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bckpkol edited this page Jul 6, 2019 · 11 revisions


Anti-Aliasing can be enabled globally by providing the samplesPerPixel parameter to the FrameBufferOptions in your System.start() call. e.g. System.start({width, 1024, height:768, framebuffer:{samplesPerPixel: 4}}, function(_) {});

This enables hardware anti-aliasing and tries to find a supported sample count which is as close to the supplied parameter as possible. Hardware anti-aliasing is not supported on every hardware/os/driver/target combination. Also, modern hardware usually defaults to multisample anti-aliasing which only takes care of polygon edges.


The System.init(options, callback) function takes as the "options" arg. The option windowMode:Null does the trick. Also, it's worth to enable vsync. Unfortunally, that way seems to be deprecated. But the function requestFullscreen looks promising. But it does not work on HTML5 target. And it turns out I'm using the outdated version of Kode Studio. New version uses System.start.

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