If you have great ideas, please let me know
- While there are numerous outstanding personal blog themes using various static site generators (SSG), a free one designed specifically for presentations using SSG is notably absent.
- Many utilize HTML5 templates, but I find them challenging to maintain.
- Influenced by the notion that every presentation should follow a top-down structure, I believe in presenting the key or abstract of our work first. This approach allows the reader to decide whether to delve deeper by using a "LEARN MORE" button.
- I consider the template crucial for CEOs/employees to keep their mission in mind and for visitors to quickly grasp information about the organization or product. Everyone should be able to efficiently obtain the information they seek.
- 我看国产数据库
If you find a similar one, please tell me. So I can be free
- The homepage features a prominent slogan and a full-screen background picture, with the rest of the Hugo pages divided into interleaving color sections.
- These sections provide abstracts or recent events in each sub-topic, accompanied by a "LEARN MORE" button.
- Each sub-topic page is also organized with high-level information first, followed by detailed content.
(I hope to finish this during my free time before June 2024, the time I graduate from school)
- Learn how SSG works.
- make icarus support mkdocs grammar
- Modify some existing templates.
- Implement more detailed functions.
- click and Mouse hover feature
- All people name in any page linked to his subpage.
If someone wants to join me or complete these tasks for me, I would be grateful for the assistance.
- 页面排版设计的建议(合适的模板)
- 内容组织的探讨
- 额外的功能需求
ACSA 组内信息收集:
- 各种图片(宣传图,活动图
- 各种文本(实验室的admission,组织架构设计的初衷
- 当前成员的信息(头像,中文姓名以及拼音,研究方向以及成果
- 校友信息(中文姓名以及拼音,去向以及研究内容。欢迎提供其他信息