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Submitting Your Dandiset Example Live Script(s)

Vijay Iyer edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

This library collects together examples from diverse independent contributors. To accomplish this:

  • Each example artifact (original or derivative) is located in its own folder with its own license file
  • Each example artifact (original or derivative) has a named owner (organization/lab/individual)

To submit an example artifact, example authors should submit a GitHub pull request adding a new folder to the repository contents & following the guidelines below. Library admins will review the pull request.

Before submitting, example authors should carefully consider whether their example original will be:

  • Native to library (the library acts as the host for the example original), or
  • External to library (the library acts as a 'repeater' for the example original hosted elsewhere)

Guidelines are provided for both cases below.

Native Hosting Guidelines

Folder Location

<dandiset id>/<org/lab/individual- first commit year>/<mnemonic>/<code>

Example Licensing

Natively hosted examples should use a permissive license option from, e.g. MIT or BSD.

External Hosting Guidelines

Folder Location

<dandiset id>/<external repository org>/<external repository name>/<code>

Example Duplication Options

Examples can be either cloned (easier) or mirrored (more flexible), as described below.

Cloned Examples

IF the external example repository uses:

  1. a permissive license option
  2. GitHub releases

THEN the external example owner has the option to simply copy (clone) specifiic release contents into the DANDI example repository. This is (for some) a simpler option than the Mirrored Example option below (which uses git submodule).

This simplicity comes with one author responsibility: the cloned example README should be minimally modified to include a header that 1) points to source repository & 2) identifies the release copied. If the copied release is later updated (e.g., for new releases), this header should be updated accordingly in the example library.

Mirrored Examples

Besides the convenient case of Cloned Examples outlined above, git submodule is the expected workflow to mirror the example from the source repository to the example library.

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