AMP ads are ad placements that execute within an AMP context, and are generally heavily sandboxed in terms of JavaScript execution and DOM access. AMP pages are available on many publisher websites and are preferred when using browsers like Google Chrome for mobile.
Kiosked ads are compatible with AMP - but only a smaller subset of the tags that we provide will work. Dynamic tags will not work, whereas static tags will function fine if formatted as an AMP-friendly HTML block.
Having been given a static tag code block from a Kiosked representative, you'll find it looks similar to the following:
<!-- Begin Kiosked Ad -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- End Kiosked Ad -->
AMP ads are much simpler, and the example above will end up looking like the following in an AMP setting:
Notice the width
and height
properties: These must be set to the correct size as instructed by Kiosked. Setting these values incorrectly will result in incorrectly displayed ads and potential loss of revenue.
Kiosked AMP ads work fine with other unit styles, such as the flying carpet format. You can simply nest the Kiosked amp-ad
element within the unit in most cases:
<amp-fx-flying-carpet height="300px">