Documenting my learning journey of Namaste React Live Course conducted by Akshay Saini
is one of the popular package manager/software registery for managing development and sharing utilities/packages. One more popular package manager is yarn
React app is powered by a lot of helper packages for bundling, optimizing, minifying which can be installed and tracked through npm.
Simple Analaogy for better understanding :
maven : java :: npm : javscript(react)
Parcel and Wepack are popular Web application bundlers. Bundler comes with many powerful features to simplify the development of complex web applications with multiple dependecies that is production-ready and easily loadable in the browser.
In the current version of parcel (Parcel v2), the information about the project when it is built is stored in .parcel-cache
(.cache in parcel v1). So, when the parcel tries to rebuild the project again, it doesn't have to re-parse or repeat the whole process. This helps in building the project faster.
You might notice this while building the project. For the first time, it might take longer (2s in my case) and for subsequent builds the time got reduced (200ms)
is a npm package runner that is used to execute the command without installing the package (just use on the go). When you run a package using npx
, it searches for the package in the local and global registry, and then it runs the package. If the package is not already installed, npx
downloads the package files and installs the package, but it will only cache the files instead of saving it.
Examples :
npx parcel index.html
-> npx searches for parcel
package in your environment and if not found, downloads it and then runs the command. (with index.html as entry point. you can remove index.html and put it in the source of package.json as well)
npx create-react-app my-app
-> npx seraches for create-react-app
package in your environment, if not found, downlaods it and then creates my-app using create-react-app in the current project directory.
dependencies | devDependencies |
Packages that are required in the production environment | Packages that are required only in the development environment, and not in prod/testing environment |
Command : npm install <package-name> |
Command : npm install -D <package-name> or npm install --save-dev <package-name> |
Eg : react, react-dom, redux, express, nodemon, babel, mocha (testing) | Eg: parcel |
Tree shaking is a concept in JavaScript to describe the removal of dead code. Tree shaking is done by module bundler like parcel/webpack while bundling multiple javascript files into single files thus improving the web performance.
Steps to implement tree shaking :
- Declare ES6 import and exports for the modules
- Bundler analyses the dependency tree during compilation phase.
- Any uncode code is removed from the final build.
The process of adding, removing or updating the modules while the application is running without full reload is called Hot Module Replacement. This feature is available in all module bundlers like Parcel, Webpack,etc.,There are many advantages of this features :
- The application state is retained which is usually lost during full reload
- Insantly updates the browser when source css/js code is modified.
Parcel automatically does HMR while the application uses a framework (Eg:React, Vue). If no framework is used, then HMR can be opted using
Webpack needs some configuration to be done for using HMR
- minification (removing indentation)
- image optimizations
- compression(renaming variables)
- cleaning our code
- super fast build
- dev and prod builds
- caching while development
- works with older version of browsers
- Https on dev as well npx parcel index.html (--https)
- Consistent Hashing Algorithm
- Zero configuration
- Tree shaking - Removing unwanted code
- API proxy
My top favourites :
1.Tree shaking
(described about it in 6)
- Parcel caches everything it builds. f you restart the dev server, Parcel will only rebuild files that have changed since the last time it ran. Parcel automatically tracks all of the files, configuration, plugins, and dev dependencies that are involved in your build
3.Image optimization
- Bzy default, Parcel includes lossless image optimization for JPEGs and PNGs in prod. mode, which reduces the size of images without affecting their quality. No configuration or query parameters are required to use.
file is a text file where we can mention the files/directories to ignore. That is, those files/directories will not be pushed into the git repositories. The great advantage of putiing them in .gitignore file is that those can be huge in size and those files can be generated with the help of package.json or package-lock.json file. It's very important to put node_modules
in the .gitignore file since it contains a lot of packages which can be installed later by using package.json file. Other directories that should be placed in .gitignore file are .parcel-cache
and dist. package.json
and package-lock.json
must not be put in .gitignore
package.json | package-lock.json |
This file is created as soon as npm init command is fired |
This file is automatically generated when npm modifies either node_modules tree or package.json |
It contains metadata about the project like name, version, author, scripts and dependencies required by the project | It contains dependencies required by the project with the exact version with which it was created |
It contains only direct dependencies | It contains nested/transitive dependencies (dependencies of dependencies) |
This file must not be put in .gitignore file |
This file must also not be put in .gitignore file |
During deployment, there is no gurantee that if the version number of the dependencies with which the project was developed (package.json file has the least version of dependencies), will be reproduced and thus the project might not be working as intended | During deployment, the exact version of dependencies will be reproduced and thus the project will be working as intended |
^ or ~ can be used in version of dependencies in package.json | Only exact version of dependencies must be used in package-lock.json |
As the name suggests, it locks the package-lock.json file, since it contains sensitive data which are not indened to modify. As it contains the entire tree of dependencies, modifying any of the entries which might have a dependency to that entry might be affected. This causes inconsistency in the project.
In simple words, node_modules
holds the source code of the packages that are installed through npm. It is a very bad practice to push node_modules
to git (source control) since it is huge in size and blow up the project capacity and moreover all the packages in node_modules
can be re-generated using package.json
folder is created once the application is build using parcel
web application bundler. IT contains the output of the bundler i.e all js files, css files and html files bundled into a single js file, css file and html file that is compressed and minified.
The browserslist
field in package.json can be used to specify which browsers/node.js versions the application supports. The value of this object can be an array of statistics ( % coverage), last versions, Node.js versions, Browser versions or even unreleased versions.
"browsersList" : ["last 2 versions", "> 1%", "not dead"]
^ version | ~ version |
In package.json, if a dependency's version [majorversion.minorversion.patchversion] is prefixed with ^ , then it will be updated to all future minor versions and not any major version |
In package.json, if a dependency's version [majorversion.minorversion.patchversion] is prefixed with ~ , then it will be updated to all future patch versions and not minor/major versions |
Eg: "react": "^18.2.0" will use releases from 18.2.0 to < 19.0.0 | Eg: "~18.2.0" will use releases from "18.2.0" < 18.3.0 |
Patch version is used for any bug fixes. Minor version is used for adding new functionality. Major version may contain major functionality changes/ some existing features may be deprecated. So if ~ is used , user will be updated to all bug fixed patch versions. If ^ is used, user will be updated to all new functionality/ features included minor version.
attribute of the <script> tag indicates the type of script.Until HTML 4, type is a required attribute. The value of type can be any of the following :
<script type="" src="app.js"></script>
In HTML5, type attribute is not mandatory. If type attribute is not present(default), or an empty string (type="") or javascript MIME type (text/javascript or application/ecmascript), it is treated as classic "javascript" file.
<script type="module" src="app.js"></script>
If the type attribute is set module
, then the code in that js file is treated as module.
<script type="importmap" src="app.js"></script>
If the type attribute is set importmap
, the body of teh element contains importmap ie an JSON object using which the browser can resolve the module specifiers while importing modules.
<script type="{$anyothervalue}" src="app.js"></script>
If the type attribute contains anyother value, then the code is treated as data block and will not be processed by the browser. A valid MIME type other than Javascript MIME type (Eg: image/png or text/css) must be mentioned. All the other attributes for this type will be ignored even the src