The Zappy project consists of the realization of a simulation of a "Spore Like".
Composed of three parts, namely the server, developed in C, the GUI, developed in C++/SFML and the ClientIA, developed in C/Python.
This project is an EPITECH Project. If you are an EPITECH student, move out the way! Nothing to see here... The groups don't want to be involved to your -42.
If you're not, no worries! You're welcome here!
To use this project, you'll need Cmake 3.17.0 Compiler, SFML-devel library, python 3.0 and C11.
cmake -B ./build -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./build
rm -rf ./build
cmake -B ./build -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DTESTING=ON
cmake --build ./build
cd ./build
ctest --ouput-on-failure
Zappy is developed with C. EPITECH impose the Epitech Coding Style. Check it right here.
You can see the RFC protocol used in the projet right here
Feel free to read the
Do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or remarks.
Mail -> [email protected]
Discord -> Waroth#4623
- Lucas Tesnier, Guillaume Terriere, Thomas Prudhomme, Julien Hourcadette, Nathan Rousseau, Constant Vigneron