A non distructive tool, used for helping with (Insert Console Name Here) & keeping it alive!
Download & Install Xampp to C:/xampp
Delete all files in C:/xampp/htdocs folder before placing the new ones.
Create a new folder in C:/xampp/htdocs called: "bgtoolset" (no quotes)
Extract all the files from bgtoolset-mirror-main.zip to C:/xampp/htdocs/bgtoolset (with winrar or winzip)
Run XAMPP Control Panel.
Apache > Actions > Click on Start button.
Open web browser > type in to see if bgtools show up.
Open command prompt on windows, type in > ipconfig
Write down IPv4 address. Should be something like (don't use
Go to your (Insert Console Name Here), open web browser. Put in the IPv4 address: