diff --git a/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/architecture.md b/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/architecture.md
index 6ce331eef9d3..de7170b4ccb9 100644
--- a/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/architecture.md
+++ b/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/architecture.md
@@ -14,7 +14,24 @@ The {{site.kic_product_name}} configures {{site.base_gateway}} using Ingress or
The figure illustrates how {{site.kic_product_name}} works:
-![high-level-design](/assets/images/products/kubernetes-ingress-controller/high-level-design.png "High Level Design")
+{% mermaid %}
+flowchart LR
+ subgraph Kubernetes cluster
+ direction LR
+ A( API server) --> |events| B(Controller)
+ B --> |configuration| C(Kong)
+ C --> D(services)
+ end
+ E(Request traffic)
+ E --> C
+ %% Change the arrow colors
+ linkStyle 0,1 stroke:#d44324,color:#d44324
+ linkStyle 2,3 stroke:#b6d7a8
+{% endmermaid %}
The Controller listens for the changes inside the Kubernetes cluster and updates Kong in response to those changes. So that it can correctly proxy all the traffic. Kong is updated dynamically to respond to changes around scaling, configuration, and failures that occur inside a Kubernetes cluster.
@@ -60,7 +77,50 @@ An [Ingress][ingress] resource in Kubernetes defines a set of rules for proxying
This image describes the relationship between Kubernetes concepts and Kong's Ingress configuration.
-![translating Kubernetes to Kong](/assets/images/products/kubernetes-ingress-controller/k8s-to-kong.png "Translating k8s resources to Kong")
+{% mermaid %}
+flowchart LR
+ H(Request traffic)
+ subgraph Pods
+ direction LR
+ E(Target)
+ F(Target)
+ G(Target)
+ end
+ subgraph Kubernetes Service
+ direction TB
+ C(Service)
+ D(Upstream)
+ end
+ subgraph Ingress rules
+ direction LR
+ A(Route)
+ B(Route)
+ end
+ A --> C
+ B --> C
+ C --> D
+ D --> E
+ D --> F
+ D --> G
+ H --> A
+ classDef lightBlue fill:#cce7ff;
+ classDef lightGreen fill:#c4e1c4;
+ classDef lightPurple fill:#e6d8eb;
+ classDef lightGrey fill:#f5f5f5;
+ class A,B lightGreen;
+ class C lightBlue;
+ class D lightPurple;
+ class E,F,G lightGrey;
+ linkStyle 6 stroke:#b6d7a8
+{% endmermaid %}
[gateway-api]: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/
[gateway-api-gateway]: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/concepts/api-overview/#gateway
diff --git a/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/custom-resources.md b/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/custom-resources.md
index f522d5997375..65c36f542a29 100644
--- a/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/custom-resources.md
+++ b/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/concepts/custom-resources.md
@@ -66,7 +66,21 @@ when attached to an Ingress.
This diagram shows how the resources are linked with one another.
-![Associating Kong Ingress](/assets/images/products/kubernetes-ingress-controller/kong-ingress-association.png "Associating Kong Ingress")
+{% mermaid %}
+flowchart TD
+ A(apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com/v1
kind: KongIngress
name: demo-kong-ingress
# various route properties can be overridden):::left -->|konghq.com/override annotation-based association| B(apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: demo-api
konghq.com/override: demo-kong-ingress):::left
+ B --> C(apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: echo-svc
konghq.com/override: https-upstream):::left
+ D(apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com/v1
kind: KongIngress
name: https-upstream
protocol: https
# load-balancing and health-check behaviors can be tuned):::left --> C
+ classDef left text-align:left;
+ classDef lightBlue fill:#cce7ff;
+ classDef lightGreen fill:#c4e1c4;
+ class B lightGreen;
+ class C lightBlue;
+{% endmermaid %}
## KongPlugin
@@ -82,9 +96,38 @@ Ingress, Service, HTTPRoute, KongConsumer or KongConsumerGroup resource in Kuber
This diagram shows how you can link a KongPlugin resource to an
Ingress, Service, or KongConsumer.
-| | |
+{% mermaid %}
+flowchart TD
+ subgraph Link to consumer
+ direction TB
+ E(apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com/v1
kind: KongPlugin
name: custom-api-limit
plugin: rate-limiting
minute: 10):::left
+ F(apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com
kind: KongConsumer
name: demo-api
konghq.com/plugins: custom-api-limit
username: special-client):::left
+ end
+ subgraph Link to Ingress and service
+ direction TB
+ A(apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com/v1
kind: KongPlugin
name: reports-api-limit
plugin: rate-limiting
minute: 5):::left
+ B(apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: demo-api
konghq.com/plugins: reports-api-limit):::left
+ C(apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: billing-api
konghq.com/plugins: billing-auth):::left
+ D(apiVersion: configuration.konghq.com/v1
kind: KongPlugin
name: billing-auth
plugin: basic auth):::left
+ end
+ A --> |execute the plugin for any request that matches a rule in the following ingress resource|B
+ B --> C
+ D --> |execute the plugin for any request that is forwarded to the billing-api service in k8s|C
+ E --> |Associated using konghq.com/plugins annotation|F
+ classDef left text-align:left;
+ classDef lightBlue fill:#cce7ff;
+ classDef lightGreen fill:#c4e1c4;
+ classDef lightPurple fill:#e6d8eb;
+ class B lightGreen;
+ class C lightBlue;
+ class F lightPurple;
+{% endmermaid %}
## KongClusterPlugin
diff --git a/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/get-started/services-and-routes.md b/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/get-started/services-and-routes.md
index adce8309143d..d9846a87c6a4 100644
--- a/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/get-started/services-and-routes.md
+++ b/app/_src/kubernetes-ingress-controller/get-started/services-and-routes.md
@@ -11,7 +11,50 @@ A Service inside Kubernetes is a way to abstract an application that is running
The service object in Kong holds the information of the protocol to use to talk to the upstream service and various other protocol specific settings. The Upstream object defines load-balancing and health-checking behavior.
-![translating Kubernetes to Kong](/assets/images/products/kubernetes-ingress-controller/k8s-to-kong.png "Translating k8s resources to Kong")
+{% mermaid %}
+flowchart LR
+ H(Request traffic)
+ subgraph Pods
+ direction LR
+ E(Target)
+ F(Target)
+ G(Target)
+ end
+ subgraph Kubernetes Service
+ direction TB
+ C(Service)
+ D(Upstream)
+ end
+ subgraph Ingress rules
+ direction LR
+ A(Route)
+ B(Route)
+ end
+ A --> C
+ B --> C
+ C --> D
+ D --> E
+ D --> F
+ D --> G
+ H --> A
+ classDef lightBlue fill:#cce7ff;
+ classDef lightGreen fill:#c4e1c4;
+ classDef lightPurple fill:#e6d8eb;
+ classDef lightGrey fill:#f5f5f5;
+ class A,B lightGreen;
+ class C lightBlue;
+ class D lightPurple;
+ class E,F,G lightGrey;
+ linkStyle 6 stroke:#b6d7a8
+{% endmermaid %}
Routes are configured using Gateway API or Ingress resources, such as `HTTPRoute`, `TCPRoute`, `GRPCRoute`, `Ingress` and more.