Each release of LArSoft has a release page on SciSoft
The pull script, pullProducts, will pull any release of larsoft.
A link to this script, and any instructions particular to the release, will be found on the LArSoft release page.
Download pullProducts from SciSoft tools
chmod +x pullProducts
./pullProducts -h
-d Debug network operations for tarball downloads.
-f Force pull of tarball if it already exists.
-h This help.
-l Use a local manifest. This is for development, not for production.
-M Download manifest only.
-p Only check for existing products in product_topdir.
-r Remove tarballs after downloading and unwinding.
-s Stream tarballs instead of downloading (mutually incompatible with -r).
-V Print version and exit.
-S <spack_topdir> Top directory for spack buildcache installation
Must NOT be the same as product_topdir.
product_topdir Top directory for relocatable-UPS products area.
OS Supported os distributions:
bundle-spec Bundle name and version, e.g., art-v1_12_04
qual_set Some possible qualifier sets:
build-spec debug or prof
`./pullProducts [-f|-p|-S] <product_topdir> <OS> <bundle-spec>-<version> <qual_set> <build-spec>`
For instance:
./pullProducts /grid/fermiapp/products/larsoft slf6 larsoft-v04_08_00 s8-e7 prof
pullProducts will check to see if products are already installed in <product_topdir> and/or $PRODUCTS, and install only those products which are not already installed.
Notice that you do not need to run pullProducts in the product directory.
Tarballs for each product to be installed will be copied to the directory you are in when you run pullProducts.
Tensorflow requires a few spack packages. See the tensorflow v2_6_0 page for more.
- Note that installation of spack packages only needs to happen once. You can safely ignore -S once they are in place.
- Download instructions are linked from the release notes for the release of interest. LArSoft release list
- Full contents of LArSoft distribution directory