If you need to work with the GUI of your Raspberry PI and you don't have a screen, mouse and keyboard for the Raspberry but for example a macOS, you don't need to install any extra software. Both systems deliver already anything you need.
The aim of this tutorial is to establish a VNC connection from macOS to Raspberry PI only with default tools of both OS.
# start the raspi-config
$ sudo sudo raspi-config
Select Interface Options
Select VNC Options
Enable VNC
Select Display Options
Select Resolution Options
Select DMT Mode 85
If all options are set, reboot the Raspberry device.
# set password
sudo vncpasswd -service
# create and modify common.custom file
sudo vim /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom
# restart vncserver-x11-serviced
sudo systemctl restart vncserver-x11-serviced
The content of file /etc/vnc/config.d/common.custom
To start the VNC connection, simply press command
and space
keys. Type screen Sharing
and hit ENTER
. Insert the IP of your Raspberry PI and press button Connect
. At the last step insert the password and continue.