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An infinite scroll component based on antd table that supports virtual scrolling & high-performance
--by keruyun.com Front End Team
It is well known that the Antd Table component only has page turning mode, so we need to change it to scroll infinite loading. However, the Antd Table itself is based on React.Component
extend rather than PureComponent
, so there are serious performance problems in big data.
Based on virtual scroll technology, we have realized that no matter how much data the table has, the table with the specified number of rows is always rendered, and it has high-performance scroll, which theoretically supports unlimited data and best user experience.
The library is slightly modified and theoretically supports any third-party Table component!
git clone https://github.com/Leonard-Li777/antd-table-infinity.git
yarn install
yarn run storybook
- check
Since [email protected] add IntersectionObserver Polyfill, compatible across all of the major browsers!!!
The IntersectionObserver is used to improve the rolling listening performance so supports the browser as follows
Chrome 51+Firefox 61+Edge 17+iOS Safari incompatible
Use the React new API getDerivedStateFromProps, etc
- React 16.4.0+
npm install antd-table-infinity
import { PageTable } from 'antd-table-infinity'
;import 'antd-table-infinity/index.css'
antd-table-infinity exposes one module called, PageTable
, which accepts a few props:
Option | default | Description |
loading |
false | loading status |
loadingIndicator |
null | A visual react component for Loading status |
onFetch |
noop | Handles the load data event: function() => void |
pageSize |
30 | size of a page |
onScroll |
null | Scroll bar scroll event function(e) => void |
pagination |
{ defaultCurrent: 1 } | antd Pagination component, but only received: position: oneOf(['both', 'top', 'bottom']), className: string, defaultCurrent: number, hideOnSinglePage: bool, itemRender: func, showQuickJumper: bool, showTotal: func, simple: bool, size: string, onChange: func, |
bidirectionalCachePages |
Infinity | 1 ~ maxPage , how many pages cache side by current page |
total |
0 | total of data |
dataSource |
undefined | format: [page, data], get the data of page when fetch success, |
debug |
false | display console log for debug |
... | ... | Another Antd Table props |
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Spin } from 'antd';
import { PageTable as Table } from 'antd-table-infinity';
import { columns, fetchData } from './stories/Table/mockData';
class App extends Component {
state = {
page: 1,
data: [],
loading: false,
handleFetch = ({ page, pageSize }) => {
console.warn('loading', { page, pageSize });
const startIndex = (page - 1) * pageSize;
this.setState({ loading: true });
fetchData(startIndex, pageSize).then(data =>
loading: false,
render() {
const { page, data, loading } = this.state;
return (
rowKey='key' // Important, otherwise scrolling page will be a problem
position: 'both',
defaultCurrent: 21,
className: 'custom-classname-pagination',
dataSource={[page, data]}
scroll={{ x: 2500, y: 650 }}
<App />,
npm install antd-table-infinity
import { InfinityTable } from 'antd-table-infinity'
antd-table-infinity exposes one module called, InfinityTable
, which accepts a few props:
Option | default | Description |
loading |
false | loading status |
loadingIndicator |
null | A visual react component for Loading status |
onFetch |
noop | Handles the scroll to bottom event: function() => void |
pageSize |
30 | Reality DOM row count |
onScroll |
null | Scroll bar scroll event function(e) => void |
debug |
false | display console log for debug |
... | ... | Another Antd Table props |
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Spin } from 'antd';
import { InfinityTable as Table } from 'antd-table-infinity';
import { columns, fetchData } from './stories/Table/mockData';
class App extends Component {
state = {
data: [],
loading: false,
handleFetch = () => {
this.setState({ loading: true });
fetchData(this.state.data.length).then(newData =>
this.setState(({ data }) => ({
loading: false,
data: data.concat(newData),
loadMoreContent = () => (
textAlign: 'center',
paddingTop: 40,
paddingBottom: 40,
border: '1px solid #e8e8e8',
<Spin tip="Loading..." />
render() {
return (
rowKey='key' // Important, otherwise scrolling page will be a problem
scroll={{ y: 450 }}
<App />,
npm install antd-table-infinity
import { SumTable } from 'antd-table-infinity'
;import 'antd-table-infinity/index.css'
antd-table-infinity exposes one module called, SumTable
, which accepts a few props:
Option | default | Description |
loading |
false | loading status |
loadingIndicator |
null | A visual react component for Loading status |
onFetch |
noop | Handles the scroll to bottom event: function() => void |
pageSize |
30 | Reality DOM row count |
sumData |
null | sum data |
debug |
false | display console log for debug |
... | ... | Another Antd Table props |
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Spin } from 'antd';
import { SumTable as Table } from 'antd-table-infinity';
import { columns, fetchData } from './stories/Table/mockData';
import 'antd-table-infinity/index.css';
class App extends Component {
state = {
data: [],
loading: false,
handleFetch = () => {
this.setState({ loading: true });
fetchData(this.state.data.length).then(newData =>
this.setState(({ data }) => ({
loading: false,
data: data.concat(newData),
render() {
return (
rowKey='key' // Important, otherwise scrolling page will be a problem
scroll={{ x: 2500, y: 350 }}
<App />,
- Antd-table-infinity is the top layer of packaging based on antd table, so when you use it, make sure your project has the antd component library installed
import { InfinityTable, SumTable, PageTable } 'antd-table-infinity'
; JS containing only the Table componentimport 'antd-table-infinity/index.css'
; CSS containing only the PageTable、SumTable component
- If your project does not have an antd component library installed, use the full package
import { InfinityTable, SumTable, PageTable } from 'antd-table-infinity/dist/index.js'
; Contains all the js code and all the antd-related components usedimport 'antd-table-infinity/index.css'
; CSS containing only the PageTable、SumTable componentimport 'antd-table-infinity/dist/index.css'
; Contains all CSS for antd-related components used
- rowKey='key' Important, antd-table needs a unique key value for each row of data, otherwise scrolling page will be a problem, really no, please use uuid library to create. ref:https://ant.design/components/table-cn/#%E6%B3%A8%E6%84%8F
- When editing a cell (such as input characters in input, essentially the repeated rendering of Antd Table to receive new props), there are low-performance in development mode, and production environments do not exist! Mainly performance cost from HMR and Redux DevTools.