From 4e4588959aea257a3aa5c8bde505c4dfd24b04d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chronolaw <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 12:58:35 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] tests(helpers): move client functions

 spec/helpers.lua         | 787 ++------------------------------------
 spec/internal/client.lua | 791 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 813 insertions(+), 765 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 spec/internal/client.lua

diff --git a/spec/helpers.lua b/spec/helpers.lua
index 03d651b57f3..ce3f5613e9f 100644
--- a/spec/helpers.lua
+++ b/spec/helpers.lua
@@ -6,14 +6,11 @@
 -- @module spec.helpers
-local pl_tablex = require "pl.tablex"
 local pl_utils = require "pl.utils"
 local pl_path = require "pl.path"
 local pl_file = require "pl.file"
 local pl_dir = require "pl.dir"
 local cjson = require ""
-local kong_table = require ""
-local http = require "resty.http"
 local log = require "kong.cmd.utils.log"
 local ssl = require "ngx.ssl"
 local ws_client = require "resty.websocket.client"
@@ -42,10 +39,11 @@ local asserts = reload_module("spec.internal.asserts") -- luacheck: ignore
 local pid = reload_module("")
 local cmd = reload_module("spec.internal.cmd")
 local server = reload_module("spec.internal.server")
+local client = reload_module("spec.internal.client")
-local exec = shell.exec
-local kong_exec = shell.kong_exec
+local proxy_client = client.proxy_client
+local admin_client = client.admin_client
 local get_available_port
@@ -76,747 +74,6 @@ do
--- Custom helpers
-local resty_http_proxy_mt = setmetatable({}, { __index = http })
-resty_http_proxy_mt.__index = resty_http_proxy_mt
---- Check if a request can be retried in the case of a closed connection
--- For now this is limited to "safe" methods as defined by:
--- XXX Since this strictly applies to closed connections, it might be okay to
--- open this up to include idempotent methods like PUT and DELETE if we do
--- some more testing first
-local function can_reopen(method)
-  method = string.upper(method or "GET")
-  return method == "GET"
-      or method == "HEAD"
-      or method == "OPTIONS"
-      or method == "TRACE"
---- http_client.
--- An http-client class to perform requests.
--- * Based on [lua-resty-http]( but
--- with some modifications
--- * Additional convenience methods will be injected for the following methods;
--- "get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete". Each of these methods comes with a
--- built-in assert. The signature of the functions is `client:get(path, opts)`.
--- * Body will be formatted according to the "Content-Type" header, see `http_client:send`.
--- * Query parameters will be added, see `http_client:send`.
--- @section http_client
--- @usage
--- -- example usage of the client
--- local client = helpers.proxy_client()
--- -- no need to check for `nil+err` since it is already wrapped in an assert
--- local opts = {
---   headers = {
---     ["My-Header"] = "my header value"
---   }
--- }
--- local result = client:get("/services/foo", opts)
--- -- the 'get' is wrapped in an assert, so again no need to check for `nil+err`
---- Send a http request.
--- Based on [lua-resty-http](
--- * If `opts.body` is a table and "Content-Type" header contains
--- `application/json`, `www-form-urlencoded`, or `multipart/form-data`, then it
--- will automatically encode the body according to the content type.
--- * If `opts.query` is a table, a query string will be constructed from it and
--- appended to the request path (assuming none is already present).
--- * instead of this generic function there are also shortcut functions available
--- for every method, eg. `client:get`, `client:post`, etc. See `http_client`.
--- @function http_client:send
--- @param opts table with options. See [lua-resty-http](
-function resty_http_proxy_mt:send(opts, is_reopen)
-  local cjson = require "cjson"
-  local encode_args = require("").encode_args
-  opts = opts or {}
-  -- build body
-  local headers = opts.headers or {}
-  local content_type, content_type_name = misc.lookup(headers, "Content-Type")
-  content_type = content_type or ""
-  local t_body_table = type(opts.body) == "table"
-  if string.find(content_type, "application/json") and t_body_table then
-    opts.body = cjson.encode(opts.body)
-  elseif string.find(content_type, "www-form-urlencoded", nil, true) and t_body_table then
-    opts.body = encode_args(opts.body, true, opts.no_array_indexes)
-  elseif string.find(content_type, "multipart/form-data", nil, true) and t_body_table then
-    local form = opts.body
-    local boundary = "8fd84e9444e3946c"
-    local body = ""
-    for k, v in pairs(form) do
-      body = body .. "--" .. boundary .. "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" .. k .. "\"\r\n\r\n" .. tostring(v) .. "\r\n"
-    end
-    if body ~= "" then
-      body = body .. "--" .. boundary .. "--\r\n"
-    end
-    local clength = misc.lookup(headers, "content-length")
-    if not clength and not opts.dont_add_content_length then
-      headers["content-length"] = #body
-    end
-    if not content_type:find("boundary=") then
-      headers[content_type_name] = content_type .. "; boundary=" .. boundary
-    end
-    opts.body = body
-  end
-  -- build querystring (assumes none is currently in 'opts.path')
-  if type(opts.query) == "table" then
-    local qs = encode_args(opts.query)
-    opts.path = opts.path .. "?" .. qs
-    opts.query = nil
-  end
-  local res, err = self:request(opts)
-  if res then
-    -- wrap the read_body() so it caches the result and can be called multiple
-    -- times
-    local reader = res.read_body
-    res.read_body = function(self)
-      if not self._cached_body and not self._cached_error then
-        self._cached_body, self._cached_error = reader(self)
-      end
-      return self._cached_body, self._cached_error
-    end
-  elseif (err == "closed" or err == "connection reset by peer")
-     and not is_reopen
-     and self.reopen
-     and can_reopen(opts.method)
-  then
-    ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "Re-opening connection to ", self.options.scheme, "://",
-            , ":", self.options.port)
-    self:_connect()
-    return self:send(opts, true)
-  end
-  return res, err
---- Open or re-open the client TCP connection
-function resty_http_proxy_mt:_connect()
-  local opts = self.options
-    opts.connect_timeout = CONSTANTS.TEST_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT * 1000
-    opts.send_timeout    = CONSTANTS.TEST_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT * 1000
-    opts.read_timeout    = CONSTANTS.TEST_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT * 1000
-  end
-  local _, err = self:connect(opts)
-  if err then
-    error("Could not connect to " ..
-          ( or "unknown") .. ":" .. (opts.port or "unknown") ..
-          ": " .. err)
-  end
-  if opts.connect_timeout and
-     opts.send_timeout    and
-     opts.read_timeout
-  then
-    self:set_timeouts(opts.connect_timeout, opts.send_timeout, opts.read_timeout)
-  else
-    self:set_timeout(opts.timeout or 10000)
-  end
--- Implements http_client:get("path", [options]), as well as post, put, etc.
--- These methods are equivalent to calling http_client:send, but are shorter
--- They also come with a built-in assert
-for _, method_name in ipairs({"get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete", "head", "options"}) do
-  resty_http_proxy_mt[method_name] = function(self, path, options)
-    local full_options = kong.table.merge({ method = method_name:upper(), path = path}, options)
-    return assert(self:send(full_options))
-  end
---- Creates a http client from options.
--- Instead of using this client, you'll probably want to use the pre-configured
--- clients available as `proxy_client`, `admin_client`, etc. because these come
--- pre-configured and connected to the underlying Kong test instance.
--- @function http_client_opts
--- @param options connection and other options
--- @return http client
--- @see http_client:send
--- @see proxy_client
--- @see proxy_ssl_client
--- @see admin_client
--- @see admin_ssl_client
-local function http_client_opts(options)
-  if not options.scheme then
-    options = kong_table.cycle_aware_deep_copy(options)
-    options.scheme = "http"
-    if options.port == 443 then
-      options.scheme = "https"
-    else
-      options.scheme = "http"
-    end
-  end
-  local self = setmetatable(assert(, resty_http_proxy_mt)
-  self.options = options
-  if options.reopen ~= nil then
-    self.reopen = options.reopen
-  end
-  self:_connect()
-  return self
---- Creates a http client.
--- Instead of using this client, you'll probably want to use the pre-configured
--- clients available as `proxy_client`, `admin_client`, etc. because these come
--- pre-configured and connected to the underlying Kong test instance.
--- @function http_client
--- @param host hostname to connect to
--- @param port port to connect to
--- @param timeout in seconds
--- @return http client
--- @see http_client:send
--- @see proxy_client
--- @see proxy_ssl_client
--- @see admin_client
--- @see admin_ssl_client
-local function http_client(host, port, timeout)
-  if type(host) == "table" then
-    return http_client_opts(host)
-  end
-  end
-  return http_client_opts({
-    host = host,
-    port = port,
-    timeout = timeout,
-  })
---- Returns the proxy port.
--- @function get_proxy_port
--- @param ssl (boolean) if `true` returns the ssl port
--- @param http2 (boolean) if `true` returns the http2 port
-local function get_proxy_port(ssl, http2)
-  if ssl == nil then ssl = false end
-  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.proxy_listeners) do
-    if entry.ssl == ssl and (http2 == nil or entry.http2 == http2) then
-      return entry.port
-    end
-  end
-  error("No proxy port found for ssl=" .. tostring(ssl), 2)
---- Returns the proxy ip.
--- @function get_proxy_ip
--- @param ssl (boolean) if `true` returns the ssl ip address
--- @param http2 (boolean) if `true` returns the http2 ip address
-local function get_proxy_ip(ssl, http2)
-  if ssl == nil then ssl = false end
-  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.proxy_listeners) do
-    if entry.ssl == ssl and (http2 == nil or entry.http2 == http2) then
-      return entry.ip
-    end
-  end
-  error("No proxy ip found for ssl=" .. tostring(ssl), 2)
---- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong proxy port.
--- @function proxy_client
--- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
--- @param forced_port (optional, number) if provided will override the port in
--- the Kong configuration with this port
-local function proxy_client(timeout, forced_port, forced_ip)
-  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(false)
-  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(false)
-  assert(proxy_ip, "No http-proxy found in the configuration")
-  return http_client_opts({
-    scheme = "http",
-    host = forced_ip or proxy_ip,
-    port = forced_port or proxy_port,
-    timeout = timeout or 60000,
-  })
---- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong SSL proxy port.
--- @function proxy_ssl_client
--- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
--- @param sni (optional, string) the sni to use
-local function proxy_ssl_client(timeout, sni)
-  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(true, true)
-  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(true, true)
-  assert(proxy_ip, "No https-proxy found in the configuration")
-  local client = http_client_opts({
-    scheme = "https",
-    host = proxy_ip,
-    port = proxy_port,
-    timeout = timeout or 60000,
-    ssl_verify = false,
-    ssl_server_name = sni,
-  })
-    return client
---- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong admin port.
--- @function admin_client
--- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
--- @param forced_port (optional, number) if provided will override the port in
--- the Kong configuration with this port
-local function admin_client(timeout, forced_port)
-  local admin_ip, admin_port
-  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.admin_listeners) do
-    if entry.ssl == false then
-      admin_ip = entry.ip
-      admin_port = entry.port
-    end
-  end
-  assert(admin_ip, "No http-admin found in the configuration")
-  return http_client_opts({
-    scheme = "http",
-    host = admin_ip,
-    port = forced_port or admin_port,
-    timeout = timeout or 60000,
-    reopen = true,
-  })
---- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong admin SSL port.
--- @function admin_ssl_client
--- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
-local function admin_ssl_client(timeout)
-  end
-  local admin_ip, admin_port
-  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.proxy_listeners) do
-    if entry.ssl == true then
-      admin_ip = entry.ip
-      admin_port = entry.port
-    end
-  end
-  assert(admin_ip, "No https-admin found in the configuration")
-  local client = http_client_opts({
-    scheme = "https",
-    host = admin_ip,
-    port = admin_port,
-    timeout = timeout or 60000,
-    reopen = true,
-  })
-  return client
---- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong Admin GUI.
--- @function admin_gui_client
--- @tparam[opt=60000] number timeout the timeout to use
--- @tparam[opt] number forced_port if provided will override the port in
--- the Kong configuration with this port
--- @return http-client, see `spec.helpers.http_client`.
-local function admin_gui_client(timeout, forced_port)
-  local admin_ip = ""
-  local admin_port
-  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.admin_gui_listeners) do
-    if entry.ssl == false then
-      admin_ip = entry.ip
-      admin_port = entry.port
-    end
-  end
-  admin_port = forced_port or admin_port
-  assert(admin_port, "No http-admin found in the configuration")
-  return http_client_opts({
-    scheme = "http",
-    host = admin_ip,
-    port = admin_port,
-    timeout = timeout or 60000,
-    reopen = true,
-  })
---- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong admin GUI SSL port.
--- @function admin_gui_ssl_client
--- @tparam[opt=60000] number timeout the timeout to use
--- @tparam[opt] number forced_port if provided will override the port in
--- the Kong configuration with this port
--- @return http-client, see `spec.helpers.http_client`.
-local function admin_gui_ssl_client(timeout, forced_port)
-  local admin_ip = ""
-  local admin_port
-  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.admin_gui_listeners) do
-    if entry.ssl == true then
-      admin_ip = entry.ip
-      admin_port = entry.port
-    end
-  end
-  admin_port = forced_port or admin_port
-  assert(admin_port, "No https-admin found in the configuration")
-  return http_client_opts({
-    scheme = "https",
-    host = admin_ip,
-    port = admin_port,
-    timeout = timeout or 60000,
-    reopen = true,
-  })
--- HTTP2 and GRPC clients
--- @section Shell-helpers
--- Generate grpcurl flags from a table of `flag-value`. If `value` is not a
--- string, value is ignored and `flag` is passed as is.
-local function gen_grpcurl_opts(opts_t)
-  local opts_l = {}
-  for opt, val in pairs(opts_t) do
-    if val ~= false then
-      opts_l[#opts_l + 1] = opt .. " " .. (type(val) == "string" and val or "")
-    end
-  end
-  return table.concat(opts_l, " ")
---- Creates an HTTP/2 client using golang's http2 package.
---- Sets `KONG_TEST_DEBUG_HTTP2=1` env var to print debug messages.
--- @function http2_client
--- @param host hostname to connect to
--- @param port port to connect to
-local function http2_client(host, port, tls)
-  local port = assert(port)
-  tls = tls or false
-  -- Note: set `GODEBUG=http2debug=1` is helpful if you are debugging this go program
-  local tool_path = "bin/h2client"
-  local http2_debug
-  -- note: set env var "KONG_TEST_DEBUG_HTTP2" !! the "_TEST" will be dropped
-  if os.getenv("KONG_DEBUG_HTTP2") then
-    http2_debug = true
-    tool_path = "GODEBUG=http2debug=1 bin/h2client"
-  end
-  local meta = {}
-  meta.__call = function(_, opts)
-    local headers = opts and opts.headers
-    local timeout = opts and opts.timeout
-    local body = opts and opts.body
-    local path = opts and opts.path or ""
-    local http1 = opts and opts.http_version == "HTTP/1.1"
-    local url = (tls and "https" or "http") .. "://" .. host .. ":" .. port .. path
-    local cmd = string.format("%s -url %s -skip-verify", tool_path, url)
-    if headers then
-      local h = {}
-      for k, v in pairs(headers) do
-        table.insert(h, string.format("%s=%s", k, v))
-      end
-      cmd = cmd .. " -headers " .. table.concat(h, ",")
-    end
-    if timeout then
-      cmd = cmd .. " -timeout " .. timeout
-    end
-    if http1 then
-      cmd = cmd .. " -http1"
-    end
- does not support '<'
-    if body then
-      cmd = cmd .. " -post"
-    end
-    if http2_debug then
-      print("HTTP/2 cmd:\n" .. cmd)
-    end
-    --100MB for retrieving stdout & stderr
-    local ok, stdout, stderr =, body, 0, 1024*1024*100)
-    assert(ok, stderr)
-    if http2_debug then
-      print("HTTP/2 debug:\n")
-      print(stderr)
-    end
-    local stdout_decoded = cjson.decode(stdout)
-    if not stdout_decoded then
-      error("Failed to decode h2client output: " .. stdout)
-    end
-    local headers = stdout_decoded.headers
-    headers.get = function(_, key)
-      if string.sub(key, 1, 1) == ":" then
-        key = string.sub(key, 2)
-      end
-      return headers[key]
-    end
-    setmetatable(headers, {
-      __index = function(headers, key)
-        for k, v in pairs(headers) do
-          if key:lower() == k:lower() then
-            return v
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    })
-    return stdout_decoded.body, headers
-  end
-  return setmetatable({}, meta)
---- returns a pre-configured cleartext `http2_client` for the Kong proxy port.
--- @function proxy_client_h2c
--- @return http2 client
-local function proxy_client_h2c()
-  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(false, true)
-  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(false, true)
-  assert(proxy_ip, "No http-proxy found in the configuration")
-  return http2_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port)
---- returns a pre-configured TLS `http2_client` for the Kong SSL proxy port.
--- @function proxy_client_h2
--- @return http2 client
-local function proxy_client_h2()
-  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(true, true)
-  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(true, true)
-  assert(proxy_ip, "No https-proxy found in the configuration")
-  return http2_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port, true)
---- Creates a gRPC client, based on the grpcurl CLI.
--- @function grpc_client
--- @param host hostname to connect to
--- @param port port to connect to
--- @param opts table with options supported by grpcurl
--- @return grpc client
-local function grpc_client(host, port, opts)
-  local host = assert(host)
-  local port = assert(tostring(port))
-  opts = opts or {}
-  if not opts["-proto"] then
-  end
-  return setmetatable({
-    opts = opts,
-    cmd_template = string.format("bin/grpcurl %%s %s:%s %%s", host, port)
-  }, {
-    __call = function(t, args)
-      local service = assert(args.service)
-      local body = args.body
-      local arg_opts = args.opts or {}
-      local t_body = type(body)
-      if t_body ~= "nil" then
-        if t_body == "table" then
-          body = cjson.encode(body)
-        end
-        arg_opts["-d"] = string.format("'%s'", body)
-      end
-      local cmd_opts = gen_grpcurl_opts(pl_tablex.merge(t.opts, arg_opts, true))
-      local cmd = string.format(t.cmd_template, cmd_opts, service)
-      local ok, _, out, err = exec(cmd, true)
-      if ok then
-        return ok, ("%s%s"):format(out or "", err or "")
-      else
-        return nil, ("%s%s"):format(out or "", err or "")
-      end
-    end
-  })
---- returns a pre-configured `grpc_client` for the Kong proxy port.
--- @function proxy_client_grpc
--- @param host hostname to connect to
--- @param port port to connect to
--- @return grpc client
-local function proxy_client_grpc(host, port)
-  local proxy_ip = host or get_proxy_ip(false, true)
-  local proxy_port = port or get_proxy_port(false, true)
-  assert(proxy_ip, "No http-proxy found in the configuration")
-  return grpc_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port, {["-plaintext"] = true})
---- returns a pre-configured `grpc_client` for the Kong SSL proxy port.
--- @function proxy_client_grpcs
--- @param host hostname to connect to
--- @param port port to connect to
--- @return grpc client
-local function proxy_client_grpcs(host, port)
-  local proxy_ip = host or get_proxy_ip(true, true)
-  local proxy_port = port or get_proxy_port(true, true)
-  assert(proxy_ip, "No https-proxy found in the configuration")
-  return grpc_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port, {["-insecure"] = true})
--- Reconfiguration completion detection helpers
-local MAX_RETRY_TIME = 10
---- Set up admin client and proxy client to so that interactions with the proxy client
--- wait for preceding admin API client changes to have completed.
--- @function make_synchronized_clients
--- @param clients table with admin_client and proxy_client fields (both optional)
--- @return admin_client, proxy_client
-local function make_synchronized_clients(clients)
-  clients = clients or {}
-  local synchronized_proxy_client = clients.proxy_client or proxy_client()
-  local synchronized_admin_client = clients.admin_client or admin_client()
-  -- Install the reconfiguration completion detection plugin
-  local res = synchronized_admin_client:post("/plugins", {
-    headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" },
-    body = {
-      name = "reconfiguration-completion",
-      config = {
-        version = "0",
-      }
-    },
-  })
-  local body = luassert.res_status(201, res)
-  local plugin = cjson.decode(body)
-  local plugin_id =
-  -- Wait until the plugin is active on the proxy path, indicated by the presence of the X-Kong-Reconfiguration-Status header
-  luassert.eventually(function()
-    res = synchronized_proxy_client:get("/non-existent-proxy-path")
-    luassert.res_status(404, res)
-    luassert.equals("unknown", res.headers['x-kong-reconfiguration-status'])
-  end)
-          .has_no_error()
-  -- Save the original request functions for the admin and proxy client
-  local proxy_request = synchronized_proxy_client.request
-  local admin_request = synchronized_admin_client.request
-  local current_version = 0 -- incremented whenever a configuration change is made through the admin API
-  local last_configured_version = 0 -- current version of the reconfiguration-completion plugin's configuration
-  -- Wrap the admin API client request
-  function synchronized_admin_client.request(client, opts)
-    -- Whenever the configuration is changed through the admin API, increment the current version number
-    if opts.method == "POST" or opts.method == "PUT" or opts.method == "PATCH" or opts.method == "DELETE" then
-      current_version = current_version + 1
-    end
-    return admin_request(client, opts)
-  end
-  function synchronized_admin_client.synchronize_sibling(self, sibling)
-    sibling.request = self.request
-  end
-  -- Wrap the proxy client request
-  function synchronized_proxy_client.request(client, opts)
-    -- If the configuration has been changed through the admin API, update the version number in the
-    -- reconfiguration-completion plugin.
-    if current_version > last_configured_version then
-      last_configured_version = current_version
-      res = admin_request(synchronized_admin_client, {
-        method = "PATCH",
-        path = "/plugins/" .. plugin_id,
-        headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" },
-        body = cjson.encode({
-          config = {
-            version = tostring(current_version),
-          }
-        }),
-      })
-      luassert.res_status(200, res)
-    end
-    -- Retry the request until the reconfiguration is complete and the reconfiguration completion
-    -- plugin on the database has been updated to the current version.
-    if not opts.headers then
-      opts.headers = {}
-    end
-    opts.headers["If-Kong-Configuration-Version"] = tostring(current_version)
-    local retry_until = + MAX_RETRY_TIME
-    local err
-    :: retry ::
-    res, err = proxy_request(client, opts)
-    if err then
-      return res, err
-    end
-    if res.headers['x-kong-reconfiguration-status'] ~= "complete" then
-      res:read_body()
-      ngx.sleep(res.headers['retry-after'] or 1)
-      if < retry_until then
-        goto retry
-      end
-      return nil, "reconfiguration did not occur within " .. MAX_RETRY_TIME .. " seconds"
-    end
-    return res, err
-  end
-  function synchronized_proxy_client.synchronize_sibling(self, sibling)
-    sibling.request = self.request
-  end
-  return synchronized_proxy_client, synchronized_admin_client
 -- Custom assertions
@@ -1437,7 +694,7 @@ end
 --- Reload Kong and wait all workers are restarted.
 local function reload_kong(strategy, ...)
   local workers = get_kong_workers()
-  local ok, err = kong_exec(...)
+  local ok, err = shell.kong_exec(...)
   if ok then
     wait_until_no_common_workers(workers, 1, strategy)
@@ -1611,15 +868,15 @@ end
   old_version_kong_path = CONSTANTS.OLD_VERSION_KONG_PATH,
   -- Kong testing helpers
-  execute = exec,
+  execute = shell.exec,
   dns_mock = dns_mock,
-  kong_exec = kong_exec,
+  kong_exec = shell.kong_exec,
   get_version = cmd.get_version,
   get_running_conf = cmd.get_running_conf,
-  http_client = http_client,
-  grpc_client = grpc_client,
-  http2_client = http2_client,
-  make_synchronized_clients = make_synchronized_clients,
+  http_client = client.http_client,
+  grpc_client = client.grpc_client,
+  http2_client = client.http2_client,
+  make_synchronized_clients = client.make_synchronized_clients,
   wait_until = wait_until,
   pwait_until = pwait_until,
   wait_pid = pid.wait_pid,
@@ -1634,18 +891,18 @@ end
   echo_server_reset = server.echo_server_reset,
   get_echo_server_received_data = server.get_echo_server_received_data,
   http_mock = server.http_mock,
-  get_proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip,
-  get_proxy_port = get_proxy_port,
-  proxy_client = proxy_client,
-  proxy_client_grpc = proxy_client_grpc,
-  proxy_client_grpcs = proxy_client_grpcs,
-  proxy_client_h2c = proxy_client_h2c,
-  proxy_client_h2 = proxy_client_h2,
-  admin_client = admin_client,
-  admin_gui_client = admin_gui_client,
-  proxy_ssl_client = proxy_ssl_client,
-  admin_ssl_client = admin_ssl_client,
-  admin_gui_ssl_client = admin_gui_ssl_client,
+  get_proxy_ip = client.get_proxy_ip,
+  get_proxy_port = client.get_proxy_port,
+  proxy_client = client.proxy_client,
+  proxy_client_grpc = client.proxy_client_grpc,
+  proxy_client_grpcs = client.proxy_client_grpcs,
+  proxy_client_h2c = client.proxy_client_h2c,
+  proxy_client_h2 = client.proxy_client_h2,
+  admin_client = client.admin_client,
+  admin_gui_client = client.admin_gui_client,
+  proxy_ssl_client = client.proxy_ssl_client,
+  admin_ssl_client = client.admin_ssl_client,
+  admin_gui_ssl_client = client.admin_gui_ssl_client,
   prepare_prefix = cmd.prepare_prefix,
   clean_prefix = cmd.clean_prefix,
   clean_logfile = cmd.clean_logfile,
diff --git a/spec/internal/client.lua b/spec/internal/client.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b1aa5e45dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/internal/client.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+-- Collection of utilities to help testing Kong features and plugins.
+-- @copyright Copyright 2016-2022 Kong Inc. All rights reserved.
+-- @license [Apache 2.0](
+-- @module spec.helpers
+local cjson = require("")
+local http = require("resty.http")
+local pl_tablex = require("pl.tablex")
+local luassert = require("luassert.assert")
+local kong_table = require("")
+local CONSTANTS = require("spec.internal.constants")
+local conf = require("spec.internal.conf")
+local shell = require("")
+local misc = require("spec.internal.misc")
+local asserts = require("spec.internal.asserts") -- luacheck: ignore
+-- Custom helpers
+local resty_http_proxy_mt = setmetatable({}, { __index = http })
+resty_http_proxy_mt.__index = resty_http_proxy_mt
+--- Check if a request can be retried in the case of a closed connection
+-- For now this is limited to "safe" methods as defined by:
+-- XXX Since this strictly applies to closed connections, it might be okay to
+-- open this up to include idempotent methods like PUT and DELETE if we do
+-- some more testing first
+local function can_reopen(method)
+  method = string.upper(method or "GET")
+  return method == "GET"
+      or method == "HEAD"
+      or method == "OPTIONS"
+      or method == "TRACE"
+--- http_client.
+-- An http-client class to perform requests.
+-- * Based on [lua-resty-http]( but
+-- with some modifications
+-- * Additional convenience methods will be injected for the following methods;
+-- "get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete". Each of these methods comes with a
+-- built-in assert. The signature of the functions is `client:get(path, opts)`.
+-- * Body will be formatted according to the "Content-Type" header, see `http_client:send`.
+-- * Query parameters will be added, see `http_client:send`.
+-- @section http_client
+-- @usage
+-- -- example usage of the client
+-- local client = helpers.proxy_client()
+-- -- no need to check for `nil+err` since it is already wrapped in an assert
+-- local opts = {
+--   headers = {
+--     ["My-Header"] = "my header value"
+--   }
+-- }
+-- local result = client:get("/services/foo", opts)
+-- -- the 'get' is wrapped in an assert, so again no need to check for `nil+err`
+--- Send a http request.
+-- Based on [lua-resty-http](
+-- * If `opts.body` is a table and "Content-Type" header contains
+-- `application/json`, `www-form-urlencoded`, or `multipart/form-data`, then it
+-- will automatically encode the body according to the content type.
+-- * If `opts.query` is a table, a query string will be constructed from it and
+-- appended to the request path (assuming none is already present).
+-- * instead of this generic function there are also shortcut functions available
+-- for every method, eg. `client:get`, `client:post`, etc. See `http_client`.
+-- @function http_client:send
+-- @param opts table with options. See [lua-resty-http](
+function resty_http_proxy_mt:send(opts, is_reopen)
+  local cjson = require "cjson"
+  local encode_args = require("").encode_args
+  opts = opts or {}
+  -- build body
+  local headers = opts.headers or {}
+  local content_type, content_type_name = misc.lookup(headers, "Content-Type")
+  content_type = content_type or ""
+  local t_body_table = type(opts.body) == "table"
+  if string.find(content_type, "application/json") and t_body_table then
+    opts.body = cjson.encode(opts.body)
+  elseif string.find(content_type, "www-form-urlencoded", nil, true) and t_body_table then
+    opts.body = encode_args(opts.body, true, opts.no_array_indexes)
+  elseif string.find(content_type, "multipart/form-data", nil, true) and t_body_table then
+    local form = opts.body
+    local boundary = "8fd84e9444e3946c"
+    local body = ""
+    for k, v in pairs(form) do
+      body = body .. "--" .. boundary .. "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" .. k .. "\"\r\n\r\n" .. tostring(v) .. "\r\n"
+    end
+    if body ~= "" then
+      body = body .. "--" .. boundary .. "--\r\n"
+    end
+    local clength = misc.lookup(headers, "content-length")
+    if not clength and not opts.dont_add_content_length then
+      headers["content-length"] = #body
+    end
+    if not content_type:find("boundary=") then
+      headers[content_type_name] = content_type .. "; boundary=" .. boundary
+    end
+    opts.body = body
+  end
+  -- build querystring (assumes none is currently in 'opts.path')
+  if type(opts.query) == "table" then
+    local qs = encode_args(opts.query)
+    opts.path = opts.path .. "?" .. qs
+    opts.query = nil
+  end
+  local res, err = self:request(opts)
+  if res then
+    -- wrap the read_body() so it caches the result and can be called multiple
+    -- times
+    local reader = res.read_body
+    res.read_body = function(self)
+      if not self._cached_body and not self._cached_error then
+        self._cached_body, self._cached_error = reader(self)
+      end
+      return self._cached_body, self._cached_error
+    end
+  elseif (err == "closed" or err == "connection reset by peer")
+     and not is_reopen
+     and self.reopen
+     and can_reopen(opts.method)
+  then
+    ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "Re-opening connection to ", self.options.scheme, "://",
+            , ":", self.options.port)
+    self:_connect()
+    return self:send(opts, true)
+  end
+  return res, err
+--- Open or re-open the client TCP connection
+function resty_http_proxy_mt:_connect()
+  local opts = self.options
+    opts.connect_timeout = CONSTANTS.TEST_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT * 1000
+    opts.send_timeout    = CONSTANTS.TEST_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT * 1000
+    opts.read_timeout    = CONSTANTS.TEST_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT * 1000
+  end
+  local _, err = self:connect(opts)
+  if err then
+    error("Could not connect to " ..
+          ( or "unknown") .. ":" .. (opts.port or "unknown") ..
+          ": " .. err)
+  end
+  if opts.connect_timeout and
+     opts.send_timeout    and
+     opts.read_timeout
+  then
+    self:set_timeouts(opts.connect_timeout, opts.send_timeout, opts.read_timeout)
+  else
+    self:set_timeout(opts.timeout or 10000)
+  end
+-- Implements http_client:get("path", [options]), as well as post, put, etc.
+-- These methods are equivalent to calling http_client:send, but are shorter
+-- They also come with a built-in assert
+for _, method_name in ipairs({"get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete", "head", "options"}) do
+  resty_http_proxy_mt[method_name] = function(self, path, options)
+    local full_options = kong.table.merge({ method = method_name:upper(), path = path}, options)
+    return assert(self:send(full_options))
+  end
+--- Creates a http client from options.
+-- Instead of using this client, you'll probably want to use the pre-configured
+-- clients available as `proxy_client`, `admin_client`, etc. because these come
+-- pre-configured and connected to the underlying Kong test instance.
+-- @function http_client_opts
+-- @param options connection and other options
+-- @return http client
+-- @see http_client:send
+-- @see proxy_client
+-- @see proxy_ssl_client
+-- @see admin_client
+-- @see admin_ssl_client
+local function http_client_opts(options)
+  if not options.scheme then
+    options = kong_table.cycle_aware_deep_copy(options)
+    options.scheme = "http"
+    if options.port == 443 then
+      options.scheme = "https"
+    else
+      options.scheme = "http"
+    end
+  end
+  local self = setmetatable(assert(, resty_http_proxy_mt)
+  self.options = options
+  if options.reopen ~= nil then
+    self.reopen = options.reopen
+  end
+  self:_connect()
+  return self
+--- Creates a http client.
+-- Instead of using this client, you'll probably want to use the pre-configured
+-- clients available as `proxy_client`, `admin_client`, etc. because these come
+-- pre-configured and connected to the underlying Kong test instance.
+-- @function http_client
+-- @param host hostname to connect to
+-- @param port port to connect to
+-- @param timeout in seconds
+-- @return http client
+-- @see http_client:send
+-- @see proxy_client
+-- @see proxy_ssl_client
+-- @see admin_client
+-- @see admin_ssl_client
+local function http_client(host, port, timeout)
+  if type(host) == "table" then
+    return http_client_opts(host)
+  end
+  end
+  return http_client_opts({
+    host = host,
+    port = port,
+    timeout = timeout,
+  })
+--- Returns the proxy port.
+-- @function get_proxy_port
+-- @param ssl (boolean) if `true` returns the ssl port
+-- @param http2 (boolean) if `true` returns the http2 port
+local function get_proxy_port(ssl, http2)
+  if ssl == nil then ssl = false end
+  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.proxy_listeners) do
+    if entry.ssl == ssl and (http2 == nil or entry.http2 == http2) then
+      return entry.port
+    end
+  end
+  error("No proxy port found for ssl=" .. tostring(ssl), 2)
+--- Returns the proxy ip.
+-- @function get_proxy_ip
+-- @param ssl (boolean) if `true` returns the ssl ip address
+-- @param http2 (boolean) if `true` returns the http2 ip address
+local function get_proxy_ip(ssl, http2)
+  if ssl == nil then ssl = false end
+  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.proxy_listeners) do
+    if entry.ssl == ssl and (http2 == nil or entry.http2 == http2) then
+      return entry.ip
+    end
+  end
+  error("No proxy ip found for ssl=" .. tostring(ssl), 2)
+--- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong proxy port.
+-- @function proxy_client
+-- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
+-- @param forced_port (optional, number) if provided will override the port in
+-- the Kong configuration with this port
+local function proxy_client(timeout, forced_port, forced_ip)
+  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(false)
+  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(false)
+  assert(proxy_ip, "No http-proxy found in the configuration")
+  return http_client_opts({
+    scheme = "http",
+    host = forced_ip or proxy_ip,
+    port = forced_port or proxy_port,
+    timeout = timeout or 60000,
+  })
+--- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong SSL proxy port.
+-- @function proxy_ssl_client
+-- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
+-- @param sni (optional, string) the sni to use
+local function proxy_ssl_client(timeout, sni)
+  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(true, true)
+  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(true, true)
+  assert(proxy_ip, "No https-proxy found in the configuration")
+  local client = http_client_opts({
+    scheme = "https",
+    host = proxy_ip,
+    port = proxy_port,
+    timeout = timeout or 60000,
+    ssl_verify = false,
+    ssl_server_name = sni,
+  })
+    return client
+--- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong admin port.
+-- @function admin_client
+-- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
+-- @param forced_port (optional, number) if provided will override the port in
+-- the Kong configuration with this port
+local function admin_client(timeout, forced_port)
+  local admin_ip, admin_port
+  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.admin_listeners) do
+    if entry.ssl == false then
+      admin_ip = entry.ip
+      admin_port = entry.port
+    end
+  end
+  assert(admin_ip, "No http-admin found in the configuration")
+  return http_client_opts({
+    scheme = "http",
+    host = admin_ip,
+    port = forced_port or admin_port,
+    timeout = timeout or 60000,
+    reopen = true,
+  })
+--- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong admin SSL port.
+-- @function admin_ssl_client
+-- @param timeout (optional, number) the timeout to use
+local function admin_ssl_client(timeout)
+  end
+  local admin_ip, admin_port
+  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.proxy_listeners) do
+    if entry.ssl == true then
+      admin_ip = entry.ip
+      admin_port = entry.port
+    end
+  end
+  assert(admin_ip, "No https-admin found in the configuration")
+  local client = http_client_opts({
+    scheme = "https",
+    host = admin_ip,
+    port = admin_port,
+    timeout = timeout or 60000,
+    reopen = true,
+  })
+  return client
+--- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong Admin GUI.
+-- @function admin_gui_client
+-- @tparam[opt=60000] number timeout the timeout to use
+-- @tparam[opt] number forced_port if provided will override the port in
+-- the Kong configuration with this port
+-- @return http-client, see `spec.helpers.http_client`.
+local function admin_gui_client(timeout, forced_port)
+  local admin_ip = ""
+  local admin_port
+  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.admin_gui_listeners) do
+    if entry.ssl == false then
+      admin_ip = entry.ip
+      admin_port = entry.port
+    end
+  end
+  admin_port = forced_port or admin_port
+  assert(admin_port, "No http-admin found in the configuration")
+  return http_client_opts({
+    scheme = "http",
+    host = admin_ip,
+    port = admin_port,
+    timeout = timeout or 60000,
+    reopen = true,
+  })
+--- returns a pre-configured `http_client` for the Kong admin GUI SSL port.
+-- @function admin_gui_ssl_client
+-- @tparam[opt=60000] number timeout the timeout to use
+-- @tparam[opt] number forced_port if provided will override the port in
+-- the Kong configuration with this port
+-- @return http-client, see `spec.helpers.http_client`.
+local function admin_gui_ssl_client(timeout, forced_port)
+  local admin_ip = ""
+  local admin_port
+  for _, entry in ipairs(conf.admin_gui_listeners) do
+    if entry.ssl == true then
+      admin_ip = entry.ip
+      admin_port = entry.port
+    end
+  end
+  admin_port = forced_port or admin_port
+  assert(admin_port, "No https-admin found in the configuration")
+  return http_client_opts({
+    scheme = "https",
+    host = admin_ip,
+    port = admin_port,
+    timeout = timeout or 60000,
+    reopen = true,
+  })
+-- HTTP2 and GRPC clients
+-- @section Shell-helpers
+-- Generate grpcurl flags from a table of `flag-value`. If `value` is not a
+-- string, value is ignored and `flag` is passed as is.
+local function gen_grpcurl_opts(opts_t)
+  local opts_l = {}
+  for opt, val in pairs(opts_t) do
+    if val ~= false then
+      opts_l[#opts_l + 1] = opt .. " " .. (type(val) == "string" and val or "")
+    end
+  end
+  return table.concat(opts_l, " ")
+--- Creates an HTTP/2 client using golang's http2 package.
+--- Sets `KONG_TEST_DEBUG_HTTP2=1` env var to print debug messages.
+-- @function http2_client
+-- @param host hostname to connect to
+-- @param port port to connect to
+local function http2_client(host, port, tls)
+  local port = assert(port)
+  tls = tls or false
+  -- Note: set `GODEBUG=http2debug=1` is helpful if you are debugging this go program
+  local tool_path = "bin/h2client"
+  local http2_debug
+  -- note: set env var "KONG_TEST_DEBUG_HTTP2" !! the "_TEST" will be dropped
+  if os.getenv("KONG_DEBUG_HTTP2") then
+    http2_debug = true
+    tool_path = "GODEBUG=http2debug=1 bin/h2client"
+  end
+  local meta = {}
+  meta.__call = function(_, opts)
+    local headers = opts and opts.headers
+    local timeout = opts and opts.timeout
+    local body = opts and opts.body
+    local path = opts and opts.path or ""
+    local http1 = opts and opts.http_version == "HTTP/1.1"
+    local url = (tls and "https" or "http") .. "://" .. host .. ":" .. port .. path
+    local cmd = string.format("%s -url %s -skip-verify", tool_path, url)
+    if headers then
+      local h = {}
+      for k, v in pairs(headers) do
+        table.insert(h, string.format("%s=%s", k, v))
+      end
+      cmd = cmd .. " -headers " .. table.concat(h, ",")
+    end
+    if timeout then
+      cmd = cmd .. " -timeout " .. timeout
+    end
+    if http1 then
+      cmd = cmd .. " -http1"
+    end
+ does not support '<'
+    if body then
+      cmd = cmd .. " -post"
+    end
+    if http2_debug then
+      print("HTTP/2 cmd:\n" .. cmd)
+    end
+    --100MB for retrieving stdout & stderr
+    local ok, stdout, stderr =, body, 0, 1024*1024*100)
+    assert(ok, stderr)
+    if http2_debug then
+      print("HTTP/2 debug:\n")
+      print(stderr)
+    end
+    local stdout_decoded = cjson.decode(stdout)
+    if not stdout_decoded then
+      error("Failed to decode h2client output: " .. stdout)
+    end
+    local headers = stdout_decoded.headers
+    headers.get = function(_, key)
+      if string.sub(key, 1, 1) == ":" then
+        key = string.sub(key, 2)
+      end
+      return headers[key]
+    end
+    setmetatable(headers, {
+      __index = function(headers, key)
+        for k, v in pairs(headers) do
+          if key:lower() == k:lower() then
+            return v
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    })
+    return stdout_decoded.body, headers
+  end
+  return setmetatable({}, meta)
+--- returns a pre-configured cleartext `http2_client` for the Kong proxy port.
+-- @function proxy_client_h2c
+-- @return http2 client
+local function proxy_client_h2c()
+  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(false, true)
+  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(false, true)
+  assert(proxy_ip, "No http-proxy found in the configuration")
+  return http2_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port)
+--- returns a pre-configured TLS `http2_client` for the Kong SSL proxy port.
+-- @function proxy_client_h2
+-- @return http2 client
+local function proxy_client_h2()
+  local proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip(true, true)
+  local proxy_port = get_proxy_port(true, true)
+  assert(proxy_ip, "No https-proxy found in the configuration")
+  return http2_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port, true)
+--- Creates a gRPC client, based on the grpcurl CLI.
+-- @function grpc_client
+-- @param host hostname to connect to
+-- @param port port to connect to
+-- @param opts table with options supported by grpcurl
+-- @return grpc client
+local function grpc_client(host, port, opts)
+  local host = assert(host)
+  local port = assert(tostring(port))
+  opts = opts or {}
+  if not opts["-proto"] then
+  end
+  return setmetatable({
+    opts = opts,
+    cmd_template = string.format("bin/grpcurl %%s %s:%s %%s", host, port)
+  }, {
+    __call = function(t, args)
+      local service = assert(args.service)
+      local body = args.body
+      local arg_opts = args.opts or {}
+      local t_body = type(body)
+      if t_body ~= "nil" then
+        if t_body == "table" then
+          body = cjson.encode(body)
+        end
+        arg_opts["-d"] = string.format("'%s'", body)
+      end
+      local cmd_opts = gen_grpcurl_opts(pl_tablex.merge(t.opts, arg_opts, true))
+      local cmd = string.format(t.cmd_template, cmd_opts, service)
+      local ok, _, out, err = shell.exec(cmd, true)
+      if ok then
+        return ok, ("%s%s"):format(out or "", err or "")
+      else
+        return nil, ("%s%s"):format(out or "", err or "")
+      end
+    end
+  })
+--- returns a pre-configured `grpc_client` for the Kong proxy port.
+-- @function proxy_client_grpc
+-- @param host hostname to connect to
+-- @param port port to connect to
+-- @return grpc client
+local function proxy_client_grpc(host, port)
+  local proxy_ip = host or get_proxy_ip(false, true)
+  local proxy_port = port or get_proxy_port(false, true)
+  assert(proxy_ip, "No http-proxy found in the configuration")
+  return grpc_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port, {["-plaintext"] = true})
+--- returns a pre-configured `grpc_client` for the Kong SSL proxy port.
+-- @function proxy_client_grpcs
+-- @param host hostname to connect to
+-- @param port port to connect to
+-- @return grpc client
+local function proxy_client_grpcs(host, port)
+  local proxy_ip = host or get_proxy_ip(true, true)
+  local proxy_port = port or get_proxy_port(true, true)
+  assert(proxy_ip, "No https-proxy found in the configuration")
+  return grpc_client(proxy_ip, proxy_port, {["-insecure"] = true})
+-- Reconfiguration completion detection helpers
+local MAX_RETRY_TIME = 10
+--- Set up admin client and proxy client to so that interactions with the proxy client
+-- wait for preceding admin API client changes to have completed.
+-- @function make_synchronized_clients
+-- @param clients table with admin_client and proxy_client fields (both optional)
+-- @return admin_client, proxy_client
+local function make_synchronized_clients(clients)
+  clients = clients or {}
+  local synchronized_proxy_client = clients.proxy_client or proxy_client()
+  local synchronized_admin_client = clients.admin_client or admin_client()
+  -- Install the reconfiguration completion detection plugin
+  local res = synchronized_admin_client:post("/plugins", {
+    headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" },
+    body = {
+      name = "reconfiguration-completion",
+      config = {
+        version = "0",
+      }
+    },
+  })
+  local body = luassert.res_status(201, res)
+  local plugin = cjson.decode(body)
+  local plugin_id =
+  -- Wait until the plugin is active on the proxy path, indicated by the presence of the X-Kong-Reconfiguration-Status header
+  luassert.eventually(function()
+    res = synchronized_proxy_client:get("/non-existent-proxy-path")
+    luassert.res_status(404, res)
+    luassert.equals("unknown", res.headers['x-kong-reconfiguration-status'])
+  end)
+          .has_no_error()
+  -- Save the original request functions for the admin and proxy client
+  local proxy_request = synchronized_proxy_client.request
+  local admin_request = synchronized_admin_client.request
+  local current_version = 0 -- incremented whenever a configuration change is made through the admin API
+  local last_configured_version = 0 -- current version of the reconfiguration-completion plugin's configuration
+  -- Wrap the admin API client request
+  function synchronized_admin_client.request(client, opts)
+    -- Whenever the configuration is changed through the admin API, increment the current version number
+    if opts.method == "POST" or opts.method == "PUT" or opts.method == "PATCH" or opts.method == "DELETE" then
+      current_version = current_version + 1
+    end
+    return admin_request(client, opts)
+  end
+  function synchronized_admin_client.synchronize_sibling(self, sibling)
+    sibling.request = self.request
+  end
+  -- Wrap the proxy client request
+  function synchronized_proxy_client.request(client, opts)
+    -- If the configuration has been changed through the admin API, update the version number in the
+    -- reconfiguration-completion plugin.
+    if current_version > last_configured_version then
+      last_configured_version = current_version
+      res = admin_request(synchronized_admin_client, {
+        method = "PATCH",
+        path = "/plugins/" .. plugin_id,
+        headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" },
+        body = cjson.encode({
+          config = {
+            version = tostring(current_version),
+          }
+        }),
+      })
+      luassert.res_status(200, res)
+    end
+    -- Retry the request until the reconfiguration is complete and the reconfiguration completion
+    -- plugin on the database has been updated to the current version.
+    if not opts.headers then
+      opts.headers = {}
+    end
+    opts.headers["If-Kong-Configuration-Version"] = tostring(current_version)
+    local retry_until = + MAX_RETRY_TIME
+    local err
+    :: retry ::
+    res, err = proxy_request(client, opts)
+    if err then
+      return res, err
+    end
+    if res.headers['x-kong-reconfiguration-status'] ~= "complete" then
+      res:read_body()
+      ngx.sleep(res.headers['retry-after'] or 1)
+      if < retry_until then
+        goto retry
+      end
+      return nil, "reconfiguration did not occur within " .. MAX_RETRY_TIME .. " seconds"
+    end
+    return res, err
+  end
+  function synchronized_proxy_client.synchronize_sibling(self, sibling)
+    sibling.request = self.request
+  end
+  return synchronized_proxy_client, synchronized_admin_client
+return {
+  get_proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip,
+  get_proxy_port = get_proxy_port,
+  http_client = http_client,
+  grpc_client = grpc_client,
+  http2_client = http2_client,
+  proxy_client = proxy_client,
+  proxy_ssl_client = proxy_ssl_client,
+  proxy_client_grpc = proxy_client_grpc,
+  proxy_client_grpcs = proxy_client_grpcs,
+  proxy_client_h2c = proxy_client_h2c,
+  proxy_client_h2 = proxy_client_h2,
+  admin_client = admin_client,
+  admin_ssl_client = admin_ssl_client,
+  admin_gui_client = admin_gui_client,
+  admin_gui_ssl_client = admin_gui_ssl_client,
+  make_synchronized_clients = make_synchronized_clients,

From 7ca41b2fe93d0e768e08e7a8139df8e61f2c1968 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chronolaw <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:09:12 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] clustering_client

 spec/helpers.lua         | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 spec/internal/client.lua |  71 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spec/helpers.lua b/spec/helpers.lua
index ce3f5613e9f..30fcd6ab1b0 100644
--- a/spec/helpers.lua
+++ b/spec/helpers.lua
@@ -12,13 +12,11 @@ local pl_file = require "pl.file"
 local pl_dir = require "pl.dir"
 local cjson = require ""
 local log = require "kong.cmd.utils.log"
-local ssl = require "ngx.ssl"
-local ws_client = require "resty.websocket.client"
+local table_clone = require "table.clone"
 local https_server = require "spec.fixtures.https_server"
 local stress_generator = require "spec.fixtures.stress_generator"
 local lfs = require "lfs"
 local luassert = require "luassert.assert"
-local uuid = require("").uuid
 local reload_module = require("spec.internal.module").reload
@@ -701,63 +699,76 @@ local function reload_kong(strategy, ...)
   return ok, err
---- Simulate a Hybrid mode DP and connect to the CP specified in `opts`.
--- @function clustering_client
--- @param opts Options to use, the `host`, `port`, `cert` and `cert_key` fields
--- are required.
--- Other fields that can be overwritten are:
--- `node_hostname`, `node_id`, `node_version`, `node_plugins_list`. If absent,
--- they are automatically filled.
--- @return msg if handshake succeeded and initial message received from CP or nil, err
-local function clustering_client(opts)
-  assert(
-  assert(opts.port)
-  assert(opts.cert)
-  assert(opts.cert_key)
-  local inflate_gzip = require("").inflate_gzip
-  local c = assert(ws_client:new())
-  local uri = "wss://" .. .. ":" .. opts.port ..
-              "/v1/outlet?node_id=" .. (opts.node_id or uuid()) ..
-              "&node_hostname=" .. (opts.node_hostname or kong.node.get_hostname()) ..
-              "&node_version=" .. (opts.node_version or CONSTANTS.KONG_VERSION)
-  local conn_opts = {
-    ssl_verify = false, -- needed for busted tests as CP certs are not trusted by the CLI
-    client_cert = assert(ssl.parse_pem_cert(assert(,
-    client_priv_key = assert(ssl.parse_pem_priv_key(assert(,
-    server_name = opts.server_name or "kong_clustering",
-  }
-  local res, err = c:connect(uri, conn_opts)
-  if not res then
-    return nil, err
+local make_temp_dir
+  local seeded = false
+  function make_temp_dir()
+    if not seeded then
+      ngx.update_time()
+      math.randomseed( +
+      seeded = true
+    end
+    local tmp
+    local ok, err
+    local tries = 1000
+    for _ = 1, tries do
+      local name = "/tmp/.kong-test" .. math.random()
+      ok, err = pl_path.mkdir(name)
+      if ok then
+        tmp = name
+        break
+      end
+    end
+    assert(tmp ~= nil, "failed to create temporary directory " ..
+                       "after " .. tostring(tries) .. " tries, " ..
+                       "last error: " .. tostring(err))
+    return tmp, function() pl_dir.rmtree(tmp) end
-  local payload = assert(cjson.encode({ type = "basic_info",
-                                        plugins = opts.node_plugins_list or
-                                                  DB.get_plugins_list(),
-                                        labels = opts.node_labels,
-                                        process_conf = opts.node_process_conf,
-                                      }))
-  assert(c:send_binary(payload))
-  assert(c:send_ping(string.rep("0", 32)))
-  local data, typ, err
-  data, typ, err = c:recv_frame()
-  c:close()
-  if typ == "binary" then
-    local odata = assert(inflate_gzip(data))
-    local msg = assert(cjson.decode(odata))
-    return msg
-  elseif typ == "pong" then
-    return "PONG"
+-- This function is used for plugin compatibility test.
+-- It will use the old version plugin by including the path of the old plugin
+-- at the first of LUA_PATH.
+-- The return value is a function which when called will recover the original
+-- LUA_PATH and remove the temporary directory if it exists.
+-- For an example of how to use it, please see:
+-- plugins-ee/rate-limiting-advanced/spec/06-old-plugin-compatibility_spec.lua
+-- spec/03-plugins/03-http-log/05-old-plugin-compatibility_spec.lua
+local function use_old_plugin(name)
+  assert(type(name) == "string", "must specify the plugin name")
+  local old_plugin_path
+  local temp_dir
+  if pl_path.exists(CONSTANTS.OLD_VERSION_KONG_PATH .. "/kong/plugins/" .. name) then
+    -- only include the path of the specified plugin into LUA_PATH
+    -- and keep the directory structure 'kong/plugins/...'
+    temp_dir = make_temp_dir()
+    old_plugin_path = temp_dir
+    local dest_dir = old_plugin_path .. "/kong/plugins"
+    assert(pl_dir.makepath(dest_dir), "failed to makepath " .. dest_dir)
+    assert("cp -r " .. CONSTANTS.OLD_VERSION_KONG_PATH .. "/kong/plugins/" .. name .. " " .. dest_dir), "failed to copy the plugin directory")
+  else
+    error("the specified plugin " .. name .. " doesn't exist")
-  return nil, "unknown frame from CP: " .. (typ or err)
+  local origin_lua_path = os.getenv("LUA_PATH")
+  -- put the old plugin path at first
+  assert(misc.setenv("LUA_PATH", old_plugin_path .. "/?.lua;" .. old_plugin_path .. "/?/init.lua;" .. origin_lua_path), "failed to set LUA_PATH env")
+  return function ()
+    misc.setenv("LUA_PATH", origin_lua_path)
+    if temp_dir then
+      pl_dir.rmtree(temp_dir)
+    end
+  end
@@ -910,7 +921,7 @@ end
   each_strategy = DB.each_strategy,
   all_strategies = DB.all_strategies,
   validate_plugin_config_schema = DB.validate_plugin_config_schema,
-  clustering_client = clustering_client,
+  clustering_client = client.clustering_client,
   https_server = https_server,
   stress_generator = stress_generator,
diff --git a/spec/internal/client.lua b/spec/internal/client.lua
index b1aa5e45dd4..21eb65b79e2 100644
--- a/spec/internal/client.lua
+++ b/spec/internal/client.lua
@@ -6,17 +6,22 @@
 -- @module spec.helpers
-local cjson = require("")
-local http = require("resty.http")
+local pl_file = require("pl.file")
 local pl_tablex = require("pl.tablex")
 local luassert = require("luassert.assert")
+local cjson = require("")
+local ssl = require("ngx.ssl")
+local http = require("resty.http")
+local ws_client = require("resty.websocket.client")
 local kong_table = require("")
+local uuid = require("").uuid
 local CONSTANTS = require("spec.internal.constants")
 local conf = require("spec.internal.conf")
 local shell = require("")
 local misc = require("spec.internal.misc")
+local DB = require("spec.internal.db")
 local asserts = require("spec.internal.asserts") -- luacheck: ignore
@@ -765,6 +770,66 @@ local function make_synchronized_clients(clients)
+--- Simulate a Hybrid mode DP and connect to the CP specified in `opts`.
+-- @function clustering_client
+-- @param opts Options to use, the `host`, `port`, `cert` and `cert_key` fields
+-- are required.
+-- Other fields that can be overwritten are:
+-- `node_hostname`, `node_id`, `node_version`, `node_plugins_list`. If absent,
+-- they are automatically filled.
+-- @return msg if handshake succeeded and initial message received from CP or nil, err
+local function clustering_client(opts)
+  assert(
+  assert(opts.port)
+  assert(opts.cert)
+  assert(opts.cert_key)
+  local inflate_gzip = require("").inflate_gzip
+  local c = assert(ws_client:new())
+  local uri = "wss://" .. .. ":" .. opts.port ..
+              "/v1/outlet?node_id=" .. (opts.node_id or uuid()) ..
+              "&node_hostname=" .. (opts.node_hostname or kong.node.get_hostname()) ..
+              "&node_version=" .. (opts.node_version or CONSTANTS.KONG_VERSION)
+  local conn_opts = {
+    ssl_verify = false, -- needed for busted tests as CP certs are not trusted by the CLI
+    client_cert = assert(ssl.parse_pem_cert(assert(,
+    client_priv_key = assert(ssl.parse_pem_priv_key(assert(,
+    server_name = opts.server_name or "kong_clustering",
+  }
+  local res, err = c:connect(uri, conn_opts)
+  if not res then
+    return nil, err
+  end
+  local payload = assert(cjson.encode({ type = "basic_info",
+                                        plugins = opts.node_plugins_list or
+                                                  DB.get_plugins_list(),
+                                        labels = opts.node_labels,
+                                        process_conf = opts.node_process_conf,
+                                      }))
+  assert(c:send_binary(payload))
+  assert(c:send_ping(string.rep("0", 32)))
+  local data, typ, err
+  data, typ, err = c:recv_frame()
+  c:close()
+  if typ == "binary" then
+    local odata = assert(inflate_gzip(data))
+    local msg = assert(cjson.decode(odata))
+    return msg
+  elseif typ == "pong" then
+    return "PONG"
+  end
+  return nil, "unknown frame from CP: " .. (typ or err)
 return {
   get_proxy_ip = get_proxy_ip,
   get_proxy_port = get_proxy_port,
@@ -787,5 +852,7 @@ return {
   admin_gui_ssl_client = admin_gui_ssl_client,
   make_synchronized_clients = make_synchronized_clients,
+  clustering_client = clustering_client,

From 80e04c4f240d2ba412d4d9c1f5c0de97baa4350e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chronolaw <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:12:48 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] clean

 spec/internal/client.lua | 9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spec/internal/client.lua b/spec/internal/client.lua
index 21eb65b79e2..58662fe6d32 100644
--- a/spec/internal/client.lua
+++ b/spec/internal/client.lua
@@ -6,13 +6,10 @@
 -- @module spec.helpers
-local pl_file = require("pl.file")
 local pl_tablex = require("pl.tablex")
 local luassert = require("luassert.assert")
 local cjson = require("")
-local ssl = require("ngx.ssl")
 local http = require("resty.http")
-local ws_client = require("resty.websocket.client")
 local kong_table = require("")
 local uuid = require("").uuid
@@ -21,7 +18,6 @@ local CONSTANTS = require("spec.internal.constants")
 local conf = require("spec.internal.conf")
 local shell = require("")
 local misc = require("spec.internal.misc")
-local DB = require("spec.internal.db")
 local asserts = require("spec.internal.asserts") -- luacheck: ignore
@@ -94,7 +90,6 @@ end
 -- @function http_client:send
 -- @param opts table with options. See [lua-resty-http](
 function resty_http_proxy_mt:send(opts, is_reopen)
-  local cjson = require "cjson"
   local encode_args = require("").encode_args
   opts = opts or {}
@@ -784,7 +779,11 @@ local function clustering_client(opts)
+  local pl_file = require("pl.file")
+  local ssl = require("ngx.ssl")
   local inflate_gzip = require("").inflate_gzip
+  local ws_client = require("resty.websocket.client")
+  local DB = require("spec.internal.db")
   local c = assert(ws_client:new())
   local uri = "wss://" .. .. ":" .. opts.port ..

From 524b8eaf322a6592f433d4a16ed07b6b5f85c339 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chronolaw <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 09:50:57 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] code clean

 spec/helpers.lua | 73 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spec/helpers.lua b/spec/helpers.lua
index 30fcd6ab1b0..e492ba17216 100644
--- a/spec/helpers.lua
+++ b/spec/helpers.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ local pl_file = require "pl.file"
 local pl_dir = require "pl.dir"
 local cjson = require ""
 local log = require "kong.cmd.utils.log"
-local table_clone = require "table.clone"
 local https_server = require "spec.fixtures.https_server"
 local stress_generator = require "spec.fixtures.stress_generator"
 local lfs = require "lfs"
@@ -699,78 +698,6 @@ local function reload_kong(strategy, ...)
   return ok, err
-local make_temp_dir
-  local seeded = false
-  function make_temp_dir()
-    if not seeded then
-      ngx.update_time()
-      math.randomseed( +
-      seeded = true
-    end
-    local tmp
-    local ok, err
-    local tries = 1000
-    for _ = 1, tries do
-      local name = "/tmp/.kong-test" .. math.random()
-      ok, err = pl_path.mkdir(name)
-      if ok then
-        tmp = name
-        break
-      end
-    end
-    assert(tmp ~= nil, "failed to create temporary directory " ..
-                       "after " .. tostring(tries) .. " tries, " ..
-                       "last error: " .. tostring(err))
-    return tmp, function() pl_dir.rmtree(tmp) end
-  end
--- This function is used for plugin compatibility test.
--- It will use the old version plugin by including the path of the old plugin
--- at the first of LUA_PATH.
--- The return value is a function which when called will recover the original
--- LUA_PATH and remove the temporary directory if it exists.
--- For an example of how to use it, please see:
--- plugins-ee/rate-limiting-advanced/spec/06-old-plugin-compatibility_spec.lua
--- spec/03-plugins/03-http-log/05-old-plugin-compatibility_spec.lua
-local function use_old_plugin(name)
-  assert(type(name) == "string", "must specify the plugin name")
-  local old_plugin_path
-  local temp_dir
-  if pl_path.exists(CONSTANTS.OLD_VERSION_KONG_PATH .. "/kong/plugins/" .. name) then
-    -- only include the path of the specified plugin into LUA_PATH
-    -- and keep the directory structure 'kong/plugins/...'
-    temp_dir = make_temp_dir()
-    old_plugin_path = temp_dir
-    local dest_dir = old_plugin_path .. "/kong/plugins"
-    assert(pl_dir.makepath(dest_dir), "failed to makepath " .. dest_dir)
-    assert("cp -r " .. CONSTANTS.OLD_VERSION_KONG_PATH .. "/kong/plugins/" .. name .. " " .. dest_dir), "failed to copy the plugin directory")
-  else
-    error("the specified plugin " .. name .. " doesn't exist")
-  end
-  local origin_lua_path = os.getenv("LUA_PATH")
-  -- put the old plugin path at first
-  assert(misc.setenv("LUA_PATH", old_plugin_path .. "/?.lua;" .. old_plugin_path .. "/?/init.lua;" .. origin_lua_path), "failed to set LUA_PATH env")
-  return function ()
-    misc.setenv("LUA_PATH", origin_lua_path)
-    if temp_dir then
-      pl_dir.rmtree(temp_dir)
-    end
-  end
 -- Variables/constants