- The LArSoft fork of CMSbot is here
- The per repository configuration scripts are in the subdirectories of repos/LArSoft
- Using the larsoft cms-bot repo as an example:
- The categories.py file contains the manager info for the repo.
- The Level 1 manager is defined by the list CMSSW_L1
- The Level 2 manager(s) are defined by the keys in the dictionary CMSSW_L2 with the values being the package category. For larsoft repos this is the current repo.
- The list CMSSW_REPOS defines the current repo.
- The list EXTERNAL_REPOS defines which other repos can be used when coordinating pull requests.
- The repo_config.py file contains info used to configure and validate this repos webhooks and the Jenkins server info.
- GITHUB_WEBHOOK_TOKEN is the encoded secret that is used to validate the signature of GitHub webhook messages.
- The categories_map.py file maps category names to package directories. For larsoft repos the category name and repo name are the same.
- The releases.py file defines various variables used for release building. Only CMSSW_DEVEL_BRANCH is used for larsoft repos at this time.
- The groups.yaml file defines groups of GitHub user names. The group name can be used in place of a list.
- The category_watchers.yaml file defined GitHub user names of group names that would like to receive @ mentions when a PR in a category is created. For larsoft repos this in the repo name.
- The watchers.yaml file defines GitHub user names of group names that would like to receive @ mentions when a PR in directory is created. For larsoft repos this is the repo name.
- The super-users.yaml file defines GitHub user names to Github repo/group names that have extra privileges for CI jobs. For the larsoft repos, the LArSoft/core GitHub group is used and can address the group using @LArSoft/core mentions.
- The categories.py file contains the manager info for the repo.
The webhooks are controled by the *webhook jobs in the Jenkins Github Integration folder
These jobs configure the corresponding webhook.
These jobs then call the scipt that validates the user and checks the comment.
* Scripts used to set up labels for pull requests/issues and the set up web hooks for GitHub repo(s).
The scripts require the environment variable GITHUBTOKEN be set. This is a personal access token that has permissions to change the repo.
The FNALbuild personal access token can be used. It is saved in /web/sites/s/scd-ci.fnal.gov/data/FNALbuild-Github-personal-access-token
- Set using 'GITHUBTOKEN=$(cat FNALbuild-Github-personal-access-token)'
- add-externals-gh-labels.py This adds the labels of different colors to show the status of a pull request or issue.
- Invoke with add-externals-gh-labels.py —users
- create-github-hooks This adds the webhooks needed to trigger CI jobs.
- Invoke with create-github-hooks —users
The Jenkins job dispatch-github-webhook is triggered by the cgi-script. This triggers a chain of jobs that are started depending on the comments on the pull request.
To trigger the Jenkins job a CILogon cert is needed. At the moment a personal cert is used and is saved as
This was made by concatenating the public and private keys together with
'cat /web/sites/s/scd-ci.fnal.gov/data/usercert.pem /web/sites/s/scd-ci.fnal.gov/data/userkey.pem > /web/sites/s/scd-ci.fnal.gov/data/ci_cert.pem'
The jobs are organized into a Jenkins project folder. (Note, VPN is required to access items on buildmaster, plus you must have permission to view the material.)