This repository stores datasets used to create the Digital Beehive Project.
The data in the main folder include the raw data from Mirador SimpleAnnotationServer and the data presented in the more user-friendly csv and json formats.
- N-Quad data
- CSV output of raw N-Quad data
- JSON output
This folder contains iiif manifests of images for all three volumes of the Beehive.
- Alvearium, Volume 1
- Alvearium, Volume 2
- Octavo Index
The csvs included in this folder provide information that is supplemental to the annotations. This information was documented and updated by project staff working with the manuscript.
- CSV of Beehive page numbers assigned by Pastorius
- This csv is a record of the page numbers that Pastorius wrote on the manuscript. These page numbers were determined by project staff to be newer page numbers, as opposed to a set of older page numbers written on the manuscript by Pastorius. For a more detailed description of page numbers written by both Pastorius and others see this blog post.
- CSVs listing any sorting discrepancies
- CSVs with any corrections to cross-references or "add" and "see" references in the index
- CSVs listing any issues occurring in entries