From f52d303f09057d1c2b71ec25e107abfc55fd6904 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Andorfer Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 12:39:51 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] `enrich:mention` adds mentions as tei:events to index entry * added function to delete index entities without xml-ids `enrich:delete_entities_without_xmlid` * added function to delete `tei:list*` from `tei:back` elements --- modules/enrich.xql | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/modules/enrich.xql b/modules/enrich.xql index bdf99ef..ada0c74 100644 --- a/modules/enrich.xql +++ b/modules/enrich.xql @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ xquery version "3.1"; module namespace enrich=""; import module namespace app="" at "../modules/app.xql"; -import module namespace config="" at "../modules/config.xqm"; import module namespace http = ''; declare namespace functx = ""; @@ -86,3 +85,73 @@ declare function enrich:add_base_and_xmlid($archeURL as xs:string, $colName as x }; + +(:~ + : adds mentions as tei:events to index entry + + : @param $colName The name of the data-collection to process, e.g. 'editions' + : @param $ent_type The name of the entity, e.g. 'place', 'org' or 'person' +:) + +declare function enrich:mentions($colName as xs:string, $ent_type as xs:string) { + let $collection := $app:data||'/'||$colName + for $x at $count in collection($app:indices)//tei:*[name()=$ent_type] + let $events := $x//tei:event + let $event_list := $x//tei:listEvent + let $remove_events := for $e in $event_list let $removed := update delete $e return {$e} + + let $ref := '#'||$x/@xml:id + let $lm := 'processing entity nr: '||$count||' with id: '||$ref + let $l := util:log('info', $lm) + let $event_list_node := + { + for $doc in collection($collection)//tei:TEI[.//tei:rs[@ref=$ref]] + let $doc_title := normalize-space(string-join($doc//tei:titleStmt/tei:title//text()[not(./parent::tei:note)], '')) + let $handle := $doc//tei:idno[@type='handle']/text() + return + + erwähnt in {$doc_title} + + } + + let $event_count := count($event_list_node//tei:event) + let $continue := if ($event_count gt 0) then true() else false() + let $update := + if ($continue) then + update insert $event_list_node into $x + else + () + return + + {$event_count} + +}; + +(:~ + : deletes index-entries without xml:id + + : @param $colName The name of the data-collection to process, e.g. 'editions' + : @param $ent_type The name of the entity, e.g. 'place', 'org' or 'person' +:) + +declare function enrich:delete_entities_without_xmlid($ent_type as xs:string) { + for $x at $count in collection($app:indices)//tei:*[name()=$ent_type and not(@xml:id)] + let $msg := substring(normalize-space(string-join($x//text(), ' ')), 1, 25) + let $l := util:log('info', $msg) + + return + update delete $x +}; + +(:~ + : deletes remove tei:list* elements in tei:back" + + : @param $colName The name of the data-collection to process, e.g. 'editions' +:) + +declare function enrich:delete_lists_in_back($colName) { + let $collection := $app:data||'/'||$colName + for $x at $count in collection($collection)//tei:back//*[starts-with(name(), 'list')] + return + update delete $x +};