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KodiCMS is a CMS based on Kohana framework.

Kohana - An elegant HMVC PHP5 framework that provides a rich set of components for building web applications. You can create your own modules, plugins in full using the tools of the framework.


  • Based on Kohana framework
  • Backend UI based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.2.0 and admin theme PixelAdmin
  • Enhanced with plugins
  • Modularity
  • Use Observer to extend the basic functionality
  • Unlimited level pages
  • High speed
  • Widgets
  • File manager elFinder
  • Syntax Highlighter Ace
  • Role-based access control (ACL)
  • Integration with social networks
  • Email templates and email events
  • Cron jobs
  • Easy installer
  • API
  • Ease of development
  • Cache drivers (file, sqlite, apc, memcache, mongodb)
  • Session storages (native, cookie, database)



Login: demo / Password: demodemo



  • Apache server with .htaccess or NGINX
  • PHP 5.3.3+
  • MySQL


  1. Clone Github repository or download the latest version of the download zip file

  2. Place the files on your web-server.

When you install the site is not in the root directory, you must edit the files:

  • .htaccess => RewriteBase /subfolder/
  • cms\app\bootstrap.php => Kohana::init( array( 'base_url' => '/subfolder/', ... ) );
  1. Open the home page in browser and begin the installation process.

When an error occurs ErrorException [ 2 ]: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are required to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. .... In file cms/app/bootstrap.php is a string date_default_timezone_set( 'UTC' ), you must uncomment it. Available time zones

  1. Fill in all required fields and click install
  2. After installation, you will be taken to the login page where you will see your username and password to login.

Sample configuration for Nginx

	# PublicRoot нашего сайта
	root          /srv/http/;
	index         index.php;
	# Устанавливаем пути к логам
	# Для access_log делаем буферизацию
	access_log    /srv/http/ main buffer=50k;
	error_log     /srv/http/;
	charset       utf8;
	autoindex     off;

	location / {
		if (!-f $request_filename) {
			rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php;

	# Подключаем обработчик php-fpm
	location ~ \.php$ {
		# Этой строкой мы указываем,
		# что текущий location можно использовать
		# только для внутренних запросов
		# Тем самым запрещаем обработку всех php файлов,
		# для которых не создан location
		# php-fpm. Подключение через сокет.
		fastcgi_pass   unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
		# или fastcgi_pass;
		fastcgi_param   KOHANA_ENV development;
		# или fastcgi_param   KOHANA_ENV production;
		fastcgi_index  index.php;
		fastcgi_param  DOCUMENT_ROOT  /srv/http/oskmedia/public_html;
		fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  /srv/http/oskmedia/public_html$fastcgi_script_name;
		include fastcgi_params;

	# Блокируем доступ извне, к файлам и папкам:
		# таким как .htaccess
		location ~ /\.ht {
			deny all;
			return 404;

		# а также каталогов .git, .svn
		location ~.(git|svn) {
        	deny  all;
            return 404;

Bug tracker

If you have any problems while using KodiCMS, inform them on our bug tracker .

Copyright and license

KodiCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

KodiCMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with KodiCMS. If not, see

KodiCMS has made an exception to the GNU General Public License for plugins. See exception.txt for details and the full text.

Copyright 2014 Buchnev Pavel [email protected].