- fixed height of marks so team switcher is at fixed position
- larger marks (4em)
- layout for smaller screens
- maybe use smaller font and scale everything down?
- see https://stackoverflow.com/a/21981672
- allow submit only if all fields are set (hints and guesses)
- unit tests!
- display name of team instead of "enemy team"
- limit rounds, "sudden death"
- display numbers 1 to 4 for the keywords
- free text input for key words of other team to collect own hints
- lobbies to enter player name and join teams
- let users edit team name
- parallel games (rooms) with codes to join
- help/howto play
- second team name: "The most reddest team name"
- more than two teams
- more than four key words and corresponding other code length
- points for correct guesses of other teams code
- read states and results with https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Speech_API/Using_the_Web_Speech_API#speech_synthesis to the user
- team chat