - frame : rotations are applied to static (0) or rotating (1) frame.
+.. rubric:: References
+.. bibliography::
+ :list: enumerated
+ :style: MDA
+ :filter: id % "transformations"
+>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import *
+>>> import numpy as np
+>>> alpha, beta, gamma = 0.123, -1.234, 2.345
+>>> origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)
+>>> I = identity_matrix()
+>>> Rx = rotation_matrix(alpha, xaxis)
+>>> Ry = rotation_matrix(beta, yaxis)
+>>> Rz = rotation_matrix(gamma, zaxis)
+>>> R = concatenate_matrices(Rx, Ry, Rz)
+>>> euler = euler_from_matrix(R, 'rxyz')
+>>> np.allclose([alpha, beta, gamma], euler)
+>>> Re = euler_matrix(alpha, beta, gamma, 'rxyz')
+>>> is_same_transform(R, Re)
+>>> al, be, ga = euler_from_matrix(Re, 'rxyz')
+>>> is_same_transform(Re, euler_matrix(al, be, ga, 'rxyz'))
+>>> qx = quaternion_about_axis(alpha, xaxis)
+>>> qy = quaternion_about_axis(beta, yaxis)
+>>> qz = quaternion_about_axis(gamma, zaxis)
+>>> q = quaternion_multiply(qx, qy)
+>>> q = quaternion_multiply(q, qz)
+>>> Rq = quaternion_matrix(q)
+>>> is_same_transform(R, Rq)
+>>> S = scale_matrix(1.23, origin)
+>>> T = translation_matrix((1, 2, 3))
+>>> Z = shear_matrix(beta, xaxis, origin, zaxis)
+>>> R = random_rotation_matrix(np.random.rand(3))
+>>> M = concatenate_matrices(T, R, Z, S)
+>>> scale, shear, angles, trans, persp = decompose_matrix(M)
+>>> np.allclose(scale, 1.23)
+>>> np.allclose(trans, (1, 2, 3))
+>>> np.allclose(shear, (0, math.tan(beta), 0))
+>>> is_same_transform(R, euler_matrix(axes='sxyz', *angles))
+>>> M1 = compose_matrix(scale, shear, angles, trans, persp)
+>>> is_same_transform(M, M1)
+.. See `help(MDAnalysis.lib.transformations)` for a listing of functions or
+.. the online help.
+.. versionchanged:: 0.11.0
+ Transformations library moved from MDAnalysis.core.transformations to
+ MDAnalysis.lib.transformations
+import sys
+import os
+import warnings
+import math
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.linalg import norm
+from .mdamath import angle as vecangle
+def identity_matrix():
+ """Return 4x4 identity/unit matrix.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import identity_matrix
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> I = identity_matrix()
+ >>> np.allclose(I, np.dot(I, I))
+ True
+ >>> np.sum(I), np.trace(I)
+ (4.0, 4.0)
+ >>> np.allclose(I, np.identity(4, dtype=np.float64))
+ True
+ """
+ return np.identity(4, dtype=np.float64)
+def translation_matrix(direction):
+ """Return matrix to translate by direction vector.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import translation_matrix
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> v = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> np.allclose(v, translation_matrix(v)[:3, 3])
+ True
+ """
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ M[:3, 3] = direction[:3]
+ return M
+[docs]def translation_from_matrix(matrix):
"""Return translation vector from translation matrix.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (translation_matrix,
... translation_from_matrix)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> v0 = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> v1 = translation_from_matrix(translation_matrix(v0))
>>> np.allclose(v0, v1)
return np.array(matrix, copy=False)[:3, 3].copy()
+def reflection_matrix(point, normal):
+ """Return matrix to mirror at plane defined by point and normal vector.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import reflection_matrix
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> v0 = np.random.random(4) - 0.5
+ >>> v0[3] = 1.0
+ >>> v1 = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> R = reflection_matrix(v0, v1)
+ >>> np.allclose(2., np.trace(R))
+ True
+ >>> np.allclose(v0, np.dot(R, v0))
+ True
+ >>> v2 = v0.copy()
+ >>> v2[:3] += v1
+ >>> v3 = v0.copy()
+ >>> v2[:3] -= v1
+ >>> np.allclose(v2, np.dot(R, v3))
+ True
+ """
+ normal = unit_vector(normal[:3])
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ M[:3, :3] -= 2.0 * np.outer(normal, normal)
+ M[:3, 3] = (2.0 * np.dot(point[:3], normal)) * normal
+ return M
+[docs]def reflection_from_matrix(matrix):
"""Return mirror plane point and normal vector from reflection matrix.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (reflection_matrix,
... reflection_from_matrix, is_same_transform)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> v0 = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> v1 = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> M0 = reflection_matrix(v0, v1)
>>> point, normal = reflection_from_matrix(M0)
>>> M1 = reflection_matrix(point, normal)
>>> is_same_transform(M0, M1)
M = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
# normal: unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue -1
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M[:3, :3])
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) + 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue -1")
normal = np.real(V[:, i[0]]).squeeze()
# point: any unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
point = np.real(V[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
point /= point[3]
return point, normal
+def rotation_matrix(angle, direction, point=None):
+ """Return matrix to rotate about axis defined by point and direction.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (rotation_matrix,
+ ... is_same_transform)
+ >>> import random, math
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> R = rotation_matrix(math.pi/2.0, [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0])
+ >>> np.allclose(np.dot(R, [0, 0, 0, 1]), [ 1., -1., 0., 1.])
+ True
+ >>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * (2*math.pi)
+ >>> direc = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> point = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
+ >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(angle-2*math.pi, direc, point)
+ >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1)
+ True
+ >>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
+ >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(-angle, -direc, point)
+ >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1)
+ True
+ >>> I = np.identity(4, np.float64)
+ >>> np.allclose(I, rotation_matrix(math.pi*2, direc))
+ True
+ >>> np.allclose(2., np.trace(rotation_matrix(math.pi/2,
+ ... direc, point)))
+ True
+ """
+ sina = math.sin(angle)
+ cosa = math.cos(angle)
+ direction = unit_vector(direction[:3])
+ # rotation matrix around unit vector
+ R = np.array(
+ (
+ (cosa, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, cosa, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, cosa)), dtype=np.float64)
+ R += np.outer(direction, direction) * (1.0 - cosa)
+ direction *= sina
+ R += np.array(
+ ((0.0, -direction[2], direction[1]),
+ (direction[2], 0.0, -direction[0]),
+ (-direction[1], direction[0], 0.0)), dtype=np.float64)
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ M[:3, :3] = R
+ if point is not None:
+ # rotation not around origin
+ point = np.array(point[:3], dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
+ M[:3, 3] = point - np.dot(R, point)
+ return M
+[docs]def rotation_from_matrix(matrix):
"""Return rotation angle and axis from rotation matrix.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (rotation_matrix,
... is_same_transform, rotation_from_matrix)
>>> import random, math
>>> import numpy as np
>>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * (2*math.pi)
>>> direc = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> point = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
>>> angle, direc, point = rotation_from_matrix(R0)
>>> R1 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point)
>>> is_same_transform(R0, R1)
R = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
R33 = R[:3, :3]
# direction: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
l, W = np.linalg.eig(R33.T)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
direction = np.real(W[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
# point: unit eigenvector of R33 corresponding to eigenvalue of 1
l, Q = np.linalg.eig(R)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
point = np.real(Q[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
point /= point[3]
# rotation angle depending on direction
cosa = (np.trace(R33) - 1.0) / 2.0
if abs(direction[2]) > 1e-8:
sina = (R[1, 0] + (cosa - 1.0) * direction[0] * direction[1]) / direction[2]
elif abs(direction[1]) > 1e-8:
sina = (R[0, 2] + (cosa - 1.0) * direction[0] * direction[2]) / direction[1]
sina = (R[2, 1] + (cosa - 1.0) * direction[1] * direction[2]) / direction[0]
angle = math.atan2(sina, cosa)
return angle, direction, point
+def scale_matrix(factor, origin=None, direction=None):
+ """Return matrix to scale by factor around origin in direction.
+ Use factor -1 for point symmetry.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import scale_matrix
+ >>> import random
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> v = (np.random.rand(4, 5) - 0.5) * 20.0
+ >>> v[3] = 1.0
+ >>> S = scale_matrix(-1.234)
+ >>> np.allclose(np.dot(S, v)[:3], -1.234*v[:3])
+ True
+ >>> factor = random.random() * 10 - 5
+ >>> origin = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> direct = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> S = scale_matrix(factor, origin)
+ >>> S = scale_matrix(factor, origin, direct)
+ """
+ if direction is None:
+ # uniform scaling
+ M = np.array(
+ ((factor, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, factor, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, factor, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), dtype=np.float64)
+ if origin is not None:
+ M[:3, 3] = origin[:3]
+ M[:3, 3] *= 1.0 - factor
+ else:
+ # nonuniform scaling
+ direction = unit_vector(direction[:3])
+ factor = 1.0 - factor
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ M[:3, :3] -= factor * np.outer(direction, direction)
+ if origin is not None:
+ M[:3, 3] = (factor * np.dot(origin[:3], direction)) * direction
+ return M
+[docs]def scale_from_matrix(matrix):
"""Return scaling factor, origin and direction from scaling matrix.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (scale_matrix,
... scale_from_matrix, is_same_transform)
>>> import random
>>> import numpy as np
>>> factor = random.random() * 10 - 5
>>> origin = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> direct = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> S0 = scale_matrix(factor, origin)
>>> factor, origin, direction = scale_from_matrix(S0)
>>> S1 = scale_matrix(factor, origin, direction)
>>> is_same_transform(S0, S1)
>>> S0 = scale_matrix(factor, origin, direct)
>>> factor, origin, direction = scale_from_matrix(S0)
>>> S1 = scale_matrix(factor, origin, direction)
>>> is_same_transform(S0, S1)
M = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
M33 = M[:3, :3]
factor = np.trace(M33) - 2.0
# direction: unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue factor
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M33)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - factor) < 1e-8)[0][0]
direction = np.real(V[:, i]).squeeze()
direction /= vector_norm(direction)
except IndexError:
# uniform scaling
factor = (factor + 2.0) / 3.0
direction = None
# origin: any eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
origin = np.real(V[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
origin /= origin[3]
return factor, origin, direction
+def projection_matrix(point, normal, direction=None,
+ perspective=None, pseudo=False):
+ """Return matrix to project onto plane defined by point and normal.
+ Using either perspective point, projection direction, or none of both.
+ If pseudo is True, perspective projections will preserve relative depth
+ such that Perspective = dot(Orthogonal, PseudoPerspective).
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (projection_matrix,
+ ... is_same_transform)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> P = projection_matrix((0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0))
+ >>> np.allclose(P[1:, 1:], np.identity(4)[1:, 1:])
+ True
+ >>> point = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> normal = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> direct = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> persp = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> P0 = projection_matrix(point, normal)
+ >>> P1 = projection_matrix(point, normal, direction=direct)
+ >>> P2 = projection_matrix(point, normal, perspective=persp)
+ >>> P3 = projection_matrix(point, normal, perspective=persp, pseudo=True)
+ >>> is_same_transform(P2, np.dot(P0, P3))
+ True
+ >>> P = projection_matrix((3, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0))
+ >>> v0 = (np.random.rand(4, 5) - 0.5) * 20.0
+ >>> v0[3] = 1.0
+ >>> v1 = np.dot(P, v0)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1[1], v0[1])
+ True
+ >>> np.allclose(v1[0], 3.0-v1[1])
+ True
+ """
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ point = np.array(point[:3], dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
+ normal = unit_vector(normal[:3])
+ if perspective is not None:
+ # perspective projection
+ perspective = np.array(perspective[:3], dtype=np.float64,
+ copy=False)
+ M[0, 0] = M[1, 1] = M[2, 2] = np.dot(perspective - point, normal)
+ M[:3, :3] -= np.outer(perspective, normal)
+ if pseudo:
+ # preserve relative depth
+ M[:3, :3] -= np.outer(normal, normal)
+ M[:3, 3] = np.dot(point, normal) * (perspective + normal)
+ else:
+ M[:3, 3] = np.dot(point, normal) * perspective
+ M[3, :3] = -normal
+ M[3, 3] = np.dot(perspective, normal)
+ elif direction is not None:
+ # parallel projection
+ direction = np.array(direction[:3], dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
+ scale = np.dot(direction, normal)
+ M[:3, :3] -= np.outer(direction, normal) / scale
+ M[:3, 3] = direction * (np.dot(point, normal) / scale)
+ else:
+ # orthogonal projection
+ M[:3, :3] -= np.outer(normal, normal)
+ M[:3, 3] = np.dot(point, normal) * normal
+ return M
+[docs]def projection_from_matrix(matrix, pseudo=False):
"""Return projection plane and perspective point from projection matrix.
Return values are same as arguments for projection_matrix function:
point, normal, direction, perspective, and pseudo.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (projection_matrix,
... projection_from_matrix, is_same_transform)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> point = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> normal = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> direct = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> persp = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> P0 = projection_matrix(point, normal)
>>> result = projection_from_matrix(P0)
>>> P1 = projection_matrix(*result)
>>> is_same_transform(P0, P1)
>>> P0 = projection_matrix(point, normal, direct)
>>> result = projection_from_matrix(P0)
>>> P1 = projection_matrix(*result)
>>> is_same_transform(P0, P1)
>>> P0 = projection_matrix(point, normal, perspective=persp, pseudo=False)
>>> result = projection_from_matrix(P0, pseudo=False)
>>> P1 = projection_matrix(*result)
>>> is_same_transform(P0, P1)
>>> P0 = projection_matrix(point, normal, perspective=persp, pseudo=True)
>>> result = projection_from_matrix(P0, pseudo=True)
>>> P1 = projection_matrix(*result)
>>> is_same_transform(P0, P1)
M = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
M33 = M[:3, :3]
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not pseudo and len(i):
# point: any eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1
point = np.real(V[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
point /= point[3]
# direction: unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 0
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M33)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l)) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 0")
direction = np.real(V[:, i[0]]).squeeze()
direction /= vector_norm(direction)
# normal: unit eigenvector of M33.T corresponding to eigenvalue 0
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M33.T)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l)) < 1e-8)[0]
if len(i):
# parallel projection
normal = np.real(V[:, i[0]]).squeeze()
normal /= vector_norm(normal)
return point, normal, direction, None, False
# orthogonal projection, where normal equals direction vector
return point, direction, None, None, False
# perspective projection
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l)) > 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError(
"no eigenvector not corresponding to eigenvalue 0")
point = np.real(V[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
point /= point[3]
normal = - M[3, :3]
perspective = M[:3, 3] / np.dot(point[:3], normal)
if pseudo:
perspective -= normal
return point, normal, None, perspective, pseudo
+def clip_matrix(left, right, bottom, top, near, far, perspective=False):
+ """Return matrix to obtain normalized device coordinates from frustrum.
+ The frustrum bounds are axis-aligned along x (left, right),
+ y (bottom, top) and z (near, far).
+ Normalized device coordinates are in range [-1, 1] if coordinates are
+ inside the frustrum.
+ If perspective is True the frustrum is a truncated pyramid with the
+ perspective point at origin and direction along z axis, otherwise an
+ orthographic canonical view volume (a box).
+ Homogeneous coordinates transformed by the perspective clip matrix
+ need to be dehomogenized (devided by w coordinate).
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import clip_matrix
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> frustrum = np.random.rand(6)
+ >>> frustrum[1] += frustrum[0]
+ >>> frustrum[3] += frustrum[2]
+ >>> frustrum[5] += frustrum[4]
+ >>> M = clip_matrix(perspective=False, *frustrum)
+ >>> np.dot(M, [frustrum[0], frustrum[2], frustrum[4], 1.0])
+ array([-1., -1., -1., 1.])
+ >>> np.dot(M, [frustrum[1], frustrum[3], frustrum[5], 1.0])
+ array([ 1., 1., 1., 1.])
+ >>> M = clip_matrix(perspective=True, *frustrum)
+ >>> v = np.dot(M, [frustrum[0], frustrum[2], frustrum[4], 1.0])
+ >>> v / v[3]
+ array([-1., -1., -1., 1.])
+ >>> v = np.dot(M, [frustrum[1], frustrum[3], frustrum[4], 1.0])
+ >>> v / v[3]
+ array([ 1., 1., -1., 1.])
+ """
+ if left >= right or bottom >= top or near >= far:
+ raise ValueError("invalid frustrum")
+ if perspective:
+ if near <= _EPS:
+ raise ValueError("invalid frustrum: near <= 0")
+ t = 2.0 * near
+ M = (
+ (-t / (right - left), 0.0, (right + left) / (right - left), 0.0),
+ (0.0, -t / (top - bottom), (top + bottom) / (top - bottom), 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, -(far + near) / (far - near), t * far / (far - near)),
+ (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0))
+ else:
+ M = (
+ (2.0 / (right - left), 0.0, 0.0, (right + left) / (left - right)),
+ (0.0, 2.0 / (top - bottom), 0.0, (top + bottom) / (bottom - top)),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 2.0 / (far - near), (far + near) / (near - far)),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
+ return np.array(M, dtype=np.float64)
+def shear_matrix(angle, direction, point, normal):
+ """Return matrix to shear by angle along direction vector on shear plane.
+ The shear plane is defined by a point and normal vector. The direction
+ vector must be orthogonal to the plane's normal vector.
+ A point P is transformed by the shear matrix into P" such that
+ the vector P-P" is parallel to the direction vector and its extent is
+ given by the angle of P-P'-P", where P' is the orthogonal projection
+ of P onto the shear plane.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import shear_matrix
+ >>> import random, math
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * 4*math.pi
+ >>> direct = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> point = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
+ >>> normal = np.cross(direct, np.random.random(3))
+ >>> S = shear_matrix(angle, direct, point, normal)
+ >>> np.allclose(1.0, np.linalg.det(S))
+ True
+ """
+ normal = unit_vector(normal[:3])
+ direction = unit_vector(direction[:3])
+ if abs(np.dot(normal, direction)) > 1e-6:
+ raise ValueError("direction and normal vectors are not orthogonal")
+ angle = math.tan(angle)
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ M[:3, :3] += angle * np.outer(direction, normal)
+ M[:3, 3] = -angle * np.dot(point[:3], normal) * direction
+ return M
+[docs]def shear_from_matrix(matrix):
"""Return shear angle, direction and plane from shear matrix.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (shear_matrix,
... shear_from_matrix, is_same_transform)
>>> import random, math
>>> import numpy as np
>>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * 4*math.pi
>>> direct = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> point = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> normal = np.cross(direct, np.random.random(3))
>>> S0 = shear_matrix(angle, direct, point, normal)
>>> angle, direct, point, normal = shear_from_matrix(S0)
>>> S1 = shear_matrix(angle, direct, point, normal)
>>> is_same_transform(S0, S1)
M = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
M33 = M[:3, :3]
# normal: cross independent eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalue 1
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M33)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-4)[0]
if len(i) < 2:
raise ValueError("no two linear independent eigenvectors found {0!s}".format(l))
V = np.real(V[:, i]).squeeze().T
lenorm = -1.0
for i0, i1 in ((0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)):
n = np.cross(V[i0], V[i1])
l = vector_norm(n)
if l > lenorm:
lenorm = l
normal = n
normal /= lenorm
# direction and angle
direction = np.dot(M33 - np.identity(3), normal)
angle = vector_norm(direction)
direction /= angle
angle = math.atan(angle)
# point: eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1
l, V = np.linalg.eig(M)
i = np.where(abs(np.real(l) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
if not len(i):
raise ValueError("no eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
point = np.real(V[:, i[-1]]).squeeze()
point /= point[3]
return angle, direction, point, normal
+[docs]def decompose_matrix(matrix):
"""Return sequence of transformations from transformation matrix.
matrix : array_like
Non-degenerative homogeneous transformation matrix
Return tuple of:
scale : vector of 3 scaling factors
shear : list of shear factors for x-y, x-z, y-z axes
angles : list of Euler angles about static x, y, z axes
translate : translation vector along x, y, z axes
perspective : perspective partition of matrix
Raise ValueError if matrix is of wrong type or degenerative.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (translation_matrix,
... decompose_matrix, scale_matrix, euler_matrix)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> T0 = translation_matrix((1, 2, 3))
>>> scale, shear, angles, trans, persp = decompose_matrix(T0)
>>> T1 = translation_matrix(trans)
>>> np.allclose(T0, T1)
>>> S = scale_matrix(0.123)
>>> scale, shear, angles, trans, persp = decompose_matrix(S)
>>> scale[0]
>>> R0 = euler_matrix(1, 2, 3)
>>> scale, shear, angles, trans, persp = decompose_matrix(R0)
>>> R1 = euler_matrix(*angles)
>>> np.allclose(R0, R1)
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
M = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=True).T
if abs(M[3, 3]) < _EPS:
raise ValueError("M[3, 3] is zero")
M /= M[3, 3]
P = M.copy()
P[:, 3] = 0, 0, 0, 1
if not np.linalg.det(P):
raise ValueError("matrix is singular")
scale = np.zeros((3, ), dtype=np.float64)
shear = [0, 0, 0]
angles = [0, 0, 0]
if any(abs(M[:3, 3]) > _EPS):
perspective = np.dot(M[:, 3], np.linalg.inv(P.T))
M[:, 3] = 0, 0, 0, 1
perspective = np.array((0, 0, 0, 1), dtype=np.float64)
translate = M[3, :3].copy()
M[3, :3] = 0
row = M[:3, :3].copy()
scale[0] = vector_norm(row[0])
row[0] /= scale[0]
shear[0] = np.dot(row[0], row[1])
row[1] -= row[0] * shear[0]
scale[1] = vector_norm(row[1])
row[1] /= scale[1]
shear[0] /= scale[1]
shear[1] = np.dot(row[0], row[2])
row[2] -= row[0] * shear[1]
shear[2] = np.dot(row[1], row[2])
row[2] -= row[1] * shear[2]
scale[2] = vector_norm(row[2])
row[2] /= scale[2]
shear[1:] /= scale[2]
if np.dot(row[0], np.cross(row[1], row[2])) < 0:
scale *= -1
row *= -1
angles[1] = math.asin(-row[0, 2])
if math.cos(angles[1]):
angles[0] = math.atan2(row[1, 2], row[2, 2])
angles[2] = math.atan2(row[0, 1], row[0, 0])
#angles[0] = math.atan2(row[1, 0], row[1, 1])
angles[0] = math.atan2(-row[2, 1], row[1, 1])
angles[2] = 0.0
return scale, shear, angles, translate, perspective
+[docs]def compose_matrix(scale=None, shear=None, angles=None, translate=None,
"""Return transformation matrix from sequence of transformations.
This is the inverse of the decompose_matrix function.
Sequence of transformations:
scale : vector of 3 scaling factors
shear : list of shear factors for x-y, x-z, y-z axes
angles : list of Euler angles about static x, y, z axes
translate : translation vector along x, y, z axes
perspective : perspective partition of matrix
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (compose_matrix,
... decompose_matrix, is_same_transform)
>>> import math
>>> import numpy as np
>>> scale = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> shear = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> angles = (np.random.random(3) - 0.5) * (2*math.pi)
>>> trans = np.random.random(3) - 0.5
>>> persp = np.random.random(4) - 0.5
>>> M0 = compose_matrix(scale, shear, angles, trans, persp)
>>> result = decompose_matrix(M0)
>>> M1 = compose_matrix(*result)
>>> is_same_transform(M0, M1)
M = np.identity(4)
if perspective is not None:
P = np.identity(4)
P[3, :] = perspective[:4]
M = np.dot(M, P)
if translate is not None:
T = np.identity(4)
T[:3, 3] = translate[:3]
M = np.dot(M, T)
if angles is not None:
R = euler_matrix(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], 'sxyz')
M = np.dot(M, R)
if shear is not None:
Z = np.identity(4)
Z[1, 2] = shear[2]
Z[0, 2] = shear[1]
Z[0, 1] = shear[0]
M = np.dot(M, Z)
if scale is not None:
S = np.identity(4)
S[0, 0] = scale[0]
S[1, 1] = scale[1]
S[2, 2] = scale[2]
M = np.dot(M, S)
M /= M[3, 3]
return M
+def orthogonalization_matrix(lengths, angles):
+ """Return orthogonalization matrix for crystallographic cell coordinates.
+ Angles are expected in degrees.
+ The de-orthogonalization matrix is the inverse.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import orthogonalization_matrix
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> O = orthogonalization_matrix((10., 10., 10.), (90., 90., 90.))
+ >>> np.allclose(O[:3, :3], np.identity(3, float) * 10)
+ True
+ >>> O = orthogonalization_matrix([9.8, 12.0, 15.5], [87.2, 80.7, 69.7])
+ >>> np.allclose(np.sum(O), 43.063229)
+ True
+ """
+ a, b, c = lengths
+ angles = np.radians(angles)
+ sina, sinb, _ = np.sin(angles)
+ cosa, cosb, cosg = np.cos(angles)
+ co = (cosa * cosb - cosg) / (sina * sinb)
+ return np.array(
+ (
+ (a * sinb * math.sqrt(1.0 - co * co), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (-a * sinb * co, b * sina, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (a * cosb, b * cosa, c, 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
+ dtype=np.float64)
+def superimposition_matrix(v0, v1, scaling=False, usesvd=True):
+ """Return matrix to transform given vector set into second vector set.
+ `v0` and `v1` are shape `(3, *)` or `(4, *)` arrays of at least 3 vectors.
+ If `usesvd` is ``True``, the weighted sum of squared deviations (RMSD) is
+ minimized according to the algorithm by W. Kabsch [8]. Otherwise the
+ quaternion based algorithm by B. Horn [9] is used (slower when using
+ this Python implementation).
+ The returned matrix performs rotation, translation and uniform scaling
+ (if specified).
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (superimposition_matrix,
+ ... random_rotation_matrix, scale_matrix, translation_matrix,
+ ... concatenate_matrices)
+ >>> import random
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> v0 = np.random.rand(3, 10)
+ >>> M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v0)
+ >>> np.allclose(M, np.identity(4))
+ True
+ >>> R = random_rotation_matrix(np.random.random(3))
+ >>> v0 = ((1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1), (1,1,1))
+ >>> v1 = np.dot(R, v0)
+ >>> M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, np.dot(M, v0))
+ True
+ >>> v0 = (np.random.rand(4, 100) - 0.5) * 20.0
+ >>> v0[3] = 1.0
+ >>> v1 = np.dot(R, v0)
+ >>> M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, np.dot(M, v0))
+ True
+ >>> S = scale_matrix(random.random())
+ >>> T = translation_matrix(np.random.random(3)-0.5)
+ >>> M = concatenate_matrices(T, R, S)
+ >>> v1 = np.dot(M, v0)
+ >>> v0[:3] += np.random.normal(0.0, 1e-9, 300).reshape(3, -1)
+ >>> M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1, scaling=True)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, np.dot(M, v0))
+ True
+ >>> M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1, scaling=True, usesvd=False)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, np.dot(M, v0))
+ True
+ >>> v = np.empty((4, 100, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ >>> v[:, :, 0] = v0
+ >>> M = superimposition_matrix(v0, v1, scaling=True, usesvd=False)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, np.dot(M, v[:, :, 0]))
+ True
+ """
+ v0 = np.array(v0, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)[:3]
+ v1 = np.array(v1, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)[:3]
+ if v0.shape != v1.shape or v0.shape[1] < 3:
+ raise ValueError("vector sets are of wrong shape or type")
+ # move centroids to origin
+ t0 = np.mean(v0, axis=1)
+ t1 = np.mean(v1, axis=1)
+ v0 = v0 - t0.reshape(3, 1)
+ v1 = v1 - t1.reshape(3, 1)
+ if usesvd:
+ # Singular Value Decomposition of covariance matrix
+ u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(np.dot(v1, v0.T))
+ # rotation matrix from SVD orthonormal bases
+ R = np.dot(u, vh)
+ if np.linalg.det(R) < 0.0:
+ # R does not constitute right handed system
+ R -= np.outer(u[:, 2], vh[2, :] * 2.0)
+ s[-1] *= -1.0
+ # homogeneous transformation matrix
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ M[:3, :3] = R
+ else:
+ # compute symmetric matrix N
+ xx, yy, zz = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v0 , v1)
+ xy, yz, zx = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v0, np.roll(v1, -1, axis=0))
+ xz, yx, zy = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v0, np.roll(v1, -2, axis=0))
+ N = (
+ (xx + yy + zz, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (yz - zy, xx - yy - zz, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (zx - xz, xy + yx, -xx + yy - zz, 0.0),
+ (xy - yx, zx + xz, yz + zy, -xx - yy + zz))
+ # quaternion: eigenvector corresponding to most positive eigenvalue
+ l, V = np.linalg.eigh(N)
+ q = V[:, np.argmax(l)]
+ q /= vector_norm(q) # unit quaternion
+ # homogeneous transformation matrix
+ M = quaternion_matrix(q)
+ # scale: ratio of rms deviations from centroid
+ if scaling:
+ M[:3, :3] *= math.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->',v1,v1) /
+ np.einsum('ij,ij->',v0,v0))
+ # translation
+ M[:3, 3] = t1
+ T = np.identity(4)
+ T[:3, 3] = -t0
+ M = np.dot(M, T)
+ return M
+def euler_matrix(ai, aj, ak, axes='sxyz'):
+ """Return homogeneous rotation matrix from Euler angles and axis sequence.
+ ai, aj, ak : Euler's roll, pitch and yaw angles
+ axes : One of 24 axis sequences as string or encoded tuple
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (euler_matrix
+ >>> import math
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> R = euler_matrix(1, 2, 3, 'syxz')
+ >>> np.allclose(np.sum(R[0]), -1.34786452)
+ True
+ >>> R = euler_matrix(1, 2, 3, (0, 1, 0, 1))
+ >>> np.allclose(np.sum(R[0]), -0.383436184)
+ True
+ >>> ai, aj, ak = (4.0*math.pi) * (np.random.random(3) - 0.5)
+ >>> for axes in _AXES2TUPLE.keys():
+ ... R = euler_matrix(ai, aj, ak, axes)
+ >>> for axes in _TUPLE2AXES.keys():
+ ... R = euler_matrix(ai, aj, ak, axes)
+ """
+ try:
+ firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = _AXES2TUPLE[axes]
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ _ = _TUPLE2AXES[axes]
+ firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = axes
+ i = firstaxis
+ j = _NEXT_AXIS[i + parity]
+ k = _NEXT_AXIS[i - parity + 1]
+ if frame:
+ ai, ak = ak, ai
+ if parity:
+ ai, aj, ak = -ai, -aj, -ak
+ si, sj, sk = math.sin(ai), math.sin(aj), math.sin(ak)
+ ci, cj, ck = math.cos(ai), math.cos(aj), math.cos(ak)
+ cc, cs = ci * ck, ci * sk
+ sc, ss = si * ck, si * sk
+ M = np.identity(4)
+ if repetition:
+ M[i, i] = cj
+ M[i, j] = sj * si
+ M[i, k] = sj * ci
+ M[j, i] = sj * sk
+ M[j, j] = -cj * ss + cc
+ M[j, k] = -cj * cs - sc
+ M[k, i] = -sj * ck
+ M[k, j] = cj * sc + cs
+ M[k, k] = cj * cc - ss
+ else:
+ M[i, i] = cj * ck
+ M[i, j] = sj * sc - cs
+ M[i, k] = sj * cc + ss
+ M[j, i] = cj * sk
+ M[j, j] = sj * ss + cc
+ M[j, k] = sj * cs - sc
+ M[k, i] = -sj
+ M[k, j] = cj * si
+ M[k, k] = cj * ci
+ return M
+def euler_from_matrix(matrix, axes='sxyz'):
+ """Return Euler angles from rotation matrix for specified axis sequence.
+ axes : One of 24 axis sequences as string or encoded tuple
+ Note that many Euler angle triplets can describe one matrix.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (euler_matrix,
+ ... euler_from_matrix, _AXES2TUPLE)
+ >>> import math
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> R0 = euler_matrix(1, 2, 3, 'syxz')
+ >>> al, be, ga = euler_from_matrix(R0, 'syxz')
+ >>> R1 = euler_matrix(al, be, ga, 'syxz')
+ >>> np.allclose(R0, R1)
+ True
+ >>> angles = (4.0*math.pi) * (np.random.random(3) - 0.5)
+ >>> for axes in _AXES2TUPLE.keys():
+ ... R0 = euler_matrix(axes=axes, *angles)
+ ... R1 = euler_matrix(axes=axes, *euler_from_matrix(R0, axes))
+ ... if not np.allclose(R0, R1): print(axes, "failed")
+ """
+ try:
+ firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = _AXES2TUPLE[axes.lower()]
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ _ = _TUPLE2AXES[axes]
+ firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = axes
+ i = firstaxis
+ j = _NEXT_AXIS[i + parity]
+ k = _NEXT_AXIS[i - parity + 1]
+ M = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)[:3, :3]
+ if repetition:
+ sy = math.sqrt(M[i, j] * M[i, j] + M[i, k] * M[i, k])
+ if sy > _EPS:
+ ax = math.atan2(M[i, j], M[i, k])
+ ay = math.atan2(sy, M[i, i])
+ az = math.atan2(M[j, i], -M[k, i])
+ else:
+ ax = math.atan2(-M[j, k], M[j, j])
+ ay = math.atan2(sy, M[i, i])
+ az = 0.0
+ else:
+ cy = math.sqrt(M[i, i] * M[i, i] + M[j, i] * M[j, i])
+ if cy > _EPS:
+ ax = math.atan2(M[k, j], M[k, k])
+ ay = math.atan2(-M[k, i], cy)
+ az = math.atan2(M[j, i], M[i, i])
+ else:
+ ax = math.atan2(-M[j, k], M[j, j])
+ ay = math.atan2(-M[k, i], cy)
+ az = 0.0
+ if parity:
+ ax, ay, az = -ax, -ay, -az
+ if frame:
+ ax, az = az, ax
+ return ax, ay, az
+[docs]def euler_from_quaternion(quaternion, axes='sxyz'):
"""Return Euler angles from quaternion for specified axis sequence.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import euler_from_quaternion
>>> import numpy as np
>>> angles = euler_from_quaternion([0.99810947, 0.06146124, 0, 0])
>>> np.allclose(angles, [0.123, 0, 0])
return euler_from_matrix(quaternion_matrix(quaternion), axes)
+def quaternion_from_euler(ai, aj, ak, axes='sxyz'):
+ """Return quaternion from Euler angles and axis sequence.
+ ai, aj, ak : Euler's roll, pitch and yaw angles
+ axes : One of 24 axis sequences as string or encoded tuple
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import quaternion_from_euler
+ >>> q = quaternion_from_euler(1, 2, 3, 'ryxz')
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [0.435953, 0.310622, -0.718287, 0.444435])
+ True
+ """
+ try:
+ firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = _AXES2TUPLE[axes.lower()]
+ except (AttributeError, KeyError):
+ _ = _TUPLE2AXES[axes]
+ firstaxis, parity, repetition, frame = axes
+ i = firstaxis + 1
+ j = _NEXT_AXIS[i + parity - 1] + 1
+ k = _NEXT_AXIS[i - parity] + 1
+ if frame:
+ ai, ak = ak, ai
+ if parity:
+ aj = -aj
+ ai /= 2.0
+ aj /= 2.0
+ ak /= 2.0
+ ci = math.cos(ai)
+ si = math.sin(ai)
+ cj = math.cos(aj)
+ sj = math.sin(aj)
+ ck = math.cos(ak)
+ sk = math.sin(ak)
+ cc = ci * ck
+ cs = ci * sk
+ sc = si * ck
+ ss = si * sk
+ quaternion = np.empty((4, ), dtype=np.float64)
+ if repetition:
+ quaternion[0] = cj * (cc - ss)
+ quaternion[i] = cj * (cs + sc)
+ quaternion[j] = sj * (cc + ss)
+ quaternion[k] = sj * (cs - sc)
+ else:
+ quaternion[0] = cj * cc + sj * ss
+ quaternion[i] = cj * sc - sj * cs
+ quaternion[j] = cj * ss + sj * cc
+ quaternion[k] = cj * cs - sj * sc
+ if parity:
+ quaternion[j] *= -1
+ return quaternion
+def quaternion_about_axis(angle, axis):
+ """Return quaternion for rotation about axis.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import quaternion_about_axis
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> q = quaternion_about_axis(0.123, (1, 0, 0))
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [0.99810947, 0.06146124, 0, 0])
+ True
+ """
+ quaternion = np.zeros((4, ), dtype=np.float64)
+ quaternion[1] = axis[0]
+ quaternion[2] = axis[1]
+ quaternion[3] = axis[2]
+ qlen = vector_norm(quaternion)
+ if qlen > _EPS:
+ quaternion *= math.sin(angle / 2.0) / qlen
+ quaternion[0] = math.cos(angle / 2.0)
+ return quaternion
+def quaternion_matrix(quaternion):
+ """Return homogeneous rotation matrix from quaternion.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (identity_matrix,
+ ... quaternion_matrix, rotation_matrix)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> M = quaternion_matrix([0.99810947, 0.06146124, 0, 0])
+ >>> np.allclose(M, rotation_matrix(0.123, (1, 0, 0)))
+ True
+ >>> M = quaternion_matrix([1, 0, 0, 0])
+ >>> np.allclose(M, identity_matrix())
+ True
+ >>> M = quaternion_matrix([0, 1, 0, 0])
+ >>> np.allclose(M, np.diag([1, -1, -1, 1]))
+ True
+ """
+ q = np.array(quaternion[:4], dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
+ nq = np.dot(q, q)
+ if nq < _EPS:
+ return np.identity(4)
+ q *= math.sqrt(2.0 / nq)
+ q = np.outer(q, q)
+ return np.array(
+ (
+ (1.0 - q[2, 2] - q[3, 3], q[1, 2] - q[3, 0], q[1, 3] + q[2, 0], 0.0),
+ (q[1, 2] + q[3, 0], 1.0 - q[1, 1] - q[3, 3], q[2, 3] - q[1, 0], 0.0),
+ (q[1, 3] - q[2, 0], q[2, 3] + q[1, 0], 1.0 - q[1, 1] - q[2, 2], 0.0),
+ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ ), dtype=np.float64)
+def quaternion_from_matrix(matrix, isprecise=False):
+ """Return quaternion from rotation matrix.
+ If isprecise=True, the input matrix is assumed to be a precise rotation
+ matrix and a faster algorithm is used.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (identity_matrix,
+ ... quaternion_from_matrix, rotation_matrix, random_rotation_matrix,
+ ... is_same_transform, quaternion_matrix)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> q = quaternion_from_matrix(identity_matrix(), True)
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [1., 0., 0., 0.])
+ True
+ >>> q = quaternion_from_matrix(np.diag([1., -1., -1., 1.]))
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [0, 1, 0, 0]) or np.allclose(q, [0, -1, 0, 0])
+ True
+ >>> R = rotation_matrix(0.123, (1, 2, 3))
+ >>> q = quaternion_from_matrix(R, True)
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [0.9981095, 0.0164262, 0.0328524, 0.0492786])
+ True
+ >>> R = [[-0.545, 0.797, 0.260, 0], [0.733, 0.603, -0.313, 0],
+ ... [-0.407, 0.021, -0.913, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
+ >>> q = quaternion_from_matrix(R)
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [0.19069, 0.43736, 0.87485, -0.083611])
+ True
+ >>> R = [[0.395, 0.362, 0.843, 0], [-0.626, 0.796, -0.056, 0],
+ ... [-0.677, -0.498, 0.529, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
+ >>> q = quaternion_from_matrix(R)
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [0.82336615, -0.13610694, 0.46344705, -0.29792603])
+ True
+ >>> R = random_rotation_matrix()
+ >>> q = quaternion_from_matrix(R)
+ >>> is_same_transform(R, quaternion_matrix(q))
+ True
+ """
+ M = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)[:4, :4]
+ if isprecise:
+ q = np.empty((4, ), dtype=np.float64)
+ t = np.trace(M)
+ if t > M[3, 3]:
+ q[0] = t
+ q[3] = M[1, 0] - M[0, 1]
+ q[2] = M[0, 2] - M[2, 0]
+ q[1] = M[2, 1] - M[1, 2]
+ else:
+ i, j, k = 1, 2, 3
+ if M[1, 1] > M[0, 0]:
+ i, j, k = 2, 3, 1
+ if M[2, 2] > M[i, i]:
+ i, j, k = 3, 1, 2
+ t = M[i, i] - (M[j, j] + M[k, k]) + M[3, 3]
+ q[i] = t
+ q[j] = M[i, j] + M[j, i]
+ q[k] = M[k, i] + M[i, k]
+ q[3] = M[k, j] - M[j, k]
+ q *= 0.5 / math.sqrt(t * M[3, 3])
+ else:
+ m00 = M[0, 0]
+ m01 = M[0, 1]
+ m02 = M[0, 2]
+ m10 = M[1, 0]
+ m11 = M[1, 1]
+ m12 = M[1, 2]
+ m20 = M[2, 0]
+ m21 = M[2, 1]
+ m22 = M[2, 2]
+ # symmetric matrix K
+ K = np.array((
+ (m00 - m11 - m22, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (m01 + m10, m11 - m00 - m22, 0.0, 0.0),
+ (m02 + m20, m12 + m21, m22 - m00 - m11, 0.0),
+ (m21 - m12, m02 - m20, m10 - m01, m00 + m11 + m22)))
+ K /= 3.0
+ # quaternion is eigenvector of K that corresponds to largest eigenvalue
+ l, V = np.linalg.eigh(K)
+ q = V[[3, 0, 1, 2], np.argmax(l)]
+ if q[0] < 0.0:
+ q *= -1.0
+ return q
+def quaternion_multiply(quaternion1, quaternion0):
+ """Return multiplication of two quaternions.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import quaternion_multiply
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> q = quaternion_multiply([4, 1, -2, 3], [8, -5, 6, 7])
+ >>> np.allclose(q, [28, -44, -14, 48])
+ True
+ """
+ w0, x0, y0, z0 = quaternion0
+ w1, x1, y1, z1 = quaternion1
+ return np.array(
+ (
+ -x1 * x0 - y1 * y0 - z1 * z0 + w1 * w0,
+ x1 * w0 + y1 * z0 - z1 * y0 + w1 * x0,
+ -x1 * z0 + y1 * w0 + z1 * x0 + w1 * y0,
+ x1 * y0 - y1 * x0 + z1 * w0 + w1 * z0), dtype=np.float64)
+def quaternion_conjugate(quaternion):
+ """Return conjugate of quaternion.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (random_quaternion,
+ ... quaternion_conjugate)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
+ >>> q1 = quaternion_conjugate(q0)
+ >>> q1[0] == q0[0] and all(q1[1:] == -q0[1:])
+ True
+ """
+ return np.array(
+ (
+ quaternion[0], -quaternion[1],
+ -quaternion[2], -quaternion[3]), dtype=np.float64)
+def quaternion_inverse(quaternion):
+ """Return inverse of quaternion.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (random_quaternion,
+ ... quaternion_inverse)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
+ >>> q1 = quaternion_inverse(q0)
+ >>> np.allclose(quaternion_multiply(q0, q1), [1, 0, 0, 0])
+ True
+ """
+ return quaternion_conjugate(quaternion) / np.dot(quaternion, quaternion)
+[docs]def quaternion_real(quaternion):
"""Return real part of quaternion.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import quaternion_real
>>> quaternion_real([3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
return quaternion[0]
+[docs]def quaternion_imag(quaternion):
"""Return imaginary part of quaternion.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import quaternion_imag
>>> quaternion_imag([3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
[0.0, 1.0, 2.0]
return quaternion[1:4]
+def quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat1, fraction, spin=0, shortestpath=True):
+ r"""Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (random_quaternion,
+ ... quaternion_slerp)
+ >>> import math
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> q0 = random_quaternion()
+ >>> q1 = random_quaternion()
+ >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0.0)
+ >>> np.allclose(q, q0)
+ True
+ >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 1.0, 1)
+ >>> np.allclose(q, q1)
+ True
+ >>> q = quaternion_slerp(q0, q1, 0.5)
+ >>> angle = math.acos(np.dot(q0, q))
+ >>> np.allclose(2.0, math.acos(np.dot(q0, q1)) / angle) or \
+ np.allclose(2.0, math.acos(-np.dot(q0, q1)) / angle)
+ True
+ """
+ q0 = unit_vector(quat0[:4])
+ q1 = unit_vector(quat1[:4])
+ if fraction == 0.0:
+ return q0
+ elif fraction == 1.0:
+ return q1
+ d = np.dot(q0, q1)
+ if abs(abs(d) - 1.0) < _EPS:
+ return q0
+ if shortestpath and d < 0.0:
+ # invert rotation
+ d = -d
+ q1 *= -1.0
+ angle = math.acos(d) + spin * math.pi
+ if abs(angle) < _EPS:
+ return q0
+ isin = 1.0 / math.sin(angle)
+ q0 *= math.sin((1.0 - fraction) * angle) * isin
+ q1 *= math.sin(fraction * angle) * isin
+ q0 += q1
+ return q0
+def random_quaternion(rand=None):
+ """Return uniform random unit quaternion.
+ rand: array like or None
+ Three independent random variables that are uniformly distributed
+ between 0 and 1.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (random_quaternion,
+ ... vector_norm)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> q = random_quaternion()
+ >>> np.allclose(1.0, vector_norm(q))
+ True
+ >>> q = random_quaternion(np.random.random(3))
+ >>> len(q.shape), q.shape[0]==4
+ (1, True)
+ """
+ if rand is None:
+ rand = np.random.rand(3)
+ else:
+ assert len(rand) == 3
+ r1 = np.sqrt(1.0 - rand[0])
+ r2 = np.sqrt(rand[0])
+ pi2 = math.pi * 2.0
+ t1 = pi2 * rand[1]
+ t2 = pi2 * rand[2]
+ return np.array(
+ (
+ np.cos(t2) * r2,
+ np.sin(t1) * r1,
+ np.cos(t1) * r1,
+ np.sin(t2) * r2), dtype=np.float64)
+def random_rotation_matrix(rand=None):
+ """Return uniform random rotation matrix.
+ rnd: array like
+ Three independent random variables that are uniformly distributed
+ between 0 and 1 for each returned quaternion.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import random_rotation_matrix
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> R = random_rotation_matrix()
+ >>> np.allclose(np.dot(R.T, R), np.identity(4))
+ True
+ """
+ return quaternion_matrix(random_quaternion(rand))
+[docs]class Arcball(object):
"""Virtual Trackball Control.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import Arcball
>>> import numpy as np
>>> ball = Arcball()
>>> ball = Arcball(initial=np.identity(4))
>>> ball.place([320, 320], 320)
>>> ball.down([500, 250])
>>> ball.drag([475, 275])
>>> R = ball.matrix()
>>> np.allclose(np.sum(R), 3.90583455)
>>> ball = Arcball(initial=[1, 0, 0, 0])
>>> ball.place([320, 320], 320)
>>> ball.setaxes([1,1,0], [-1, 1, 0])
>>> ball.setconstrain(True)
>>> ball.down([400, 200])
>>> ball.drag([200, 400])
>>> R = ball.matrix()
>>> np.allclose(np.sum(R), 0.2055924)
>>> ball.next()
def __init__(self, initial=None):
"""Initialize virtual trackball control.
initial : quaternion or rotation matrix
self._axis = None
self._axes = None
self._radius = 1.0
self._center = [0.0, 0.0]
self._vdown = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float64)
self._constrain = False
if initial is None:
self._qdown = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float64)
initial = np.array(initial, dtype=np.float64)
if initial.shape == (4, 4):
self._qdown = quaternion_from_matrix(initial)
elif initial.shape == (4, ):
initial /= vector_norm(initial)
self._qdown = initial
raise ValueError("initial not a quaternion or matrix")
self._qnow = self._qpre = self._qdown
[docs] def place(self, center, radius):
"""Place Arcball, e.g. when window size changes.
center : sequence[2]
Window coordinates of trackball center.
radius : float
Radius of trackball in window coordinates.
self._radius = float(radius)
self._center[0] = center[0]
self._center[1] = center[1]
[docs] def setaxes(self, *axes):
"""Set axes to constrain rotations."""
if axes is None:
self._axes = None
self._axes = [unit_vector(axis) for axis in axes]
[docs] def setconstrain(self, constrain):
"""Set state of constrain to axis mode."""
self._constrain = constrain is True
[docs] def getconstrain(self):
"""Return state of constrain to axis mode."""
return self._constrain
[docs] def down(self, point):
"""Set initial cursor window coordinates and pick constrain-axis."""
self._vdown = arcball_map_to_sphere(point, self._center, self._radius)
self._qdown = self._qpre = self._qnow
if self._constrain and self._axes is not None:
self._axis = arcball_nearest_axis(self._vdown, self._axes)
self._vdown = arcball_constrain_to_axis(self._vdown, self._axis)
self._axis = None
[docs] def drag(self, point):
"""Update current cursor window coordinates."""
vnow = arcball_map_to_sphere(point, self._center, self._radius)
if self._axis is not None:
vnow = arcball_constrain_to_axis(vnow, self._axis)
self._qpre = self._qnow
t = np.cross(self._vdown, vnow)
if np.dot(t, t) < _EPS:
self._qnow = self._qdown
q = [np.dot(self._vdown, vnow), t[0], t[1], t[2]]
self._qnow = quaternion_multiply(q, self._qdown)
[docs] def next(self, acceleration=0.0):
"""Continue rotation in direction of last drag."""
q = quaternion_slerp(self._qpre, self._qnow, 2.0 + acceleration, False)
self._qpre, self._qnow = self._qnow, q
[docs] def matrix(self):
"""Return homogeneous rotation matrix."""
return quaternion_matrix(self._qnow)
+def arcball_map_to_sphere(point, center, radius):
+ """Return unit sphere coordinates from window coordinates."""
+ v = np.array(
+ (
+ (point[0] - center[0]) / radius,
+ (center[1] - point[1]) / radius,
+ 0.0
+ ), dtype=np.float64
+ )
+ n = v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]
+ if n > 1.0:
+ v /= math.sqrt(n) # position outside of sphere
+ else:
+ v[2] = math.sqrt(1.0 - n)
+ return v
+def arcball_constrain_to_axis(point, axis):
+ """Return sphere point perpendicular to axis."""
+ v = np.array(point, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
+ a = np.array(axis, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
+ v -= a * np.dot(a, v) # on plane
+ n = vector_norm(v)
+ if n > _EPS:
+ if v[2] < 0.0:
+ v *= -1.0
+ v /= n
+ return v
+ if a[2] == 1.0:
+ return np.array([1, 0, 0], dtype=np.float64)
+ return unit_vector([-a[1], a[0], 0])
+[docs]def arcball_nearest_axis(point, axes):
"""Return axis, which arc is nearest to point."""
point = np.array(point, dtype=np.float64, copy=False)
nearest = None
mx = -1.0
for axis in axes:
t = np.dot(arcball_constrain_to_axis(point, axis), point)
if t > mx:
nearest = axis
mx = t
return nearest
+# epsilon for testing whether a number is close to zero
+_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps * 4.0
+# axis sequences for Euler angles
+_NEXT_AXIS = [1, 2, 0, 1]
+# map axes strings to/from tuples of inner axis, parity, repetition, frame
+ 'sxyz': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'sxyx': (0, 0, 1, 0), 'sxzy': (0, 1, 0, 0),
+ 'sxzx': (0, 1, 1, 0), 'syzx': (1, 0, 0, 0), 'syzy': (1, 0, 1, 0),
+ 'syxz': (1, 1, 0, 0), 'syxy': (1, 1, 1, 0), 'szxy': (2, 0, 0, 0),
+ 'szxz': (2, 0, 1, 0), 'szyx': (2, 1, 0, 0), 'szyz': (2, 1, 1, 0),
+ 'rzyx': (0, 0, 0, 1), 'rxyx': (0, 0, 1, 1), 'ryzx': (0, 1, 0, 1),
+ 'rxzx': (0, 1, 1, 1), 'rxzy': (1, 0, 0, 1), 'ryzy': (1, 0, 1, 1),
+ 'rzxy': (1, 1, 0, 1), 'ryxy': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'ryxz': (2, 0, 0, 1),
+ 'rzxz': (2, 0, 1, 1), 'rxyz': (2, 1, 0, 1), 'rzyz': (2, 1, 1, 1)}
+_TUPLE2AXES = dict((v, k) for k, v in _AXES2TUPLE.items())
+def vector_norm(data, axis=None, out=None):
+ """Return length, i.e. eucledian norm, of ndarray along axis.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import vector_norm
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> v = np.random.random(3)
+ >>> n = vector_norm(v)
+ >>> np.allclose(n, np.linalg.norm(v))
+ True
+ >>> v = np.random.rand(6, 5, 3)
+ >>> n = vector_norm(v, axis=-1)
+ >>> np.allclose(n, np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v, axis=2)))
+ True
+ >>> n = vector_norm(v, axis=1)
+ >>> np.allclose(n, np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v, axis=1)))
+ True
+ >>> v = np.random.rand(5, 4, 3)
+ >>> n = np.empty((5, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ >>> vector_norm(v, axis=1, out=n)
+ >>> np.allclose(n, np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v, axis=1)))
+ True
+ >>> vector_norm([])
+ 0.0
+ >>> vector_norm([1.0])
+ 1.0
+ """
+ data = np.array(data, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
+ if out is None:
+ if data.ndim == 1:
+ return math.sqrt(np.dot(data, data))
+ data *= data
+ out = np.atleast_1d(np.sum(data, axis=axis))
+ np.sqrt(out, out)
+ return out
+ else:
+ data *= data
+ np.sum(data, axis=axis, out=out)
+ np.sqrt(out, out)
+def unit_vector(data, axis=None, out=None):
+ """Return ndarray normalized by length, i.e. eucledian norm, along axis.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import unit_vector
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> v0 = np.random.random(3)
+ >>> v1 = unit_vector(v0)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, v0 / np.linalg.norm(v0))
+ True
+ >>> v0 = np.random.rand(5, 4, 3)
+ >>> v1 = unit_vector(v0, axis=-1)
+ >>> v2 = v0 / np.expand_dims(np.sqrt(np.sum(v0*v0, axis=2)), 2)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, v2)
+ True
+ >>> v1 = unit_vector(v0, axis=1)
+ >>> v2 = v0 / np.expand_dims(np.sqrt(np.sum(v0*v0, axis=1)), 1)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, v2)
+ True
+ >>> v1 = np.empty((5, 4, 3), dtype=np.float64)
+ >>> unit_vector(v0, axis=1, out=v1)
+ >>> np.allclose(v1, v2)
+ True
+ >>> list(unit_vector([]))
+ []
+ >>> list(unit_vector([1.0]))
+ [1.0]
+ """
+ if out is None:
+ data = np.array(data, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
+ if data.ndim == 1:
+ data /= math.sqrt(np.dot(data, data))
+ return data
+ else:
+ if out is not data:
+ out[:] = np.array(data, copy=False)
+ data = out
+ length = np.atleast_1d(np.sum(data * data, axis))
+ np.sqrt(length, length)
+ if axis is not None:
+ length = np.expand_dims(length, axis)
+ data /= length
+ if out is None:
+ return data
+def random_vector(size):
+ """Return array of random doubles in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0).
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import random_vector
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> v = random_vector(10000)
+ >>> np.all(v >= 0.0) and np.all(v < 1.0)
+ True
+ >>> v0 = random_vector(10)
+ >>> v1 = random_vector(10)
+ >>> np.any(v0 == v1)
+ False
+ """
+ return np.random.random(size)
+def inverse_matrix(matrix):
+ """Return inverse of square transformation matrix.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (random_rotation_matrix,
+ ... inverse_matrix)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> M0 = random_rotation_matrix()
+ >>> M1 = inverse_matrix(M0.T)
+ >>> np.allclose(M1, np.linalg.inv(M0.T))
+ True
+ >>> for size in range(1, 7):
+ ... M0 = np.random.rand(size, size)
+ ... M1 = inverse_matrix(M0)
+ ... if not np.allclose(M1, np.linalg.inv(M0)): print(size)
+ """
+ return np.linalg.inv(matrix)
+[docs]def concatenate_matrices(*matrices):
"""Return concatenation of series of transformation matrices.
>>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import concatenate_matrices
>>> import numpy as np
>>> M = np.random.rand(16).reshape((4, 4)) - 0.5
>>> np.allclose(M, concatenate_matrices(M))
>>> np.allclose(np.dot(M, M.T), concatenate_matrices(M, M.T))
M = np.identity(4)
for i in matrices:
M = np.dot(M, i)
return M
+def is_same_transform(matrix0, matrix1):
+ """Return True if two matrices perform same transformation.
+ >>> from MDAnalysis.lib.transformations import (is_same_transform,
+ ... random_rotation_matrix)
+ >>> import numpy as np
+ >>> is_same_transform(np.identity(4), np.identity(4))
+ True
+ >>> is_same_transform(np.identity(4), random_rotation_matrix())
+ False
+ """
+ matrix0 = np.array(matrix0, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
+ matrix0 /= matrix0[3, 3]
+ matrix1 = np.array(matrix1, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
+ matrix1 /= matrix1[3, 3]
+ return np.allclose(matrix0, matrix1)
+def _import_module(module_name, warn=True, prefix='_py_', ignore='_'):
+ """Try import all public attributes from module into global namespace.
+ Existing attributes with name clashes are renamed with prefix.
+ Attributes starting with underscore are ignored by default.
+ Return True on successful import.
+ """
+ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ try:
+ module = __import__(module_name)
+ except ImportError:
+ sys.path.pop()
+ if warn:
+ warnings.warn("failed to import module " + module_name)
+ else:
+ sys.path.pop()
+ for attr in dir(module):
+ if ignore and attr.startswith(ignore):
+ continue
+ if prefix:
+ if attr in globals():
+ globals()[prefix + attr] = globals()[attr]
+ elif warn:
+ warnings.warn("no Python implementation of " + attr)
+ globals()[attr] = getattr(module, attr)
+ return True
+# orbeckst --- some simple geometry
+[docs]def rotaxis(a, b):
"""Return the rotation axis to rotate vector a into b.
a, b : array_like
two vectors
c : np.ndarray
vector to rotate a into b
If a == b this will always return [1, 0, 0]
if np.allclose(a, b):
return np.array([1, 0, 0])
c = np.cross(a, b)
return c / np.linalg.norm(c)
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+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"