MRI Questions#
+MRI System#
+MR Physics#
+Magnetic Fields and RF Coils#
What flip angle gives the highest SNR for a spoiled gradient echo pulse sequence?
+\(\cos^{-1} ( \exp(-TR/T_1) )\)
+What magnetic resonance property is used to perform fat/water (Dixon) imaging?
Proton density
+Chemical Shift
+What are the minimum measurements required to create separate fat and water images?
In-phase TE
+Out-of-phase TE
+In-phase TE & Out-of-phase TE
+What is “magnetization preparation” used for?
+data acquisition
+create additoinal contrast
+tissue suppression
+(T/F) Multiple readouts can be used following a magnetization preparation pulse to improve efficiency
Pulse Sequence#
+In a typical pulse sequence, identify the gradients that serve the following functions:
spoil transverse magnetization
+refocus Mxy phase across the slice
+move to the edge of k-space
Which of the following statement is true for the slice select refocusing gradient?
The slice select refocusing gradient must have the same gradient amplitude with the slice selective excitation pulse.
+The slice select refocusing gradient must have the same gradient area with the slice selective excitation pulse.
+The slice select refocusing gradient can overlap with the prewinder of the frequency encoding gradient.
+The slice select refocusing gradient can overlap with the gradient echo.
(T/F) For 2D FT imaging, gradient spoiling is usually applied in the slice select direction because the voxel size is larger thus more dephasing can happen within a voxel in that direction.
+(T/F) For a GRE or SE with no phase encoding gradient, the k-space position at TE equals 0 (i.e, \(\vec{k}(TE) = 0\)).
+RF Pulses#
+Spatial Encoding#
+Which k-space line is acquired by the following magnetic field gradients?
+In 3DFT imaging, the gradient added to the slice encoding axis (compared to a 2DFT) is a …
frequency encoding gradient
+phase encoding gradient
+either frequency or phase encoding gradient
Image Reconstruction#
+For a real-valued image \(m(x,y)\), which of the following equation holds for its k-space data \(M(k_x,k_y)\)?
\(M(k_x,k_y) = M(-k_x,-k_y)\)
+\(M(k_x,k_y) = -M(-k_x,-k_y)\)
+\(\mathcal{Real}\{M(k_x,k_y)\} = \mathcal{Real}\{ M(-k_x,-k_y) \}\)
+\(\mathcal{Imag}\{M(k_x,k_y) \} = \mathcal{Imag}\{M(-k_x,-k_y) \}\)
(T/F) In MRI we only look at the magnitude images.
+(T/F) The center of k-space always contains the maximum signal.
+Image Characteristics (FOV and Resolution)#
+The field of view is inversely proportional to…
receiver BW (RBW)
+readout gradient strength (Gxr)
The field of view is directly proportional to…
receiver BW (RBW)
+readout gradient strength (Gxr)
(T/F) An anti-aliasing filter can be applied in the phase encoding direction.
+The resolution in frequency encoding direction ( \(\delta_x\) ) is equal to …
\( \frac{1}{W_{kx}} \)
+\( \frac{1}{\frac{\gamma}{2\pi} G_{xr} t_{read}} \)
+\( \frac{FOV_x}{N_{FE}} \)
+None of the above
+SNR can be increased by …
decreasing voxel size
+increasing total time
+increasing NEX
+Chemical shift displacement artifact is characterized by …
signal stretch and pile-up
+bright and dark bands
+Gibbs ringing
Susceptibility displacement artifact is characterized by …
signal stretch and pile-up
+bright and dark bands
+Gibbs ringing
Truncation artifacts can be reduced by …
improving resolution
+filtering in k-space
+increasing FOV
+increasing NEX
(T/F) Motion artifacts occur only along the phase-encoding direction.
+Fast Imaging Pulse Sequences#
+What does it mean to use a multiple spin echo pulse sequence?
multiple spin echoes are created following a single excitation pulse
+multiple k-space lines acquired sequentially
+multiple gradient-echo repetitions after a magnetization preparation pulse
+fully refocused gradients and no spoiling in every TR
What types of contrast can be created with a multiple spin echo pulse sequence?
proton density weighted
+T1 weighted
+T2 weighted
+T2* weighted
What are the limitations of multiple spin echo pulse sequences?
Chemical shift and susceptibility displacement artifacts
+T2 blurring artifacts
What does it mean to use echo planar imaging (EPI)?
multiple spin echoes are created following a single excitation pulse
+multiple k-space lines acquired sequentially
+multiple gradient-echo repetitions after a magnetization preparation pulse
+fully refocused gradients and no spoiling in every TR
What are the advantages of EPI?
Create additional T1, T2, and/or T2* contrast
+Rapidly acquire k-space
+Robust to motion
+Repeated refocusing of intravoxel dephasing
What are the artifacts associated with EPI?
Chemical shift displacement
+Distortion due to magnetic susceptibility differences
+T2* blurring
What does it mean to use balanced steady-state free-precession (bSSFP)?
multiple spin echoes are created following a single excitation pulse
+multiple k-space lines acquired sequentially
+multiple gradient-echo repetitions after a magnetization preparation pulse
+fully refocused gradients and no spoiling in every TR
Accelerated Imaging Methods#
+Match the acceleration methods
Partial Fourier
+Parallel Imaging
+Compressed Sensing
+Deep Learning
with the following concept they rely on:
conjugate symmetry in k-space
+spatial encoding from receive coil arrays
+a sparse representation of the image
+training on prior images to learn expected patterns
(T/R) Partial Fourier, parallel imaging, and compressed sensing or deep learning reconstructions can be used simultaneously.
+How is coil sensitivity information gathered for parallel imaging?
It is stored in a database on the scanner
+A separate scan to measure coil sensitivity maps
+Using fully-sampled data from the center of k-space
+Using fully-sampled data from outer k-space
What is the “g-factor” in parallel imaging?
How much faster scan can be performed
+Describes noise amplification
+Describes SNR loss
+Describes magnetic field gradients
Compared to the SNR a fully sampled acquistion (\(SNR_{full}\)), the SNR Of a parallel imaging acquisition (\(SNR_{PI}\)) with an acceleration factor, \(R\), and \(g\)-factor is
\(SNR_{PI} = SNR_{full}\)
+\(SNR_{PI} = SNR_{full} / \sqrt{R}\)
+\(SNR_{PI} = SNR_{full} / g(\vec{r}) \)
+\(SNR_{PI} = SNR_{full} / (g(\vec{r}) \sqrt{R})\)
(T/F) Parallel imaging undersampling can be performed in any direction, regardless of the RF coil configuration.
+Simultaneous multi-slice parallel imaging
enables acceleration in the slice direction
+requires no modifications to the pulse sequence
+requires RF pulses that excite multiple slices
+requires coil sensitivity information
What type of k-space sampling is required for compressed sensing?
full sampling
+equally spaced undersampling
+equally spaced undersampling with fully-sampled center of k-space
+pseudo-random undersampling
At least how many training datasets are typically required to develop deep learning MRI reconstruction methods?
Generalization problems can arise in deep learning MRI reconstruction methods when applied to situations that area different from the training data in which of the following ways:
different anatomy
+different contrasts
+different sampling patterns
+different B0
Which type of architecture is commonly used for physics-based deep learning MRI reconstruction networks?