Endpoint | URL | GET | POST | PATCH | DELETE |
Layers | /rest/<workspace_name>/layers |
Layer | /rest/<workspace_name>/layers/<layername> |
Layer Thumbnail | /rest/<workspace_name>/layers/<layername>/thumbnail |
GET | x | x | x |
Layer Style | /rest/<workspace_name>/layers/<layername>/style |
GET | x | x | x |
Layer Chunk | /rest/<workspace_name>/layers/<layername>/chunk |
GET | POST | x | x |
Layer Metadata Comparison | /rest/<workspace_name>/layers/<layername>/metadata-comparison |
GET | x | x | x |
Maps | /rest/<workspace_name>/maps |
Map | /rest/<workspace_name>/maps/<mapname> |
Map File | /rest/<workspace_name>/maps/<mapname>/file |
GET | x | x | x |
Map Thumbnail | /rest/<workspace_name>/maps/<mapname>/thumbnail |
GET | x | x | x |
Map Metadata Comparison | /rest/<workspace_name>/layers/<layername>/metadata-comparison |
GET | x | x | x |
Users | /rest/users |
GET | x | x | x |
Current User | /rest/current-user |
- workspace_name, string
- string identifying workspace
Get list of published layers.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON array of objects representing available layers with following structure:
- name: String. Name of the layer.
- title: String. Title of the layer.
- uuid: String. UUID of the layer.
- url: String. URL of the layer. It points to GET Layer.
- access_rights:
- read: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with read access.
- write: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with write access.
Publish vector data file as new layer of WMS and WFS.
Processing chain consists of few steps:
- save file to workspace directory within Layman data directory
- import the file to PostgreSQL database as new table into workspace schema, including geometry transformation to EPSG:3857
- publish the table as new layer (feature type) within appropriate workspace of GeoServer
- generate thumbnail image
- publish metadata record to Micka (it's public if and only if read access is set to EVERYONE)
- save basic information (name, title, access_rights) into PostgreSQL
If workspace directory, database schema, GeoServer's workspace, or GeoServer's datastore does not exist yet, it is created on demand.
Response to this request may be returned sooner than the processing chain is finished to enable asynchronous processing. Status of processing chain can be seen using GET Layer and status properties of layer sources (wms, wfs, thumbnail, db_table, file, sld, metadata).
It is possible to upload data files asynchronously, which is suitable for large files. This can be done in three steps:
- Send POST Layers request with file parameter filled by file names that you want to upload
- Read set of files accepted to upload from POST Layers response, files_to_upload property. The set of accepted files will be either equal to or subset of file names sent in file parameter.
- Send POST Layer Chunk requests using Resumable.js to upload files.
Check Asynchronous file upload example.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body parameters:
- file, file(s) or file name(s)
- one of following options is expected:
- GeoJSON file
- ShapeFile files (at least three files: .shp, .shx, .dbf)
- file names, i.e. array of strings
- if file names are provided, files must be uploaded subsequently using POST Layer Chunk
- if published file has empty bounding box (i.e. no features), its bounding box on WMS/WFS endpoint is set to the whole World
- one of following options is expected:
- name, string
- computer-friendly identifier of the layer
- must be unique among all layers of one workspace
- by default, it is file name without extension
- will be automatically adjusted using
- title, string
- human readable name of the layer
- by default it is layer name
- description
- by default it is empty string
- crs, string
- CRS of the file
- by default it is read/guessed from input file
- sld, SLD file
- by default default SLD style of GeoServer is used
- uploading of additional style files, e.g. point-symbol images or fonts is not supported
- access_rights.read, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get read access to this publication
- default value is current authenticated user, or EVERYONE if published by anonymous
- access_rights.write, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get write access to this publication
- default value is current authenticated user, or EVERYONE if published by anonymous
Content-Type: application/json
JSON array of objects representing posted layers with following structure:
- name: String. Name of the layer.
- uuid: String. UUID of the layer.
- url: String. URL of the layer. It points to GET Layer.
- files_to_upload: List of objects. It's present only if file parameter contained file names. Each object represents one file that server expects to be subsequently uploaded using POST Layer Chunk. Each object has following properties:
- file: name of the file, equal to one of file name from file parameter
- layman_original_parameter: name of the request parameter that contained the file name; currently, the only possible value is
Delete existing layers and all associated sources, including vector data file and DB table for all layers in the workspace. It is possible to delete layers, whose publication process is still running. In such case, the publication process is aborted safely. Only layers on which user has write access right are deleted.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON array of objects representing deleted layers:
- name: String. Former name of the layer.
- title: String. Former title of the layer.
- uuid: String. Former UUID of the layer.
- url: String. Former URL of the layer. It points to GET Layer.
- access_rights:
- read: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with former read access.
- write: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with former write access.
- layername
- layer name used for identification
- it can be obtained from responses of GET Layers, POST Layers, and all responses of this endpoint
Get information about existing layer.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object with following structure:
- name: String. Layername used for identification within given workspace. It can be also used for identifying layer within WMS and WFS endpoints.
- uuid: String. UUID of the layer.
- url: String. URL pointing to this endpoint.
- title: String.
- description: String.
- wms
- url: String. URL of WMS endpoint. It points to WMS endpoint of appropriate GeoServer workspace.
- status: Status information about GeoServer import and availability of WMS layer. No status object means the source is available. Usual state values are
- PENDING: publishing of this source is queued, but it did not start yet
- STARTED: publishing of this source is in process
- FAILURE: publishing process failed
- NOT_AVAILABLE: source is not available, e.g. because publishing process failed
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- wfs
- url: String. URL of WFS endpoint. It points to WFS endpoint of appropriate GeoServer workspace.
- status: Status information about GeoServer import and availability of WFS feature type. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- thumbnail
- url: String. URL of layer thumbnail. It points to GET Layer Thumbnail.
- status: Status information about generating and availability of thumbnail. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- file
- path: String. Path to input vector data file that was imported to the DB table. Path is relative to workspace directory.
- status: Status information about saving and availability of files. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- db_table
- name: String. DB table name within PostgreSQL workspace schema. This table is used as GeoServer source of layer.
- status: Status information about DB import and availability of the table. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- sld
- url: String. URL of layer default style. It points to GET Layer Style.
- status: Status information about publishing SLD. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- metadata
- identifier: String. Identifier of metadata record in CSW instance.
- record_url: String. URL of metadata record accessible by web browser, probably with some editing capabilities.
- csw_url: String. URL of CSW endpoint. It points to CSW endpoint of Micka.
- comparison_url: String. URL of GET Layer Metadata Comparison.
- status: Status information about metadata import and availability. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- access_rights:
- read: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with read access.
- write: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with write access.
Update information about existing layer. First, it deletes sources of the layer, and then it publishes them again with new parameters. The processing chain is similar to POST Layers.
Response to this request may be returned sooner than the processing chain is finished to enable asynchronous processing.
It is possible to upload data files asynchronously, which is suitable for large files. See POST Layers.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameters have same meaning as in case of POST Layers.
Body parameters:
- file, file(s) or file name(s)
- If provided, current layer vector data file will be deleted and replaced by this file. GeoServer layer, DB table, and thumbnail will be deleted and created again using the new file.
- one of following options is expected:
- GeoJSON file
- ShapeFile files (at least three files: .shp, .shx, .dbf)
- file names, i.e. array of strings
- if file names are provided, files must be uploaded subsequently using POST Layer Chunk
- if published file has empty bounding box (i.e. no features), its bounding box on WMS/WFS endpoint is set to the whole World
- title
- description
- crs, string
- Taken into account only if
is provided.
- Taken into account only if
- sld, SLD file
- If provided, current layer thumbnail will be temporarily deleted and created again using the new style.
- access_rights.read, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get read access to this publication
- access_rights.write, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get write access to this publication
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object, same as in case of GET, possibly extended with one extra property:
- files_to_upload: List of objects. It's present only if file parameter contained file names. See POST Layers response to find out more.
Delete existing layer and all associated sources, including vector data file and DB table. It is possible to delete layer, whose publication process is still running. In such case, the publication process is aborted safely.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object representing deleted layer:
- name: String. Former name of the layer.
- uuid: String. Former UUID of the layer.
- url: String. Former URL of the layer. It points to GET Layer.
Get thumbnail of the layer in PNG format, 300x300 px, transparent background.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: image/png
PNG image.
Get default style of the layer in XML format. Request is redirected to GeoServer /rest/workspaces/{workspace}/styles/{style}. Anybody can call GET, nobody can call any other method.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: Application/xml
Layer Chunk endpoint enables to upload layer data files asynchronously by splitting them into small parts called chunks that are uploaded independently. The endpoint is expected to be operated using Resumable.js library. Resumable.js can split and upload files by chunks using HTML File API, widely supported by major browsers.
Check Asynchronous file upload example.
The endpoint is activated after POST Layers or PATCH Layer request if and only if the file parameter contained file name(s). The endpoint is active till first of the following happens:
- all file chunks are uploaded
- no chunk is uploaded within UPLOAD_MAX_INACTIVITY_TIME
- layer is deleted
Test if file chunk is already uploaded on the server.
Query parameters:
- layman_original_parameter, name of parameter of preceding request (POST Layers or PATCH Layer) that contained the file name
- resumableFilename, name of file whose chunk is requested
- resumableChunkNumber, serial number of requested chunk
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP status code 200 if chunk is already uploaded on the server, otherwise 404.
Upload file chunk to the server.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Body parameters:
- file, uploaded chunk
- resumableChunkNumber, serial number of uploaded chunk
- resumableFilename, name of file whose chunk is uploaded
- layman_original_parameter, name of parameter of preceding request (POST Layers or PATCH Layer) that contained the file name
- resumableTotalChunks, number of chunks the file is split to
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP status code 200 if chunk was successfully saved.
Get comparison of metadata properties among Layman, CSW, WMS and WFS.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object with one attribute:
- metadata_sources: Dictionary of objects. Key is ID of metadata source valid for this JSON only (not persistent in time!). Value is object with following attributes:
- url: String. URL of the metadata source (GET Layer, CSW record, WMS Capabilities, or WFS Capabitilities).
- metadata_properties: Dictionary of objects. Key is name of metadata property (e.g.
). Value is object with following attributes:- values: Dictionary of objects. Key is ID of metadata source corresponding with
attribute. Value is any valid JSON (null, number, string, boolean, list, or object) representing value of metadata property (e.g.[3857, 4326]
). Null means the value is not set. - equal: Boolean. True if all values are considered equal, false otherwise.
- equal_or_null: Boolean. True if all values are considered equal or null, false otherwise.
- values: Dictionary of objects. Key is ID of metadata source corresponding with
Get list of published maps (map compositions).
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON array of objects representing available maps with following structure:
- name: String. Name of the map.
- title: String. Title of the map.
- uuid: String. UUID of the map.
- url: String. URL of the map. It points to GET Map.
- access_rights:
- read: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with read access.
- write: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with write access.
Publish new map composition. Accepts JSON valid against map-composition schema used by Hslayers-ng.
Processing chain consists of few steps:
- validate JSON file against map-composition schema
- save file to workspace directory
- if needed, update some JSON attributes (
, orabstract
) - generate thumbnail image
- publish metadata record to Micka (it's public if and only if read access is set to EVERYONE)
- save basic information (name, title, access_rights) into PostgreSQL
If workspace directory does not exist yet, it is created on demand.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Body parameters:
- file, JSON file
- must be valid against map-composition schema
- name, string
- computer-friendly identifier of the map
- must be unique among all maps of one workspace
- by default, it is the first available of following options:
attribute of JSON root objecttitle
attribute of JSON root object- file name without extension
- will be automatically adjusted using
- title, string
- human readable name of the map
- by default it is either
attribute of JSON root object or map name
- description
- by default it is either
attribute of JSON root object or empty string
- by default it is either
- access_rights.read, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get read access to this publication
- default value is current authenticated user, or EVERYONE if published by anonymous
- access_rights.write, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get write access to this publication
- default value is current authenticated user, or EVERYONE if published by anonymous
Content-Type: application/json
JSON array of objects representing posted maps with following structure:
- name: String. Name of the map.
- uuid: String. UUID of the map.
- url: String. URL of the map. It points to GET Map.
Delete existing maps and all associated sources, including map-composition JSON file and map thumbnail for all mapss in the workspace. Only maps on which user has write access right are deleted.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON array of objects representing deleted maps:
- name: String. Former name of the map.
- title: String. Former title of the map.
- uuid: String. Former UUID of the map.
- url: String. Former URL of the map. It points to GET Map.
- access_rights:
- read: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with former read access.
- write: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with former write access.
- mapname
Get information about existing map.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object with following structure:
- name: String. Mapname used for identification within Layman user workspace. Equal to
attribute of JSON root object - uuid: String. UUID of the map.
- url: String. URL pointing to this endpoint.
- title: String. Taken from
attribute of JSON root object - description: String. Taken from
attribute of JSON root object. - file
- url: String. URL of map-composition JSON file. It points to GET Map File.
- path: String. Path to map-composition JSON file, relative to workspace directory.
- status: Status information about availability of file. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- thumbnail
- url: String. URL of map thumbnail. It points to GET Map Thumbnail.
- status: Status information about generating and availability of thumbnail. See GET Layer wms property for meaning.
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- metadata
- identifier: String. Identifier of metadata record in CSW instance.
- record_url: String. URL of metadata record accessible by web browser, probably with some editing capabilities.
- csw_url: String. URL of CSW endpoint. It points to CSW endpoint of Micka.
- comparison_url: String. URL of GET Map Metadata Comparison.
- status: Status information about metadata import and availability. See GET Map
- error: If status is FAILURE, this may contain error object.
- access_rights:
- read: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with read access.
- write: Array of strings. Names of users and roles with write access.
Update information about existing map. First, it deletes sources of the map, and then it publishes them again with new parameters. The processing chain is similar to POST Maps.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameters have same meaning as in case of POST Maps.
Body parameters: file, JSON file
- If provided, thumbnail will be deleted and created again using the new file.
- must be valid against map-composition schema
- title, string
- human readable name of the map
- by default it is either
attribute of JSON root object or map name
- description, string
- by default it is either
attribute of JSON root object or empty string
- by default it is either
- access_rights.read, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get read access to this publication
- access_rights.write, string
- comma-separated names of users and roles who will get write access to this publication
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object, same as in case of GET.
Delete existing map and all associated sources, including map-composition JSON file and map thumbnail.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object representing deleted map:
- name: String. Former name of the map.
- uuid: String. Former UUID of the map.
- url: String. Former URL of the map. It points to GET Map.
Get JSON file describing the map valid against map-composition schema.
Notice that some JSON properties are automatically updated by layman, so file obtained by this endpoint may be slightly different from file that was uploaded. Expected changes:
- name set to
in URL of this endpoint - title obtained from POST Maps or PATCH Map as
- abstract obtained from POST Maps or PATCH Map as
- user updated on the fly during this request:
- name set to
in URL of this endpoint - email set to email of the owner, or empty string if not known
- other properties will be deleted
- name set to
- groups are removed
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON file describing the map valid against map-composition schema.
Get thumbnail of the map in PNG format, 300x300 px, transparent background.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: image/png
PNG image.
Get comparison of metadata properties among Layman and CSW.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object with one attribute:
- metadata_sources: Dictionary of objects. Key is ID of metadata source valid for this JSON only (not persistent in time!). Value is object with following attributes:
- url: String. URL of the metadata source (GET Map, GET Map File, or CSW record).
- metadata_properties: Dictionary of objects. Key is name of metadata property (e.g.
). Value is object with following attributes:- values: Dictionary of objects. Key is ID of metadata source corresponding with
attribute. Value is any valid JSON (null, number, string, boolean, list, or object) representing value of metadata property (e.g.[3857, 4326]
). Null means the value is not set. - equal: Boolean. True if all values are considered equal, false otherwise.
- equal_or_null: Boolean. True if all values are considered equal or null, false otherwise.
- values: Dictionary of objects. Key is ID of metadata source corresponding with
Get list of registered users.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON array of objects representing users of Layman with following structure:
- username: String. Username of the user.
- screen_name: String. Screen name of the user.
- given_name: String. Given name of the user.
- family_name: String. Family name of the user
- middle_name: String. Middle name of the user
- name: String. Whole name of the user (given_name + middle_name + family_name).
Get information about current user.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object with following structure:
- authenticated: Boolean.
if user is authenticated,false
if user is anonymous. - claims: Object. Dictionary of known claims (e.g. name, nickname, preferred_username, or email). Claims are inspired by and have same meaning as OpenID Connect standard claims. Some claims are set even if the user is anonymous (e.g. name).
- username: String. Username the user reserved within Layman. If not set, it was not reserved yet. To be used as username in some REST API paths (i.e.
Update information about current user. Currently used only for reserving username
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Query parameters:
- adjust_username: String.
(default): Ifusername
sent in body parameter is already reserved by another user, Layman will return error.true
: Ifusername
sent in body parameter is already reserved by another user orusername
is an empty string, layman will definitely reserve someusername
, preferably similar to the value sent inusername
body parameter or to one of claims.
Body parameters:
- username: String. Username that should be reserved for current user. Username can be reserved only once and it cannot be changed. See URL parameter
for other details.
Content-Type: application/json
JSON object, same as in case of GET.
Deletes current authentication credentials from Layman's cache. This should be called when user logs out from client.
No action parameters.
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP status code 200 if credentials were deleted.