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Golias' Antistasi

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This is a modified version of Antistasi scenario for ARMA 3 that deals with some of the issues of the original version.

Antistasi is a scenario where you fight as a guerrilla liberator to flip the island to your side. This modified version has the same mechanics and the same features but improves some aspects of it.

  • Support Altis and Tanoa map

  • The arsenal works as expected: weapons that are in the HQ ammo box are available to use.

  • Multiple saved games: server/SP can now choose the saved game to load, save, or delete.

  • Clients stats are saved in the server and saved when the server is saved.

  • The HQ is now fully saved: both items positions (e.g. flag) and new constructions (e.g. sandbags).

  • There is no unlocking mechanism: everything is always finite. You lose half of every item if the HQ is destroyed.

  • Camps gives access to the arsenal: everything available in the HQ is available in camps (and you can store things there without having them lost).

  • All game and performance options, including AI skill and cleanup time, are now modifiable by the commander.

  • Revive system works as intended (with or without ACE) and for all factions

  • There is no "petros cavalary": this is the commander's responsibility.

  • Saving/loading games to files supported.

  • Menus were remade from scratch to better accommodate more buttons and other layouts.

  • Locations backend was rewritten from scratch.

  • Missions backend was rewritten from scratch.

  • Spawning is distributed between the server and clients

The code was greatly simplified, cleaned, and reduced for DRY (e.g. for every 1 line added, 2 lines were deleted, I have +4 years experience as professional programmer).


To run this mission, take the following steps:

  1. Download it from GitHub (green button on the right)
  2. copy the directory Antistasi (the one on the same level as this README) to the directory missions of your profile
  3. rename the directory Antistasi to Antistasi.Altis or Antistasi.Tanoa
  4. rename the file mission.altis.sqm or mission.tanoa.sqm to mission.sqm
  5. open it in Eden editor and export the mission (SP or MP)

Use mission on a dedicated server

This mission is prepared to be used on a dedicated server. After the mission starts as any other mission, you have to decide what you want to do:

  • Start a new game
  • Load an existing game

When a players logs in as administrator (#login), a dialog shows up to facilitate the process. Alternatively, you can run SQF directly to start or load a game:

Start a new game

Execute on the server

[_side, _faction_anti_state, _faction_pro_anti_state, _faction_state, _faction_pro_state, "CIV", _position, _difficulty] call AS_fnc_startNewGame;


  • _side must be "west" or "east" (as a string!)
  • _faction_* are the different factions names (for a vanilla game, use "FIA", "NATO", "AAF", "CSAT"). The first two must be of the same side as _side, the remaining two must be of the opposite side.
  • _position is the location of the HQ (getMarkerPos "FIA_HQ" for the vanilla position)
  • _difficulty can either be "normal" or "easy". With "easy", FIA starts with some weapons in the Armory.

Start from a previously saved game

Execute on the server

_saveGame call AS_database_fnc_loadGame;

where _saveGame is the name of an existing saved game. The list of available saved games on the server is on the variable AS_database_savedGames.

Save the progress (e.g. for a server restart)

Execute on the server

_saveGame call AS_database_fnc_saveGame;

where _saveGame is the name of the game you want to give. This overwrites any existing saved game with this name.

Delete a saved game

Execute on the server

_saveGame call AS_database_fnc_deleteGame;

Mod support

How to add a new faction

Use the following steps:

  1. Duplicate the file templates/AAF.sqf, templates/NATO.sqf or templates/CSAT.sqf
  2. Modify the existing fields with the new cfgVehicles, cfgGroups, etc.
  3. In the initialization/common_variables.sqf, when the files are compiled and called, add a condition (e.g. a mod is present) to include your faction.
  4. Start the mission

Essentially, our code detects every unit from that faction, and populates the correct lists with the equipment (weapons, items, vests, etc.) that the units use. This way, you only need to focus on adding vehicles, groups and units; the remaining is automatic.

Replacing Worlds

This version supports easy replacement of worlds. Use the following steps:

  1. Follow the steps 1-4 of the installation above for Tanoa.
  2. Rename the directory Antistasi.Tanoa to Antistasi.[world_name]
  3. Open the mission in editor on the new map and add/remove/position the different markers on the map
  4. Duplicate the file templates/world_altis.sqf to templates/world_[world_name].sqf.
  5. Modify the templates/world_[world_name].sqf to your taste.
  6. Open initLocations.sqf and add a new condition, close to the condition worldName == "Tanoa", to use the new template on the new world.


Development of this mission is easy. We currently only use the following software to do it:

Steps after installing the software above:

  1. Fork this repository on GitHub
  2. git clone your forked repository to directory SOURCE (e.g. C:\Users\Golias\Documents\a3Projects\, e.g. with power shell)
  3. open Arma 3 and create a new profile antistasi_edit.
  4. start DSynchronize and
    1. create a new job
    2. add a source (e.g. C:\Users\Golias\Documents\a3Projects\Antistasi\Antistasi)
    3. add a destination (e.g. C:\Users\Golias\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\antistasi_edit\missions\Antistasi.Altis)
    4. tick the option Save settings on exit, untick Bidirectional sync and tick realtime sync
    5. When asked to sync first time, say yes.

Step 4. guarantees that when you modify the source code in directory SOURCE (tracked by git), the files are automatically copied to the destination, and are therefore available to test on Arma 3 Eden editor.

Test that everything works:

  1. Open the Eden editor (on profile antistasi_edit), and the text editor on directory X.
  2. Start the preview. The mission should start as normal.
  3. In the file antistasi/init.sqf, search for skipTime, and delete the line skipTime random 24 (i.e. make the mission always start at the same time).
  4. Save the file. Once you do this, you may open DSynchronize window and confirm that the file init.sqf was copied (updated) to the destination.
  5. Restart the mission. The mission should have now always started at 6am sharp.

In summary, you modified this version of antistasi and tested it.

Note that if you modify the mission.sqm on SOURCE, you will need to load it again in the editor. mission.sqm can be modified in Eden editor for testing, but it is not copied back to SOURCE and will be lost when you load it again. To change this behavior, tick the box Bidirectional sync in DSynchronize.

Debug tools


true call AS_debug_fnc_toggle;

to show in the map all units (dead or alive) and locations that are currently spawned. This helps tracking if CPU is being used unnecessarily. Use false to reverse it.

Code structure

  • dictionary/: API for storing serializable data (README).
  • database/: API for loading and saving games (README).
  • scheduler/: API for load-balanced distributed execution (README).
  • spawn/: API for fault-tolerant execution (README).
  • location/: API for managing and spawning locations (README).
  • mission/: API for managing and spawning missions (README).
  • movement/: spawns related to AAF movement spawns (e.g. patrols, attacks).
  • initialization/: scripts that initialize the mission.
  • medical/: functions used for the medical system (including ACE)
  • arsenal/: functions related with weapons, arsenal and boxes.
  • ai_control/: API to handle AI control.
  • templates/: templates to modify AS (worlds, items, factions)
  • debug/: API to debug the mission
  • actions/: action functions (addAction)


Initialization entry point is init.sqf. This is called by Arma itself. This script uses server.sqf, headlessClient.sqf, client.sqf in initialization/.

Regardless of the game mode (SP or MP), server.sqf is called on the server side and client.sqf or headlessClient.sqf are called on non-server.

The initialization proceeds as follows:

  1. Everyone initializes side-independent variables
  2. Everyone waits for an admin (host in hosted MP)
  3. Everyone waits for an admin (the host in hosted MP) to start or load a game
  4. Everyone initializes side-dependent variables:
  5. Server starts the spawning loop and resources loop


A faction is composed by groups (cfgGroups) and units and vehicles (cfgVehicles), defined on a template (see templates). Factions can be any of the following roles

  • "civilian" (only side civilian)
  • "anti-state" (sides {west,east,indep})
  • "state" (sides {west,east,indep})
  • "foreign" (sides {west,east,indep})

that define what a faction can be when starting a new game.

Each role has different mandatory faction attributes, defined in checkFactionsAttributes.sqf. If a faction does not have a mandatory attribute for a role it was assigned to, it is excluded from that role and an error is shown on the log.

The game uses the faction groups' and units to define what weapons, items, etc are available, what units and vehicles are spawned, etc.

Persistent and temporary data

This mission has a set of macros and idioms to store data.

Generically, each datum has two attributes:

  • shared: whether it is a globally shared

  • persistent: whether it is persistently saved

  • shared and temporary variables are handled with the macros AS_S(_key), AS_Sset(_key, _value).

  • shared and persistent variables are handled with the macros AS_P(_key), AS_Pset(_key, _value) or with dictionaries

  • non-shared temporary variables are handled without any macro.

The database API is used to fully serialize (save) and deserialize (load) the mission.

Distributed execution

This mission has parts (spawns, see below) that can be run by any client. For these parts, the server acts as a scheduler and load balancer and each client (headless or not) acts as a worker. See scheduler for details.

Spawn state and execution

The execution of certain parts of this mission is distributed across clients. This is implemented by the spawn API.


Locations are managed by the location API. They represent physical locations on the map that are spawned according to certain functionality and can sometimes be conquered.


When the game is loaded, locations are loaded from the markers in the mission.sqm (initLocations.sqf). Specifically, markers starting with a given string are converted to locations using the following convention

  • "AS_powerplant": "powerplant"
  • "AS_base": "base"
  • etc.

Cities ("city") and hills ("hill","hillAA") are initialized differently, see templates/world_altis.sqf to learn how.


A particular type of location is the roadblock. The roadblocks are placed on the map during initialization using the markers "AS_roadblock" and from the script AS_location_fnc_addAllRoadblocks. Whenever a location is taken, roadblocks for that location are created/destroyed.


The FIA HQ is a location (called FIA_HQ) always controlled by FIA. The following scripts are relevant to change its position:

  • fnc_HQselect.sqf: client script to choose a position for the HQ
  • fnc_HQplace.sqf: teleport FIA HQ to a given location (initially-place or rebuild)
  • fnc_HQdeploy.sqf: places permanent HQ structures in FIA HQ position
  • fnc_HQmove.sqf: make petros join commander's group and allow the commander to use fnc_HQbuild.sqf
  • fnc_HQbuild.sqf: spawn the FIA HQ in petros current location (move the HQ)

3 different events can cause the HQ to change position:

  • initial placement: execute fnc_HQselect.sqf which then calls fnc_HQplace.sqf
  • Commander chooses to move the HQ: execute fnc_HQmove.sqf and then fnc_HQbuild.sqf
  • HQ is destroyed: execute fnc_HQselect.sqf which then calls fnc_HQplace.sqf

Both fnc_HQbuild.sqf and fnc_HQplace.sqf call fnc_HQdeploy.sqf to position the permanent structures.

The HQ also has objects that can be spawned by the commander. The scripts that handle these are:

  • fnc_HQaddObject.sqf: adds or delete a HQ object.

Other related functions:

  • persistency/saveFuncs.sqf/AS_hq_fnc_toDict: persistently save the HQ objects
  • persistency/saveFuncs.sqf/AS_hq_fnc_fromDict: persistently load the HQ objects
  • AS_fnc_initPetros.sqf: restart petros (creates a new petros unit)

Related globals:

  • AS_permanent_HQplacements: all permanent HQ objects (e.g. caja)
  • AS_HQ_placements: all non-permanent HQ objects (e.g. sandbags)


This mission has numerous sub-missions that are spawned automatically or by a player's decision. See missions API for more details.

Player's score, rank and eligibility to command

Every player has a score that allows him become commander ([player, "score"] call AS_players_fnc_get)

The score is modified (increase or decrease) by:

  • kill enemies/friends/civilians
  • complete/fail missions
  • conquer/lose locations

The (server) script that changes a player's score is [player, "score", _change] call AS_players_fnc_change.

Score defines the rank of the player ([player, "rank"] call AS_players_fnc_get). Rank is the indicator of the player's score and is updated on the client side periodically by fnc_activatePlayerRankLoop.sqf.

Players can decide to become eligible to be commander (AS_fnc_UI_toggleElegibility). Only eligible players can become commanders. The choice of the commander happens in any of the following situations:

  • the commander resigns (AS_fnc_UI_toggleElegibility)
  • the commander disconnects
  • periodically

The script orgPlayers/fnc_chooseCommander.sqf makes this choice. When it is called, players are ranked by score and the highest player with more than 20% of the current commander's score becomes the new commander. In case the commander resigns or disconnects, the highest scored player becomes the new commander. Commander is set using orgPlayers/fnc_setCommander.sqf.

Player's money

Every player has money ([player, "money"] call AS_players_fnc_get) that it can spend to buy vehicles, units, or score. Players donate money to other players or to FIA (gaining score) via a menu. The commander can take money from FIA via a menu (losing score).


Vehicles are bought by FIA or AAF, or are spawned by NATO/CSAT. Afterwards:

  • NATO vehicles are locked and can not be sold/stored by FIA.
  • AAF/CSAT vehicles are unlocked and can be sold/used by FIA.
  • FIA vehicles are unlocked can be sold/used by FIA.
  • FIA personal vehicles are locked to others.

AAF Arsenal

The AAF has an arsenal of vehicles that it buys with AAF money. The arsenal has different categories of vehicles that are defined in AAFarsenal.sqf and that can be modified in the templates/ (e.g. for RHS).

AAF attacks

The AAF attacks from time to time. The relevant variable that controls this is the AS_P("secondsForAAFattack"). This variable is modified via fnc_changeSecondsForAAFattack. The script that starts attacks is the AS_movement_fnc_sendAAFattack.sqf. It is run from the loop in resourcecheck.sqf when AS_P("secondsForAAFattack") == 0. AS_movement_fnc_sendAAFattack.sqf checks whether it is worth to attack a given location, and, if yes, it spawns the attack accordingly using the missions defend_city.sqf, defend_camp.sqf or defend_location.sqf.


Minefields are created and destroyed like other locations. The AAF buys minefields and places them on the map. These can be found by FIA after which they appear on the map (mines are still hidden and have to be found via mine detectors). The FIA commander can also create minefields on the map.

Minefields (from both sides) are deleted when they contain no mines (exploded or defused).

Relevant scripts:

  • Create/minefield.sqf: spawns an existing FIA/AAF minefield
  • Functions/fnc_addMinefield.sqf: adds a new minefield
  • Functions/fnc_deployAAFminefield.sqf: tries to find a suitable position and creates an AAF minefield (called by AS_fnc_spendAAFmoney.sqf).
  • Functions/fnc_deployFIAminefield.sqf: interface for the player to choose a position and mine positions to place a minefield (it creates a mission).
  • Missions\establishFIAminefield.sqf: the mission that creates a FIA minefield


Most actions consequences are defined in directory actions/. The list of custom actions is defined in AS_fnc_addAction. To add one of these actions to all players (from server or client) use

[[_object,"actionName"],"AS_fnc_addAction"] call BIS_fnc_MP;

To add an action to a specific player/client, locally run

_object AS_fnc_addAction "actionName";

To remove actions, use the same function with the action name "remove".