From 89860b40f54663a512c696af6d121c46c53df8bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 14:38:48 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Update Credits (#946) This is an automated Pull Request. This PR updates the GitHub contributors in the credits section. Co-authored-by: SimpleStation Changelogs --- Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt b/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt index 22e7aef8a9..aeed963662 100644 --- a/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt +++ b/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -0x6273, 2013HORSEMEATSCANDAL, 20kdc, 21Melkuu, 4dplanner, 612git, 778b, Ablankmann, Acruid, actioninja, adamsong, Admiral-Obvious-001, Adrian16199, Aerocrux, Aexxie, africalimedrop, Agoichi, Ahion, AJCM-git, AjexRose, Alekshhh, AlexMorgan3817, AlmondFlour, AlphaQwerty, Altoids1, amylizzle, ancientpower, angelofallars, ArchPigeon, Arendian, arimah, Arteben, AruMoon, as334, AsikKEsel, asperger-sind, aspiringLich, avghdev, AzzyIsNotHere, BananaFlambe, BasedUser, beck-thompson, BGare, BingoJohnson-zz, BismarckShuffle, Bixkitts, Blackern5000, Blazeror, BlueHNT, Boaz1111, BobdaBiscuit, brainfood1183, BramvanZijp, Brandon-Huu, Bribrooo, Bright0, brndd, BubblegumBlue, BYONDFuckery, c4llv07e, CaasGit, CakeQ, CaptainSqrBeard, Carbonhell, Carolyn3114, CatTheSystem, Centronias, chairbender, Charlese2, Cheackraze, cheesePizza2, Chief-Engineer, chromiumboy, Chronophylos, CilliePaint, clorl, Clyybber, CodedCrow, ColdAutumnRain, Colin-Tel, collinlunn, ComicIronic, coolmankid12345, corentt, crazybrain23, creadth, CrigCrag, Crotalus, CrudeWax, CrzyPotato, Cyberboss, d34d10cc, Daemon, daerSeebaer, dahnte, dakamakat, dakimasu, DamianX, DangerRevolution, daniel-cr, Darkenson, DawBla, dch-GH, Deahaka, DEATHB4DEFEAT, DeathCamel58, deathride58, DebugOk, Decappi, Deeeeja, deepdarkdepths, Delete69, deltanedas, DeltaV-Bot, DerbyX, DoctorBeard, DogZeroX, dontbetank, dootythefrooty, Doru991, DoubleRiceEddiedd, DrMelon, DrSmugleaf, drteaspoon420, DTanxxx, DubiousDoggo, Duddino, Dutch-VanDerLinde, Easypoller, eclips_e, EdenTheLiznerd, EEASAS, Efruit, ElectroSR, elthundercloud, Emisse, EmoGarbage404, Endecc, enumerate0, eoineoineoin, ERORR404V1, Errant-4, estacaoespacialpirata, Evgencheg, exincore, exp111, Fahasor, FairlySadPanda, Fansana, ficcialfaint, Fildrance, FillerVK, Fishfish458, Flareguy, FluffiestFloof, FluidRock, FoLoKe, fooberticus, Fortune117, FoxxoTrystan, freeman2651, Froffy025, Fromoriss, FungiFellow, GalacticChimp, gbasood, Geekyhobo, geraeumig, Git-Nivrak, github-actions[bot], gituhabu, gluesniffler, GNF54, Golinth, GoodWheatley, graevy, GreyMario, Guess-My-Name, gusxyz, h3half, Hanzdegloker, Hardly3D, harikattar, HerCoyote23, HoofedEar, Hoolny, hord-brayden, hubismal, Hugal31, Huxellberger, iacore, IamVelcroboy, icekot8, igorsaux, ike709, Illiux, Ilya246, IlyaElDunaev, Injazz, Insineer, Interrobang01, IProduceWidgets, ItsMeThom, Jackal298, Jackrost, jamessimo, janekvap, JerryImMouse, Jessetriesagain, jessicamaybe, Jezithyr, jicksaw, JiimBob, JoeHammad1844, JohnGinnane, johnku1, joshepvodka, jproads, Jrpl, juliangiebel, JustArt1m, JustCone14, JustinTrotter, KaiShibaa, kalane15, kalanosh, Kelrak, kerisargit, keronshb, KIBORG04, Killerqu00, KingFroozy, kira-er, Kit0vras, KittenColony, Ko4ergaPunk, komunre, koteq, Krunklehorn, kxvvv, Lamrr, LankLTE, lapatison, Leander-0, leonardo-dabepis, LetterN, Level10Cybermancer, lever1209, liltenhead, LittleBuilderJane, Lomcastar, LordCarve, LordEclipse, LovelyLophi, Lukasz825700516, lunarcomets, luringens, lvvova1, lzimann, lzk228, MACMAN2003, Macoron, MagnusCrowe, ManelNavola, Matz05, MehimoNemo, MeltedPixel, MemeProof, Menshin, Mervill, metalgearsloth, mhamsterr, MilenVolf, Minty642, Mirino97, mirrorcult, misandrie, MishaUnity, MisterMecky, Mith-randalf, Mnemotechnician, Moneyl, Moomoobeef, moony, Morb0, Mr0maks, musicmanvr, Myakot, Myctai, N3X15, Nairodian, Naive817, namespace-Memory, NickPowers43, nikthechampiongr, Nimfar11, Nirnael, nmajask, nok-ko, notafet, notquitehadouken, noudoit, nuke-haus, NULL882, nyeogmi, OCOtheOmega, OctoRocket, OldDanceJacket, onoira, osjarw, Owai-Seek, pali6, Pangogie, patrikturi, PaulRitter, Peptide90, peptron1, Phantom-Lily, PHCodes, PixelTheKermit, PJB3005, Plykiya, pofitlo, pointer-to-null, PolterTzi, PoorMansDreams, potato1234x, ProfanedBane, PrPleGoo, ps3moira, Pspritechologist, Psychpsyo, psykzz, PuroSlavKing, quatre, QuietlyWhisper, qwerltaz, Radosvik, Radrark, Rainbeon, Rainfey, Rane, ravage123321, rbertoche, Redict, RedlineTriad, RednoWCirabrab, RemberBM, RemieRichards, RemTim, rene-descartes2021, RiceMar1244, RieBi, Rinkashikachi, Rockdtben, rolfero, rosieposieeee, Saakra, Samsterious, SaphireLattice, ScalyChimp, scrato, Scribbles0, Serkket, ShadowCommander, Shadowtheprotogen546, ShatteredSwords, SignalWalker, SimpleStation14, Simyon264, Sirionaut, siyengar04, Skarletto, Skrauz, Skyedra, SlamBamActionman, slarticodefast, Slava0135, SleepyScarecrow, Snowni, snowsignal, SonicHDC, SoulSloth, SpaceManiac, SpeltIncorrectyl, spoogemonster, ssdaniel24, stalengd, Stealthbomber16, stellar-novas, StrawberryMoses, superjj18, SweptWasTaken, Szunti, TadJohnson00, takemysoult, TaralGit, Tayrtahn, tday93, TekuNut, TemporalOroboros, tentekal, tgrkzus, thatrandomcanadianguy, TheArturZh, theashtronaut, thedraccx, themias, Theomund, theOperand, TheShuEd, TimrodDX, Titian3, tkdrg, Tmanzxd, tmtmtl30, TokenStyle, tom-leys, tomasalves8, Tomeno, Tornado-Technology, tosatur, Tryded, TsjipTsjip, Tunguso4ka, TurboTrackerss14, Tyler-IN, Tyzemol, UbaserB, UKNOWH, UnicornOnLSD, Uriende, UristMcDorf, Vaaankas, Varen, VasilisThePikachu, veliebm, Veritius, Vermidia, Verslebas, VigersRay, Visne, VMSolidus, volundr-, Voomra, Vordenburg, vulppine, wafehling, WarMechanic, waylon531, weaversam8, whateverusername0, Willhelm53, Winkarst-cpu, wixoaGit, WlarusFromDaSpace, wrexbe, xRiriq, yathxyz, Ygg01, YotaXP, YuriyKiss, zach-hill, Zandario, Zap527, Zealith-Gamer, ZelteHonor, zerorulez, zionnBE, ZNixian, ZoldorfTheWizard, Zumorica, Zymem +0x6273, 2013HORSEMEATSCANDAL, 20kdc, 21Melkuu, 4dplanner, 612git, 778b, Ablankmann, Acruid, actioninja, adamsong, Admiral-Obvious-001, Adrian16199, Aerocrux, Aexxie, africalimedrop, Agoichi, Ahion, AJCM-git, AjexRose, Alekshhh, AlexMorgan3817, AlmondFlour, AlphaQwerty, Altoids1, amylizzle, ancientpower, angelofallars, ArchPigeon, Arendian, arimah, Arteben, AruMoon, as334, AsikKEsel, asperger-sind, aspiringLich, avghdev, AzzyIsNotHere, BananaFlambe, BasedUser, beck-thompson, BGare, BingoJohnson-zz, BismarckShuffle, Bixkitts, Blackern5000, Blazeror, BlueHNT, Boaz1111, BobdaBiscuit, brainfood1183, BramvanZijp, Brandon-Huu, Bribrooo, Bright0, brndd, BubblegumBlue, BYONDFuckery, c4llv07e, CaasGit, CakeQ, CaptainSqrBeard, Carbonhell, Carolyn3114, CatTheSystem, Centronias, chairbender, Charlese2, Cheackraze, cheesePizza2, Chief-Engineer, chromiumboy, Chronophylos, CilliePaint, clorl, Clyybber, CodedCrow, ColdAutumnRain, Colin-Tel, collinlunn, ComicIronic, coolmankid12345, corentt, crazybrain23, creadth, CrigCrag, Crotalus, CrudeWax, CrzyPotato, Cyberboss, d34d10cc, Daemon, daerSeebaer, dahnte, dakamakat, dakimasu, DamianX, DangerRevolution, daniel-cr, Darkenson, DawBla, dch-GH, Deahaka, DEATHB4DEFEAT, DeathCamel58, deathride58, DebugOk, Decappi, Deeeeja, deepdarkdepths, Delete69, deltanedas, DeltaV-Bot, DerbyX, DoctorBeard, DogZeroX, dontbetank, dootythefrooty, Doru991, DoubleRiceEddiedd, DrMelon, DrSmugleaf, drteaspoon420, DTanxxx, DubiousDoggo, Duddino, Dutch-VanDerLinde, Easypoller, eclips_e, EEASAS, Efruit, ElectroSR, elthundercloud, Emisse, EmoGarbage404, Endecc, enumerate0, eoineoineoin, ERORR404V1, Errant-4, estacaoespacialpirata, Evgencheg, exincore, exp111, Fahasor, FairlySadPanda, Fansana, ficcialfaint, Fildrance, FillerVK, Fishfish458, Flareguy, FluffiestFloof, FluidRock, FoLoKe, fooberticus, Fortune117, FoxxoTrystan, freeman2651, Froffy025, Fromoriss, FungiFellow, GalacticChimp, gbasood, Geekyhobo, geraeumig, Git-Nivrak, github-actions[bot], gituhabu, gluesniffler, GNF54, Golinth, GoodWheatley, graevy, GreyMario, Guess-My-Name, gusxyz, h3half, Hanzdegloker, Hardly3D, harikattar, HerCoyote23, HoofedEar, Hoolny, hord-brayden, hubismal, Hugal31, Huxellberger, iacore, IamVelcroboy, icekot8, igorsaux, ike709, Illiux, Ilya246, IlyaElDunaev, Injazz, Insineer, Interrobang01, IProduceWidgets, ItsMeThom, Jackal298, Jackrost, jamessimo, janekvap, JerryImMouse, Jessetriesagain, jessicamaybe, Jezithyr, jicksaw, JiimBob, JoeHammad1844, JohnGinnane, johnku1, joshepvodka, jproads, Jrpl, juliangiebel, JustArt1m, JustCone14, JustinTrotter, KaiShibaa, kalane15, kalanosh, Kelrak, kerisargit, keronshb, KIBORG04, Killerqu00, KingFroozy, kira-er, Kit0vras, KittenColony, Ko4ergaPunk, komunre, koteq, Krunklehorn, kxvvv, Lamrr, LankLTE, lapatison, Leander-0, leonardo-dabepis, LetterN, Level10Cybermancer, lever1209, Lgibb18, liltenhead, LittleBuilderJane, Lomcastar, LordCarve, LordEclipse, LovelyLophi, Lukasz825700516, lunarcomets, luringens, lvvova1, lzimann, lzk228, MACMAN2003, Macoron, MagnusCrowe, ManelNavola, Matz05, MehimoNemo, MeltedPixel, MemeProof, Menshin, Mervill, metalgearsloth, mhamsterr, MilenVolf, Minty642, Mirino97, mirrorcult, misandrie, MishaUnity, MisterMecky, Mith-randalf, Mnemotechnician, Moneyl, Moomoobeef, moony, Morb0, Mr0maks, musicmanvr, Myakot, Myctai, N3X15, Nairodian, Naive817, namespace-Memory, NickPowers43, nikthechampiongr, Nimfar11, Nirnael, nmajask, nok-ko, notafet, notquitehadouken, noudoit, nuke-haus, NULL882, nyeogmi, OCOtheOmega, OctoRocket, OldDanceJacket, onoira, osjarw, Owai-Seek, pali6, Pangogie, patrikturi, PaulRitter, Peptide90, peptron1, Phantom-Lily, PHCodes, PixelTheKermit, PJB3005, Plykiya, pofitlo, pointer-to-null, PolterTzi, PoorMansDreams, potato1234x, ProfanedBane, PrPleGoo, ps3moira, Pspritechologist, Psychpsyo, psykzz, PuroSlavKing, quatre, QuietlyWhisper, qwerltaz, Radosvik, Radrark, Rainbeon, Rainfey, Rane, ravage123321, rbertoche, Redict, RedlineTriad, RednoWCirabrab, RemberBM, RemieRichards, RemTim, rene-descartes2021, RiceMar1244, RieBi, Rinkashikachi, Rockdtben, rolfero, rosieposieeee, Saakra, Samsterious, SaphireLattice, ScalyChimp, scrato, Scribbles0, Serkket, ShadowCommander, Shadowtheprotogen546, ShatteredSwords, SignalWalker, SimpleStation14, Simyon264, Sirionaut, siyengar04, Skarletto, Skrauz, Skyedra, SlamBamActionman, slarticodefast, Slava0135, SleepyScarecrow, Snowni, snowsignal, SonicHDC, SoulSloth, SpaceManiac, SpeltIncorrectyl, spoogemonster, ssdaniel24, stalengd, Stealthbomber16, stellar-novas, StrawberryMoses, superjj18, SweptWasTaken, Szunti, TadJohnson00, takemysoult, TaralGit, Tayrtahn, tday93, TekuNut, TemporalOroboros, tentekal, tgrkzus, thatrandomcanadianguy, TheArturZh, theashtronaut, thedraccx, themias, Theomund, theOperand, TheShuEd, TimrodDX, Titian3, tkdrg, Tmanzxd, tmtmtl30, TokenStyle, tom-leys, tomasalves8, Tomeno, Tornado-Technology, tosatur, Tryded, TsjipTsjip, Tunguso4ka, TurboTrackerss14, Tyler-IN, Tyzemol, UbaserB, UKNOWH, UltimateJester, UnicornOnLSD, Uriende, UristMcDorf, Vaaankas, Varen, VasilisThePikachu, veliebm, Veritius, Vermidia, Verslebas, VigersRay, Visne, VMSolidus, volundr-, Voomra, Vordenburg, vulppine, wafehling, WarMechanic, waylon531, weaversam8, whateverusername0, Willhelm53, Winkarst-cpu, wixoaGit, WlarusFromDaSpace, wrexbe, xRiriq, yathxyz, Ygg01, YotaXP, YuriyKiss, zach-hill, Zandario, Zap527, Zealith-Gamer, ZelteHonor, zerorulez, zionnBE, ZNixian, ZoldorfTheWizard, Zumorica, Zymem From 99ee3122f244ebede2d8e3960475f79240ca07c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: VMSolidus Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 20:56:34 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Fix HealingWord & Revivify Bugs (#949) # Description Playtesting uncovered a few bugs with the HealOtherSystem, these are luckily pretty simple to fix. I also made a few of the functions in this system nullable as a performance optimization. # Changelog :cl: - fix: Fixed a bug where Breath of Life and Healing Word would set living people to crit, which would knock them down. - fix: Fixed a bug where Breath of Life could revive people who were rotten(It will still heal them and reduce the rot timer as intended, but will not revive unless said rot timer reduction brings them below the 10 minute threshold). - add: The Do-After bar for Breath of Life and Healing Word is now hidden if glimmer is low enough. The threshold for which scales with your Dampening stat. More Dampening = stealthier casting. --- .../Abilities/HealOtherPowerSystem.cs | 32 +++++++++++++------ .../PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent.cs | 11 ++++--- Content.Shared/Psionics/Events.cs | 4 +-- Resources/Prototypes/Actions/psionics.yml | 10 +++--- 4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Server/Abilities/Psionics/Abilities/HealOtherPowerSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Abilities/Psionics/Abilities/HealOtherPowerSystem.cs index 85bae78dc6..35b5e6a238 100644 --- a/Content.Server/Abilities/Psionics/Abilities/HealOtherPowerSystem.cs +++ b/Content.Server/Abilities/Psionics/Abilities/HealOtherPowerSystem.cs @@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ private void OnPowerUsed(EntityUid uid, PsionicComponent component, PsionicHealO else ActivatePower(uid, component, args); if (args.PopupText is not null - && _glimmer.Glimmer > args.GlimmerObviousPopupThreshold * component.CurrentDampening) + && _glimmer.Glimmer > args.GlimmerPopupThreshold * component.CurrentDampening) _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString(args.PopupText, ("entity", uid)), uid, Filter.Pvs(uid).RemoveWhereAttachedEntity(entity => !_examine.InRangeUnOccluded(uid, entity, ExamineRange, null)), true, args.PopupType); if (args.PlaySound - && _glimmer.Glimmer > args.GlimmerObviousSoundThreshold * component.CurrentDampening) + && _glimmer.Glimmer > args.GlimmerSoundThreshold * component.CurrentDampening) _audioSystem.PlayPvs(args.SoundUse, uid, args.AudioParams); // Sanitize the Glimmer inputs because otherwise the game will crash if someone makes MaxGlimmer lower than MinGlimmer. @@ -76,13 +76,16 @@ private void OnPowerUsed(EntityUid uid, PsionicComponent component, PsionicHealO private void AttemptDoAfter(EntityUid uid, PsionicComponent component, PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent args) { var ev = new PsionicHealOtherDoAfterEvent(_gameTiming.CurTime); - ev.HealingAmount = args.HealingAmount; - ev.RotReduction = args.RotReduction; + if (args.HealingAmount is not null) + ev.HealingAmount = args.HealingAmount; + if (args.RotReduction is not null) + ev.RotReduction = args.RotReduction.Value; ev.DoRevive = args.DoRevive; var doAfterArgs = new DoAfterArgs(EntityManager, uid, args.UseDelay, ev, uid, target: args.Target) { BreakOnUserMove = args.BreakOnUserMove, BreakOnTargetMove = args.BreakOnTargetMove, + Hidden = _glimmer.Glimmer > args.GlimmerDoAfterVisibilityThreshold * component.CurrentDampening, }; if (!_doAfterSystem.TryStartDoAfter(doAfterArgs, out var doAfterId)) @@ -104,7 +107,8 @@ private void OnDispelled(EntityUid uid, PsionicComponent component, DispelledEve private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, PsionicComponent component, PsionicHealOtherDoAfterEvent args) { // It's entirely possible for the caster to stop being Psionic(due to mindbreaking) mid cast - if (component is null) + if (component is null + || args.Cancelled) return; component.DoAfter = null; @@ -112,15 +116,19 @@ private void OnDoAfter(EntityUid uid, PsionicComponent component, PsionicHealOth if (args.Target is null) return; - _rotting.ReduceAccumulator(args.Target.Value, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(args.RotReduction * component.CurrentAmplification)); + if (args.RotReduction is not null) + _rotting.ReduceAccumulator(args.Target.Value, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(args.RotReduction.Value * component.CurrentAmplification)); if (!TryComp(args.Target.Value, out var damageableComponent)) return; - _damageable.TryChangeDamage(args.Target.Value, args.HealingAmount * component.CurrentAmplification, true, false, damageableComponent, uid); + if (args.HealingAmount is not null) + _damageable.TryChangeDamage(args.Target.Value, args.HealingAmount * component.CurrentAmplification, true, false, damageableComponent, uid); if (!args.DoRevive - || !TryComp(args.Target, out var mob) + || _rotting.IsRotten(args.Target.Value) + || !TryComp(args.Target.Value, out var mob) + || !_mobState.IsDead(args.Target.Value, mob) || !_mobThreshold.TryGetThresholdForState(args.Target.Value, MobState.Dead, out var threshold) || damageableComponent.TotalDamage > threshold) return; @@ -134,15 +142,19 @@ private void ActivatePower(EntityUid uid, PsionicComponent component, PsionicHea if (component is null) return; - _rotting.ReduceAccumulator(args.Target, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(args.RotReduction * component.CurrentAmplification)); + if (args.RotReduction is not null) + _rotting.ReduceAccumulator(args.Target, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(args.RotReduction.Value * component.CurrentAmplification)); if (!TryComp(args.Target, out var damageableComponent)) return; - _damageable.TryChangeDamage(args.Target, args.HealingAmount * component.CurrentAmplification, true, false, damageableComponent, uid); + if (args.HealingAmount is not null) + _damageable.TryChangeDamage(args.Target, args.HealingAmount * component.CurrentAmplification, true, false, damageableComponent, uid); if (!args.DoRevive + || _rotting.IsRotten(args.Target) || !TryComp(args.Target, out var mob) + || !_mobState.IsDead(args.Target, mob) || !_mobThreshold.TryGetThresholdForState(args.Target, MobState.Dead, out var threshold) || damageableComponent.TotalDamage > threshold) return; diff --git a/Content.Shared/Actions/Events/PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent.cs b/Content.Shared/Actions/Events/PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent.cs index 8cf11b9e66..0001c7842d 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Actions/Events/PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Actions/Events/PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent.cs @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Actions.Events; public sealed partial class PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent : EntityTargetActionEvent { [DataField] - public DamageSpecifier HealingAmount = default!; + public DamageSpecifier? HealingAmount = default!; [DataField] public string PowerName; @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public sealed partial class PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent : EntityTargetActio public string? PopupText; [DataField] - public float RotReduction; + public float? RotReduction; [DataField] public bool DoRevive; @@ -40,10 +40,13 @@ public sealed partial class PsionicHealOtherPowerActionEvent : EntityTargetActio public int MaxGlimmer = 12; [DataField] - public int GlimmerObviousSoundThreshold; + public int GlimmerSoundThreshold; [DataField] - public int GlimmerObviousPopupThreshold; + public int GlimmerPopupThreshold; + + [DataField] + public int GlimmerDoAfterVisibilityThreshold; [DataField] public PopupType PopupType = PopupType.Medium; diff --git a/Content.Shared/Psionics/Events.cs b/Content.Shared/Psionics/Events.cs index f110c9c405..744dd3b6ea 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/Psionics/Events.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/Psionics/Events.cs @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ public sealed partial class PsionicHealOtherDoAfterEvent : DoAfterEvent public TimeSpan StartedAt; [DataField] - public DamageSpecifier HealingAmount = default!; + public DamageSpecifier? HealingAmount = default!; [DataField] - public float RotReduction; + public float? RotReduction; [DataField] public bool DoRevive; diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/psionics.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/psionics.yml index d38608a469..82e356a11f 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/psionics.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Actions/psionics.yml @@ -179,8 +179,9 @@ playSound: true minGlimmer: 2 maxGlimmer: 4 - glimmerObviousSoundThreshold: 100 - glimmerObviousPopupThreshold: 200 + glimmerSoundThreshold: 100 + glimmerPopupThreshold: 200 + glimmerDoAfterVisibilityThreshold: 70 - type: entity id: ActionRevivify @@ -217,5 +218,6 @@ playSound: true minGlimmer: 10 # These also get multiplied by caster stats. So, maxGlimmer: 15 # keeping in mind the ~3.5x multiplier, this spikes glimmer by as much as 60 points. - glimmerObviousSoundThreshold: 50 - glimmerObviousPopupThreshold: 100 + glimmerSoundThreshold: 50 + glimmerPopupThreshold: 100 + glimmerDoAfterVisibilityThreshold: 35 From 7c7619c40c6162f6d3a6a74c24757f38fe481afc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gluesniffler <> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 20:56:45 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] More Quick Construction Recipes And Upgrades (#945) # Description This PR adds a few new recipes to Quick Construction (accessed by pressing Z on commonly used construction materials/items, such as rods, glass, steel, plasma, etc etc). Along with simple nesting for grouping items up under categories, akin to how the RCD works. Which allows engineers to massively speed up pipe laying work, disposal rebuilding, setting up the supermatter, etc etc. First time doing UI code, apologies for the shitcode in advance :godo: ---


--- # Considerations Is this powergamey? Probably. Is it fucking awesome? Hell yeah. Some servers might question the fact that everyone can build stuff this fast now that they dont have to deal too much with the construction menu for the most common things... And might want to lock it behind traits or given as a job freebie, like CPR for doctors. Other servers might appreciate it if they are looking for more action to happen over the round, and giving everyone the ability to deal with breaches and repairs quicker is probably a step into that direction. I'll be observing for feedback and adjust accordingly. It also shouldn't invalidate any eventual RPDs, or other devices of the kind since this is just a shortcut for construction, you still require materials and a doafter for most of them. --- # Changelog :cl: Mocho - add: Added a lot of recipes to the quick construction menus. Give it a shot by pressing Z with different construction materials in your hand! --------- Signed-off-by: gluesniffler <> Co-authored-by: VMSolidus --- .../UI/ShortConstructionMenuBUI.cs | 95 +++++++++++-------- .../ShortConstructionComponent.cs | 26 ++++- .../Objects/Materials/Sheets/glass.yml | 63 +++++++++++- .../Objects/Materials/Sheets/metal.yml | 84 ++++++++++++++-- .../Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml | 31 ++++++ .../Entities/Objects/Materials/parts.yml | 26 ++++- .../Graphs/structures/windowdirectional.yml | 2 + .../Recipes/Construction/structures.yml | 36 +++++++ 8 files changed, 308 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-) diff --git a/Content.Client/ShortConstruction/UI/ShortConstructionMenuBUI.cs b/Content.Client/ShortConstruction/UI/ShortConstructionMenuBUI.cs index 4d50d91e16..95da2e0a33 100644 --- a/Content.Client/ShortConstruction/UI/ShortConstructionMenuBUI.cs +++ b/Content.Client/ShortConstruction/UI/ShortConstructionMenuBUI.cs @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls; using Robust.Shared.Enums; using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; +using Robust.Shared.Utility; // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming @@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ public sealed class ShortConstructionMenuBUI : BoundUserInterface private readonly SpriteSystem _spriteSystem; private RadialMenu? _menu; - public ShortConstructionMenuBUI(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : base(owner, uiKey) { _construction = _entManager.System(); @@ -39,8 +39,17 @@ public ShortConstructionMenuBUI(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : base(owner, uiKey protected override void Open() { - _menu = FormMenu(); - _menu.OnClose += Close; + _menu = new RadialMenu + { + HorizontalExpand = true, + VerticalExpand = true, + BackButtonStyleClass = "RadialMenuBackButton", + CloseButtonStyleClass = "RadialMenuCloseButton" + }; + + if (_entManager.TryGetComponent(Owner, out var crafting)) + CreateMenu(crafting.Entries); + _menu.OpenCenteredAt(_inputManager.MouseScreenPosition.Position / _displayManager.ScreenSize); } @@ -51,56 +60,58 @@ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) _menu?.Dispose(); } - private RadialMenu FormMenu() + private void CreateMenu(List entries, string? parentCategory = null) { - var menu = new RadialMenu - { - HorizontalExpand = true, - VerticalExpand = true, - BackButtonStyleClass = "RadialMenuBackButton", - CloseButtonStyleClass = "RadialMenuCloseButton" - }; - - if (!_entManager.TryGetComponent(Owner, out var crafting)) - return menu; + if (_menu == null) + return; - var mainContainer = new RadialContainer + var container = new RadialContainer { - Radius = 36f / MathF.Sin(MathF.PI / 2f / crafting.Prototypes.Count) + Name = parentCategory ?? "Main", + Radius = 48f + 24f * MathF.Log(entries.Count), }; - foreach (var protoId in crafting.Prototypes) - { - if (!_protoManager.TryIndex(protoId, out var proto)) - continue; + _menu.AddChild(container); - var button = new RadialMenuTextureButton + foreach (var entry in entries) + { + if (entry.Category != null) { - ToolTip = Loc.GetString(proto.Name), - StyleClasses = { "RadialMenuButton" }, - SetSize = new Vector2(48f, 48f) - }; - - var texture = new TextureRect + var button = CreateButton(entry.Category.Name, entry.Category.Icon); + button.TargetLayer = entry.Category.Name; + CreateMenu(entry.Category.Entries, entry.Category.Name); + container.AddChild(button); + } + else if (entry.Prototype != null + && _protoManager.TryIndex(entry.Prototype, out var proto)) { - VerticalAlignment = Control.VAlignment.Center, - HorizontalAlignment = Control.HAlignment.Center, - Texture = _spriteSystem.Frame0(proto.Icon), - TextureScale = new Vector2(1.5f, 1.5f) - }; + var button = CreateButton(proto.Name, proto.Icon); + button.OnButtonUp += _ => ConstructItem(proto); + container.AddChild(button); + } + } - button.AddChild(texture); + } - button.OnButtonUp += _ => - { - ConstructItem(proto); - }; + private RadialMenuTextureButton CreateButton(string name, SpriteSpecifier icon) + { + var button = new RadialMenuTextureButton + { + ToolTip = Loc.GetString(name), + StyleClasses = { "RadialMenuButton" }, + SetSize = new Vector2(64f, 64f), + }; - mainContainer.AddChild(button); - } + var texture = new TextureRect + { + VerticalAlignment = Control.VAlignment.Center, + HorizontalAlignment = Control.HAlignment.Center, + Texture = _spriteSystem.Frame0(icon), + TextureScale = new Vector2(2f, 2f) + }; - menu.AddChild(mainContainer); - return menu; + button.AddChild(texture); + return button; } /// @@ -121,6 +132,6 @@ private void ConstructItem(ConstructionPrototype prototype) }, new ConstructionPlacementHijack(_construction, prototype)); // Should only close the menu if we're placing a construction hijack. - _menu!.Close(); + // Theres not much point to closing it though. _menu!.Close(); } } diff --git a/Content.Shared/ShortConstruction/ShortConstructionComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/ShortConstruction/ShortConstructionComponent.cs index 4ca4063866..dedf8605bd 100644 --- a/Content.Shared/ShortConstruction/ShortConstructionComponent.cs +++ b/Content.Shared/ShortConstruction/ShortConstructionComponent.cs @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using Robust.Shared.GameStates; using Robust.Shared.Prototypes; using Robust.Shared.Serialization; +using Robust.Shared.Utility; namespace Content.Shared.ShortConstruction; @@ -9,7 +10,30 @@ namespace Content.Shared.ShortConstruction; public sealed partial class ShortConstructionComponent : Component { [DataField(required: true)] - public List> Prototypes = new(); + public List Entries = new(); +} + +[DataDefinition] +public sealed partial class ShortConstructionEntry +{ + [DataField] + public ProtoId? Prototype { get; set; } + + [DataField] + public ShortConstructionCategory? Category { get; set; } +} + +[DataDefinition] +public sealed partial class ShortConstructionCategory +{ + [DataField] + public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty; + + [DataField] + public SpriteSpecifier Icon { get; set; } = default!; + + [DataField] + public List Entries { get; set; } = new(); } [NetSerializable, Serializable] diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/glass.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/glass.yml index 91ba1abff9..59c9a8fc46 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/glass.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/glass.yml @@ -98,8 +98,13 @@ - type: ActivatableUI key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key - type: ShortConstruction - prototypes: - - Window + entries: + - prototype: Window + - prototype: WindowDirectional + - prototype: WindowDiagonal + - prototype: SheetRGlass + - prototype: SheetPGlass + - prototype: SheetUGlass - type: entity parent: SheetGlass @@ -193,8 +198,12 @@ - type: ActivatableUI key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key - type: ShortConstruction - prototypes: - - ReinforcedWindow + entries: + - prototype: SheetRPGlass1 + - prototype: SheetRUGlass1 + - prototype: ReinforcedWindow + - prototype: ReinforcedWindowDiagonal + - prototype: WindowReinforcedDirectional - type: entity parent: SheetRGlass @@ -272,6 +281,18 @@ max: 1 - !type:DoActsBehavior acts: [ "Destruction" ] + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: SheetRPGlass0 + - prototype: PlasmaWindow + - prototype: PlasmaWindowDiagonal + - prototype: PlasmaWindowDirectional - type: entity parent: SheetPGlass @@ -338,6 +359,17 @@ - ReagentId: Carbon Quantity: 0.5 canReact: false + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: ReinforcedPlasmaWindow + - prototype: ReinforcedPlasmaWindowDiagonal + - prototype: PlasmaReinforcedWindowDirectional - type: entity parent: SheetRPGlass @@ -413,6 +445,18 @@ - ReagentId: Uranium Quantity: 10 canReact: false + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: SheetRUGlass0 + - prototype: UraniumWindow + - prototype: UraniumWindowDiagonal + - prototype: UraniumWindowDirectional - type: entity parent: SheetUGlass @@ -467,6 +511,17 @@ - ReagentId: Carbon Quantity: 0.5 canReact: false + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: ReinforcedUraniumWindow + - prototype: ReinforcedUraniumWindowDiagonal + - prototype: UraniumReinforcedWindowDirectional - type: entity parent: SheetRUGlass diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/metal.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/metal.yml index 83982474d2..427ae362a7 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/metal.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/metal.yml @@ -76,12 +76,75 @@ - type: ActivatableUI key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key - type: ShortConstruction - prototypes: - - Girder - - MetalRod - - TileSteel - - TileWhite - - TileDark + entries: + - prototype: Girder + - prototype: MetalRod + - category: + name: Tiles + icon: + sprite: Objects/Tiles/tile.rsi + state: steel + entries: + - prototype: TileSteel + - prototype: TileWhite + - prototype: TileDark + - category: + name: Electronics + icon: + sprite: Structures/Machines/computers.rsi + state: computer-datatheory + entries: + - prototype: MachineFrame + - prototype: Computer + - prototype: Windoor + - prototype: LightTubeFixture + - prototype: APC + - prototype: AirAlarmFixture + - prototype: AirSensor + - prototype: FireAlarm + - category: + name: Atmospherics + icon: + sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/vent.rsi + state: vent_out + entries: + - prototype: GasPort + - prototype: GasOutletInjector + - prototype: GasVentScrubber + - prototype: GasPassiveVent + - prototype: GasVentPump + - prototype: GasMixer + - prototype: GasFilter + - prototype: GasVolumePump + - prototype: GasPressurePump + - prototype: GasValve + - category: + name: Piping + icon: + sprite: Structures/Piping/Atmospherics/pipe.rsi + state: pipeFourway + entries: + - prototype: HeatExchanger + - prototype: GasPipeBend + - prototype: GasPipeFourway + - prototype: GasPipeHalf + - prototype: GasPipeStraight + - prototype: GasPipeTJunction + - category: + name: Disposals + icon: + sprite: Structures/Piping/disposal.rsi + state: disposal + entries: + - prototype: DisposalPipe + - prototype: DisposalBend + - prototype: DisposalJunction + - prototype: DisposalYJunction + - prototype: DisposalRouter + - prototype: DisposalTagger + - prototype: DisposalTrunk + - prototype: DisposalUnit + - prototype: CrateGenericSteel - type: entity parent: SheetSteel @@ -218,6 +281,15 @@ - ReagentId: Carbon Quantity: 1 canReact: false + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: SecureWindoor - type: entity parent: SheetPlasteel diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml index dfb5133628..ab8597d02a 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/Sheets/other.yml @@ -110,6 +110,17 @@ - type: Tag tags: - Sheet + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: SheetPGlass + - prototype: SheetRPGlass + - prototype: SheetRPGlass1 - type: entity parent: SheetPlasma @@ -162,6 +173,15 @@ - ReagentId: Phosphorus Quantity: 5 canReact: false + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: CratePlastic - type: entity parent: SheetPlastic @@ -224,6 +244,17 @@ - ReagentId: Radium Quantity: 2 canReact: false + - type: UserInterface + interfaces: + - key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + type: ShortConstructionMenuBUI + - type: ActivatableUI + key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key + - type: ShortConstruction + entries: + - prototype: SheetUGlass + - prototype: SheetRUGlass + - prototype: SheetRUGlass1 - type: entity parent: SheetUranium diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/parts.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/parts.yml index 8b916f2e2b..e0547b3dc4 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/parts.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Objects/Materials/parts.yml @@ -75,8 +75,30 @@ - type: ActivatableUI key: enum.ShortConstructionUiKey.Key - type: ShortConstruction - prototypes: - - Grille + entries: + - prototype: Grille + - prototype: GrilleDiagonal + - category: + name: Railings + icon: + sprite: Structures/Walls/railing.rsi + state: side + entries: + - prototype: Railing + - prototype: RailingCorner + - prototype: RailingRound + - prototype: RailingCornerSmall + - category: + name: Glass + icon: + sprite: Objects/Materials/Sheets/glass.rsi + state: rglass_3 + entries: + - prototype: SheetRPGlass + - prototype: SheetRPGlass0 + - prototype: SheetRUGlass + - prototype: SheetRUGlass0 + - prototype: SheetRGlass - type: entity parent: PartRodMetal diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/windowdirectional.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/windowdirectional.yml index 96f009fabb..effddd7ca3 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/windowdirectional.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/Graphs/structures/windowdirectional.yml @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ - material: ReinforcedPlasmaGlass amount: 1 doAfter: 3 + - to: uraniumWindowDirectional steps: - material: UraniumGlass @@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ doAfter: 2 - tool: Anchoring doAfter: 3 + - node: uraniumWindowDirectional entity: UraniumWindowDirectional edges: diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml index b152e827e6..52b4387256 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Recipes/Construction/structures.yml @@ -688,6 +688,42 @@ objectType: Structure placementMode: SnapgridCenter +- type: construction + name: directional uranium window + id: UraniumWindowDirectional + graph: WindowDirectional + startNode: start + targetNode: uraniumWindowDirectional + category: construction-category-structures + canBuildInImpassable: true + description: Clear and tougher than regular glass, with added RadAbsorb to protect you from deadly radiation. + conditions: + - !type:EmptyOrWindowValidInTile + - !type:NoWindowsInTile + icon: + sprite: Structures/Windows/directional.rsi + state: uranium_window + objectType: Structure + placementMode: SnapgridCenter + +- type: construction + name: directional reinforced uranium window + id: UraniumReinforcedWindowDirectional + graph: WindowDirectional + startNode: start + targetNode: uraniumReinforcedWindowDirectional + category: construction-category-structures + canBuildInImpassable: true + description: Clear and much tougher than regular glass, with added RadAbsorb to protect you from deadly radiation. + conditions: + - !type:EmptyOrWindowValidInTile + - !type:NoWindowsInTile + icon: + sprite: Structures/Windows/directional.rsi + state: uranium_reinforced_window + objectType: Structure + placementMode: SnapgridCenter + - type: construction name: firelock id: Firelock From 5b9f28ca3cfa6b0c3ba89eb420adfbfbe9b0de4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SimpleStation Changelogs Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 00:56:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Automatic Changelog Update (#949) --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index f85816dfaf..67ebde8ea6 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -6627,3 +6627,23 @@ Entries: id: 6385 time: '2024-09-21T23:22:43.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: VMSolidus + changes: + - type: Fix + message: >- + Fixed a bug where Breath of Life and Healing Word would set living + people to crit, which would knock them down. + - type: Fix + message: >- + Fixed a bug where Breath of Life could revive people who were rotten(It + will still heal them and reduce the rot timer as intended, but will not + revive unless said rot timer reduction brings them below the 10 minute + threshold). + - type: Add + message: >- + The Do-After bar for Breath of Life and Healing Word is now hidden if + glimmer is low enough. The threshold for which scales with your + Dampening stat. More Dampening = stealthier casting. + id: 6386 + time: '2024-09-24T00:56:34.0000000+00:00' + url: From 08248fff936374e49e9d42ec949ff865fd61a722 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SimpleStation Changelogs Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 00:57:25 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Automatic Changelog Update (#945) --- Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml index 67ebde8ea6..d5a5a174f3 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml @@ -6647,3 +6647,12 @@ Entries: id: 6386 time: '2024-09-24T00:56:34.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Mocho + changes: + - type: Add + message: >- + Added a lot of recipes to the quick construction menus. Give it a shot + by pressing Z with different construction materials in your hand! + id: 6387 + time: '2024-09-24T00:56:45.0000000+00:00' + url: