A Yii2 input widget which provides a user-friendly interface for selecting geographical coordinates via Google maps. Allows users to select geographical coordinates by clicking on an interative Google map embedded into you web-page. Also allows users to type in a place name to search for it via Google Places API.
The widget is composer-enabled. You can aquire the latest available version from the packagist repository.
A simple widget demo is available here. You may inspect the hidden input value via some web-developer tool (e.g. Firebug) to see how geographical coordinates are represented inside the widget.
All widget parameters are optional, have some sensible default values and may not be configured.
echo $form->field($model, 'coordinates')->widget('kolyunya\yii2\widgets\MapInputWidget');
An exhaustive list of widget parameters (which are not derived from yii\widgets\InputWidget) available for configuration is described in the following example.
echo $form->field($model, 'coordinates')->widget(
// Google maps browser key.
'key' => $key,
// Initial map center latitude. Used only when the input has no value.
// Otherwise the input value latitude will be used as map center.
// Defaults to 0.
'latitude' => 42,
// Initial map center longitude. Used only when the input has no value.
// Otherwise the input value longitude will be used as map center.
// Defaults to 0.
'longitude' => 42,
// Initial map zoom.
// Defaults to 0.
'zoom' => 12,
// Map container width.
// Defaults to '100%'.
'width' => '420px',
// Map container height.
// Defaults to '300px'.
'height' => '420px',
// Coordinates representation pattern. Will be use to construct a value of an actual input.
// Will also be used to parse an input value to show the initial input value on the map.
// You can use two macro-variables: '%latitude%' and '%longitude%'.
// Defaults to '(%latitude%,%longitude%)'.
'pattern' => '[%longitude%-%latitude%]',
// Google map type. See official Google maps reference for details.
// Defaults to 'roadmap'
'mapType' => 'satellite',
// Marker animation behavior defines if a marker should be animated on position change.
// Defaults to false.
'animateMarker' => true,
// Map alignment behavior defines if a map should be centered when a marker is repositioned.
// Defaults to true.
'alignMapCenter' => false,
// A flag which defines if a search bar should be rendered over the map.
'enableSearchBar' => true,