diff --git a/.archive/v1.1.0/ManifestPlus.md b/.archive/v1.1.0/ManifestPlus.md
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+++ b/.archive/v1.1.0/ManifestPlus.md
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+The Manifest+ specification is an unofficial community developed extension to the official Foundry VTT manifest
+specification for module and system development intended to add additional data which can be used by packages within
+Foundry VTT and by external applications.
+This specification is developed by The League of Extraordinary Foundry Developers. The core Foundry VTT software
+simply ignores these additional manifest fields. A number of external applications including
+[The Bazaar](https://forge-vtt.com/bazaar) package browser on The Forge and
+[Foundry Hub](https://www.foundryvtt-hub.com/packages/) use this extended data to give the general public a rich
+experience by adding cover images, icons, enhanced contact details, and more.
+## Package Manifest Standard Fields
+The Foundry VTT manifest contains a number of required and optional fields which act as metadata for your package. The
+official fields are documented in the core documentation for modules and systems respectively:
+- [Introduction to Module Development](https://foundryvtt.com/article/module-development/)
+- [Introduction to System Development](https://foundryvtt.com/article/system-development/)
+Manifest+ does not replace the standard manifest, but enhances it. Most of the fields added do not touch any of
+the core attributes at all except the `authors` field.
+### Authors
+The core Foundry VTT manifest specification has two ways of defining the package author; either through the `author`
+field which expects a simple string or the more complex `authors` field. We *highly* recommend including the `authors`
+field in your package as it provides much more flexibility.
+> Currently, while `authors` is a part of the standard manifest Foundry VTT does not actually utilize this field, so you
+> should also include the `author` field until such a time as that changes. {.is-info}
+The `authors` field is an array of objects with each object providing information about one of the authors of the
+package. This could be one author or many. The standard version includes `name`, `url`, and `email` fields. Only `name`
+is required.
+For Manifest+ we want to recognize that a personal website and email address are not necessarily the best or only
+ways to contact the author. To that end, we introduce `discord`, `ko-fi`, `patreon`, `reddit`, and `twitter` fields as
+"author": "Name of the author",
+"authors": [
+ {
+ "name": "Name of the author",
+ "url": "https://website.com/of/the/author",
+ "email": "email@example.com",
+ "discord": "discordID#0001",
+ "ko-fi": "kofiName",
+ "patreon": "patreonName",
+ "reddit": "u/RedditUsername",
+ "twitter": "@TwitterHandle",
+ }
+Each of these additional fields follow the naming convention of the platform. For example with Twitter handles the
+`@TwitterHandle` format is used.
+## Manifest+
+All Manifest+ fields are *optional*, but they are all useful. We recommend including as many of these fields as
+reasonable in order to provide enriched metadata for your package.
+### Version
+Document Version: 1.1.0
+It is recommended to include a `manifestPlusVersion` field in your manifest to denote which version of Manifest+ you
+have implemented. Breaking changes are not intended for this specification, but if they do occur the major version
+will be incremented in accordance with [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/).
+"manifestPlusVersion": "1.1.0"
+### Media
+One of the largest additions, the `media` field, is an array of objects that each provide data for a single
+multimedia item. This data includes a `type` field which indicates what kind of media is being provided as
+well as an `url` field which provides the address of the media resource.
+"media": [
+ {
+ "type": "screenshot",
+ "url": "link/to/media/file"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "cover",
+ "url": "https://somereposite.com/author/repo/raw/images/cover.png"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "video",
+ "url": "https://somereposite.com/author/repo/raw/videos/demo.webm",
+ "loop": true,
+ "thumbnail": "https://somereposite.com/author/repo/raw/images/thumb.png"
+ }
+#### Media Types
+The following type of media are defined by the Manifest+ specification:
+- `cover` - A cover image which is intended to be displayed along with the package description.
+- `icon` - A small image icon such as a logo or author avatar.
+- `screenshot` - An image of the package in action.
+- `video` - A video file which can be played, or the URL of an embeddable video (such as Youtube or Vimeo)
+ - `loop` - Optional field specific to video media. If loop is set to true, the video is expected to be treated as
+ an animated image, like a GIF (i.e. muted and looped).
+ - `thumbnail` - Optional URL to provide a video thumbnail.
+#### Media Recommendations
+There is no guarantee how the media files will be used, but these are the recommended dimensions and known existing
+##### Cover
+Avoid putting large text on the cover image as it should showcase the package rather than the name of the package.
+- Width: 1280px
+- Aspect Ratio: 2:1
+This is currently used on the [Forge's Bazaar](https://forge-vtt.com/bazaar).
+##### Icon
+- Width: 512px
+- Aspect Ratio: 1:1
+Fallback on the Bazaar if `cover` is not defined.
+##### Screenshot
+Anything that should go into an `` HTML element: `.png`, `.gif`, `.webp`. Try to keep the file size under 1MB,
+definitely no more than 10MB. Gifs in particular will probably need to be larger, but know that the larger the image
+the longer it will take to load.
+##### Video
+Anything that should go into an `