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Releases: LuxCoreRender/BlendLuxCore

BlendLuxCore v2.2beta3

07 Aug 15:22
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Changes since last release (on the 2.80 port, not including 2.79 maintenance): blendluxcore_v2.2beta2...blendluxcore_v2.2beta3

On Windows, you have to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017.

Blender 2.80 Testrelease

This release includes a testbuild of the 2.80 port of our addon:
Do not use in production! If you open any of your scenes with it, save it as a copy!

Known Issues

Known issues that will be fixed in the future:

  • Pointiness doesn't work
  • Motion blur doesn't work
  • When using Cycles nodes, nested node groups are not supported
  • Cycles light settings are not being used
  • When using LuxCore nodes, some property edits do not trigger a viewport render update (see
  • Unit scale is currently handled like in Cycles (i.e. ignored)

The UI is not final, there will be some rearrangement and fixes (e.g. the DLSC settings will move into the new "Caches" panel).

Reporting Bugs

If you find any bugs, problems, weird UI arrangements, missing tooltips etc. that are not on the list above, please open an issue in our bugtracker:

Note that I am on vacation from 08.08.19 to 24.08.19. I will work on your reports when I get back.


  • Here's a video showing how to render a Cycles scene with LuxCore:
  • General info about the 2.80 port: #166
  • Info about the state of the Cycles scene reader: #272
    (Not strictly part of the 2.80 port, but started in the course of it)

Unfortunately, due to the complicated setup required to create a 2.80 build of our addon, we only offer a build for 64bit Windows with OpenCL. The future final release of the 2.80 port will of course be built for Windows and Linux again (and maybe macOS).
Also, pyluxcoretools is not included, so network render does not work with this testbuild.

BlendLuxCore v2.2beta2

15 Jun 21:14
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BlendLuxCore v2.2beta1

01 May 19:59
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BlendLuxCore v2.2alpha1

24 Mar 20:18
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BlendLuxCore v2.2alpha0

26 Feb 10:22
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BlendLuxCore v2.1

18 Jan 11:59
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BlendLuxCore v2.1beta4

15 Dec 15:06
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BlendLuxCore v2.1beta3 with Optix integration

08 Dec 18:04
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Note: The Optix integration is now obsolete because we have integrated Intel's OpenImageDenoise (OIDN) into LuxCore v2.2 (even with viewport denoising). Download the latest release instead.

This is an experimental release which includes an integration of Nvidia's Optix denoiser in the viewport render.
The denoiser is started once the viewport render is paused. It denoises in the background without blocking Blender's interface.
Demo Video:

You have to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017.
You also need one of the Optix integration addons for Blender, for example:

I recommend that you first install the Optix addon, then this BlendLuxCore version afterwards. In this order, BlendLuxCore will be able to auto-detect the Optix binaries.
To enable Optix in the viewport, open the render properties, navigate to the LuxCore Viewport Settings panel and check "Use Optix".


BlendLuxCore v2.1beta3_optix Windows 64bit OpenCL

Installation and Update Instructions

BlendLuxCore v2.1beta3

02 Dec 13:25
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BlendLuxCore v2.1beta2

13 Nov 10:46
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