Simple unity integration with deployd server.
SignIn(string username, string password, AuthCallBack onSuccess, AuthCallBack onError)
- username: user name, email of the current user
- password: password of the current user
- onSuccess: callback when the evalidation is successful
- onError: callback when the validation returns null or custom error
SignUp(string username, string password, string name, string lastname, AuthCallBack onSuccess, AuthCallBack onError)
- username: user name, nickname of the current user
- password: password, min 4 characters
- name: User first name
- lastname: User last name
- onSuccess: callback when the evalidation is successful
- onError: callback when the validation returns null or custom error
DataUpload(string _path, Dictionary<string, string> _data, AuthCallBack onSuccess, AuthCallBack onError)
- _path: Path to be uploaded (table name)
- _data: JSON object with the upload request data
- onSuccess: callback when the evalidation is successful
- onError: callback when the validation returns null or custom error
DataDownload(string _path, AuthCallBack onSuccess, AuthCallBack onError)
- _path: Path of the data you want to download (table), optional you can include id or GET query
- onSuccess: callback when the evalidation is successful
- onError: callback when the validation returns null or custom error
DataDrop(string _path, AuthCallBack onSuccess, AuthCallBack onError)
- _path: path to the object/record you want to delete
- onSuccess: callback when the evalidation is successful
- onError: callback when the validation returns null or custom error
private void Success(string result) // AuthCallBack onSuccess
JSONNode castResult = JSON.Parse(result);
//also you can loop over the result
foreach (var item in castResult.Children)
For any help post an issue or write to [email protected] or [email protected]
- MiniJSON Copyright (c) 2013 Calvin Rien
- SimpleJSON Written by Bunny83 Modified by oPless
- deployd - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
- Deployd.cs Gustavo Otero - [email protected]