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Probably the most powerful directive to provide search (where conditions) for your GraphQL queries.

Use Input as Search Conditions for the current Builder.
directive @searchBy

Basic usage

Out of the box directives provides following features:

  • Strictly typed - you can define supported operators for each Scalar;
  • Eloquent Builder, Query Builder and Custom Builder support;
  • Support almost all where operators;
  • Enums support;
  • not (<condition>) support;
  • Relations support (Eloquent Builder only);
  • Custom operators support
  • easy to use and safe.

Let's start:

scalar Date @scalar(class: "Nuwave\\Lighthouse\\Schema\\Types\\Scalars\\Date")

type Query {
    users(where: _ @searchBy): [User!]! @all
    comments(where: CommentsQuery @searchBy): [Comment!]! @all

input UsersQuery {
    id: ID!
    name: String!

input CommentsQuery {
    text: String!
    user: UsersQuery
    date: Date

type User {
    id: ID!
    name: String!

type Comment {
    text: String!
    user: User @belongsTo
    date: Date

That's all, just search 😃 (or look at generated GraphQL schema)

query {
    # WHERE name = "LastDragon"
    users(where: {
        field: { name: { equal: "LastDragon" } }
    }) {

    # WHERE name != "LastDragon"
    users(where: {
        field: { name: { notEqual: "LastDragon" } }
    }) {

    # WHERE name = "LastDragon" or name = "Aleksei"
    users(where: {
        anyOf: [
            { field: { name: { equal: "LastDragon" } } }
            { field: { name: { equal: "Aleksei" } } }
    }) {

    # WHERE NOT (name = "LastDragon" or name = "Aleksei")
    users(where: {
        not: {
            anyOf: [
                { field: { name: { equal: "LastDragon" } } }
                { field: { name: { equal: "Aleksei" } } }
    }) {

    # WHERE date IS NULL
    users(where: {
        field: { date: { isNull: Yes } }
    }) {

    # Relationship: WHERE EXIST (related table)
    comments(where: {
        field: {
            user: {
                where: {
                    field: {
                        date: { between: { min: "2021-01-01", max: "2021-04-01" } }
    }) {

    # Relationship: WHERE COUNT (related table) = 2
    comments(where: {
        field: {
            user: {
                where: {
                    field: {
                        date: { between: { min: "2021-01-01", max: "2021-04-01"} }
                count: {
                    equal: 2
    }) {

Input type auto-generation

As you can see in the example above you can use the special placeholder _ instead of real input. In this case, @searchBy will generate input automatically by the actual type of the query. Please check the main section of Input type auto-generation to learn more about general conversion rules.

The @searchByIgnored can be used as Ignored marker.

Marks that field/definition should be excluded.
directive @searchByIgnored
    | ENUM
    | OBJECT
    | SCALAR


There are three types of operators:

  • Comparison - used to compare column with value(s), eg {equal: "value"}, {lt: 2}, etc. To add your own you just need to implement Operator and add it to type(s);

  • Extra - used to add additional fields, by default package provides few Logical operators which allow you to do eg anyOf([{equal: "a"}, {equal: "b"}]). Adding your own is the same: implement Operator and add it to Operators::Extra type;

  • Object - used to create conditions for fields with type Object (input/type/interface) and allow implement any logic eg whereHas, whereDoesntHave, etc. All the same, but these operators should be explicitly added to the fields/input types, by default the Relationship operator will be used:

    type Query {
        users(where: UsersQuery @searchBy): ID! @all
        comments(where: CommentsQuery @searchBy): ID! @all
    input UsersQuery {
        id: ID!
        name: String!
    input CommentsQuery {
        text: String!
        user: UsersQuery @myComplexOperator

Type Operators

By default, the package provide list of predefined operators for build-in GraphQL and Lighthouse types. To extend/replace the built-in list, you can use config and/or add directives to type/scalar/enum inside the schema. Directives is the recommended way and have priority over the config.

The package also defines a few own types in addition to the standard GraphQL types:

  • SearchByOperatorsObject / Operators::Object - List of known operators for Object. If no other directive is found, the first supported operator from the list will be used.
  • SearchByOperatorsNumber / Operators::Number - Any operator for this type will be available for Int and Float.
  • SearchByOperatorsNull / Operators::Null - Additional operators available for nullable fields.
  • SearchByOperatorsExtra / Operators::Extra - List of additional extra operators for all types.
  • SearchByOperatorsEnum / Operators::Enum - Default operators for enums.
  • SearchByOperatorsDisabled / Operators::Disabled - Disabled operators.

GraphQL (recommended)

extend scalar SearchByOperatorsEnum
@searchByExtendOperators                    # Re-use operators for `SearchByOperatorsEnum` from config
@searchByExtendOperators(type: "MyScalar")  # Re-use operators from `MyScalar` from schema

scalar MyScalar
@scalar(class: "App\\GraphQL\\Scalars\\MyScalar")
@searchByExtendOperators                    # Re-use operators for `MyScalar` from config
@searchByExtendOperators(type: "MyScalar")  # same
@searchByExtendOperators(type: "Int")       # Re-use operators from `Int` from schema
@searchByOperatorEqual                      # Add package operator
@myOperator                                 # Add custom operator

Keep in mind, when you define/extend the scalar/enum, it will override all existing operators, so if you just want to add new operators, the @searchByExtendOperators directive should be used.

Extends the list of operators by the operators from the specified
`type` or from the config if `null`.
directive @searchByExtendOperators(
    type: String
    | ENUM
    | SCALAR


<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

use LastDragon_ru\LaraASP\GraphQL\Builder\Contracts\Operator;
use LastDragon_ru\LaraASP\GraphQL\SearchBy\Definitions\SearchByOperatorBetweenDirective;
use LastDragon_ru\LaraASP\GraphQL\SearchBy\Definitions\SearchByOperatorEqualDirective;

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * GraphQL Settings
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @var array{
 *      search_by: array{
 *          operators: array<string, list<string|class-string<Operator>>>
 *      }
 *      } $settings
$settings = [
    'search_by' => [
        'operators' => [
            // You can define a list of operators for each type
            'Date'     => [

            // Or re-use existing type
            'DateTime' => [

            // Or re-use built-in type
            'Int' => [
                'Int',                  // built-in operators for `Int` will be used

            // You can also use enum name to redefine default operators for it:
            'MyEnum' => [

return $settings;