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554 lines (397 loc) · 18.1 KB

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554 lines (397 loc) · 18.1 KB

Transactions - Function call

  1. Nonce: tx count for the account
  2. Gas Price: price per unit of gas(in wei)
  3. Gas Limit: max gas that this tx can use
  4. To: address that the tx is sent to
  5. Value: amount of wei to send
  6. Data: what to send to the To address
  7. v,r,s: components of tx signature

Transactions - Contract Deployment

  1. Nonce: tx count for the account
  2. Gas Price: price per unit of gas(in wei)
  3. Gas Limit: max gas that this tx can use
  4. To: empty
  5. Value: amount of wei to send
  6. Data: contract init code & contract bytecode
  7. v,r,s: components of tx signature

We can send the data field of the tx ourselves with our function call hexcode
call: how we call functions to change the state of the blockchain
staticcall: this is how (at a low level) we do our "view" or "pure" function calls, and potentially don't change the blockchain

tx = {  
    nonce: nonce,  
    gasPrice: 100000000,  
    gasLimit: 100000,  
    to: null,  
    value: 0,  
    data: "0x608060...0f0345", //EVM level data, low level  
    chainId: 1337,  

For example-
(bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");
Here, we change the value (Line 5) field of a transaction directly, the parantheses at the end is where we put the data (Line 6)
In our {} we are able to pass specific fields of a transaction, like value
In our () we are able to pass data in order to call a specific function but there was no function we wanted to call in Line 34.

selfdestruct is a keyword in solidity that is used to delete/destroy a contract.
Proxies can be used to make changes to a smart contract. Kinda negates the "decentralization" part of blockchain. Leads to rag-pulling.

Rough approximation of audit duration

LoC : Duration -
100 : 2.5 days
500 : 1 week
1000 : 1-2 weeks
2500 : 2-3 weeks
5000 : 3-5 weeks
5000+ : 5+ weeks

Findings are listed by severity in a report - Highs, Mediums, Lows, Informational, Gas efficiencies and non-critical (Last 3 are not vulnerabilities, but ways to improve code).

Tests to see if a protocol is ready for auditing:
GitHub repo -> [1]
The Rekt Test

Tools for auditing

Test Suites:
Hardhat, Foundry, Brownie, etc.

Static Analysis:
Slither, Aderyn, Mythril

Foundry, Echidna

Formal Verification:
Symbolic Execution - MAAT, Z3, Manticore

Machine-findable bugs and non-machine-findable bugs - [2]
Resource for building secure contracts - [10]

Note-taking methodology

Bug: //!
For my information: //i
Questions: //q
Potential issue: //@audit
Explanation: //e
Make sure to follow up: //@follow-up
Informational audit note: //@audit-info
Code location for a filed issue: //@audit-issue
Not an issue, even if it looks like one: //@audit-ok
Notes: //@note
Todo remark: //@todo
Reminder: //@remind

Look for questions after scoping and figure out answers
Check code coverage with "forge coverage"


  1. Convince the protocol this is an issue
  2. How bad this issue is
  3. How to fix the issue

Layouts and notes on reports - [3]
Severity Guide - [4]

Reading a private variable in a smart contract

  1. Create a locally running chain
make anvil
  1. Deploy the contract to the chain
make deploy
  1. Run the storage tool
    We use 1 because that's the storage slot of PasswordStore::s_password in the contract.
cast storage <ADDRESS HERE> 1 --rpc-url

You'll get an output that looks like this: 0x6d7950617373776f726400000000000000000000000000000000000000000014

You can then parse that hex to a string with:

cast parse-bytes32-string 0x6d7950617373776f726400000000000000000000000000000000000000000014

And get an output of:


Scoping process

Refer to minimal-onboarding in [3]
Check branch

git branch

Check the commit hash of the scope and then type

git checkout <COMMIT HASH HERE>  

Switch to a new branch

git switch -c NewProject-audit   

Reentrancy Soln.

bool locked = false;
//locked is set to see if the function has been entered once, if yes, then revert if tried to reenter
function withdrawBalance() public {
    if(locked) revert();
    locked = true;

    uint256 balance = userBalance[msg.sender];
    userBalance[msg.sender] = 0;

    (bool success, ) ={value: balance}("");
    if(!success) {

    locked = false;

Can use OpenZeppelin's ReentrancyGuard.sol::nonReentrant() [5] which essentially does the same thing under the hood.
A Historical Collection of Reentrancy Attacks -> [6]

Weak Randomness

uint256 winnerIndex = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender, block.timestamp, block.difficulty))) % players.length;

The values used to create a pseudo-random number can be manipulated or predicted and can be used to get the random number.
fixes: Chainlink VRF, Commit Reveal Scheme

Integer overflow and underflow

Use chisel in cmd and then type(<DATATYPE>).max to check the maximum value of a datatype. Comes with foundry.

Self Destruct

If a contract doesn't have a receive or fallback function, it reverts any attempts to send it any value but an attackerSelfDestruct contract can self-destruct and force the contract to accept the money. This will cause the address(this).balance == totalBalance check to fail.

Check this smart contract for an example - [7]


Invariants in ERC20 and ERC721 - [7]
1. Stateless Fuzzing - Open

Stateless fuzzing (often known as just "fuzzing") is when you provide random data to a function to get some invariant or property to break.

It is "stateless" because after every fuzz run, it resets the state, or it starts over.

2. Stateful Fuzzing - Open

Stateful fuzzing is when you provide random data to your system, and for 1 fuzz run your system starts from the resulting state of the previous input data.

Or more simply, you keep doing random stuff to the same contract.

3. Stateful Fuzzing - Handler

Handler based stateful fuzzing is the same as Open stateful fuzzing, except we restrict the number of "random" things we can do.

If we have too many options, we may never randomly come across something that will actually break our invariant. So we restrict our random inputs to a set of specfic random actions that can be called.

4. Formal Verification

Formal verification is the process of mathematically proving that a program does a specific thing, or proving it doesn't do a specific thing.

For invariants, it would be great to prove our programs always exert our invariant.

One of the most popular ways to do Formal Verification is through Symbolic Execution. Symbolic Execution is a means of analyzing a program to determine what inputs cause each part of a program to execute. It will convert the program to a symbolic expression (hence its name) to figure this out.

foundry.toml ->

runs = 256
seed = '0x2'

runs = 64
depth = 32
fail_on_revert = false

seed helps input the randomness. Different seed == different random runs.
fail_on_revert = false implies that we only care about the invariant breaking and no other reverts matter. Other reverts executed if set to true.

Two types of invariants:

  1. Function-level invariants:
  • Doesn't rely on much of the system OR could be stateless
  • Can be tested in an isolated fashion
  • Examples: Associative property of addition OR depositing tokens in a contract
  1. System-level invariants:
  • Relies on the deployment of a large part or entire system
  • Invariants are usually stateful
  • Examples: user's balance < total supply OR yield is monotonically increasing

Weird ERC20s

It is very important to know what tokens one protocol is working with in order to check for weird ERC20 tokens. They can break our contract with their strange states/rules.

Weird ERC20 list - [9]

Tincho Method

After you are done running your automated tools(Slither, Aderyn, etc.), copy down all the in-scope contracts' details (nSLOC, complexity score, etc.) from the Solidity Metrics report and paste it in an Excel sheet. Then sort the sheet in order of ascending complexity score or nSLOC and go through each of them from lowest to highest.

Invariant Testing

  1. Go through the documentation and look for invariants before even looking at the code

  2. Categorize your invariants based on their properties

  3. Write invariants in order of priority

  4. Bound values to not waste fuzz runs

function testDeposit1(uint256 amount) public {
    amount = bound(amount, 0, address(this).balance);
    // ...

// BAD
function testDeposit2(uint256 amount) public {
    vm.assume(amount > 0); // When 0 is passed as a value, it will not pass through this cheatcode, and will go to the next fuzz run with a different value
    vm.assume(amount < address(this).balance);
    // ...
  1. Code your tests using the Hoare logic (preconditions, then actions, then postconditions)
function addLiquidity(uint amount1, uint amount2) public {
    amount1 = clampBetween(...);
    amount2 = clampBetween(...);

    // ACTIONS
    bool success = _addLiquidity(amount1, amount2);

    if(succes) {
        // ...
  1. Can take about a week to set up your invariant tests. Take a day to figure out all the invariants to test. Second day to set up your environment, foundry invariant tests, etc. You have three days to kind of fine-tune your tests, think about all the scenarios you want to test. Takes time to set it up if a lot of external libraries used.

  2. Use ghost variables to check "before/after"

function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {, assets);

    asset.approve(address(token), assets);

    uint256 shares = token.deposit(asset, address(this));
    // sumBalanceOf is a ghost variable which can be later checked against token contract's total shares
    sumBalanceOf += shares;
  1. Check logic against different/deoptimized implementations
function invariant_totalDebtEqualsSum() internal view returns (bool) {
    uint256 totalDebt = vault.totalDebt();
    uint256 sum = 0;
    for(uint i = 0; i<positions.length; i++) {
      sum += positions.getDebt();

    return sum == totalDebt;
  1. Use multiple actors for more realistic scenarios
modifier useActor(uint256 actorIndexSeed) {
    currentActor = actors[bound(actorIndexSeed, 0, actors.length-1);
    // If your protocol has many roles/actors, you can set up a modifier like this one and randomly choose an actor for testing
  1. Limit the number of targets and selectors the fuzzer is calling (including state vars). In case of Foundry, make sure to manually select the selectors you want to test and in case of Echidna, make sure your state vars are internal as it will try to fuzz the public state vars and waste time as they are read-only.

  2. Check both success and failure cases for max coverage with either try catch or if else. Echidna case -

if(success) {
        "P-01 | Adding Liquidity increases K"
    // ...
} else {
        "P-08 | Adding liquidity should not change anything if it fails"
    // ...
  1. Think about how your invariants may change depending on the state of the system.

  2. Always check the code coverage. In Echidna, you can see the coverage with a coverage report, which is an HTML file in which you can see the parts that have been covered with tests. Shows green for parts covered, yellow for parts that haven't been covered properly and red means parts that have not been covered at all.

  3. Reduce the input space of the fuzzer


  • Needs the echidna_ prefix for every function identifier for Echidna to be able to realize its inputs. (PROPERTY TESTING)

  • echidna-test <test_file_name> --contract <test_contract_name> for running Echidna.

  • Declare a test function without the echidna prefix, can use test_prefix instead, write code for asserting a condition, and run echidna with the following input at the end: --test-mode assertion. This allows you to add parameters to the test as well. (ASSERTION TESTING) [11]

  • Testing system-level invariants require initialization

    • Simple initialization
      • Deploy everything in the constructor
    • Complex initialization
      • Leverage your unit tests framework with etheno //q what is etheno?
    • NOTE: Function-level invariants may also need some system initialization
  • Medusa can be used for a more detailed fuzz test

    • medusa init is the first command, generates a .json file which can be modified based on our requirements and to avoid using flags in the cmd
      • In medusa.json, targetContracts sets the contract containing the test functions for fuzzing
      • assertionTesting section should have enabled set to true for assertion testing and enabled set to false for propertyTesting, and vice-versa for property testing
    • medusa fuzz is the command to run the test
  • Echidna has its own set of cheatcodes in hevm

    • They are almost the same as the cheatcodes in Foundry

Decoding function calls in MetaMask

Before approving/confirming a transaction on MetaMask, check the data section and the hex section, run cast sig <function-sig> to check the desired hex, and if it doesn't match, might be a malicious call.
If there are parameters passed, run cast --calldata-decode <function-sig> <calldata/hex value> and it will tell you what parameters were passed.

Generating a random number (Chainlink VRF)

1st step:
2nd step: Create a subscription in subscription manager
3rd step: Create a fund the subscription
4th step: Use the subscription ID while deploying the contract
5th step: Add a consumer contract to use the random number by giving the deployed contract address
Check [12] for sample code using Chainlink VRF and natspec
You need to mention how and where you are using the RNG in your contract and use it in the fulfillRandomWords function

Chainlink Automation (Keepers)

1st step:
2nd step: You will mostly be using a custom-based upkeep, so register one
3rd step: There are two functions that Chainlink needs to automate your code: checkUpkeep() and performUpkeep(). Add those functions
4th step: checkUpkeep() returns(bool upkeepNeeded,) checks the conditions required for the next automated call and if they are met, it will call performUpkeep().
Check [12] for sample code using Chainlink Automation and natspec

Notes from Cergyk.eth

Threat Modelling

  • What actors interact?
  • Which roles can I impersonate to impact what others?


  • Follow up a trail of questions
    • What prevents me from just withdrawing everything?
    • What about underlying state changes?
  • Gather new, more focused questions by following the trail
  • Repeat!

Introduce Complexity

  • Unfrequent actions
  • Sequence of actions that could break the protocol
  • Interoperability with external protocols
  • Collusion of multiple actors

Steelman Ideas

  • Confirm your mental models/ideas by playing with tests
  • Make sure dev missed something
    • Identify wrong assumptions
    • Make sure the exploit has reasonable complexity according to codebase
  • Knowing the stack and language
    • Helps to model attack paths correctly
    • Reduce false positives

Transaction Displacement Attacks

An attacker replaces a legitimate transaction with their own, to steal something of value intended for the legitimate transaction's sender.
Examples -

  • Alice tries to register a domain name but Mallory does it first
  • Alice tries to submit a bug but Mallory steals it and submits it first
  • Alice tries to submit a bid in an auction and Mallory is copying it

Useful Links

  1. is a hex values database, can search random hex values to decrypt them
  2. is a tool to look up function signatures called anywhere on the mainnet
  3. while looking at any verified contracts on, change the postfix to to see the code in a virtual VSC sim
  4. Ethereum EIPs
  5. ZKSync documentation
  6. EVM Opcodes


[1] nascentxyz / simple-security-toolkit
[2] ZhangZhuoSJTU / Web3Bugs
[3] Cyfrin / security-and-auditing-full-course-s23
[4] - How to determine a finding severity
[5] @openzeppelin/contracts/util/ReentrancyGuard.sol
[6] pcaversaccio / reentrancy-attacks
[7] Cyfrin / sc-exploits-minimized - src/mishandling-of-eth
[8] crytic / properties
[9] d-xo / weird-erc20
[11] crytic / building-secure-contracts / program-analysis / echidna / exercises / exercise2
[12] KatrixReloaded / FoundryLottery


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