Pizza management web application written in Blazor Server.
Go to Source to see the source code of Experiment21Pizza. Go to Prototypes to see the previous attempts at creating a web application in C#.
It simplifies management of pizza orders.
Orders go through three stages:
- placing new orders
- preparing orders
- delivering orders
The application offers authentication and authorization. Pages can be restristed to users with a certain role.
There is an "Admin" page to manage users and their roles.
Default admin credentials:
Login: [email protected]
Password: SuperStrongAdminPassword
They are refreshed every 10 seconds (using a timer).
This does not work perfectly - it adds new orders to the list, but it doesn't update the status of existing orders.
There is a line commented out at the beginning of "PlaceOrder.razor":
@* @attribute [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator, PlaceOrders")] *@
Remove the comment ("@*" and "*@") to permit only users with "Administrator" or "PlaceOrders" role to place orders.
It works similarly for other pages.
It's related to age of one of the programmers behind the application, DarkoGNU. It expresed his hope to finish the application before his 21st birthday in November 2023 (he was successful).
Open a terminal and make sure that you're in the folder that contains the source code (Experiment21Pizza/Source /Experiment21).
Run the following command:
dotnet ef database update
The same code suggested in the question above should do the job.
Open a terminal and make sure that you're in the folder that contains the source code (Experiment21Pizza/Source /Experiment21).
Run the following command:
dotnet ef migrations add DescriptiveMigrationName