Before start, make sure you are inside the LIP_3 directory on the terminal
Check Common Guide's Dependency Setup Section
cd $HOME/liquidity-program/
git checkout $LIP_ID
cd $LIP_ID
npm install
cp $HOME/liquidity-program/LIP_1/contracts/KiraToken.sol $HOME/liquidity-program/LIP_3/contracts
Check Common Guide's Setup Environment Variables Section
- The contract address of Kira Network (KEX) which you deployed. (start with 0x)
echo "KIRA_TOKEN_ADDRESS=XXX...XXX" >> $HOME/liquidity-program/$LIP_ID/.env
Check Common Guide's Testnet used and faucet references Section
$ npm run build
> [email protected] prebuild /Kira/liquidity-program/LIP_3
> rimraf ./build/contracts/*
> [email protected] build /Kira/liquidity-program/LIP_3
> truffle compile
Using env var PRIVATE_KEY conn...
Using env var INFURA_APIKEY 7591...
Using env var process.env.ETHERSCAN_APIKEY SFP4...
Compiling your contracts...
> Compiling ./contracts/KiraAuction.sol
> Compiling ./contracts/KiraToken.sol
> Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol
> Compiling openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/GSN/Context.sol
> Compiling openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/access/Ownable.sol
> Compiling openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol
> Compiling openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol
> Compiling openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol
> Compiling openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/utils/Address.sol
> Artifacts written to /Users/mac/Documents/Work/Kira/liquidity-program/LIP_3/build/contracts
> Compiled successfully using:
- solc: 0.6.2+commit.bacdbe57.Emscripten.clang
$ npm run test
> [email protected] test /Kira/liquidity-program/LIP_3
> truffle test
Using env var PRIVATE_KEY abc...
Using env var INFURA_APIKEY 123...
Using env var process.env.ETHERSCAN_APIKEY 0987...
Using network 'development'.
Compiling your contracts...
> Compiling ./contracts/KiraAuction.sol
> Artifacts written to /var/folders/m5/s6r4jc2n683grgxld0r1hgch0000gn/T/test--1387-Y60j8u54aM9J
> Compiled successfully using:
- solc: 0.6.2+commit.bacdbe57.Emscripten.clang
Network: development
Predefined Address: 0xD9080E29a3CCD2eD6D7AC280Adc6c3bfC5316252
Contract: KiraAuction Test
✓ KiraToken should be configured once deployed
✓ wallet should be the owner once deployed
✓ should only be callable by the owner (58ms)
✓ should only be callable before auction starts (2111ms)
✓ can't set set the startTime as old time
✓ should set the auction price as decreasing (44ms)
✓ first slope's decreasing rate should be bigger than the second one
✓ slope times should be valid
✓ max size per transaction should be valid
✓ should set the variables properly (should convert to the ether unit) (88ms)
✓ wallet should only be configurable by the owner
✓ wallet should only be configurable before auction starts (3091ms)
✓ wallet should be set properly (1142ms)
✓ whitelist should only be called by the owner (39ms)
✓ whitelist should only be called before auction starts (3090ms)
✓ wallet should be set properly (137ms)
✓ should be rejected before the auction (1159ms)
✓ should be rejected after the auction (5091ms)
✓ owner or address(0) should not be able to participate in the auction (1112ms)
✓ should be rejected from not whitelisted account (1122ms)
✓ amount should be greater than the MIN_WEI (1204ms)
✓ amount should not exceed the MAX_WEI (1183ms)
✓ should be rejected when it exceeds the tx rate limit (1399ms)
✓ should be rejected if it exceeds the hard cap (3291ms)
✓ should update the total deposited amount, latest price and user info properly (5305ms)
✓ should only be called after auction ends (3133ms)
✓ should be rejected if non-whitelisted user tries to claim (5123ms)
✓ should be rejected if whitelisted & non-deposited user tries to claim (5182ms)
✓ should transfer the proper amount of tokens to the claimer (7475ms)
✓ should not be able to claim after distribution (7525ms)
✓ should not be able to distribute after all claimed (7484ms)
✓ should distribute proper amount of tokens to contributors (7516ms)
✓ should only be called from the owner (49ms)
✓ should only be called after auction ends (3128ms)
✓ should be rejected if there is no balance on the contract (5100ms)
✓ should withdraw ETH and KEX correctly (10584ms)
36 passing (2m)
npm run build & npm run deploy:development
Make sure the private key has enough test ether on the Kovan test network to fund the deployment transactions.
$ npm run build & npm run deploy:kovan
In order to verify your smart contract on execute the verification script immediately after the contract is successfully deployed and pass the contract name as the argument.
$ npm run verify:kovan KiraAuction
- KiraAuction:
You can copy generated ABI as follows so that you can interact with the contract:
cd $HOME/liquidity-program/$LIP_ID
jq -r ".abi" ./build/contracts/KiraAuction.json > ./build/ABI.json
cat ./build/ABI.json | xclip -selection c
Interact with the contract
- Send 200 KEX tokens to the Auction contract
- Set Withdraw account for ETH
- Set whitelist for
User 1
andUser 2
- Config Auction Parameters (start time: 1602159300)
- Start Time: unix timestamp, e.g:
- Initial Price (P1):
- Drop Price (P2):
- Final Price (P3):
- Time To Drop (T1):
- Time From Drop To End (T2):
- Interval Limit:
- Min Amount:
- Max Amount:
- Wait until the auction starts
- Wait 10 seconds and send 0.8 ether to the contract from
User 1
- Wait 60 seconds and send 0.6 ether to the contract from
User 2
- Wait 30 seconds and check
- Start Time: unix timestamp, e.g:
- Whitelist Token Transfer (allow unconditional transfer for the contract)
- Claim KEX from
User 1
and get ~114.28 KEX - Claim KEX from
User 2
and get ~85.71 KEX - Withdraw Funds and get