From f2c6dd26d962313a9d6b2e4701b7b0de12f8af30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pm3310
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2024 18:40:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Deployed fff15e9 with MkDocs version: 1.5.3
index.html | 8 ++++----
search/search_index.json | 2 +-
sitemap.xml.gz | Bin 127 -> 127 bytes
3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 3cfaf0c..182dad0 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
-Push Docker Image to AWS ECS
-If you have followed all the steps of Getting Started, run sagify push
to push the Docker image to AWS ECS. This step may take some time depending on your internet connection upload speed.
+Push Docker Image to AWS ECR
+If you have followed all the steps of Getting Started, run sagify push
to push the Docker image to AWS ECR. This step may take some time depending on your internet connection upload speed.
Create S3 Bucket
Make sure to create an S3 bucket with a name of your choice, for example: sagify-demo
Upload Training Data
@@ -1586,5 +1586,5 @@ Example for XGBoost
diff --git a/search/search_index.json b/search/search_index.json
index 34832dd..ba61a91 100644
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"sagify A command-line utility to train and deploy Machine Learning/Deep Learning models on AWS SageMaker in a few simple steps! Why Sagify? \"Why should I use Sagify\" you may ask. We'll provide you with some examples of how Sagify can simplify and expedite your ML pipelines. You can train, tune and deploy a Machine Learning on the same day by using Sagify! No More Configuring Cloud Instances for Training a Machine Learning Model We have all been in a situation where a Machine Learning team is formed without planning for a team responsible to implement ML tools for ML Scientists. Here's a timeline of what is happening in this case: All ML Scientists in the team have great ideas to solve problems using ML. The team has built a feature engineering pipeline (This is painful, too, and it's in Sagify's roadmap). You probably have downloaded on your laptop a subset of the features data set and there's evidence that your model will work. The moment of experimentation comes and you want to run 10s of training jobs on the cloud using the entire features data set. Everybody in the team has some idea on how to do it but nobody wants to do it :-). ML Scientists should focus on ML and not on engineering tasks! Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a train function! No More Infrastructure Pain to Run Hyperparameter Jobs on the Cloud Yet another similar situation to the one before but this time even more challenging! It's exactly the same story line. Just use Sagify! Implement a train function and provide a path to json file that contains ranges for your hyperparameters! No More Need to Hand Over Models to a Software Engineer to Deploy them This is probably the most classic one! You need to run a batch prediction pipeline or deploy your model as a RESTful endpoint. Here's a real-world storyline: The ML team somehow managed to train a fraud detection model and it's time to A/B test it against an existing heuristic. The fraud detection backend team wants you to deploy the model behind a RESTful endpoint. Nobody wants to do it in the ML team even if some people know how to do it. Either way, tt's a waste of ML team's time to ask them to take care of the model deployment infrastructure. The fraud detection backend team has other priorities and they have no time to help you in this task. Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a predict function! Installation Prerequisites sagify requires the following: Python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) Docker installed and running Configured awscli Install sagify At the command line: pip install sagify Getting started - No code deployment Create a file with name huggingface_config.json with the following content: { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } } Then, make sure to configure your AWS account by following the instructions at section Configure AWS Account Finally, run the following command: sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev You can change the values for ec2 type (-e), aws region and aws profile with your preferred ones. Once the Hugging Face model is deployed, you can go to (make sure you're on your preferred region) and find your deployed endpoint. For example: Then, you can click on your deployed endpoint and copy the endpoint url. For example: Postman is a good app to call the deployed endpoint. Here's an example on how to set up the AWS signature in order to call the endpoint: Finally, you can call the endpoint from Postman: Getting started - Custom Training and Deployment Step 1: Clone Machine Learning demo repository You're going to clone and train a Machine Learning codebase to train a classifier for the Iris data set. Clone repository: git clone Cd into the cloned repo: cd sagify-demo Create environment: mkvirtualenv sagify-demo Don't forget to activate the virtualenv after the creation of environment by executing workon sagify-demo . Install dependencies: make requirements Step 2: Initialize sagify sagify init Type in sagify-demo for SageMaker app name, N in question Are you starting a new project? , src for question Type in the directory where your code lives and make sure to choose your preferred Python version, AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile Step 3: Integrate sagify As a Machine Learning engineer, you only need to conduct a few actions. Sagify takes care of the rest: Copy a subset of training data under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ to test that training works locally Implement train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ Implement predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ Optionally, specify hyperparameters in sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/config/hyperparameters.json Hence, Copy files from data to sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ : cp ./data/ ./src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') clf, accuracy = training_logic(input_file_path=input_file_path) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import os import joblib from iris_training import train as training_logic Replace the body of predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ with: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } and replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model Step 4: Build Docker image It's time to build the Docker image that will contain the Machine Learning codebase: sagify build If you run docker images | grep sagify-demo in your terminal, you'll see the created Sagify-Demo image. Step 5: Train model Time to train the model for the Iris data set in the newly built Docker image: sagify local train Model file model.pkl and report file report.txt are now under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/model/ Step 6: Deploy model Finally, serve the model as a REST Service: sagify local deploy Run the following curl command on your terminal to verify that the REST Service works: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' It will be slow in the first couple of calls as it loads the model in a lazy manner. Voila! That's a proof that this Machine Learning model is going to be trained and deployed on AWS SageMaker successfully. Now, go to the Usage section in Sagify Docs to see how to train and deploy this Machine Learning model to AWS SageMaker! Usage Configure AWS Account Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM user and open the IAM console at Select Roles from the list in the left-hand side, and click on Create role Then, select SageMaker as the image shows: Click Next: Review on the following page: Type a name for the SageMaker role, and click on Create role : Click on the created role: Click on Attach policy and search for AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess . Attach the corresponding policy: Do the same to attach the AmazonS3FullAccess , IAMReadOnlyAccess , AmazonSQSFullAccess , AWSLambdaFullAccess , AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess and AmazonSageMakerFullAccess policies, and end up with the following: Now, go to Users page by clicking on Users on the left-hand side. Click on your IAM user that you want to use for AWS SageMaker and attach the AmazonSageMakerFullAccess permission policy: Copy the ARN of that user: Then, go back the page of the Role you created and click on the Trust relationships tab: Click on Edit trust relationship and add the following: { \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": [ { \"Sid\": \"\", \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"PASTE_THE_ARN_YOU_COPIED_EARLIER\", \"Service\": \"\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\" } ] } You're almost there! Make sure that you have added the IAM user in your ~/.aws/credentials file. For example: [test-sagemaker] aws_access_key_id = ... aws_secret_access_key = ... And, finally, add the following in the ~/.aws/config file: [profile test-sagemaker] region = us-east-1 <-- USE YOUR PREFERRED REGION role_arn = COPY_PASTE_THE_ARN_OF_THE_CREATED_ROLE_NOT_USER! for example: arn:aws:iam::...:role/TestSageMakerRole source_profile = test-sagemaker That's it! From now on, choose the created AWS profile when initializing sagify. You can change the AWS profile/region in an already initialized sagify module by changing the value of aws_profile / aws_region in .sagify.json . Push Docker Image to AWS ECS If you have followed all the steps of Getting Started , run sagify push to push the Docker image to AWS ECS. This step may take some time depending on your internet connection upload speed. Create S3 Bucket Make sure to create an S3 bucket with a name of your choice, for example: sagify-demo Upload Training Data Execute sagify cloud upload-data -i data/ -s s3://sagify-demo/training-data to upload training data to S3 Train on AWS SageMaker Execute sagify cloud train -i s3://sagify-demo/training-data/ -o s3://sagify-demo/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge to train the Machine Learning model on SageMaker. This command will use the pushed Docker image. Copy the displayed Model S3 location after the command is executed (example: s3://sagify-demo/output/sagify-demo-2018-04-29-15-04-14-483/output/model.tar.gz ) Deploy on AWS SageMaker Execute sagify cloud deploy -m s3://sagify-demo/output/.../output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge to deploy the model on SageMaker. Call SageMaker REST Endpoint Find the endpoint URL under Endpoints in AWS SageMaker service on AWS console. Please, refer to on how to call it from Postman as authorization is required. Remember that it's a POST HTTP request with Content-Type application/json , and the request JSON body is of the form: { \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] } Hyperparameter Optimization Given that you have configured your AWS Account as described in the previous section, you're now ready to perform Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization on AWS SageMaker! The process is similar to training step. Step 1: Define Hyperparameter Configuration File Define the Hyperparameter Configuration File. More specifically, you need to specify in a local JSON file the ranges for the hyperparameters, the name of the objective metric and its type (i.e. Maximize or Minimize ). For example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } } Step 2: Implement Train function Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with your logic. For example: from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() # Read the hyperparameter config json file import json with open(hyperparams_path) as _in_file: hyperparams_dict = json.load(_in_file) from sklearn import svm clf = svm.SVC( gamma=float(hyperparams_dict['gamma']), # Values will be read as strings, so make sure to convert them to the right data type C=float(hyperparams_dict['C']), kernel=hyperparams_dict['kernel'] ) from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, test_size=0.3, random_state=42), y_train) from sklearn.metrics import precision_score predictions = clf.predict(X_test) precision = precision_score(y_test, predictions, average='weighted') # Log the objective metric name with its calculated value. In tis example is Precision. # The objective name should be exactly the same with the one specified in the hyperparams congig json file. # The value must be a numeric (float or int). from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric name = \"Precision\" log_metric(name, precision) from joblib import dump dump(clf, os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl')) print('Training complete.') Step 3: Build and Push Docker image sagify build Make sure sagify is in your requirements.txt file. sagify push Step 4: Call The CLI Command And, finally, call the hyperparameter-optimization CLI command. For example: sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json Step 5: Monitor Progress You can monitor the progress via the SageMaker UI console. Here is an example of a finished Hyperparameter Optimization job: Monitor ML Models in Production Superwise Superwise provides organizations with the ability to streamline model observability and the monitoring process \ud83d\ude80. The solution is platform-agnostic and provides an extensive freemium tier. The steps below explain how you can integrate with Superwise to gain full visibility into your deployed models. Once you complete the integration, you can use the Superwise platform to define workflows that automatically monitor: data drift, performance degradation, data integrity, model activity, or any other customized monitoring use case. Step 1: Create a Superwise Account Go to Superwise and click the signup button to create an account. Using the free tier, you can monitor up to three models. Step 2: Add your model You can use the Superwise SDK to create the model. To use the SDK you should generate tokens . Step 3: Initialize sagify To initialize sagify, type the following command sagify init Enter iris-model for the SageMaker app name, and answer y to the prompt asking Are you starting a new project? Next, make sure to choose Python version 3 and the AWS profile and region you wish to use. Type requirements.txt in answer to the prompt Type in the path to requirements.txt. A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The module\u2019s structure is as follows: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt Make sure the 'requirements.txt' at the root of the project has the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn superwise Step 5: Download the Iris data set Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ . Step 6: Implement the training logic In the src/sagify_base/training/ file, replace the TODOs in the train(...) function with the following text: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime('now') df[\"id\"] = df.apply(lambda _: uuid.uuid4(), axis=1) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() clf = SVC(gamma='auto', kernel=\"linear\"), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) ## create superwise model model = sw.model.create(Model(name=MODEL_NAME, description=\"Iris Model Demo\") ) df[\"prediction\"] = clf.predict(df[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']]) ## summarize the data, use infer_dtype for auto detect features entities = sw.data_entity.summarise( data=df, entities_dtypes=infer_dtype(df), specific_roles={ \"date_time\" : DataEntityRole.TIMESTAMP, \"id\" : DataEntityRole.ID, \"label\" : DataEntityRole.LABEL, \"prediction\" : DataEntityRole.PREDICTION_VALUE }, importance=dict(zip(clf.coef_[0], ['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4'])) ) ## create and activate superwise version version = Version(, name=\"V1\", data_entities=entities) active_version = sw.version.create(version) sw.version.activate( And, at the top of the file, add the following: import uuid import joblib import os import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC from superwise import Superwise from superwise.models.model import Model from superwise.models.version import Version from superwise.resources.superwise_enums import DataEntityRole from superwise.controller.infer import infer_dtype MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", ) Step 7: Implement the prediction logic In the file src/sagify_base/prediction/ replace the body of the predict(...) function with the following: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) model = ModelService.get_superwise_model(MODEL_NAME) for m in model_input: records = { \"date_time\" : str(datetime.utcnow()), \"id\" : str(uuid.uuid4()), \"prediction\": prediction, \"feature1\": m[0], \"feature2\": m[1], \"feature3\": m[2], \"feature4\": m[3] } transaction_id = sw.transaction.log_records( model_id=model[0].id, version_id=model[0].active_version_id, records=records ) print(f\"Created transaction: {transaction_id}\") return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } Within the ModelService class in the same file, replace the body of the get_model() function with the following: if cls.model is None: cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model Then, add a new function called get_superwise_model() to the \u2018ModelService\u2019 class, using the following: @classmethod def get_superwise_model(cls,model_name): \"\"\" Get superwise model using superwise SDK \"\"\" return sw.model.get_by_name(model_name) Now, add the following text to the top of the file: from superwise import Superwise import joblib import os import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import uuid sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", ) MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in Step 8: Build and train the ML model If you\u2019re ready to build and train the ML model, run the command sagify build and then run sagify local train Step 9: Call the inference REST API To use the REST API, run the command sagify local deploy Once that\u2019s done, call the inference endpoint by running the following curl command: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' You should now be able to see data coming in on the Superwise dashboards. Aporia In this part, you'll integrate with Aporia in order to monitor deployed ML models. More specifically, you'll monitor: data drifting model degradation data integrity Step 1: Create Aporia Account Go to Aporia and create an account. There's a generous free tier. Step 2: Create model at Aporia Add your model to Aporia's console. Click the Add Model button in the Models page and name it \"Iris Model\" Step 3: Initialize sagify sagify init Type in iris-model for SageMaker app name, y in question Are you starting a new project? , make sure to choose Python version 3 and your preferred AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt The requirements.txt at the root of the project must have the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn aporia[all] Step 5: Download Iris data set Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ . Step 6: Implement Training logic Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in src/sagify_base/training/ file with the following. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() ###### Report Version Schema ###### apr_model_version = 'v1' apr_model_type = 'multiclass' # Select model type: \"binary\" or \"regression\" ###### Create a model version ###### apr_model = aporia.create_model_version( model_id=\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", model_version=apr_model_version, model_type=apr_model_type, features=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(features_train_df), predictions=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(labels_train_df) ) ###### Report Training Data ###### apr_model.log_training_set( features=features_train_df, labels=labels_train_df ) clf = SVC(gamma='auto'), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) apr_model.log_test_set( features=features_test_df, labels=labels_test_df, predictions=pd.DataFrame({'label': test_predictions}) ) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import joblib import os import aporia import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\") Step 7: Implement Prediction logic Replace the body of predict(...) function in src/sagify_base/prediction/ with. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) ###### Report Inference ###### apr_prediction_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) apr_model = aporia.Model(\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", \"v1\") apr_model.log_prediction( id=apr_prediction_id, features={ 'feature1': model_input[0][0], 'feature2': model_input[0][1], 'feature3': model_input[0][2], 'feature4': model_input[0][3], }, predictions={ 'label': prediction.item() }, ) apr_model.flush() return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: from sklearn.externals import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model and the top of the file must look like: import aporia import os import uuid ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\") _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in Step 8: Build and Train the ML model Run sagify build and after that sagify local train Step 9: Call inference REST API Run sagify local deploy and then run the following curl command to call the inference endpoint: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' Now you should be able to see data coming in on Aporia dashboards. Commands Initialize Name Initializes a sagify module Synopsis sagify init Description This command initializes a sagify module in the directory you provide when asked after you invoke the init command. Example sagify init Configure Description Updates an existing configuration value e.g. python version or AWS region . Synopsis sagify configure [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME] [--python-version PYTHON_VERSION] Optional Flags --aws-region AWS_REGION : AWS region where Docker images are pushed and SageMaker operations ( train , deploy ) are performed. --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : AWS profile to use when interacting with AWS . --image-name IMAGE_NAME : Docker image name used when building for use with SageMaker . This shows up as an AWS ECR repository on your AWS account. --python-version PYTHON_VERSION : Python version used when building SageMaker's Docker images. Currently supported versions: 3.6 . Example sagify configure --aws-region us-east-2 --aws-profile default --image-name sage-docker-image-name --python-version 3.6 Build Name Builds a Docker image Synopsis sagify build Description This command builds a Docker image from code under the directory sagify is installed in. A REQUIREMENTS_FILE needs to be specified during sagify init or later via sagify configure --requirements-dir for all required dependencies to be installed in the Docker image. Example sagify build Local Train Name Executes a Docker image in train mode Synopsis sagify local train Description This command executes a Docker image in train mode. More specifically, it executes the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ inside an already built Docker image (see Build command section). Example sagify local train Local Deploy Name Executes a Docker image in serve mode Synopsis sagify local deploy Description This command executes a Docker image in serve mode. More specifically, it runs a Flask REST app in Docker image and directs HTTP requests to /invocations endpoint. Then, the /invocations endpoint calls the predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ (see Build command section on how to build a Docker image). Example sagify local deploy Push Name Pushes a Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service Synopsis sagify push [--aws-profile PROFILE_NAME] [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] Description This command pushes an already built Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service. Later on, AWS SageMaker will consume that image from AWS Elastic Container Service for train and serve mode. Only one of iam-role-arn and aws_profile can be provided. external-id is ignored when no iam-role-arn is provided. Optional Flags --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -i IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for pushing to ECR --aws-region AWS_REGION or -r AWS_REGION : The AWS region to push the image to --aws-profile PROFILE_NAME or -p PROFILE_NAME : AWS profile to use for pushing to ECR --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -e EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role Example sagify push Cloud Upload Data Name Uploads data to AWS S3 Synopsis sagify cloud upload-data --input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION Description This command uploads content under LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR to S3 under S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION Required Flags --input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR or -i LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR : Local input directory --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION or -s S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION : S3 target location Example sagify cloud upload-data -i ./training_data/ -s s3://my-bucket/training-data/ Cloud Train Name Trains your ML/DL model using a Docker image on AWS SageMaker with input from S3 Synopsis sagify cloud train --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in train mode Required Flags --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to Optional Flags --hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE : Path to hyperparams JSON file --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False). --metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES : Optional comma-separated metric names for tracking performance of training jobs. Example: Precision,Recall,AUC . Then, make sure you log these metric values using the log_metric function in the train function: ... from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric log_metric(\"Precision:, precision) log_metric(\"Accuracy\", accuracy) ... When the training jobs finishes, they will be stored in the CloudWatch algorithm metrics logs of the SageMaker training job: Example sagify cloud train -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparams.json -v 60 -t 86400 --metric-names Accuracy,Precision Cloud Hyperparameter Optimization Name Executes a Docker image in hyperparameter-optimization mode on AWS SageMaker Synopsis sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_MULTIPLE_TRAINED_MODELS --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE] [--max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS] [--max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in hyperparameter-optimization mode Required Flags --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE : Local path to hyperparameters configuration file. Example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } } Optional Flags --max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS or -m MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum total number of training jobs to start for the hyperparameter tuning job (default: 3) --max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS or -p MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum number of parallel training jobs to start (default: 1) --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Hyperparameter Tuning is finished. (default: don't wait) --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False). Example sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json -v 60 -t 86400 Cloud Deploy Name Executes a Docker image in serve mode on AWS SageMaker Synopsis sagify cloud deploy --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in serve mode. You can update an endpoint (model or number of instances) by specifying the endpoint-name. Required Flags --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to Optional Flags --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint Example sagify cloud deploy -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge Cloud Batch Transform Name Executes a Docker image in batch transform mode on AWS SageMaker, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data Synopsis sagify cloud batch-transform --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION --num-instance NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--job-name JOB_NAME] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in batch transform mode, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data. SageMaker will spin up REST container(s) and call it/them with input data(features) from a user defined S3 path. Things to do: - You should implement the predict function that expects a JSON containing the required feature values. It's the same predict function used for deploying the model as a REST service. Example of a JSON: { \"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2] } The input S3 path should contain a file or multiple files where each line is a JSON, the same JSON format as the one expected in the predict function. Example of a file: {\"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2]} Required Flags --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION or -i S3_INPUT_LOCATION : s3 input data location --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION or -o S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION : s3 location to save predictions --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to Optional Flags --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Batch Transform is finished. (default: don't wait) --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker batch transform job Example sagify cloud batch-transform -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -i s3://my-bucket/input_features -o s3://my-bucket/predictions -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge Cloud Create Streaming Inference NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\": Name Creates streaming inference pipelines Synopsis sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE Description This command creates a worker as a Lambda function that listens to features in the FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME , calls the the endpoint ENDPOINT_NAME and, finally, forwards predictions to PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME . Required Flags --name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : The name of the endpoint of the deployed model --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported! Example sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --endpoint-name my-recommender-endpoint-1 --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS Cloud Delete Streaming Inference NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\": Name Deletes streaming inference pipelines Synopsis sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE Description This command deletes the worker (i.e. Lambda function), input topic FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME and output topic PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME . Required Flags --name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported! Example sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS Cloud Lightning Deploy Name Command for lightning deployment of pre-trained ML model(s) on AWS SageMaker without code Synopsis sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework FRAMEWORK --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE --aws-region AWS_REGION --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE [--model-server-workers MODEL_SERVER_WORKERS] [--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME] Description This command deploys a pre-trained ML model without code. Required Flags --framework FRAMEWORK : Name of the ML framework. Valid values: sklearn , huggingface , xgboost --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : The AWS profile to use for the lightning deploy command --aws-region AWS_REGION : The AWS region to use for the lightning deploy command --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE : Json file with ML framework specific arguments For SKLearn, you have to specify the framework_version in the EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE and specify the S3 location to model tar.gz (i.e. tar gzip your sklearn pickled file Optional Flags --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : Optional S3 location to model tar.gz --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint Example for SKLearn Compress your pre-trained sklearn model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_sklearn_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework sklearn -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file sklearn_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The sklearn_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported sklearn version(s): 0.20.0, 0.23-1. Example of sklearn_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" } Example for HuggingFace by specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ Compress your pre-trained HuggingFace model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_hg_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), and transformers_version . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\" } Example for HuggingFace without specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), transformers_version and hub . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } } Example for XGBoost Compress your pre-trained XGBoost model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_xgboost_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework xgboost -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file xgboost_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The xgboost_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported xgboost version(s): 0.90-2, 1.0-1, and later. Example of xgboost_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" }","title":"sagify"},{"location":"#sagify","text":"A command-line utility to train and deploy Machine Learning/Deep Learning models on AWS SageMaker in a few simple steps!","title":"sagify"},{"location":"#why-sagify","text":"\"Why should I use Sagify\" you may ask. We'll provide you with some examples of how Sagify can simplify and expedite your ML pipelines. You can train, tune and deploy a Machine Learning on the same day by using Sagify!","title":"Why Sagify?"},{"location":"#no-more-configuring-cloud-instances-for-training-a-machine-learning-model","text":"We have all been in a situation where a Machine Learning team is formed without planning for a team responsible to implement ML tools for ML Scientists. Here's a timeline of what is happening in this case: All ML Scientists in the team have great ideas to solve problems using ML. The team has built a feature engineering pipeline (This is painful, too, and it's in Sagify's roadmap). You probably have downloaded on your laptop a subset of the features data set and there's evidence that your model will work. The moment of experimentation comes and you want to run 10s of training jobs on the cloud using the entire features data set. Everybody in the team has some idea on how to do it but nobody wants to do it :-). ML Scientists should focus on ML and not on engineering tasks! Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a train function!","title":"No More Configuring Cloud Instances for Training a Machine Learning Model"},{"location":"#no-more-infrastructure-pain-to-run-hyperparameter-jobs-on-the-cloud","text":"Yet another similar situation to the one before but this time even more challenging! It's exactly the same story line. Just use Sagify! Implement a train function and provide a path to json file that contains ranges for your hyperparameters!","title":"No More Infrastructure Pain to Run Hyperparameter Jobs on the Cloud"},{"location":"#no-more-need-to-hand-over-models-to-a-software-engineer-to-deploy-them","text":"This is probably the most classic one! You need to run a batch prediction pipeline or deploy your model as a RESTful endpoint. Here's a real-world storyline: The ML team somehow managed to train a fraud detection model and it's time to A/B test it against an existing heuristic. The fraud detection backend team wants you to deploy the model behind a RESTful endpoint. Nobody wants to do it in the ML team even if some people know how to do it. Either way, tt's a waste of ML team's time to ask them to take care of the model deployment infrastructure. The fraud detection backend team has other priorities and they have no time to help you in this task. Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a predict function!","title":"No More Need to Hand Over Models to a Software Engineer to Deploy them"},{"location":"#installation","text":"","title":"Installation"},{"location":"#prerequisites","text":"sagify requires the following: Python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) Docker installed and running Configured awscli","title":"Prerequisites"},{"location":"#install-sagify","text":"At the command line: pip install sagify","title":"Install sagify"},{"location":"#getting-started-no-code-deployment","text":"Create a file with name huggingface_config.json with the following content: { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } } Then, make sure to configure your AWS account by following the instructions at section Configure AWS Account Finally, run the following command: sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev You can change the values for ec2 type (-e), aws region and aws profile with your preferred ones. Once the Hugging Face model is deployed, you can go to (make sure you're on your preferred region) and find your deployed endpoint. For example: Then, you can click on your deployed endpoint and copy the endpoint url. For example: Postman is a good app to call the deployed endpoint. Here's an example on how to set up the AWS signature in order to call the endpoint: Finally, you can call the endpoint from Postman:","title":"Getting started - No code deployment"},{"location":"#getting-started-custom-training-and-deployment","text":"","title":"Getting started - Custom Training and Deployment"},{"location":"#step-1-clone-machine-learning-demo-repository","text":"You're going to clone and train a Machine Learning codebase to train a classifier for the Iris data set. Clone repository: git clone Cd into the cloned repo: cd sagify-demo Create environment: mkvirtualenv sagify-demo Don't forget to activate the virtualenv after the creation of environment by executing workon sagify-demo . Install dependencies: make requirements","title":"Step 1: Clone Machine Learning demo repository"},{"location":"#step-2-initialize-sagify","text":"sagify init Type in sagify-demo for SageMaker app name, N in question Are you starting a new project? , src for question Type in the directory where your code lives and make sure to choose your preferred Python version, AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile","title":"Step 2: Initialize sagify"},{"location":"#step-3-integrate-sagify","text":"As a Machine Learning engineer, you only need to conduct a few actions. Sagify takes care of the rest: Copy a subset of training data under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ to test that training works locally Implement train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ Implement predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ Optionally, specify hyperparameters in sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/config/hyperparameters.json Hence, Copy files from data to sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ : cp ./data/ ./src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') clf, accuracy = training_logic(input_file_path=input_file_path) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import os import joblib from iris_training import train as training_logic Replace the body of predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ with: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } and replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model","title":"Step 3: Integrate sagify"},{"location":"#step-4-build-docker-image","text":"It's time to build the Docker image that will contain the Machine Learning codebase: sagify build If you run docker images | grep sagify-demo in your terminal, you'll see the created Sagify-Demo image.","title":"Step 4: Build Docker image"},{"location":"#step-5-train-model","text":"Time to train the model for the Iris data set in the newly built Docker image: sagify local train Model file model.pkl and report file report.txt are now under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/model/","title":"Step 5: Train model"},{"location":"#step-6-deploy-model","text":"Finally, serve the model as a REST Service: sagify local deploy Run the following curl command on your terminal to verify that the REST Service works: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' It will be slow in the first couple of calls as it loads the model in a lazy manner. Voila! That's a proof that this Machine Learning model is going to be trained and deployed on AWS SageMaker successfully. Now, go to the Usage section in Sagify Docs to see how to train and deploy this Machine Learning model to AWS SageMaker!","title":"Step 6: Deploy model"},{"location":"#usage","text":"","title":"Usage"},{"location":"#configure-aws-account","text":"Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM user and open the IAM console at Select Roles from the list in the left-hand side, and click on Create role Then, select SageMaker as the image shows: Click Next: Review on the following page: Type a name for the SageMaker role, and click on Create role : Click on the created role: Click on Attach policy and search for AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess . Attach the corresponding policy: Do the same to attach the AmazonS3FullAccess , IAMReadOnlyAccess , AmazonSQSFullAccess , AWSLambdaFullAccess , AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess and AmazonSageMakerFullAccess policies, and end up with the following: Now, go to Users page by clicking on Users on the left-hand side. Click on your IAM user that you want to use for AWS SageMaker and attach the AmazonSageMakerFullAccess permission policy: Copy the ARN of that user: Then, go back the page of the Role you created and click on the Trust relationships tab: Click on Edit trust relationship and add the following: { \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": [ { \"Sid\": \"\", \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"PASTE_THE_ARN_YOU_COPIED_EARLIER\", \"Service\": \"\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\" } ] } You're almost there! Make sure that you have added the IAM user in your ~/.aws/credentials file. For example: [test-sagemaker] aws_access_key_id = ... aws_secret_access_key = ... And, finally, add the following in the ~/.aws/config file: [profile test-sagemaker] region = us-east-1 <-- USE YOUR PREFERRED REGION role_arn = COPY_PASTE_THE_ARN_OF_THE_CREATED_ROLE_NOT_USER! for example: arn:aws:iam::...:role/TestSageMakerRole source_profile = test-sagemaker That's it! From now on, choose the created AWS profile when initializing sagify. You can change the AWS profile/region in an already initialized sagify module by changing the value of aws_profile / aws_region in .sagify.json .","title":"Configure AWS Account"},{"location":"#push-docker-image-to-aws-ecs","text":"If you have followed all the steps of Getting Started , run sagify push to push the Docker image to AWS ECS. This step may take some time depending on your internet connection upload speed.","title":"Push Docker Image to AWS ECS"},{"location":"#create-s3-bucket","text":"Make sure to create an S3 bucket with a name of your choice, for example: sagify-demo","title":"Create S3 Bucket"},{"location":"#upload-training-data","text":"Execute sagify cloud upload-data -i data/ -s s3://sagify-demo/training-data to upload training data to S3","title":"Upload Training Data"},{"location":"#train-on-aws-sagemaker","text":"Execute sagify cloud train -i s3://sagify-demo/training-data/ -o s3://sagify-demo/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge to train the Machine Learning model on SageMaker. This command will use the pushed Docker image. Copy the displayed Model S3 location after the command is executed (example: s3://sagify-demo/output/sagify-demo-2018-04-29-15-04-14-483/output/model.tar.gz )","title":"Train on AWS SageMaker"},{"location":"#deploy-on-aws-sagemaker","text":"Execute sagify cloud deploy -m s3://sagify-demo/output/.../output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge to deploy the model on SageMaker.","title":"Deploy on AWS SageMaker"},{"location":"#call-sagemaker-rest-endpoint","text":"Find the endpoint URL under Endpoints in AWS SageMaker service on AWS console. Please, refer to on how to call it from Postman as authorization is required. Remember that it's a POST HTTP request with Content-Type application/json , and the request JSON body is of the form: { \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }","title":"Call SageMaker REST Endpoint"},{"location":"#hyperparameter-optimization","text":"Given that you have configured your AWS Account as described in the previous section, you're now ready to perform Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization on AWS SageMaker! The process is similar to training step.","title":"Hyperparameter Optimization"},{"location":"#step-1-define-hyperparameter-configuration-file","text":"Define the Hyperparameter Configuration File. More specifically, you need to specify in a local JSON file the ranges for the hyperparameters, the name of the objective metric and its type (i.e. Maximize or Minimize ). For example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } }","title":"Step 1: Define Hyperparameter Configuration File"},{"location":"#step-2-implement-train-function","text":"Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with your logic. For example: from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() # Read the hyperparameter config json file import json with open(hyperparams_path) as _in_file: hyperparams_dict = json.load(_in_file) from sklearn import svm clf = svm.SVC( gamma=float(hyperparams_dict['gamma']), # Values will be read as strings, so make sure to convert them to the right data type C=float(hyperparams_dict['C']), kernel=hyperparams_dict['kernel'] ) from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, test_size=0.3, random_state=42), y_train) from sklearn.metrics import precision_score predictions = clf.predict(X_test) precision = precision_score(y_test, predictions, average='weighted') # Log the objective metric name with its calculated value. In tis example is Precision. # The objective name should be exactly the same with the one specified in the hyperparams congig json file. # The value must be a numeric (float or int). from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric name = \"Precision\" log_metric(name, precision) from joblib import dump dump(clf, os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl')) print('Training complete.')","title":"Step 2: Implement Train function"},{"location":"#step-3-build-and-push-docker-image","text":"sagify build Make sure sagify is in your requirements.txt file. sagify push","title":"Step 3: Build and Push Docker image"},{"location":"#step-4-call-the-cli-command","text":"And, finally, call the hyperparameter-optimization CLI command. For example: sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json","title":"Step 4: Call The CLI Command"},{"location":"#step-5-monitor-progress","text":"You can monitor the progress via the SageMaker UI console. Here is an example of a finished Hyperparameter Optimization job:","title":"Step 5: Monitor Progress"},{"location":"#monitor-ml-models-in-production","text":"","title":"Monitor ML Models in Production"},{"location":"#superwise","text":"Superwise provides organizations with the ability to streamline model observability and the monitoring process \ud83d\ude80. The solution is platform-agnostic and provides an extensive freemium tier. The steps below explain how you can integrate with Superwise to gain full visibility into your deployed models. Once you complete the integration, you can use the Superwise platform to define workflows that automatically monitor: data drift, performance degradation, data integrity, model activity, or any other customized monitoring use case.","title":"Superwise"},{"location":"#step-1-create-a-superwise-account","text":"Go to Superwise and click the signup button to create an account. Using the free tier, you can monitor up to three models.","title":"Step 1: Create a Superwise Account"},{"location":"#step-2-add-your-model","text":"You can use the Superwise SDK to create the model. To use the SDK you should generate tokens .","title":"Step 2: Add your model"},{"location":"#step-3-initialize-sagify","text":"To initialize sagify, type the following command sagify init Enter iris-model for the SageMaker app name, and answer y to the prompt asking Are you starting a new project? Next, make sure to choose Python version 3 and the AWS profile and region you wish to use. Type requirements.txt in answer to the prompt Type in the path to requirements.txt. A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The module\u2019s structure is as follows: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile","title":"Step 3: Initialize sagify"},{"location":"#step-4-initialize-the-requirementstxt","text":"Make sure the 'requirements.txt' at the root of the project has the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn superwise","title":"Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt"},{"location":"#step-5-download-the-iris-data-set","text":"Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ .","title":"Step 5: Download the Iris data set"},{"location":"#step-6-implement-the-training-logic","text":"In the src/sagify_base/training/ file, replace the TODOs in the train(...) function with the following text: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime('now') df[\"id\"] = df.apply(lambda _: uuid.uuid4(), axis=1) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() clf = SVC(gamma='auto', kernel=\"linear\"), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) ## create superwise model model = sw.model.create(Model(name=MODEL_NAME, description=\"Iris Model Demo\") ) df[\"prediction\"] = clf.predict(df[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']]) ## summarize the data, use infer_dtype for auto detect features entities = sw.data_entity.summarise( data=df, entities_dtypes=infer_dtype(df), specific_roles={ \"date_time\" : DataEntityRole.TIMESTAMP, \"id\" : DataEntityRole.ID, \"label\" : DataEntityRole.LABEL, \"prediction\" : DataEntityRole.PREDICTION_VALUE }, importance=dict(zip(clf.coef_[0], ['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4'])) ) ## create and activate superwise version version = Version(, name=\"V1\", data_entities=entities) active_version = sw.version.create(version) sw.version.activate( And, at the top of the file, add the following: import uuid import joblib import os import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC from superwise import Superwise from superwise.models.model import Model from superwise.models.version import Version from superwise.resources.superwise_enums import DataEntityRole from superwise.controller.infer import infer_dtype MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", )","title":"Step 6: Implement the training logic"},{"location":"#step-7-implement-the-prediction-logic","text":"In the file src/sagify_base/prediction/ replace the body of the predict(...) function with the following: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) model = ModelService.get_superwise_model(MODEL_NAME) for m in model_input: records = { \"date_time\" : str(datetime.utcnow()), \"id\" : str(uuid.uuid4()), \"prediction\": prediction, \"feature1\": m[0], \"feature2\": m[1], \"feature3\": m[2], \"feature4\": m[3] } transaction_id = sw.transaction.log_records( model_id=model[0].id, version_id=model[0].active_version_id, records=records ) print(f\"Created transaction: {transaction_id}\") return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } Within the ModelService class in the same file, replace the body of the get_model() function with the following: if cls.model is None: cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model Then, add a new function called get_superwise_model() to the \u2018ModelService\u2019 class, using the following: @classmethod def get_superwise_model(cls,model_name): \"\"\" Get superwise model using superwise SDK \"\"\" return sw.model.get_by_name(model_name) Now, add the following text to the top of the file: from superwise import Superwise import joblib import os import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import uuid sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", ) MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in","title":"Step 7: Implement the prediction logic"},{"location":"#step-8-build-and-train-the-ml-model","text":"If you\u2019re ready to build and train the ML model, run the command sagify build and then run sagify local train","title":"Step 8: Build and train the ML model"},{"location":"#step-9-call-the-inference-rest-api","text":"To use the REST API, run the command sagify local deploy Once that\u2019s done, call the inference endpoint by running the following curl command: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' You should now be able to see data coming in on the Superwise dashboards.","title":"Step 9: Call the inference REST API"},{"location":"#aporia","text":"In this part, you'll integrate with Aporia in order to monitor deployed ML models. More specifically, you'll monitor: data drifting model degradation data integrity","title":"Aporia"},{"location":"#step-1-create-aporia-account","text":"Go to Aporia and create an account. There's a generous free tier.","title":"Step 1: Create Aporia Account"},{"location":"#step-2-create-model-at-aporia","text":"Add your model to Aporia's console. Click the Add Model button in the Models page and name it \"Iris Model\"","title":"Step 2: Create model at Aporia"},{"location":"#step-3-initialize-sagify_1","text":"sagify init Type in iris-model for SageMaker app name, y in question Are you starting a new project? , make sure to choose Python version 3 and your preferred AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile","title":"Step 3: Initialize sagify"},{"location":"#step-4-initialize-the-requirementstxt_1","text":"The requirements.txt at the root of the project must have the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn aporia[all]","title":"Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt"},{"location":"#step-5-download-iris-data-set","text":"Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ .","title":"Step 5: Download Iris data set"},{"location":"#step-6-implement-training-logic","text":"Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in src/sagify_base/training/ file with the following. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() ###### Report Version Schema ###### apr_model_version = 'v1' apr_model_type = 'multiclass' # Select model type: \"binary\" or \"regression\" ###### Create a model version ###### apr_model = aporia.create_model_version( model_id=\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", model_version=apr_model_version, model_type=apr_model_type, features=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(features_train_df), predictions=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(labels_train_df) ) ###### Report Training Data ###### apr_model.log_training_set( features=features_train_df, labels=labels_train_df ) clf = SVC(gamma='auto'), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) apr_model.log_test_set( features=features_test_df, labels=labels_test_df, predictions=pd.DataFrame({'label': test_predictions}) ) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import joblib import os import aporia import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\")","title":"Step 6: Implement Training logic"},{"location":"#step-7-implement-prediction-logic","text":"Replace the body of predict(...) function in src/sagify_base/prediction/ with. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) ###### Report Inference ###### apr_prediction_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) apr_model = aporia.Model(\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", \"v1\") apr_model.log_prediction( id=apr_prediction_id, features={ 'feature1': model_input[0][0], 'feature2': model_input[0][1], 'feature3': model_input[0][2], 'feature4': model_input[0][3], }, predictions={ 'label': prediction.item() }, ) apr_model.flush() return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: from sklearn.externals import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model and the top of the file must look like: import aporia import os import uuid ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\") _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in","title":"Step 7: Implement Prediction logic"},{"location":"#step-8-build-and-train-the-ml-model_1","text":"Run sagify build and after that sagify local train","title":"Step 8: Build and Train the ML model"},{"location":"#step-9-call-inference-rest-api","text":"Run sagify local deploy and then run the following curl command to call the inference endpoint: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' Now you should be able to see data coming in on Aporia dashboards.","title":"Step 9: Call inference REST API"},{"location":"#commands","text":"","title":"Commands"},{"location":"#initialize","text":"","title":"Initialize"},{"location":"#name","text":"Initializes a sagify module","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis","text":"sagify init","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description","text":"This command initializes a sagify module in the directory you provide when asked after you invoke the init command.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example","text":"sagify init","title":"Example"},{"location":"#configure","text":"","title":"Configure"},{"location":"#description_1","text":"Updates an existing configuration value e.g. python version or AWS region .","title":"Description"},{"location":"#synopsis_1","text":"sagify configure [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME] [--python-version PYTHON_VERSION]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#optional-flags","text":"--aws-region AWS_REGION : AWS region where Docker images are pushed and SageMaker operations ( train , deploy ) are performed. --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : AWS profile to use when interacting with AWS . --image-name IMAGE_NAME : Docker image name used when building for use with SageMaker . This shows up as an AWS ECR repository on your AWS account. --python-version PYTHON_VERSION : Python version used when building SageMaker's Docker images. Currently supported versions: 3.6 .","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_1","text":"sagify configure --aws-region us-east-2 --aws-profile default --image-name sage-docker-image-name --python-version 3.6","title":"Example"},{"location":"#build","text":"","title":"Build"},{"location":"#name_1","text":"Builds a Docker image","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_2","text":"sagify build","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_2","text":"This command builds a Docker image from code under the directory sagify is installed in. A REQUIREMENTS_FILE needs to be specified during sagify init or later via sagify configure --requirements-dir for all required dependencies to be installed in the Docker image.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example_2","text":"sagify build","title":"Example"},{"location":"#local-train","text":"","title":"Local Train"},{"location":"#name_2","text":"Executes a Docker image in train mode","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_3","text":"sagify local train","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_3","text":"This command executes a Docker image in train mode. More specifically, it executes the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ inside an already built Docker image (see Build command section).","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example_3","text":"sagify local train","title":"Example"},{"location":"#local-deploy","text":"","title":"Local Deploy"},{"location":"#name_3","text":"Executes a Docker image in serve mode","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_4","text":"sagify local deploy","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_4","text":"This command executes a Docker image in serve mode. More specifically, it runs a Flask REST app in Docker image and directs HTTP requests to /invocations endpoint. Then, the /invocations endpoint calls the predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ (see Build command section on how to build a Docker image).","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example_4","text":"sagify local deploy","title":"Example"},{"location":"#push","text":"","title":"Push"},{"location":"#name_4","text":"Pushes a Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_5","text":"sagify push [--aws-profile PROFILE_NAME] [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_5","text":"This command pushes an already built Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service. Later on, AWS SageMaker will consume that image from AWS Elastic Container Service for train and serve mode. Only one of iam-role-arn and aws_profile can be provided. external-id is ignored when no iam-role-arn is provided.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#optional-flags_1","text":"--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -i IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for pushing to ECR --aws-region AWS_REGION or -r AWS_REGION : The AWS region to push the image to --aws-profile PROFILE_NAME or -p PROFILE_NAME : AWS profile to use for pushing to ECR --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -e EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_5","text":"sagify push","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-upload-data","text":"","title":"Cloud Upload Data"},{"location":"#name_5","text":"Uploads data to AWS S3","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_6","text":"sagify cloud upload-data --input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_6","text":"This command uploads content under LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR to S3 under S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags","text":"--input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR or -i LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR : Local input directory --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION or -s S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION : S3 target location","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#example_6","text":"sagify cloud upload-data -i ./training_data/ -s s3://my-bucket/training-data/","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-train","text":"","title":"Cloud Train"},{"location":"#name_6","text":"Trains your ML/DL model using a Docker image on AWS SageMaker with input from S3","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_7","text":"sagify cloud train --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_7","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in train mode","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_1","text":"--input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_2","text":"--hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE : Path to hyperparams JSON file --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False). --metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES : Optional comma-separated metric names for tracking performance of training jobs. Example: Precision,Recall,AUC . Then, make sure you log these metric values using the log_metric function in the train function: ... from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric log_metric(\"Precision:, precision) log_metric(\"Accuracy\", accuracy) ... When the training jobs finishes, they will be stored in the CloudWatch algorithm metrics logs of the SageMaker training job:","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_7","text":"sagify cloud train -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparams.json -v 60 -t 86400 --metric-names Accuracy,Precision","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-hyperparameter-optimization","text":"","title":"Cloud Hyperparameter Optimization"},{"location":"#name_7","text":"Executes a Docker image in hyperparameter-optimization mode on AWS SageMaker","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_8","text":"sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_MULTIPLE_TRAINED_MODELS --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE] [--max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS] [--max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_8","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in hyperparameter-optimization mode","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_2","text":"--input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE : Local path to hyperparameters configuration file. Example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } }","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_3","text":"--max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS or -m MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum total number of training jobs to start for the hyperparameter tuning job (default: 3) --max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS or -p MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum number of parallel training jobs to start (default: 1) --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Hyperparameter Tuning is finished. (default: don't wait) --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False).","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_8","text":"sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json -v 60 -t 86400","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-deploy","text":"","title":"Cloud Deploy"},{"location":"#name_8","text":"Executes a Docker image in serve mode on AWS SageMaker","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_9","text":"sagify cloud deploy --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_9","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in serve mode. You can update an endpoint (model or number of instances) by specifying the endpoint-name.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_3","text":"--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_4","text":"--aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_9","text":"sagify cloud deploy -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-batch-transform","text":"","title":"Cloud Batch Transform"},{"location":"#name_9","text":"Executes a Docker image in batch transform mode on AWS SageMaker, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_10","text":"sagify cloud batch-transform --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION --num-instance NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--job-name JOB_NAME]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_10","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in batch transform mode, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data. SageMaker will spin up REST container(s) and call it/them with input data(features) from a user defined S3 path. Things to do: - You should implement the predict function that expects a JSON containing the required feature values. It's the same predict function used for deploying the model as a REST service. Example of a JSON: { \"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2] } The input S3 path should contain a file or multiple files where each line is a JSON, the same JSON format as the one expected in the predict function. Example of a file: {\"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2]}","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_4","text":"--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION or -i S3_INPUT_LOCATION : s3 input data location --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION or -o S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION : s3 location to save predictions --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_5","text":"--aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Batch Transform is finished. (default: don't wait) --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker batch transform job","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_10","text":"sagify cloud batch-transform -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -i s3://my-bucket/input_features -o s3://my-bucket/predictions -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-create-streaming-inference","text":"NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\":","title":"Cloud Create Streaming Inference"},{"location":"#name_10","text":"Creates streaming inference pipelines","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_11","text":"sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_11","text":"This command creates a worker as a Lambda function that listens to features in the FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME , calls the the endpoint ENDPOINT_NAME and, finally, forwards predictions to PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME .","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_5","text":"--name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : The name of the endpoint of the deployed model --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported!","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#example_11","text":"sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --endpoint-name my-recommender-endpoint-1 --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-delete-streaming-inference","text":"NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\":","title":"Cloud Delete Streaming Inference"},{"location":"#name_11","text":"Deletes streaming inference pipelines","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_12","text":"sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_12","text":"This command deletes the worker (i.e. Lambda function), input topic FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME and output topic PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME .","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_6","text":"--name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported!","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#example_12","text":"sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-lightning-deploy","text":"","title":"Cloud Lightning Deploy"},{"location":"#name_12","text":"Command for lightning deployment of pre-trained ML model(s) on AWS SageMaker without code","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_13","text":"sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework FRAMEWORK --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE --aws-region AWS_REGION --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE [--model-server-workers MODEL_SERVER_WORKERS] [--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_13","text":"This command deploys a pre-trained ML model without code.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_7","text":"--framework FRAMEWORK : Name of the ML framework. Valid values: sklearn , huggingface , xgboost --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : The AWS profile to use for the lightning deploy command --aws-region AWS_REGION : The AWS region to use for the lightning deploy command --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE : Json file with ML framework specific arguments For SKLearn, you have to specify the framework_version in the EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE and specify the S3 location to model tar.gz (i.e. tar gzip your sklearn pickled file","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_6","text":"--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : Optional S3 location to model tar.gz --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example-for-sklearn","text":"Compress your pre-trained sklearn model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_sklearn_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework sklearn -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file sklearn_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The sklearn_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported sklearn version(s): 0.20.0, 0.23-1. Example of sklearn_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" }","title":"Example for SKLearn"},{"location":"#example-for-huggingface-by-specifying-the-s3_location_to_model_tar_gz","text":"Compress your pre-trained HuggingFace model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_hg_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), and transformers_version . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\" }","title":"Example for HuggingFace by specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ"},{"location":"#example-for-huggingface-without-specifying-the-s3_location_to_model_tar_gz","text":"sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), transformers_version and hub . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } }","title":"Example for HuggingFace without specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ"},{"location":"#example-for-xgboost","text":"Compress your pre-trained XGBoost model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_xgboost_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework xgboost -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file xgboost_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The xgboost_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported xgboost version(s): 0.90-2, 1.0-1, and later. Example of xgboost_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" }","title":"Example for XGBoost"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"sagify A command-line utility to train and deploy Machine Learning/Deep Learning models on AWS SageMaker in a few simple steps! Why Sagify? \"Why should I use Sagify\" you may ask. We'll provide you with some examples of how Sagify can simplify and expedite your ML pipelines. You can train, tune and deploy a Machine Learning on the same day by using Sagify! No More Configuring Cloud Instances for Training a Machine Learning Model We have all been in a situation where a Machine Learning team is formed without planning for a team responsible to implement ML tools for ML Scientists. Here's a timeline of what is happening in this case: All ML Scientists in the team have great ideas to solve problems using ML. The team has built a feature engineering pipeline (This is painful, too, and it's in Sagify's roadmap). You probably have downloaded on your laptop a subset of the features data set and there's evidence that your model will work. The moment of experimentation comes and you want to run 10s of training jobs on the cloud using the entire features data set. Everybody in the team has some idea on how to do it but nobody wants to do it :-). ML Scientists should focus on ML and not on engineering tasks! Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a train function! No More Infrastructure Pain to Run Hyperparameter Jobs on the Cloud Yet another similar situation to the one before but this time even more challenging! It's exactly the same story line. Just use Sagify! Implement a train function and provide a path to json file that contains ranges for your hyperparameters! No More Need to Hand Over Models to a Software Engineer to Deploy them This is probably the most classic one! You need to run a batch prediction pipeline or deploy your model as a RESTful endpoint. Here's a real-world storyline: The ML team somehow managed to train a fraud detection model and it's time to A/B test it against an existing heuristic. The fraud detection backend team wants you to deploy the model behind a RESTful endpoint. Nobody wants to do it in the ML team even if some people know how to do it. Either way, tt's a waste of ML team's time to ask them to take care of the model deployment infrastructure. The fraud detection backend team has other priorities and they have no time to help you in this task. Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a predict function! Installation Prerequisites sagify requires the following: Python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) Docker installed and running Configured awscli Install sagify At the command line: pip install sagify Getting started - No code deployment Create a file with name huggingface_config.json with the following content: { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } } Then, make sure to configure your AWS account by following the instructions at section Configure AWS Account Finally, run the following command: sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev You can change the values for ec2 type (-e), aws region and aws profile with your preferred ones. Once the Hugging Face model is deployed, you can go to (make sure you're on your preferred region) and find your deployed endpoint. For example: Then, you can click on your deployed endpoint and copy the endpoint url. For example: Postman is a good app to call the deployed endpoint. Here's an example on how to set up the AWS signature in order to call the endpoint: Finally, you can call the endpoint from Postman: Getting started - Custom Training and Deployment Step 1: Clone Machine Learning demo repository You're going to clone and train a Machine Learning codebase to train a classifier for the Iris data set. Clone repository: git clone Cd into the cloned repo: cd sagify-demo Create environment: mkvirtualenv sagify-demo Don't forget to activate the virtualenv after the creation of environment by executing workon sagify-demo . Install dependencies: make requirements Step 2: Initialize sagify sagify init Type in sagify-demo for SageMaker app name, N in question Are you starting a new project? , src for question Type in the directory where your code lives and make sure to choose your preferred Python version, AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile Step 3: Integrate sagify As a Machine Learning engineer, you only need to conduct a few actions. Sagify takes care of the rest: Copy a subset of training data under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ to test that training works locally Implement train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ Implement predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ Optionally, specify hyperparameters in sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/config/hyperparameters.json Hence, Copy files from data to sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ : cp ./data/ ./src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') clf, accuracy = training_logic(input_file_path=input_file_path) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import os import joblib from iris_training import train as training_logic Replace the body of predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ with: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } and replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model Step 4: Build Docker image It's time to build the Docker image that will contain the Machine Learning codebase: sagify build If you run docker images | grep sagify-demo in your terminal, you'll see the created Sagify-Demo image. Step 5: Train model Time to train the model for the Iris data set in the newly built Docker image: sagify local train Model file model.pkl and report file report.txt are now under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/model/ Step 6: Deploy model Finally, serve the model as a REST Service: sagify local deploy Run the following curl command on your terminal to verify that the REST Service works: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' It will be slow in the first couple of calls as it loads the model in a lazy manner. Voila! That's a proof that this Machine Learning model is going to be trained and deployed on AWS SageMaker successfully. Now, go to the Usage section in Sagify Docs to see how to train and deploy this Machine Learning model to AWS SageMaker! Usage Configure AWS Account Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM user and open the IAM console at Select Roles from the list in the left-hand side, and click on Create role Then, select SageMaker as the image shows: Click Next: Review on the following page: Type a name for the SageMaker role, and click on Create role : Click on the created role: Click on Attach policy and search for AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess . Attach the corresponding policy: Do the same to attach the AmazonS3FullAccess , IAMReadOnlyAccess , AmazonSQSFullAccess , AWSLambdaFullAccess , AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess and AmazonSageMakerFullAccess policies, and end up with the following: Now, go to Users page by clicking on Users on the left-hand side. Click on your IAM user that you want to use for AWS SageMaker and attach the AmazonSageMakerFullAccess permission policy: Copy the ARN of that user: Then, go back the page of the Role you created and click on the Trust relationships tab: Click on Edit trust relationship and add the following: { \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": [ { \"Sid\": \"\", \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"PASTE_THE_ARN_YOU_COPIED_EARLIER\", \"Service\": \"\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\" } ] } You're almost there! Make sure that you have added the IAM user in your ~/.aws/credentials file. For example: [test-sagemaker] aws_access_key_id = ... aws_secret_access_key = ... And, finally, add the following in the ~/.aws/config file: [profile test-sagemaker] region = us-east-1 <-- USE YOUR PREFERRED REGION role_arn = COPY_PASTE_THE_ARN_OF_THE_CREATED_ROLE_NOT_USER! for example: arn:aws:iam::...:role/TestSageMakerRole source_profile = test-sagemaker That's it! From now on, choose the created AWS profile when initializing sagify. You can change the AWS profile/region in an already initialized sagify module by changing the value of aws_profile / aws_region in .sagify.json . Push Docker Image to AWS ECR If you have followed all the steps of Getting Started , run sagify push to push the Docker image to AWS ECR. This step may take some time depending on your internet connection upload speed. Create S3 Bucket Make sure to create an S3 bucket with a name of your choice, for example: sagify-demo Upload Training Data Execute sagify cloud upload-data -i data/ -s s3://sagify-demo/training-data to upload training data to S3 Train on AWS SageMaker Execute sagify cloud train -i s3://sagify-demo/training-data/ -o s3://sagify-demo/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge to train the Machine Learning model on SageMaker. This command will use the pushed Docker image. Copy the displayed Model S3 location after the command is executed (example: s3://sagify-demo/output/sagify-demo-2018-04-29-15-04-14-483/output/model.tar.gz ) Deploy on AWS SageMaker Execute sagify cloud deploy -m s3://sagify-demo/output/.../output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge to deploy the model on SageMaker. Call SageMaker REST Endpoint Find the endpoint URL under Endpoints in AWS SageMaker service on AWS console. Please, refer to on how to call it from Postman as authorization is required. Remember that it's a POST HTTP request with Content-Type application/json , and the request JSON body is of the form: { \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] } Hyperparameter Optimization Given that you have configured your AWS Account as described in the previous section, you're now ready to perform Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization on AWS SageMaker! The process is similar to training step. Step 1: Define Hyperparameter Configuration File Define the Hyperparameter Configuration File. More specifically, you need to specify in a local JSON file the ranges for the hyperparameters, the name of the objective metric and its type (i.e. Maximize or Minimize ). For example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } } Step 2: Implement Train function Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with your logic. For example: from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() # Read the hyperparameter config json file import json with open(hyperparams_path) as _in_file: hyperparams_dict = json.load(_in_file) from sklearn import svm clf = svm.SVC( gamma=float(hyperparams_dict['gamma']), # Values will be read as strings, so make sure to convert them to the right data type C=float(hyperparams_dict['C']), kernel=hyperparams_dict['kernel'] ) from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, test_size=0.3, random_state=42), y_train) from sklearn.metrics import precision_score predictions = clf.predict(X_test) precision = precision_score(y_test, predictions, average='weighted') # Log the objective metric name with its calculated value. In tis example is Precision. # The objective name should be exactly the same with the one specified in the hyperparams congig json file. # The value must be a numeric (float or int). from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric name = \"Precision\" log_metric(name, precision) from joblib import dump dump(clf, os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl')) print('Training complete.') Step 3: Build and Push Docker image sagify build Make sure sagify is in your requirements.txt file. sagify push Step 4: Call The CLI Command And, finally, call the hyperparameter-optimization CLI command. For example: sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json Step 5: Monitor Progress You can monitor the progress via the SageMaker UI console. Here is an example of a finished Hyperparameter Optimization job: Monitor ML Models in Production Superwise Superwise provides organizations with the ability to streamline model observability and the monitoring process \ud83d\ude80. The solution is platform-agnostic and provides an extensive freemium tier. The steps below explain how you can integrate with Superwise to gain full visibility into your deployed models. Once you complete the integration, you can use the Superwise platform to define workflows that automatically monitor: data drift, performance degradation, data integrity, model activity, or any other customized monitoring use case. Step 1: Create a Superwise Account Go to Superwise and click the signup button to create an account. Using the free tier, you can monitor up to three models. Step 2: Add your model You can use the Superwise SDK to create the model. To use the SDK you should generate tokens . Step 3: Initialize sagify To initialize sagify, type the following command sagify init Enter iris-model for the SageMaker app name, and answer y to the prompt asking Are you starting a new project? Next, make sure to choose Python version 3 and the AWS profile and region you wish to use. Type requirements.txt in answer to the prompt Type in the path to requirements.txt. A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The module\u2019s structure is as follows: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt Make sure the 'requirements.txt' at the root of the project has the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn superwise Step 5: Download the Iris data set Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ . Step 6: Implement the training logic In the src/sagify_base/training/ file, replace the TODOs in the train(...) function with the following text: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime('now') df[\"id\"] = df.apply(lambda _: uuid.uuid4(), axis=1) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() clf = SVC(gamma='auto', kernel=\"linear\"), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) ## create superwise model model = sw.model.create(Model(name=MODEL_NAME, description=\"Iris Model Demo\") ) df[\"prediction\"] = clf.predict(df[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']]) ## summarize the data, use infer_dtype for auto detect features entities = sw.data_entity.summarise( data=df, entities_dtypes=infer_dtype(df), specific_roles={ \"date_time\" : DataEntityRole.TIMESTAMP, \"id\" : DataEntityRole.ID, \"label\" : DataEntityRole.LABEL, \"prediction\" : DataEntityRole.PREDICTION_VALUE }, importance=dict(zip(clf.coef_[0], ['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4'])) ) ## create and activate superwise version version = Version(, name=\"V1\", data_entities=entities) active_version = sw.version.create(version) sw.version.activate( And, at the top of the file, add the following: import uuid import joblib import os import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC from superwise import Superwise from superwise.models.model import Model from superwise.models.version import Version from superwise.resources.superwise_enums import DataEntityRole from superwise.controller.infer import infer_dtype MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", ) Step 7: Implement the prediction logic In the file src/sagify_base/prediction/ replace the body of the predict(...) function with the following: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) model = ModelService.get_superwise_model(MODEL_NAME) for m in model_input: records = { \"date_time\" : str(datetime.utcnow()), \"id\" : str(uuid.uuid4()), \"prediction\": prediction, \"feature1\": m[0], \"feature2\": m[1], \"feature3\": m[2], \"feature4\": m[3] } transaction_id = sw.transaction.log_records( model_id=model[0].id, version_id=model[0].active_version_id, records=records ) print(f\"Created transaction: {transaction_id}\") return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } Within the ModelService class in the same file, replace the body of the get_model() function with the following: if cls.model is None: cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model Then, add a new function called get_superwise_model() to the \u2018ModelService\u2019 class, using the following: @classmethod def get_superwise_model(cls,model_name): \"\"\" Get superwise model using superwise SDK \"\"\" return sw.model.get_by_name(model_name) Now, add the following text to the top of the file: from superwise import Superwise import joblib import os import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import uuid sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", ) MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in Step 8: Build and train the ML model If you\u2019re ready to build and train the ML model, run the command sagify build and then run sagify local train Step 9: Call the inference REST API To use the REST API, run the command sagify local deploy Once that\u2019s done, call the inference endpoint by running the following curl command: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' You should now be able to see data coming in on the Superwise dashboards. Aporia In this part, you'll integrate with Aporia in order to monitor deployed ML models. More specifically, you'll monitor: data drifting model degradation data integrity Step 1: Create Aporia Account Go to Aporia and create an account. There's a generous free tier. Step 2: Create model at Aporia Add your model to Aporia's console. Click the Add Model button in the Models page and name it \"Iris Model\" Step 3: Initialize sagify sagify init Type in iris-model for SageMaker app name, y in question Are you starting a new project? , make sure to choose Python version 3 and your preferred AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt The requirements.txt at the root of the project must have the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn aporia[all] Step 5: Download Iris data set Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ . Step 6: Implement Training logic Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in src/sagify_base/training/ file with the following. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() ###### Report Version Schema ###### apr_model_version = 'v1' apr_model_type = 'multiclass' # Select model type: \"binary\" or \"regression\" ###### Create a model version ###### apr_model = aporia.create_model_version( model_id=\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", model_version=apr_model_version, model_type=apr_model_type, features=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(features_train_df), predictions=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(labels_train_df) ) ###### Report Training Data ###### apr_model.log_training_set( features=features_train_df, labels=labels_train_df ) clf = SVC(gamma='auto'), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) apr_model.log_test_set( features=features_test_df, labels=labels_test_df, predictions=pd.DataFrame({'label': test_predictions}) ) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import joblib import os import aporia import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\") Step 7: Implement Prediction logic Replace the body of predict(...) function in src/sagify_base/prediction/ with. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) ###### Report Inference ###### apr_prediction_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) apr_model = aporia.Model(\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", \"v1\") apr_model.log_prediction( id=apr_prediction_id, features={ 'feature1': model_input[0][0], 'feature2': model_input[0][1], 'feature3': model_input[0][2], 'feature4': model_input[0][3], }, predictions={ 'label': prediction.item() }, ) apr_model.flush() return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: from sklearn.externals import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model and the top of the file must look like: import aporia import os import uuid ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\") _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in Step 8: Build and Train the ML model Run sagify build and after that sagify local train Step 9: Call inference REST API Run sagify local deploy and then run the following curl command to call the inference endpoint: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' Now you should be able to see data coming in on Aporia dashboards. Commands Initialize Name Initializes a sagify module Synopsis sagify init Description This command initializes a sagify module in the directory you provide when asked after you invoke the init command. Example sagify init Configure Description Updates an existing configuration value e.g. python version or AWS region . Synopsis sagify configure [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME] [--python-version PYTHON_VERSION] Optional Flags --aws-region AWS_REGION : AWS region where Docker images are pushed and SageMaker operations ( train , deploy ) are performed. --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : AWS profile to use when interacting with AWS . --image-name IMAGE_NAME : Docker image name used when building for use with SageMaker . This shows up as an AWS ECR repository on your AWS account. --python-version PYTHON_VERSION : Python version used when building SageMaker's Docker images. Currently supported versions: 3.6 . Example sagify configure --aws-region us-east-2 --aws-profile default --image-name sage-docker-image-name --python-version 3.6 Build Name Builds a Docker image Synopsis sagify build Description This command builds a Docker image from code under the directory sagify is installed in. A REQUIREMENTS_FILE needs to be specified during sagify init or later via sagify configure --requirements-dir for all required dependencies to be installed in the Docker image. Example sagify build Local Train Name Executes a Docker image in train mode Synopsis sagify local train Description This command executes a Docker image in train mode. More specifically, it executes the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ inside an already built Docker image (see Build command section). Example sagify local train Local Deploy Name Executes a Docker image in serve mode Synopsis sagify local deploy Description This command executes a Docker image in serve mode. More specifically, it runs a Flask REST app in Docker image and directs HTTP requests to /invocations endpoint. Then, the /invocations endpoint calls the predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ (see Build command section on how to build a Docker image). Example sagify local deploy Push Name Pushes a Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service Synopsis sagify push [--aws-profile PROFILE_NAME] [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] Description This command pushes an already built Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service. Later on, AWS SageMaker will consume that image from AWS Elastic Container Service for train and serve mode. Only one of iam-role-arn and aws_profile can be provided. external-id is ignored when no iam-role-arn is provided. Optional Flags --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -i IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for pushing to ECR --aws-region AWS_REGION or -r AWS_REGION : The AWS region to push the image to --aws-profile PROFILE_NAME or -p PROFILE_NAME : AWS profile to use for pushing to ECR --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -e EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role Example sagify push Cloud Upload Data Name Uploads data to AWS S3 Synopsis sagify cloud upload-data --input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION Description This command uploads content under LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR to S3 under S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION Required Flags --input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR or -i LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR : Local input directory --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION or -s S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION : S3 target location Example sagify cloud upload-data -i ./training_data/ -s s3://my-bucket/training-data/ Cloud Train Name Trains your ML/DL model using a Docker image on AWS SageMaker with input from S3 Synopsis sagify cloud train --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in train mode Required Flags --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to Optional Flags --hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE : Path to hyperparams JSON file --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False). --metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES : Optional comma-separated metric names for tracking performance of training jobs. Example: Precision,Recall,AUC . Then, make sure you log these metric values using the log_metric function in the train function: ... from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric log_metric(\"Precision:, precision) log_metric(\"Accuracy\", accuracy) ... When the training jobs finishes, they will be stored in the CloudWatch algorithm metrics logs of the SageMaker training job: Example sagify cloud train -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparams.json -v 60 -t 86400 --metric-names Accuracy,Precision Cloud Hyperparameter Optimization Name Executes a Docker image in hyperparameter-optimization mode on AWS SageMaker Synopsis sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_MULTIPLE_TRAINED_MODELS --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE] [--max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS] [--max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in hyperparameter-optimization mode Required Flags --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE : Local path to hyperparameters configuration file. Example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } } Optional Flags --max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS or -m MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum total number of training jobs to start for the hyperparameter tuning job (default: 3) --max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS or -p MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum number of parallel training jobs to start (default: 1) --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Hyperparameter Tuning is finished. (default: don't wait) --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False). Example sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json -v 60 -t 86400 Cloud Deploy Name Executes a Docker image in serve mode on AWS SageMaker Synopsis sagify cloud deploy --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in serve mode. You can update an endpoint (model or number of instances) by specifying the endpoint-name. Required Flags --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to Optional Flags --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint Example sagify cloud deploy -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge Cloud Batch Transform Name Executes a Docker image in batch transform mode on AWS SageMaker, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data Synopsis sagify cloud batch-transform --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION --num-instance NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--job-name JOB_NAME] Description This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in batch transform mode, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data. SageMaker will spin up REST container(s) and call it/them with input data(features) from a user defined S3 path. Things to do: - You should implement the predict function that expects a JSON containing the required feature values. It's the same predict function used for deploying the model as a REST service. Example of a JSON: { \"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2] } The input S3 path should contain a file or multiple files where each line is a JSON, the same JSON format as the one expected in the predict function. Example of a file: {\"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2]} Required Flags --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION or -i S3_INPUT_LOCATION : s3 input data location --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION or -o S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION : s3 location to save predictions --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to Optional Flags --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Batch Transform is finished. (default: don't wait) --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker batch transform job Example sagify cloud batch-transform -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -i s3://my-bucket/input_features -o s3://my-bucket/predictions -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge Cloud Create Streaming Inference NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\": Name Creates streaming inference pipelines Synopsis sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE Description This command creates a worker as a Lambda function that listens to features in the FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME , calls the the endpoint ENDPOINT_NAME and, finally, forwards predictions to PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME . Required Flags --name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : The name of the endpoint of the deployed model --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported! Example sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --endpoint-name my-recommender-endpoint-1 --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS Cloud Delete Streaming Inference NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\": Name Deletes streaming inference pipelines Synopsis sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE Description This command deletes the worker (i.e. Lambda function), input topic FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME and output topic PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME . Required Flags --name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported! Example sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS Cloud Lightning Deploy Name Command for lightning deployment of pre-trained ML model(s) on AWS SageMaker without code Synopsis sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework FRAMEWORK --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE --aws-region AWS_REGION --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE [--model-server-workers MODEL_SERVER_WORKERS] [--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME] Description This command deploys a pre-trained ML model without code. Required Flags --framework FRAMEWORK : Name of the ML framework. Valid values: sklearn , huggingface , xgboost --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : The AWS profile to use for the lightning deploy command --aws-region AWS_REGION : The AWS region to use for the lightning deploy command --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE : Json file with ML framework specific arguments For SKLearn, you have to specify the framework_version in the EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE and specify the S3 location to model tar.gz (i.e. tar gzip your sklearn pickled file Optional Flags --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : Optional S3 location to model tar.gz --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint Example for SKLearn Compress your pre-trained sklearn model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_sklearn_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework sklearn -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file sklearn_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The sklearn_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported sklearn version(s): 0.20.0, 0.23-1. Example of sklearn_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" } Example for HuggingFace by specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ Compress your pre-trained HuggingFace model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_hg_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), and transformers_version . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\" } Example for HuggingFace without specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), transformers_version and hub . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } } Example for XGBoost Compress your pre-trained XGBoost model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_xgboost_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework xgboost -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file xgboost_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The xgboost_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported xgboost version(s): 0.90-2, 1.0-1, and later. Example of xgboost_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" }","title":"sagify"},{"location":"#sagify","text":"A command-line utility to train and deploy Machine Learning/Deep Learning models on AWS SageMaker in a few simple steps!","title":"sagify"},{"location":"#why-sagify","text":"\"Why should I use Sagify\" you may ask. We'll provide you with some examples of how Sagify can simplify and expedite your ML pipelines. You can train, tune and deploy a Machine Learning on the same day by using Sagify!","title":"Why Sagify?"},{"location":"#no-more-configuring-cloud-instances-for-training-a-machine-learning-model","text":"We have all been in a situation where a Machine Learning team is formed without planning for a team responsible to implement ML tools for ML Scientists. Here's a timeline of what is happening in this case: All ML Scientists in the team have great ideas to solve problems using ML. The team has built a feature engineering pipeline (This is painful, too, and it's in Sagify's roadmap). You probably have downloaded on your laptop a subset of the features data set and there's evidence that your model will work. The moment of experimentation comes and you want to run 10s of training jobs on the cloud using the entire features data set. Everybody in the team has some idea on how to do it but nobody wants to do it :-). ML Scientists should focus on ML and not on engineering tasks! Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a train function!","title":"No More Configuring Cloud Instances for Training a Machine Learning Model"},{"location":"#no-more-infrastructure-pain-to-run-hyperparameter-jobs-on-the-cloud","text":"Yet another similar situation to the one before but this time even more challenging! It's exactly the same story line. Just use Sagify! Implement a train function and provide a path to json file that contains ranges for your hyperparameters!","title":"No More Infrastructure Pain to Run Hyperparameter Jobs on the Cloud"},{"location":"#no-more-need-to-hand-over-models-to-a-software-engineer-to-deploy-them","text":"This is probably the most classic one! You need to run a batch prediction pipeline or deploy your model as a RESTful endpoint. Here's a real-world storyline: The ML team somehow managed to train a fraud detection model and it's time to A/B test it against an existing heuristic. The fraud detection backend team wants you to deploy the model behind a RESTful endpoint. Nobody wants to do it in the ML team even if some people know how to do it. Either way, tt's a waste of ML team's time to ask them to take care of the model deployment infrastructure. The fraud detection backend team has other priorities and they have no time to help you in this task. Just use Sagify! You just need to implement a predict function!","title":"No More Need to Hand Over Models to a Software Engineer to Deploy them"},{"location":"#installation","text":"","title":"Installation"},{"location":"#prerequisites","text":"sagify requires the following: Python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11) Docker installed and running Configured awscli","title":"Prerequisites"},{"location":"#install-sagify","text":"At the command line: pip install sagify","title":"Install sagify"},{"location":"#getting-started-no-code-deployment","text":"Create a file with name huggingface_config.json with the following content: { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } } Then, make sure to configure your AWS account by following the instructions at section Configure AWS Account Finally, run the following command: sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev You can change the values for ec2 type (-e), aws region and aws profile with your preferred ones. Once the Hugging Face model is deployed, you can go to (make sure you're on your preferred region) and find your deployed endpoint. For example: Then, you can click on your deployed endpoint and copy the endpoint url. For example: Postman is a good app to call the deployed endpoint. Here's an example on how to set up the AWS signature in order to call the endpoint: Finally, you can call the endpoint from Postman:","title":"Getting started - No code deployment"},{"location":"#getting-started-custom-training-and-deployment","text":"","title":"Getting started - Custom Training and Deployment"},{"location":"#step-1-clone-machine-learning-demo-repository","text":"You're going to clone and train a Machine Learning codebase to train a classifier for the Iris data set. Clone repository: git clone Cd into the cloned repo: cd sagify-demo Create environment: mkvirtualenv sagify-demo Don't forget to activate the virtualenv after the creation of environment by executing workon sagify-demo . Install dependencies: make requirements","title":"Step 1: Clone Machine Learning demo repository"},{"location":"#step-2-initialize-sagify","text":"sagify init Type in sagify-demo for SageMaker app name, N in question Are you starting a new project? , src for question Type in the directory where your code lives and make sure to choose your preferred Python version, AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile","title":"Step 2: Initialize sagify"},{"location":"#step-3-integrate-sagify","text":"As a Machine Learning engineer, you only need to conduct a few actions. Sagify takes care of the rest: Copy a subset of training data under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ to test that training works locally Implement train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ Implement predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ Optionally, specify hyperparameters in sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/config/hyperparameters.json Hence, Copy files from data to sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ : cp ./data/ ./src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') clf, accuracy = training_logic(input_file_path=input_file_path) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import os import joblib from iris_training import train as training_logic Replace the body of predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ with: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } and replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model","title":"Step 3: Integrate sagify"},{"location":"#step-4-build-docker-image","text":"It's time to build the Docker image that will contain the Machine Learning codebase: sagify build If you run docker images | grep sagify-demo in your terminal, you'll see the created Sagify-Demo image.","title":"Step 4: Build Docker image"},{"location":"#step-5-train-model","text":"Time to train the model for the Iris data set in the newly built Docker image: sagify local train Model file model.pkl and report file report.txt are now under sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/model/","title":"Step 5: Train model"},{"location":"#step-6-deploy-model","text":"Finally, serve the model as a REST Service: sagify local deploy Run the following curl command on your terminal to verify that the REST Service works: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' It will be slow in the first couple of calls as it loads the model in a lazy manner. Voila! That's a proof that this Machine Learning model is going to be trained and deployed on AWS SageMaker successfully. Now, go to the Usage section in Sagify Docs to see how to train and deploy this Machine Learning model to AWS SageMaker!","title":"Step 6: Deploy model"},{"location":"#usage","text":"","title":"Usage"},{"location":"#configure-aws-account","text":"Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM user and open the IAM console at Select Roles from the list in the left-hand side, and click on Create role Then, select SageMaker as the image shows: Click Next: Review on the following page: Type a name for the SageMaker role, and click on Create role : Click on the created role: Click on Attach policy and search for AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess . Attach the corresponding policy: Do the same to attach the AmazonS3FullAccess , IAMReadOnlyAccess , AmazonSQSFullAccess , AWSLambdaFullAccess , AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess and AmazonSageMakerFullAccess policies, and end up with the following: Now, go to Users page by clicking on Users on the left-hand side. Click on your IAM user that you want to use for AWS SageMaker and attach the AmazonSageMakerFullAccess permission policy: Copy the ARN of that user: Then, go back the page of the Role you created and click on the Trust relationships tab: Click on Edit trust relationship and add the following: { \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\", \"Statement\": [ { \"Sid\": \"\", \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Principal\": { \"AWS\": \"PASTE_THE_ARN_YOU_COPIED_EARLIER\", \"Service\": \"\" }, \"Action\": \"sts:AssumeRole\" } ] } You're almost there! Make sure that you have added the IAM user in your ~/.aws/credentials file. For example: [test-sagemaker] aws_access_key_id = ... aws_secret_access_key = ... And, finally, add the following in the ~/.aws/config file: [profile test-sagemaker] region = us-east-1 <-- USE YOUR PREFERRED REGION role_arn = COPY_PASTE_THE_ARN_OF_THE_CREATED_ROLE_NOT_USER! for example: arn:aws:iam::...:role/TestSageMakerRole source_profile = test-sagemaker That's it! From now on, choose the created AWS profile when initializing sagify. You can change the AWS profile/region in an already initialized sagify module by changing the value of aws_profile / aws_region in .sagify.json .","title":"Configure AWS Account"},{"location":"#push-docker-image-to-aws-ecr","text":"If you have followed all the steps of Getting Started , run sagify push to push the Docker image to AWS ECR. This step may take some time depending on your internet connection upload speed.","title":"Push Docker Image to AWS ECR"},{"location":"#create-s3-bucket","text":"Make sure to create an S3 bucket with a name of your choice, for example: sagify-demo","title":"Create S3 Bucket"},{"location":"#upload-training-data","text":"Execute sagify cloud upload-data -i data/ -s s3://sagify-demo/training-data to upload training data to S3","title":"Upload Training Data"},{"location":"#train-on-aws-sagemaker","text":"Execute sagify cloud train -i s3://sagify-demo/training-data/ -o s3://sagify-demo/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge to train the Machine Learning model on SageMaker. This command will use the pushed Docker image. Copy the displayed Model S3 location after the command is executed (example: s3://sagify-demo/output/sagify-demo-2018-04-29-15-04-14-483/output/model.tar.gz )","title":"Train on AWS SageMaker"},{"location":"#deploy-on-aws-sagemaker","text":"Execute sagify cloud deploy -m s3://sagify-demo/output/.../output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge to deploy the model on SageMaker.","title":"Deploy on AWS SageMaker"},{"location":"#call-sagemaker-rest-endpoint","text":"Find the endpoint URL under Endpoints in AWS SageMaker service on AWS console. Please, refer to on how to call it from Postman as authorization is required. Remember that it's a POST HTTP request with Content-Type application/json , and the request JSON body is of the form: { \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }","title":"Call SageMaker REST Endpoint"},{"location":"#hyperparameter-optimization","text":"Given that you have configured your AWS Account as described in the previous section, you're now ready to perform Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization on AWS SageMaker! The process is similar to training step.","title":"Hyperparameter Optimization"},{"location":"#step-1-define-hyperparameter-configuration-file","text":"Define the Hyperparameter Configuration File. More specifically, you need to specify in a local JSON file the ranges for the hyperparameters, the name of the objective metric and its type (i.e. Maximize or Minimize ). For example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } }","title":"Step 1: Define Hyperparameter Configuration File"},{"location":"#step-2-implement-train-function","text":"Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ file with your logic. For example: from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() # Read the hyperparameter config json file import json with open(hyperparams_path) as _in_file: hyperparams_dict = json.load(_in_file) from sklearn import svm clf = svm.SVC( gamma=float(hyperparams_dict['gamma']), # Values will be read as strings, so make sure to convert them to the right data type C=float(hyperparams_dict['C']), kernel=hyperparams_dict['kernel'] ) from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, test_size=0.3, random_state=42), y_train) from sklearn.metrics import precision_score predictions = clf.predict(X_test) precision = precision_score(y_test, predictions, average='weighted') # Log the objective metric name with its calculated value. In tis example is Precision. # The objective name should be exactly the same with the one specified in the hyperparams congig json file. # The value must be a numeric (float or int). from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric name = \"Precision\" log_metric(name, precision) from joblib import dump dump(clf, os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl')) print('Training complete.')","title":"Step 2: Implement Train function"},{"location":"#step-3-build-and-push-docker-image","text":"sagify build Make sure sagify is in your requirements.txt file. sagify push","title":"Step 3: Build and Push Docker image"},{"location":"#step-4-call-the-cli-command","text":"And, finally, call the hyperparameter-optimization CLI command. For example: sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json","title":"Step 4: Call The CLI Command"},{"location":"#step-5-monitor-progress","text":"You can monitor the progress via the SageMaker UI console. Here is an example of a finished Hyperparameter Optimization job:","title":"Step 5: Monitor Progress"},{"location":"#monitor-ml-models-in-production","text":"","title":"Monitor ML Models in Production"},{"location":"#superwise","text":"Superwise provides organizations with the ability to streamline model observability and the monitoring process \ud83d\ude80. The solution is platform-agnostic and provides an extensive freemium tier. The steps below explain how you can integrate with Superwise to gain full visibility into your deployed models. Once you complete the integration, you can use the Superwise platform to define workflows that automatically monitor: data drift, performance degradation, data integrity, model activity, or any other customized monitoring use case.","title":"Superwise"},{"location":"#step-1-create-a-superwise-account","text":"Go to Superwise and click the signup button to create an account. Using the free tier, you can monitor up to three models.","title":"Step 1: Create a Superwise Account"},{"location":"#step-2-add-your-model","text":"You can use the Superwise SDK to create the model. To use the SDK you should generate tokens .","title":"Step 2: Add your model"},{"location":"#step-3-initialize-sagify","text":"To initialize sagify, type the following command sagify init Enter iris-model for the SageMaker app name, and answer y to the prompt asking Are you starting a new project? Next, make sure to choose Python version 3 and the AWS profile and region you wish to use. Type requirements.txt in answer to the prompt Type in the path to requirements.txt. A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The module\u2019s structure is as follows: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile","title":"Step 3: Initialize sagify"},{"location":"#step-4-initialize-the-requirementstxt","text":"Make sure the 'requirements.txt' at the root of the project has the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn superwise","title":"Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt"},{"location":"#step-5-download-the-iris-data-set","text":"Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ .","title":"Step 5: Download the Iris data set"},{"location":"#step-6-implement-the-training-logic","text":"In the src/sagify_base/training/ file, replace the TODOs in the train(...) function with the following text: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime('now') df[\"id\"] = df.apply(lambda _: uuid.uuid4(), axis=1) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() clf = SVC(gamma='auto', kernel=\"linear\"), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) ## create superwise model model = sw.model.create(Model(name=MODEL_NAME, description=\"Iris Model Demo\") ) df[\"prediction\"] = clf.predict(df[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']]) ## summarize the data, use infer_dtype for auto detect features entities = sw.data_entity.summarise( data=df, entities_dtypes=infer_dtype(df), specific_roles={ \"date_time\" : DataEntityRole.TIMESTAMP, \"id\" : DataEntityRole.ID, \"label\" : DataEntityRole.LABEL, \"prediction\" : DataEntityRole.PREDICTION_VALUE }, importance=dict(zip(clf.coef_[0], ['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4'])) ) ## create and activate superwise version version = Version(, name=\"V1\", data_entities=entities) active_version = sw.version.create(version) sw.version.activate( And, at the top of the file, add the following: import uuid import joblib import os import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC from superwise import Superwise from superwise.models.model import Model from superwise.models.version import Version from superwise.resources.superwise_enums import DataEntityRole from superwise.controller.infer import infer_dtype MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", )","title":"Step 6: Implement the training logic"},{"location":"#step-7-implement-the-prediction-logic","text":"In the file src/sagify_base/prediction/ replace the body of the predict(...) function with the following: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) model = ModelService.get_superwise_model(MODEL_NAME) for m in model_input: records = { \"date_time\" : str(datetime.utcnow()), \"id\" : str(uuid.uuid4()), \"prediction\": prediction, \"feature1\": m[0], \"feature2\": m[1], \"feature3\": m[2], \"feature4\": m[3] } transaction_id = sw.transaction.log_records( model_id=model[0].id, version_id=model[0].active_version_id, records=records ) print(f\"Created transaction: {transaction_id}\") return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } Within the ModelService class in the same file, replace the body of the get_model() function with the following: if cls.model is None: cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model Then, add a new function called get_superwise_model() to the \u2018ModelService\u2019 class, using the following: @classmethod def get_superwise_model(cls,model_name): \"\"\" Get superwise model using superwise SDK \"\"\" return sw.model.get_by_name(model_name) Now, add the following text to the top of the file: from superwise import Superwise import joblib import os import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import uuid sw = Superwise( client_id=\"\", secret=\"\", ) MODEL_NAME = \"Iris Model\" _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in","title":"Step 7: Implement the prediction logic"},{"location":"#step-8-build-and-train-the-ml-model","text":"If you\u2019re ready to build and train the ML model, run the command sagify build and then run sagify local train","title":"Step 8: Build and train the ML model"},{"location":"#step-9-call-the-inference-rest-api","text":"To use the REST API, run the command sagify local deploy Once that\u2019s done, call the inference endpoint by running the following curl command: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' You should now be able to see data coming in on the Superwise dashboards.","title":"Step 9: Call the inference REST API"},{"location":"#aporia","text":"In this part, you'll integrate with Aporia in order to monitor deployed ML models. More specifically, you'll monitor: data drifting model degradation data integrity","title":"Aporia"},{"location":"#step-1-create-aporia-account","text":"Go to Aporia and create an account. There's a generous free tier.","title":"Step 1: Create Aporia Account"},{"location":"#step-2-create-model-at-aporia","text":"Add your model to Aporia's console. Click the Add Model button in the Models page and name it \"Iris Model\"","title":"Step 2: Create model at Aporia"},{"location":"#step-3-initialize-sagify_1","text":"sagify init Type in iris-model for SageMaker app name, y in question Are you starting a new project? , make sure to choose Python version 3 and your preferred AWS profile and region. Finally, type requirements.txt in question Type in the path to requirements.txt . A module called sagify_base is created under the src directory. The structure is: sagify_base/ local_test/ test_dir/ input/ config/ hyperparameters.json data/ training/ model/ output/ prediction/ nginx.conf serve training/ train Dockerfile","title":"Step 3: Initialize sagify"},{"location":"#step-4-initialize-the-requirementstxt_1","text":"The requirements.txt at the root of the project must have the following content: awscli flake8 Flask joblib pandas s3transfer sagify>=0.18.0 scikit-learn aporia[all]","title":"Step 4: Initialize the requirements.txt"},{"location":"#step-5-download-iris-data-set","text":"Download the Iris data set from and save it in a file named \"\" under src/sagify_base/local_test/test_dir/input/data/training/ .","title":"Step 5: Download Iris data set"},{"location":"#step-6-implement-training-logic","text":"Replace the TODOs in the train(...) function in src/sagify_base/training/ file with the following. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: input_file_path = os.path.join(input_data_path, '') df = pd.read_csv( input_file_path, header=None, names=['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4', 'label'] ) df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) features_train_df = df_train[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_train_df = df_train[['label']] features_train = features_train_df.values labels_train = labels_train_df.values.ravel() features_test_df = df_test[['feature1', 'feature2', 'feature3', 'feature4']] labels_test_df = df_test[['label']] features_test = features_test_df.values labels_test = labels_test_df.values.ravel() ###### Report Version Schema ###### apr_model_version = 'v1' apr_model_type = 'multiclass' # Select model type: \"binary\" or \"regression\" ###### Create a model version ###### apr_model = aporia.create_model_version( model_id=\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", model_version=apr_model_version, model_type=apr_model_type, features=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(features_train_df), predictions=aporia.pandas.infer_schema_from_dataframe(labels_train_df) ) ###### Report Training Data ###### apr_model.log_training_set( features=features_train_df, labels=labels_train_df ) clf = SVC(gamma='auto'), labels_train) ###### Report Testing Data ###### test_predictions = clf.predict(features_test) apr_model.log_test_set( features=features_test_df, labels=labels_test_df, predictions=pd.DataFrame({'label': test_predictions}) ) accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, test_predictions) output_model_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'model.pkl') joblib.dump(clf, output_model_file_path) accuracy_report_file_path = os.path.join(model_save_path, 'report.txt') with open(accuracy_report_file_path, 'w') as _out: _out.write(str(accuracy)) and at the top of the file, add: import joblib import os import aporia import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVC ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\")","title":"Step 6: Implement Training logic"},{"location":"#step-7-implement-prediction-logic","text":"Replace the body of predict(...) function in src/sagify_base/prediction/ with. Remember to use the model_id that Aporia gave you in step 2: model_input = json_input['features'] prediction = ModelService.predict(model_input) ###### Report Inference ###### apr_prediction_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) apr_model = aporia.Model(\"REPLACE WITH YOUR APORIA MODEL ID\", \"v1\") apr_model.log_prediction( id=apr_prediction_id, features={ 'feature1': model_input[0][0], 'feature2': model_input[0][1], 'feature3': model_input[0][2], 'feature4': model_input[0][3], }, predictions={ 'label': prediction.item() }, ) apr_model.flush() return { \"prediction\": prediction.item() } replace the body of get_model() function in ModelService class in the same file with: if cls.model is None: from sklearn.externals import joblib cls.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(_MODEL_PATH, 'model.pkl')) return cls.model and the top of the file must look like: import aporia import os import uuid ###### Initiate Aporia ###### aporia.init(token=\"TOKEN PROVIDED BY APORIA\", environment=\"YOUR CHOSEN ENV VALUE\") _MODEL_PATH = os.path.join('/opt/ml/', 'model') # Path where all your model(s) live in","title":"Step 7: Implement Prediction logic"},{"location":"#step-8-build-and-train-the-ml-model_1","text":"Run sagify build and after that sagify local train","title":"Step 8: Build and Train the ML model"},{"location":"#step-9-call-inference-rest-api","text":"Run sagify local deploy and then run the following curl command to call the inference endpoint: curl -X POST \\ http://localhost:8080/invocations \\ -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -d '{ \"features\":[[0.34, 0.45, 0.45, 0.3]] }' Now you should be able to see data coming in on Aporia dashboards.","title":"Step 9: Call inference REST API"},{"location":"#commands","text":"","title":"Commands"},{"location":"#initialize","text":"","title":"Initialize"},{"location":"#name","text":"Initializes a sagify module","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis","text":"sagify init","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description","text":"This command initializes a sagify module in the directory you provide when asked after you invoke the init command.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example","text":"sagify init","title":"Example"},{"location":"#configure","text":"","title":"Configure"},{"location":"#description_1","text":"Updates an existing configuration value e.g. python version or AWS region .","title":"Description"},{"location":"#synopsis_1","text":"sagify configure [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME] [--python-version PYTHON_VERSION]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#optional-flags","text":"--aws-region AWS_REGION : AWS region where Docker images are pushed and SageMaker operations ( train , deploy ) are performed. --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : AWS profile to use when interacting with AWS . --image-name IMAGE_NAME : Docker image name used when building for use with SageMaker . This shows up as an AWS ECR repository on your AWS account. --python-version PYTHON_VERSION : Python version used when building SageMaker's Docker images. Currently supported versions: 3.6 .","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_1","text":"sagify configure --aws-region us-east-2 --aws-profile default --image-name sage-docker-image-name --python-version 3.6","title":"Example"},{"location":"#build","text":"","title":"Build"},{"location":"#name_1","text":"Builds a Docker image","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_2","text":"sagify build","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_2","text":"This command builds a Docker image from code under the directory sagify is installed in. A REQUIREMENTS_FILE needs to be specified during sagify init or later via sagify configure --requirements-dir for all required dependencies to be installed in the Docker image.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example_2","text":"sagify build","title":"Example"},{"location":"#local-train","text":"","title":"Local Train"},{"location":"#name_2","text":"Executes a Docker image in train mode","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_3","text":"sagify local train","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_3","text":"This command executes a Docker image in train mode. More specifically, it executes the train(...) function in sagify_base/training/ inside an already built Docker image (see Build command section).","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example_3","text":"sagify local train","title":"Example"},{"location":"#local-deploy","text":"","title":"Local Deploy"},{"location":"#name_3","text":"Executes a Docker image in serve mode","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_4","text":"sagify local deploy","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_4","text":"This command executes a Docker image in serve mode. More specifically, it runs a Flask REST app in Docker image and directs HTTP requests to /invocations endpoint. Then, the /invocations endpoint calls the predict(...) function in sagify_base/prediction/ (see Build command section on how to build a Docker image).","title":"Description"},{"location":"#example_4","text":"sagify local deploy","title":"Example"},{"location":"#push","text":"","title":"Push"},{"location":"#name_4","text":"Pushes a Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_5","text":"sagify push [--aws-profile PROFILE_NAME] [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_5","text":"This command pushes an already built Docker image to AWS Elastic Container Service. Later on, AWS SageMaker will consume that image from AWS Elastic Container Service for train and serve mode. Only one of iam-role-arn and aws_profile can be provided. external-id is ignored when no iam-role-arn is provided.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#optional-flags_1","text":"--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -i IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for pushing to ECR --aws-region AWS_REGION or -r AWS_REGION : The AWS region to push the image to --aws-profile PROFILE_NAME or -p PROFILE_NAME : AWS profile to use for pushing to ECR --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -e EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_5","text":"sagify push","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-upload-data","text":"","title":"Cloud Upload Data"},{"location":"#name_5","text":"Uploads data to AWS S3","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_6","text":"sagify cloud upload-data --input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_6","text":"This command uploads content under LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR to S3 under S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags","text":"--input-dir LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR or -i LOCAL_INPUT_DATA_DIR : Local input directory --s3-dir S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION or -s S3_TARGET_DATA_LOCATION : S3 target location","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#example_6","text":"sagify cloud upload-data -i ./training_data/ -s s3://my-bucket/training-data/","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-train","text":"","title":"Cloud Train"},{"location":"#name_6","text":"Trains your ML/DL model using a Docker image on AWS SageMaker with input from S3","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_7","text":"sagify cloud train --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_7","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in train mode","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_1","text":"--input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_2","text":"--hyperparams-file HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAMS_JSON_FILE : Path to hyperparams JSON file --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False). --metric-names COMMA_SEPARATED_METRIC_NAMES : Optional comma-separated metric names for tracking performance of training jobs. Example: Precision,Recall,AUC . Then, make sure you log these metric values using the log_metric function in the train function: ... from sagify.api.hyperparameter_tuning import log_metric log_metric(\"Precision:, precision) log_metric(\"Accuracy\", accuracy) ... When the training jobs finishes, they will be stored in the CloudWatch algorithm metrics logs of the SageMaker training job:","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_7","text":"sagify cloud train -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparams.json -v 60 -t 86400 --metric-names Accuracy,Precision","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-hyperparameter-optimization","text":"","title":"Cloud Hyperparameter Optimization"},{"location":"#name_7","text":"Executes a Docker image in hyperparameter-optimization mode on AWS SageMaker","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_8","text":"sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization --input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_MULTIPLE_TRAINED_MODELS --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE] [--max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS] [--max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS] [--volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB] [--time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME] [--job-name JOB_NAME] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_8","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in hyperparameter-optimization mode","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_2","text":"--input-s3-dir INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION or -i INPUT_DATA_S3_LOCATION : S3 location to input data --output-s3-dir S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT or -o S3_LOCATION_TO_SAVE_OUTPUT : S3 location to save output (models, reports, etc). Make sure that the output bucket already exists. Any not existing key prefix will be created by sagify. --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or -e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --hyperparams-config-file HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE or -h HYPERPARAM_RANGES_JSON_FILE : Local path to hyperparameters configuration file. Example: { \"ParameterRanges\": { \"CategoricalParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"kernel\", \"Values\": [\"linear\", \"rbf\"] } ], \"ContinuousParameterRanges\": [ { \"MinValue\": 0.001, \"MaxValue\": 10, \"Name\": \"gamma\" } ], \"IntegerParameterRanges\": [ { \"Name\": \"C\", \"MinValue\": 1, \"MaxValue\": 10 } ] }, \"ObjectiveMetric\": { \"Name\": \"Precision\", \"Type\": \"Maximize\" } }","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_3","text":"--max-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS or -m MAX_NUMBER_OF_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum total number of training jobs to start for the hyperparameter tuning job (default: 3) --max-parallel-jobs MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS or -p MAX_NUMBER_OF_PARALLEL_TRAINING_JOBS : Maximum number of parallel training jobs to start (default: 1) --volume-size EBS_SIZE_IN_GB or -v EBS_SIZE_IN_GB : Size in GB of the EBS volume (default: 30) --time-out TIME_OUT_IN_SECS or -s TIME_OUT_IN_SECS : Time-out in seconds (default: 24 * 60 * 60) --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for training with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --base-job-name BASE_JOB_NAME or -n BASE_JOB_NAME : Optional prefix for the SageMaker training job --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker training job. NOTE: if a --base-job-name is passed along with this option, it will be ignored. --wait WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_HYPERPARAM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Hyperparameter Tuning is finished. (default: don't wait) --use-spot-instances FLAG_TO_USE_SPOT_INSTANCES : Optional flag that specifies whether to use SageMaker Managed Spot instances for training. It should be used only for training jobs that take less than 1 hour. More information: (default: False).","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_8","text":"sagify cloud hyperparameter-optimization -i s3://my-bucket/training-data/ -o s3://my-bucket/output/ -e ml.m4.xlarge -h local/path/to/hyperparam_ranges.json -v 60 -t 86400","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-deploy","text":"","title":"Cloud Deploy"},{"location":"#name_8","text":"Executes a Docker image in serve mode on AWS SageMaker","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_9","text":"sagify cloud deploy --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_9","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in serve mode. You can update an endpoint (model or number of instances) by specifying the endpoint-name.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_3","text":"--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_4","text":"--aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_9","text":"sagify cloud deploy -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-batch-transform","text":"","title":"Cloud Batch Transform"},{"location":"#name_9","text":"Executes a Docker image in batch transform mode on AWS SageMaker, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_10","text":"sagify cloud batch-transform --s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION --num-instance NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED] [--job-name JOB_NAME]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_10","text":"This command retrieves a Docker image from AWS Elastic Container Service and executes it on AWS SageMaker in batch transform mode, i.e. runs batch predictions on user defined S3 data. SageMaker will spin up REST container(s) and call it/them with input data(features) from a user defined S3 path. Things to do: - You should implement the predict function that expects a JSON containing the required feature values. It's the same predict function used for deploying the model as a REST service. Example of a JSON: { \"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2] } The input S3 path should contain a file or multiple files where each line is a JSON, the same JSON format as the one expected in the predict function. Example of a file: {\"features\": [5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.9,3.0,1.4,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.7,3.2,1.3,0.2]} {\"features\": [4.6,3.1,1.5,0.2]}","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_4","text":"--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : S3 location to to model tar.gz --s3-input-location S3_INPUT_LOCATION or -i S3_INPUT_LOCATION : s3 input data location --s3-output-location S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION or -o S3_OUTPUT_LOCATION : s3 location to save predictions --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_5","text":"--aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --wait WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED or -w WAIT_UNTIL_BATCH_TRANSFORM_JOB_IS_FINISHED : Optional flag to wait until Batch Transform is finished. (default: don't wait) --job-name JOB_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker batch transform job","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example_10","text":"sagify cloud batch-transform -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz -i s3://my-bucket/input_features -o s3://my-bucket/predictions -n 3 -e ml.m4.xlarge","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-create-streaming-inference","text":"NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\":","title":"Cloud Create Streaming Inference"},{"location":"#name_10","text":"Creates streaming inference pipelines","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_11","text":"sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_11","text":"This command creates a worker as a Lambda function that listens to features in the FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME , calls the the endpoint ENDPOINT_NAME and, finally, forwards predictions to PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME .","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_5","text":"--name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : The name of the endpoint of the deployed model --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported!","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#example_11","text":"sagify cloud create-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --endpoint-name my-recommender-endpoint-1 --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-delete-streaming-inference","text":"NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE Make sure that the following 2 policies are attached to the role you created in section \"Configure AWS Account\":","title":"Cloud Delete Streaming Inference"},{"location":"#name_11","text":"Deletes streaming inference pipelines","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_12","text":"sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name WORKER_NAME --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_12","text":"This command deletes the worker (i.e. Lambda function), input topic FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME and output topic PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME .","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_6","text":"--name WORKER_NAME : The name of the Lambda function --input-topic-name FEATURES_INPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where features will be landed --output-topic-name PREDICTIONS_OUTPUT_TOPIC_NAME : Topic name where model predictions will be forwarded --type STREAMING_INFERENCE_TYPE : The type of streaming inference. At the moment, only SQS is supported!","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#example_12","text":"sagify cloud delete-streaming-inference --name recommender-worker --input-topic-name features --output-topic-name model-predictions --type SQS","title":"Example"},{"location":"#cloud-lightning-deploy","text":"","title":"Cloud Lightning Deploy"},{"location":"#name_12","text":"Command for lightning deployment of pre-trained ML model(s) on AWS SageMaker without code","title":"Name"},{"location":"#synopsis_13","text":"sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework FRAMEWORK --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES --ec2-type EC2_TYPE --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE --aws-region AWS_REGION --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE [--model-server-workers MODEL_SERVER_WORKERS] [--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ] [--aws-tags TAGS] [--iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE] [--external-id EXTERNAL_ID] [--endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME]","title":"Synopsis"},{"location":"#description_13","text":"This command deploys a pre-trained ML model without code.","title":"Description"},{"location":"#required-flags_7","text":"--framework FRAMEWORK : Name of the ML framework. Valid values: sklearn , huggingface , xgboost --num-instances NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES or n NUMBER_OF_EC2_INSTANCES : Number of ec2 instances --ec2-type EC2_TYPE or e EC2_TYPE : ec2 type. Refer to --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE : The AWS profile to use for the lightning deploy command --aws-region AWS_REGION : The AWS region to use for the lightning deploy command --extra-config-file EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE : Json file with ML framework specific arguments For SKLearn, you have to specify the framework_version in the EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE and specify the S3 location to model tar.gz (i.e. tar gzip your sklearn pickled file","title":"Required Flags"},{"location":"#optional-flags_6","text":"--s3-model-location S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ or -m S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ : Optional S3 location to model tar.gz --aws-tags TAGS or -a TAGS : Tags for labeling a training job of the form tag1=value1;tag2=value2 . For more, see --iam-role-arn IAM_ROLE or -r IAM_ROLE : AWS IAM role to use for deploying with SageMaker --external-id EXTERNAL_ID or -x EXTERNAL_ID : Optional external id used when using an IAM role --endpoint-name ENDPOINT_NAME : Optional name for the SageMaker endpoint","title":"Optional Flags"},{"location":"#example-for-sklearn","text":"Compress your pre-trained sklearn model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_sklearn_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework sklearn -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file sklearn_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The sklearn_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported sklearn version(s): 0.20.0, 0.23-1. Example of sklearn_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" }","title":"Example for SKLearn"},{"location":"#example-for-huggingface-by-specifying-the-s3_location_to_model_tar_gz","text":"Compress your pre-trained HuggingFace model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_hg_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), and transformers_version . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\" }","title":"Example for HuggingFace by specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ"},{"location":"#example-for-huggingface-without-specifying-the-s3_location_to_model_tar_gz","text":"sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework huggingface -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file huggingface_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev The huggingface_config.json must contain the following flags pytorch_version or tensorflow_version (not both), transformers_version and hub . For more info: Example of huggingface_config.json : { \"transformers_version\": \"4.6.1\", \"pytorch_version\": \"1.7.1\", \"hub\": { \"HF_MODEL_ID\": \"gpt2\", \"HF_TASK\": \"text-generation\" } }","title":"Example for HuggingFace without specifying the S3_LOCATION_TO_MODEL_TAR_GZ"},{"location":"#example-for-xgboost","text":"Compress your pre-trained XGBoost model to a GZIP tar archive with command !tar czvf model.tar.gz $your_xgboost_model_name . sagify cloud lightning-deploy --framework xgboost -n 1 -e ml.c4.2xlarge --extra-config-file xgboost_config.json --aws-region us-east-1 --aws-profile sagemaker-dev -m s3://my-bucket/output/model.tar.gz The xgboost_config.json must contain the following flag framework_version . Supported xgboost version(s): 0.90-2, 1.0-1, and later. Example of xgboost_config.json : { \"framework_version\": \"0.23-1\" }","title":"Example for XGBoost"}]}
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