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Lubos Lenco edited this page Aug 11, 2019 · 10 revisions

Git (a versioning system), Node.js (scripting tool used by the included build tool) and a C++ IDE (Visual Studio for Windows, Code::Blocks or CLion for Linux, XCode for OSX) should be installed to use Kinc.

To get started, git clone a Kinc project recursively:

git clone --recursive

Building a Kinc project works in two steps: First the integrated build system kincmake is called using Node.js - cd to your project directory and execute "node Kinc/make". This creates an IDE project in the build subdirectory. Open it up and run the project in your IDE. At that point you can work in your IDE like usual. However when you add additional source files you eventually need to modify kincfile.js, which defines which files are added to a project by kincmake.

Kinc/make has several options. If used without options, it will generate a default project for the platform's default IDE and graphics API.

To get an overview of options, the option --help.

Relevant for Windows users are:

  • The Visual Studio version -v --visualstudio which can be vs2010, vs2012, vs2013, vs2015, vs2017, or vs2019 (default)
  • The graphics API -g --graphics, either be direct3d9, direct3d11 (default), direct3d12, opengl, vulkan

So to create a solution for VS 2013 with OpenGL, you can use

node Kinc/make -g opengl -v vs2013
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