In case of POST Workspace Layers and PATCH Workspace Layer, it is possible to upload data files asynchronously, which is suitable for large files. Let's demonstrate how it can be implemented on client side.
You need some HTML form for user to choose files he wants to publish and fill some additional parametes:
<form id="post-workspace-layers-form" >
Vector data file:
<input name="file" type="file" multiple />
Layer name:
<input name="name" type="text" />
Layer title:
<input name="title" type="text" />
Layer description:
<input name="description" type="text" />
<input name="crs" type="text" />
Style file:
<input name="style" type="file" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Now, if you add target="/rest/workspaces/some_workspace_name/layers" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"
to the form
element and let user click on Submit button, the browser will send everything to server synchronously. To do it asynchronously, you need to add some extra logic.
Brief overview:
- before POST Workspace Layers request is sent to the server, check file sizes and decide if to make sync or async file upload
- if async, switch from files to file names and save files for later async upload
- send POST Workspace Layers request using AJAX
- if async, read server response to setup Resumable.js correctly, and start async upload of files
import fetch from 'unfetch'; //
import Resumable from "resumablejs"; //
// can we use Resumable.js (= is File API supported) ?
const RESUMABLE_ENABLED = (new Resumable()).support;
// file size limit over which we prefer asynchronous upload
const PREFER_RESUMABLE_SIZE_LIMIT = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MB
const onFormSubmit = (event) => {
// prevent immediate synchronous upload
// but assume synchronous upload by default
let async_upload = false;
let files_to_async_upload = [];
// let's find out size of chosen files
const form_data = new FormData(document.getElementById("post-workspace-layers-form"));
const sum_file_size = form_data.getAll("file") // all files in "file" input
.filter(f => // ignore files without name
.reduce((prev, f) => prev + f.size, 0);
// sync, or async ?
async_upload = sum_file_size >= PREFER_RESUMABLE_SIZE_LIMIT;
if (async_upload) {
// save files for later upload
const files = form_data.getAll('file').filter(f =>;
// switch from files to file names in form data
const file_names = =>;
file_names.forEach(fn => form_data.append('file', fn));
// send POST Workspace Layers request with form data
fetch('/rest/workspaces/some_workspace_name/layers', {
method: 'POST',
body: form_data,
}).then(r => {
if (r.ok) {
return JSON.parse(r.text());
} else {
throw new Error('Something goes wrong!');
}).then((resp_json) => {
if (async_upload) {
// let's prepare async upload
// compare user-selected files to upload with server response,
// leaving only files accepted by server
files_to_async_upload = files_to_async_upload.filter(file_to_upload =>
expected_file => === expected_file.file
// find out layer name
const layername = resp_json[0]['name'];
// set up resumable.js instance
const resumable = new Resumable({
target: `/rest/workspaces/some_workspace_name/layers/${layername}/chunk`,
query: {
'layman_original_parameter': 'file'
// With testChunks=true, Resumable.js can check
// which chunks are already uploaded on the server
// and upload only the remaining ones.
// It's a good choice when you previously uploaded same files,
// but upload was not successful (e.g. because of connection failure).
// Notice that testChunks=true will produce some GET requests with 404.
// It's expected behaviour. If you don't like it, set testChunks to false.
testChunks: true,
// set up some listeners
resumable.on('progress', () => {
console.log(`${Math.ceil(resumable.progress()*100)} % uploaded.`);
resumable.on('error', (message, file) => {
console.error(message, file);
throw new Error(`Something goes wrong during async upload!`);
resumable.on('complete', () => {
console.log(`Async upload finished successfully!`);
resumable.on('filesAdded', (files) => {
console.log(`${files.length} files added to Resumable.js, starting async upload.`);
// add files to Resumable.js, it will fire 'filesAdded' event
resumable.addFiles( => fo.file));
// listen for user
document.getElementById("post-workspace-layers-form").addEventListener("submit", onFormSubmit);