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File metadata and controls

200 lines (170 loc) · 4.88 KB 和消息队列交互管理虚拟机

#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf8 import pika import signal import simplejson import os import sys import fcntl

connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('')) channel = #定义routings key,VmCreate,VmStart,VmStop,VmReboot,VmDelete routings=["VmCreate","VmStart","VmStop","VmReboot","VmDelete"]

#定义消息回调函数 def VmCreate(vm): vmname = vm['vmname'] cmd = "vboxmanage clonevm trunkey-x86 --snapshot 0 --mode machine --options link --name %s --register" % vmname os.system(cmd) print "VmCreate:%s" % vmname

def VmStart(vm): vmname = vm['vmname'] cmd = "vboxmanage startvm %s --type headless" % vmname os.system(cmd) vmport = vm.get("vmport") if vmport: cmd = "vboxmanage controlvm %s vrdeport %s" % (vmname,vmport) os.system(cmd) print "VmStart:%s" % vmname

def VmStop(vm): vmname = vm['vmname'] cmd = "vboxmanage controlvm %s poweroff" % vmname os.system(cmd) print "VmStop:%s" % vmname

def VmReboot(vm): vmname = vm['vmname'] cmd = "vboxmanage controlvm %s reset" % vmname os.system(cmd) print "VmReboot:%s" % vmname

def VmDelete(vm): vmname = vm['vmname'] cmd = "vboxmanage unregistervm %s --delete" % vmname os.system(cmd) print "VmDelete:%s" %vmname

#消息处理函数 def message_handle(ch, method, properties, body): vmins = simplejson.loads(body) func = vmins.get('func') if func: eval(func)(vmins['vm']) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method.delivery_tag)

#定义进程文件 def writePid(): pid = str(os.getpid()) f = file('/var/run/','w') fcntl.flock(f,fcntl.LOCK_EX) f.write(pid) fcntl.flock(f,fcntl.LOCK_UN) f.close()

def start(): print 'start recevie' #写入进程号 writePid() global connection,channel,routings if connection.is_closed: connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('')) channel =

channel.exchange_declare(exchange='VmInstance', type='direct',durable=True)

for routing in routings:
    result = channel.queue_declare(queue=routing,durable=True)
    queue_name = result.method.queue
    channel.basic_consume(message_handle, queue=queue_name)


def stop(): print 'stop receive' #删除进程文件 os.remove("/var/run/") global connection,channel #删除交换机 channel.exchange_delete("VmInstance") #删除队列 for routing in routings: channel.queue_delete(routing) #关闭连接 connection.close()

def restart(): print 'restart receive' stop() start()

#定义信号函数处理键盘事件 def handler(signal_num,frame): stop() sys.exit(signal_num)

def main(): #定义信号函数 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM,handler) #执行参数回调 func = sys.argv[1] eval(func)()

if name == 'main': main() python守护进程示例


the following is chkconfig init header

vboxagent: virtualbox agent daemon

chkconfig: 345 97 03

description: This is a daemon instructed by zstack management server \

to perform kvm related operations\

processname: vboxagent

pidfile: /var/run/

pidfile='/var/run/' check_status() { if [ ! -f $pidfile ]; then echo "vbox agent is stopped" exit 1 else pid=cat $pidfile ps -p $pid > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "vbox agent is running, pid is $pid" exit 0 else echo "vbox agent is stopped, but pidfile at $pidfile is not cleaned. It may be caused by vbox agent crashed at last time, manually cleaning it would be ok" exit 1 fi fi }

function get_status(){ [ ! -f $pidfile ] && echo 0 && return pid=cat $pidfile ps -p $pid > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi


if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "usage: $0 [start|stop|restart|status]" exit 1 fi

#获取当前进程运行状态 status=get_status

if [ "$@" = "status" ]; then check_status else if [ "$status" = "1" ];then pid=cat $pidfile kill -15 $pid echo "kill -15 $pid" fi python $@ &> /dev/null & fi

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$@ vbox agent .... SUCCESS" exit 0 else echo "$@ vbox agent .... FAILED" exit 1 fi