A robot management API that handles the interface between the fleet management system and the lower level operations on the ROBOTNIK rb1_base robots. The entire implementation runs locally on the robots.
Please refer to the documentation on the most recent branch follow_waypoint_devel
To interface with the API, the user sends or receives messages via MQTT in JSON format.
For sending commands and receiving status info from the API.
Broker: gopher.phynetlab.com
Port: 8888
robot_id: string (rb1_base_a, rb1_base_b, etc)
command_id: string (used for synching status messages)
pose (translation(x,y,z), rotation(x,y,z,w)) : int struct (used only in the drive action (see below))
action: string (see below)
cart_id: string (cart to picked or returned)
stataion_id: string (station to park robot beside)
bound_mode: string (parking location with respect to station. Check place action below)
cancellation_stamp: float (check cancelAtAndBefore command below)
"robot_id": "rb1_base_b",
"command_id": "task123",
"pose": {
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"orientation": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0,
"w": 1
"action": "pick",
"cart_id": "KLT_6_neu",
"station_id": "AS_5_neu",
"bound_mode": "inbound",
"cancellation_stamp": 1571949975.18291
Note: To send MQTT commands, simple apps can be used such as [MQTTLens] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mqttlens/hemojaaeigabkbcookmlgmdigohjobjm?hl=en) on Google Chrome
pick: Navigates the robot to a calculated location infront of the requested cart
dock: Performs the actual docking operation with the cart, which consists of: 1) auxillary motion to correct pose error by the local planner, 2) motion under cart, 3) elevator raise, 4) 180o rotaion
undock: Performs the undocking operation which consists of: 1) elevator drop, 2) 180o rotaion, 3) motion out from under cart
place: Places the cart near one of the stations in one of 3 locations (bound mode): inbound, outbound, or queue
drive: Navigates the robot to a pose spectified by the user
return: return the cart to its pick up position
home: sends robot to its predefined home position
cancelCurrent: cancels currently active goal (task)
cancelAll: cancels all goals (tasks) in the queue of the action server
cancelAtAndBefore: cancel all goals (tasks) at and before a time stamp (cancellation_stamp) specified by the user
Interlock system enables/dsiabels the specific actions that the robot can execte
To interface directly with the action clients, custom ROS messages (namely: RobActionSelect & RobActionStatus) can be published or received on the following topics:
where ROBOT_ID is replaced by rb1_base_a, rb1_base_b, etc.
To request actions, the RobActionSelect custom ROS message is to be used. The message structure is as follows:
Header header
geometry_msgs/Pose goal
string command_id
string cart_id
string station_id
string bound_mode
string action
time cancellation_stamp
To receive status info, the RobActionStatus custom ROS message is to be used. The message structure is as follows:
Header header
string command_id
string cart_id
string station_id
string bound_mode
string action
uint8 status
The current interlocks system and the return pose can be modified during runtime using the dynamic reconfigure server.
Note: Please export (on the main PC) the ros master uri of the robot of interest before using this feature. For robot B, for ex, the following commands can be used:
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
Shell commands to stop the robots immedietly (implemented locally in bashrc)
killA, killB,..., killAll
The package assumes that the robots' position is known through an external source, i.e: a motion capture system. In the robot setup available, the integration of the motion capture data into ROS is provided through the ros_mocap package.
A possible solution to use the API without motion capture is to publish some pose data for the robots, carts, and stations of interest on their respective vicon topics directly. Data from actual robot runs can be provided via ROS bags.
Adding interlocks for fail-safe operationAdding home & return actionsTesting preemtive requests- Implement trajecotry Sharing between robots for dynamic obstacles avoidance
- Implement a SMACH state machine architecture to replace / contain current architecture
- Use move_base_flex (mbf) action server for robots' navigation