What is unix? What is linux?
Example bringing up a terminal using R studio
clear, echo, whoami
Navigating the filesystem
- ls, ls -h, ls --color, ls -l, ls -al
- cd
- pwd
- directories, hierarchy and the filesystem
- . and ..
- ~ and $HOME
- / (root directory)
- file permissions chmod
- mv
- mkdir
- rm, rmdir, rm -
- cp
Some cool commands
- wc
- wget
- touch
- cat (print files and concatenate)
- more and less (less is more)
- head
- tail
piping into a file, example echo "I'm in the file." > echo-out.txt also do >> for piping onto the end of a file
- & (running jobs in the background)
- shutdown, shutdown -h now
- man, example, man man
- which
- apropros, example apropos editor
- grep
- grep with regular expressions
- egrep "i.g" states.txt [match one character]
- grep -P "i.g" states.txt
- egrep "s+as" states.txt [one or more "s" followd by "as"]
- egrep "s*as" states.txt [zero or more "s" followd by "as"]
- egrep "s{2}" states.txt [two "s",s]
- egrep "[aeiou]" states.txt [match characters]
- egrep "[^aeiou]" states.txt [match vowels]
- how to use regexs
- regexs versus unix wild cards
Creating a digital ocean server