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Automatic Differentiable Multipolar Polarizable (ADMP) force field calculator.

This module provides an auto-differentiable implementation of multipolar polarizable force fields, that resembles the behavior of MPID plugin of OpenMM. Supposedly, this module is developed for the following purposes:

  1. Achieving an easy calculation of force and virial of the multipolar polarizable forcefield.
  2. Allowing fluctuating (geometric-dependent) multipoles/polarizabilities in multipolar polarizable potentials.
  3. Allowing the calculation of derivatives of various force field parameters, thus achieving a more systematic and automatic parameter optimization scheme.

The module is based on JAX and JAX-MD projects.


In admp/, you can modify some global settings, including:

PRECISION: single or double precision

DO_JIT: whether do jit or not.

In admp/, you can also modify the DEFAULT_THOLE_WIDTH variable (You can directly set dmff.admp.pme.DEFAULT_THOLE_WIDTH in your code)


We provide a polarizable 1024 water box example in the water_fullpol folder:

cd ./examples/water_fullpol

if DO_JIT = True, then the first run would be a bit slow, since it tries to do the jit compilation. Further executions of get_forces or get_energy should be much faster.

Following this example, we will introduce the frontend and the backend of the ADMP module.


In the forcefield.xml file, you can find the frontends of two force field components:


The corresponding XML node is like:

 <ADMPDispForce mScale12="0.00" mScale13="0.00" mScale14="0.00" mScale15="1.00" mScale16="1.00">                        
   <Atom type="380" A="1203470.743" B="37.81265679" Q="-0.741706" C6="0.001383816" C8="7.27065e-05" C10="1.8076465e-6"/>
   <Atom type="381" A="83.2283563" B="37.78544799"  Q="0.370853" C6="5.7929e-05" C8="1.416624e-06" C10="2.26525e-08"/>  

It computes the following function:

$$ \displaylines{ E = \sum_{i<j} {A_{ij}\exp(-B_{ij}r) + \left(f_1(B_{ij}, r) - 1\right)\frac{q_i q_j}{r} -f_6(B_{ij}, r)\frac{C^6_{ij}}{r^6} - \frac{C^8_{ij}}{r^8} - \frac{C^{10}{ij}}{r^{10}}} \ A{ij} = \sqrt{A_i A_j} \ B_{ij} = \sqrt{B_i B_j} \ C_{ij}^6 = \sqrt{C_i^6 C_j^6} \ C_{ij}^8 = \sqrt{C_i^8 C_j^8} \ C_{ij}^{10} = \sqrt{C_i^{10} C_j^{10}} \ f_n(r, B) = 1 - e^{-B r}\sum_{k=0}^n {\frac{(B r)^k}{k!}} } $$

This is actually composed by two calculators: a long-range PME calculator to tackle the C6-10 dispersion interactions, and a short-range pairwise calculator to compute the short-range damping and the exponential repulsion. If you only needs the long-range part, you should use ADMPDispPmeForce.

We do support other forms of short-range damping and repulsive potentials, which is documented in the ADMP Frontend page in details.

The mScales1x attributes specify the nonbonding scaling factors applied on atom pairs that are topologically connected.

All input parameters are in nm and kJ/mol.


It compute the polarizable PME force.

The corresponding XML node is like:

<ADMPPmeForce lmax="2"                                                                                                         
     mScale12="0.00" mScale13="0.00" mScale14="0.00" mScale15="1.00" mScale16="1.00"                                            
     pScale12="0.00" pScale13="0.00" pScale14="0.00" pScale15="1.00" pScale16="1.00"                                            
     dScale12="1.00" dScale13="1.00" dScale14="1.00" dScale15="1.00" dScale16="1.00">                                           
   <Atom type="380" kz="381" kx="-381"                                                                                          
             dX="0.0" dY="0.0"  dZ="-0.00784325"                                                                                
             qXX="0.000366476" qXY="0.0" qYY="-0.000381799" qXZ="0.0" qYZ="0.0" qZZ="1.53231e-05"                               
   <Atom type="381" kz="380" kx="381"                                                                                           
             dX="-0.00121713" dY="0.0"  dZ="-0.00095895"                                                                        
             qXX="6.7161e-06" qXY="0.0" qYY="-3.37874e-05" qXZ="1.25905e-05" qYZ="0.0" qZZ="2.70713e-05"                        
   <Polarize type="380" polarizabilityXX="1.1249e-03" polarizabilityYY="1.1249e-03" polarizabilityZZ="1.1249e-03" thole="0.33"/>
   <Polarize type="381" polarizabilityXX="2.6906e-04" polarizabilityYY="2.6906e-04" polarizabilityZZ="2.6906e-04" thole="0.33"/>

In here, the mScales, pScales, and dScales are explained in the theory page. lmax specifies the highest order of multipoles (lmax=2 means up to quadrupole). All input parameters that follows are in nm and kJ/mol. Currently, we only support the isotropic polarizabilities, meaning the XX, YY, and ZZ components will be averaged.

The multipole moments are specified in local frames with Cartesian representations. One needs to be careful about the convention of the Cartesian tensor: in the frontend of ADMP, we adopt the openmm convention, the quadrupole value of which is 3 times smaller than the convention adopted in Anthony's book.

In, when creating the potential function, several key parameters are noted:

potentials = H.createPotential(pdb.topology, nonbondedCutoff=rc*angstrom, nonbondedMethod=CutoffPeriodic, ethresh=1e-4)
  • ethresh: this is the energy threshold for PME
  • rc: the cutoff distance. rc, ethresh, and box together, determine the $K_{max}$ and $\kappa$ (please see theory). Note that the rc variable in here is only used to determine the PME settings. The user has to make sure the rc value used in here is the same as the one used in neighbor list construction.
  • nonbondedMethod: Currently two methods are supported: CutoffPeriodic and PME (default). When CutoffPeriodic is used, PME is turned off by setting $\kappa=0$ and removing the reciprocal space contribution.


The backend of ADMP can be invoked independently without the frontend API, which is much more flexible. It can be utilized to implement fancy force fields with fluctuating atomic parameters. Note that all backend functions are assuming angstrom unit, instead of nm. This is different to the frontend!

The examples for backend are: examples/water_1024 and examples/water_pol_1024

There are mainly three calculators implemented in ADMP backend:


The ADMPPmeForce is initialized as:

pme_force = ADMPPmeForce(box, axis_type, axis_indices, covalent_map, rc, ethresh, lmax, lpol=True, lpme=True, steps_pol=None)

The inputs are:

  • box: the 3*3 box matrix. Vectors are arranged in rows, in angstrom.

  • axis_type: the axis type for the local frame definition for each atom:

ZThenX = 0            
Bisector = 1          
ZBisect = 2           
ThreeFold = 3         
ZOnly = 4
NoAxisType = 5        
LastAxisTypeIndex = 6 
  • axis_indices: indices for local axis definitions, see introduction to local frame in theory

  • covalent_map: a $N\times N$ ($N$ being the number of atoms) matrix of covalent spacings between atoms. $n$ means the two atoms are $n$ bonds away, and 0 means the two atoms are considered as not bonded topologically.

  • rc: cutoff distance in real space. Only used to determine the PME settings.

  • ethresh: energy threshold for PME.

  • lmax: max L for multipoles.

  • lpol: whether turn on polarization?

  • lpme: wether turn on PME?

  • steps_pol: specifies number of SCF steps when solving induced dipoles. If set to None, then the SCF iteration will stop when the field is less than dmff.admp.settings.POL_CONV. Otherwise, exact steps_pol number of iterations will be performed. This tag is important, and needs to be set if you want to jit the function externally.

Once the pme_force is initialized, the differentiable calculator can be called as:

# if lpol = False
E = pme_force.get_energy(positions, box, pairs, Q_local, pol, tholes, mScales, pScales, dScales, U_init=U)
# if lpol = True
E = pme_force.get_energy(positions, box, pairs, Q_local, mScales)

Important inputs include:

  • Q_local: spherical harmonic multipole moments in local frame (in Angstrom).

  • pol: polarizability for each atom

  • tholes: thole width for each atom

  • mScales, pScales, dScales: topological scaling factors

  • U_init: initial values for induced dipoles.


This force computes the long range dispersion interactions with C6, C8, and C10 terms. It is initialized and called as:

disp_force = ADMPDispPmeForce(box, covalent_map, rc, ethresh, pmax, lpme=True)
E = disp_force.get_energy(positions, box, pairs, c_list, mScales)

Most parameters are similar to the PME force, several other important parameters include:

  • pmax: maximum power of dispersion, usually 10.

  • c_list: the square root of dispersion coefficients. (N*3) array, that is, sqrt(C6), sqrt(C8), and sqrt(C10) of each atom.

Short-Range Pairwise Force

DMFF provides a simple approach to raise a distance-dependent pair interaction kernel into a many-body potential function. Suppose you want to implement a function looks like this:

$$ E = \sum_{ij} {f(r_{ij}; a_i, a_j, b_i, b_j, c_i, c_j)} $$

Where $a,b,c$ are atomic parameters.

Then you need to define a pairwise kernel looks like:

from jax import vmap, jit

def f_kernel(r, m, a_i, a_j, b_i, b_j, c_i, c_j):
    # do calculations, get E
    return E * m

f_kernel = vmap(jit(f_kernel))

Then raise it to a many-body potential for a particular system:

potential_fn = generate_pairwise_interaction(f_kernel, covalent_map)
# a_list, b_list, c_list are atomic parameter lists
E = potential_fn(positions, box, pairs, mScales, a_list, b_list, c_list)

The resulted potential_fn function will take care the following business for you:

  1. Topological scaling based on covalent_map and mScales;

  2. Assign parameters for each interacting pair;

We can use this to immplement short-range repulsion and short-range damping quite easily.