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OpenXR-Hpp: C++ Bindings for OpenXR

The goal of OpenXR C++ bindings is to improve the quality of life and type safety for C++ developers interacting with the OpenXR API.

Getting Started

Just include <openxr/openxr.hpp> and you're ready to use the C++ bindings. For a more elegant usage, include files as you need them.

Minimum Requirements

C++11 or newer is required. C++14 will increase the functionality available.


namespace xr

To avoid name collisions with other APIs, the C++ bindings reside in the xr namespace by default.

The following additional naming conventions apply

  • All functions, enums, handles, and structs have the Xr/xr prefix removed. In addition to this the first letter of functions is lower case.
    • xrCreateInstance can be accessed as xr::createInstance
    • XrActionType can be accessed as xr::ActionType
    • XrViewState can be accessed as xr::ViewState
  • C enums are mapped to enum classes ("scoped enums") to provide compile time type safety. The names have been changed to CamelCase with the 'XR_' prefix and type infix removed.
    • In case the enum type is an extension, the extension suffix has been removed from the enum values.
    • In all other cases the extension suffix has not been removed.
    • Examples:
      • XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_MONO is now xr::ViewConfigurationType::PrimaryMono. (No suffixes removed.)
      • XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_QUAD_VARJO is now xr::ViewConfigurationType::PrimaryQuadVARJO .(Extension suffix not removed because type is not from an extension.)
      • XR_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE_BIT_EXT is now xr::DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT::Verbose. (Type is an extension, so removed from value.)
  • Flag bits are handled like enums with the addition that the _BIT suffix has also been removed.
    • XR_SPACE_VELOCITY_LINEAR_VALID_BIT is now xr::SpaceVelocityFlagBits::LinearValid

In some cases it might be necessary to move OpenXR-Hpp to a custom namespace. This can be achieved by defining OPENXR_HPP_NAMESPACE before including OpenXR-Hpp.


OpenXR-Hpp declares a class for all handles to ensure full type safety and to add support for member functions on handles. A member function has been added to a handle class for each function which accepts the corresponding handle as first parameter. Instead of xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces(session, ...) one can write session.enumerateReferenceSpaces(...).

C/C++ Interop for Handles

@see handles

OpenXR-Hpp supports implicit conversions between C++ OpenXR handles and C OpenXR handles. On 32-bit platforms all OpenXR handles are defined as uint64_t, thus preventing type-conversion checks at compile time which would catch assignments between incompatible handle types. Due to that, OpenXR-Hpp does not enable implicit conversion for 32-bit platforms by default. In general, use of the free function get() is recommended for use on all platforms if you need to get a raw handle, etc. : XrSession rawSession = get(session). For more about these functions, see @ref utility_accessors.

If you're developing your code on a 64-bit platform, but want compile your code for a 32-bit platform without adding the explicit getters you can define OPENXR_HPP_TYPESAFE_CONVERSION to 1 in your build system or before including openxr.hpp. On 64-bit platforms this define is set to 1 by default and can be set to 0 to disable implicit conversions. However, this is not recommended.


@see flags

The scoped enum-class feature adds type safety to the flags, but also prevents using the flag bits as input for bitwise operations like & and | by default.

As solution OpenXR-Hpp provides a template class xr::Flags which brings the standard operations like &=, |=, & and | to our scoped enums. Except for the initialization with 0, this class behaves exactly like a normal bitmask with the improvement that it is impossible to set bits not specified by the corresponding enum by accident. Here are a few examples for the bitmask handling:

xr::SwapchainUsageFlags iu1;      // initialize a bitmask with no bit set
xr::SwapchainUsageFlags iu2 = {}; // initialize a bitmask with no bit set
xr::SwapchainUsageFlags iu3 =
    xr::SwapchainUsageFlagBits::ColorAttachment; // initialize with a
                                                  // single value
xr::SwapchainUsageFlags iu4 =
    xr::SwapchainUsageFlagBits::ColorAttachment |
    xr::SwapchainUsageFlagBits::Sampled; // or two bits to get a bitmask
xr::SwapchainCreateInfo ci({} /* pass a flag without any bits set */,


@see enums

Enums are projected similarly to flags, but without the bitwise operators provided.


@see structs

When constructing a handle in OpenXR, one usually has to create some CreateInfo struct which describes the new handle. This can result in quite lengthy code as can be seen in the following OpenXR C example:

XrSwapchainCreateInfo ci;
ci.type = XR_TYPE_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_INFO; = nullptr;
ci.format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB;
ci.sampleCount = 1;
ci.width = width;
ci.height = height;
ci.faceCount = 1;
ci.arraySize = 1;
ci.mipCount = 1;
XrSwapchain swapchain;
xrCreateSwapchain(session, &ci, allocator, &swapchain));

There are two typical issues OpenXR developers encounter when filling out a CreateInfo struct field by field:

  • One or more fields are left uninitialized.
  • type is incorrect.

Especially the first one is hard to detect.

OpenXR-Hpp provides constructors for all OpenXR structure types which accept one parameter for each member variable. This way the compiler throws a compiler error if a value has been forgotten. In addition to this, type is automatically filled with the correct value and next set to a nullptr by default. Here's how the same code looks with a constructor:

xr::SwapchainCreateInfo ci({}, xr::SwapchainUsageFlagBits::ColorAttachment,
                            VK_FORMAT, 1, width, height, 1, 1, 1);
xr::Swapchain swapchain = session.createSwapchain(ci);

With constructors for CreateInfo structures, one can also pass temporaries to OpenXR functions like this:

xr::Swapchain swapchain =

Return values, Error Codes & Exceptions

By default OpenXR-Hpp has exceptions enabled. This means that OpenXR-Hpp checks the return code of each function call which returns a XrResult. If XrResult is a failure a std::runtime_error will be thrown. In cases where there are no success codes that aren't xr::Result::Success, there is no need to return the error code any more, and the C++ bindings can now return the actual desired return value, e.g. a OpenXR handle.

@see exceptions

If exceptions are disabled, or there are non-trivial success codes, the ResultValue pair is returned. ResultValue<SomeType> is a struct holding a xr::Result and a SomeType. This struct supports unpacking the return values by using std::tie just like std::tuple or std::pair. If exception handling is disabled by defining OPENXR_HPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS, it is provided for all "enhanced mode" functions.

@see return_results

Enumeration (Two-call idiom)

For the return value transformation, there's one special class of return values which require special handling: enumeration calls using the "two-call idiom" described in the "Buffer Size Parameters" part of the specification. In these cases, when using the C API in C++ you usually have to write code like this:

std::vector<XrApiLayerProperties> properties;
uint32_t propertyCount = 0;
uint32_t propertyCapacity = 0;
XrResult result;
  // determine number of elements to query
  result = xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties( propertyCapacity, &propertyCount, nullptr ) );
  if ( ( result == XR_SUCCESS ) && propertyCount )
    // allocate memory & query again
    properties.resize( propertyCount, {XR_TYPE_API_LAYER_PROPERTIES} );
    propertyCapacity = propertyCount;
    result = xrEumerateApiLayerProperties(
      propertyCapacity, &propertyCount, );
// it's possible that the count has changed, start again if properties was not big enough
} while ( result == XR_ERROR_SIZE_INSUFFICIENT );
// Trim off any extra unpopulated entries.
if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) properties.resize(propertyCount);

Since writing this loop over and over again is tedious and error prone, the C++ binding takes care of the enumeration so that you can just write:

std::vector<xr::ApiLayerProperties> properties = physicalDevice

Note the addition of "ToVector" to the method name: this is to avoid some ambiguous overloads.

Custom assertions

All over the various headers, there are a couple of calls to an assert function. By defining OPENXR_HPP_ASSERT, you can specify your own custom assert function to be called instead.

@see config

Extensions / Per-instance function pointers

@see dispatch

The OpenXR loader exposes only the OpenXR core functions directly as entry points. Access to extensions requires dynamic loading of the corresponding function pointers. OpenXR-Hpp provides a per-function dispatch mechanism by accepting a dispatch class as last parameter in each function call. The dispatch class must provide a callable type for each used OpenXR function. OpenXR-Hpp provides two implementations. DispatchLoaderStatic is designed to expose the core functions that are linked at build-time to the application. All core functions defined in the headers default to a DispatchLoaderStatic instance when being called.

DispatchLoaderDynamic, on the other hand, exposes all the core functionality and all the known extensions. It can use lazy loading mechanism (use the factory function xr::DispatchLoaderDynamic::createFullyPopulated() to eagerly load) to populate function pointers that are called through it, and therefore has a tiny amount of additional runtime overhead (a single null-pointer check per function call) for functions called through it. This overhead is likely outweighed by the performance benefit of being able to skip the loader's trampoline function for the vast majority of function calls. Additionally, this or something like it is the only way to safely share OpenXR state across multiple modules of an application (e.g. a game engine and a game), and is the only way to access extension-defined functions. Such extension functionality declared in the C++ bindings will not have a default specified for the dispatch parameter, so calling clients must pass a dispatcher, unlike for core functions.

For example:

xr::DispatchLoaderDynamic dispatch{ instance };
// ...
xr::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger =
    instance.createDebugUtilsMessengerEXT({ severityFlags, typeFlags, debugCallback, userData },

A client should avoid instantiating a dynamic loader every time they make a call which requires one. For example, the following is not recommended:

// Do **NOT** do this!
xr::DispatchLoaderDynamic dispatch{instance}; // used only for the one call below
xr::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger =
    instance.createDebugUtilsMessengerEXT({ severityFlags, typeFlags, debugCallback, userData },
// Do **NOT** do this!
xr::DebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger =
    instance.createDebugUtilsMessengerEXT({ severityFlags, typeFlags, debugCallback, userData },

(Cannot lazy-load into a temporary.)

This code will work, but will load one or all function pointers (respectively) into the dispatch object every time it's called. While not an issue for infrequently called functions, if executed inside a loop or on a per-frame basis, this can adversely impact performance.

Note that this can be configured.

@see config_dispatch


See Also


Thanks Markus Tavenrath and Andreas Süßenbach for their pioneering work on the Vulkan C++ bindings, upon which much of the design of the OpenXR bindings is based.
