create-snapshots is an AWS Lambda function for use with Lambder.
- python-lambder
This lambda function creates an EBS snapshot from each EBS volume tagged with Key: 'LambderBackup'. The function will retain at most 3 snapshots and delete the oldest snapshot to stay under this threshold.
- Clone this repo
cp example_lambder.json lambder.json
- Edit lambder.json to set your S3 bucket
- Edit config.json to set the regions where you want pruning
lambder functions deploy
Schedule the function with a new event. Rember that the cron expression is based on UTC.
lambder events add \
--name CreateSnapshots \
--function-name Lambder-create-snapshots \
--cron 'cron(0 6 ? * * *)'
- Parameterize the tag in the input event object
- Parameterize number of old snapshots to retain