diff --git a/public/table-sort.js b/public/table-sort.js
index 300da8b..efd1ec3 100644
--- a/public/table-sort.js
+++ b/public/table-sort.js
@@ -91,11 +91,12 @@ function tableSortJs(testingTableSortJS = false, domDocumentWindow = document) {
let foundMatch = false;
for (let key of Object.keys(inferableClasses)) {
let classRegexp = inferableClasses[key].regexp;
- if (tableColumn.innerText !== undefined) {
- if (tableColumn.innerText.match(classRegexp)) {
+ let columnOfTd = testingTableSortJS
+ ? tableColumn.textContent
+ : tableColumn.innerText;
+ if (columnOfTd !== undefined && columnOfTd.match(classRegexp) ) {
foundMatch = true;
- }
if (inferableClasses[key].count >= threshold) {
@@ -563,6 +564,7 @@ function tableSortJs(testingTableSortJS = false, domDocumentWindow = document) {
timesClickedColumn += 1;
const hasThClass = {
dataSort: th.classList.contains("data-sort"),
fileSize: th.classList.contains("file-size-sort"),
diff --git a/test/tagsInferenceTable.js b/test/tagsInferenceTable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f096992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tagsInferenceTable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+const jsdom = require("jsdom");
+const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
+const tableSortJs = require("../public/table-sort");
+function createTestTable(
+ testTableData,
+ thAttributes = { classTags: "", colspan: "" },
+ props = { colsToClick: [], invisibleIndex: [], tableTags: "", trClasses: "" }
+) {
+ const numberOfTableColumns = Object.keys(testTableData).length;
+ let testTableHeaders = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < numberOfTableColumns; i++) {
+ testTableHeaders += ` | Testing Column | `;
+ }
+ testTableHeaders = ` ${testTableHeaders}
+ function getRowsOfTd(index, type) {
+ let rowsOfTd = "";
+ for (let key in testTableData) {
+ if (testTableData[key].td) {
+ if (type === "data-sort") {
+ rowsOfTd += `${testTableData[key].td[index]} | `;
+ } else {
+ rowsOfTd += `${testTableData[key].td[index]} | `;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rowsOfTd;
+ }
+ let testTableTdRows = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < testTableData["col0"].td.length; i++) {
+ let testTableTdRow;
+ if (thAttributes.classTags.includes("data-sort")) {
+ testTableTdRow = `${getRowsOfTd(i, "data-sort")}`;
+ } else {
+ testTableTdRow = `${getRowsOfTd(i)}`;
+ }
+ if (
+ props.invisibleIndex !== undefined &&
+ props.invisibleIndex.includes(i)
+ ) {
+ testTableTdRows.push(`${testTableTdRow}
+ } else {
+ if (props.tableTags === "cells-sort" || props.tableTags === "tr-sort") {
+ testTableTdRows.push(
+ ` ${testTableTdRow}
+ );
+ } else {
+ testTableTdRows.push(
+ ` ${testTableTdRow}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const dom = new JSDOM(`
+ `);
+ // Call tablesort and make table sortable and simulate clicks from a user.
+ tableSortJs(true, dom.window.document);
+ // Make an array from table contents to test if sorted correctly.
+ let table = dom.window.document.querySelector("table");
+ const tableHeadWithInferredClassName = table
+ .querySelectorAll("thead th")
+ let inferedClassNamesOfTh = Array.from(tableHeadWithInferredClassName).map((e)=>e.getAttribute("class"))
+ return inferedClassNamesOfTh;
+module.exports = createTestTable;
diff --git a/test/tagsInferenceTable.test.js b/test/tagsInferenceTable.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90716df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tagsInferenceTable.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+const createTestTable = require("./tagsInferenceTable");
+test("InferSortClassesOnTH - FILE SIZE", () => {
+ expect(
+ createTestTable({
+ col0: {
+ td: [
+ "10MB",
+ "10GB",
+ "10TB",
+ "10B",
+ "10MiB",
+ "10TiB",
+ "10Kib",
+ "10KB",
+ "10GiB",
+ ],
+ },
+ // add in space and make some undercase
+ col1: {
+ td: [
+ "10 mB",
+ "10 GB",
+ "10 Tb",
+ "10 B",
+ "10 mib",
+ "10 tib",
+ "10 kib",
+ "10 kB",
+ "10 giB",
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ ).toStrictEqual(["file-size-sort", "file-size-sort"]);
+test("InferSortClassesOnTH - DATES", () => {
+ expect(
+ createTestTable({
+ col0: {
+ td: ["1979/9/6", "2008/4/9", "1879/12/16", "1978/4/6", "1978/4/16"],
+ },
+ col1: {
+ td: [
+ "1-14-1992",
+ "1.13.1992",
+ "4.30.2008",
+ "1/20/1992",
+ "10-12-2017",
+ "2/14/1992",
+ ],
+ },
+ col2: {
+ td: [
+ "17/6/1978",
+ "18.10.2027",
+ "10-12-2017",
+ "13/12/2017",
+ "4.9.2008",
+ "2.3.1879",
+ "22.3.1879",
+ "8/6/1978",
+ "4/6/1978",
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ // two dates-dmy-sort as mdy is not an inferred class but explicit override.
+ ).toStrictEqual(["dates-ymd-sort","dates-dmy-sort","dates-dmy-sort"]);
+test("InferSortClassesOnTH - RUNTIME", () => {
+ expect(
+ createTestTable({
+ col0: {
+ td: [
+ "2m 52s",
+ "1h 20m 10s",
+ "3s",
+ "11h 10m 10s",
+ "7s",
+ "11m 40s",
+ "36s",
+ "1h 10m 10s",
+ "9m 44s",
+ "1m 36s",
+ "41s",
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ ).toStrictEqual(["runtime-sort"]);
+test("InferSortClassesOnTH - NUMERIC", () => {
+ expect(
+ createTestTable({
+ // commas
+ col0: {
+ td: [
+ "20,000.89",
+ "30,000.32",
+ "1",
+ "0.111",
+ "21,000.92",
+ "19845",
+ "12000",
+ "-90",
+ "-10,000.39",
+ "-10,000.10",
+ ],
+ },
+ // negative numbers
+ col1: { td: ["1.05", "-2.3", "-3", "1", "-6", "(1.4)", "14"] },
+ // decimals
+ col2: { td: ["0.1", "0.2", "0.3", "0.11", "0.13", "0.13", "0.14"] },
+ col3: {
+ td: [
+ "1.05",
+ "-2.3",
+ "-3",
+ "1",
+ "-6",
+ "",
+ "(0.5)",
+ "1a",
+ "b",
+ "(c)",
+ "{1}",
+ ],
+ },
+ // TODO HANDLE CURRENCY $ / pounds, etc....
+ })
+ ).toStrictEqual(["numeric-sort","numeric-sort","numeric-sort","numeric-sort"]);
+// TODO no-class-infer
+// test("InferSortClassesOnTH - no-class-infer", () => {
+// expect(
+// createTestTable(
+// {
+// col0: {
+// td: [
+// "2m 52s",
+// "1h 20m 10s",
+// "3s",
+// "11h 10m 10s",
+// "7s",
+// "11m 40s",
+// "36s",
+// "1h 10m 10s",
+// "9m 44s",
+// "1m 36s",
+// "41s",
+// ],
+// },
+// },
+// // props={ tableTags: "no-class-infer"},
+// )
+// ).toStrictEqual(["runtime-sort"]);
+// });