mix of pc stuff
#includes Playnite Addons:
Local PC Game Importer.
#Info: Make Folders on all drrives wo use "Games" "Repacks". e.g "D:\Games" "E:\Repacks"
Any Game in "Games" gets added as "isntalled" and all exe's get addeda as playactions any Repack in "Repacks" gets added as uninstalled but makes a "Install" action for the "Setup.exe" file in folder if in both "Repacks" & "Games" it gets added as Installed and adds a "Install" action if Game in "Games" has an "Unisntall.exe" itll make a "unsinstall" Action as well if game was uninstalled and then moved to a diffrent drive, itll update InstallDirUses:
Portable drive with Repacks or a SMB with Network drives set up also work fine. can also play games via smb but can cause slower boot ups/input delay (possible and worked well for me)
Keeps it easy to see what games are avalible localy
still work in progress Future:Exclusion list
using the real "Install" & "Uninstall" buttons
MAngement "copy" & "Move" to a diffrent drive that has enough storage space