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File metadata and controls

238 lines (202 loc) · 11.5 KB


This module bundles together the recomendations outlined in the Azure AKS baseline to result in a starting infrastructure that can be deployed easily.

Unlike the the complete topology example that includes the required hub-and-spoke network and log analytics in place, this module focuses soley on AKS and it's immediate recomended integrations. Other modules exist that can help with the creation of the VNETs and subnets, so rather than repeat that effort, this module builds the following:

AKS Secure Baseline This Module
Virtual Network hub-and-spoke
Egress restriction using Azure Firewall
Fluxv2 integration*
Azure Networking CNI
Azure Active Directory Pod Identity
Default Recomended Node config
log retention rules
App Gateway/WAF
Keyvault secrets provider
Azure Policy enabled
Managed public IP option

Note: At this time azurerm_kubernetes_cluster does not have the ability to configure the Fluxv2 integration. This means the Traefik controller and other worklods that are normally deployed automatically as part of the bootsrap process in the example baseline doesn't occur in this module. The issue has been opened and is being tracked here

Each recomended integration is bundled into its own custom object block so it can be enabled/disabled as needed. For example:

module "aks" {
  source = "../"
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
  resource_group_name =
  subnet_id           = module.myvnet.vnet_subnets["aks_nodes"].id
  app_gateway = {
    enabled   = false
  oms = {
    enabled   = true
    aks_logs  = {
      guard = true
    storage_account_id =
    workspace_id       =
  zones = ["1", "2", "3"]

In this example, the integrated WAF is disabled, but OMS logging is enabled and a specific log toggled on. While the Microsoft AKS baseline has all integrations enabled, the toggles allow for a bit more variance.

Key Variable Blocks


app_gateway = {
  enabled      = false
  name         = ""
  private_ip   = false
  public_ip    = true
  sku_capacity = "2"
  sku_name     = "WAF_v2"
  sku_tier     = "WAF_v2"
  subnet_id    = ""

This block defines the app gateway integration. If enabled = true, the subnet_id becomes a required field, as AGW requires it's own dedicated subnet to provision into.

The module actually specifically defines the AGW and components as a seperate resource, so that if AKS is ever destroyed and rebuilt, provisioned public IPs remain until a value that forces similar action on the AGW occurs. Some parameter combinations are specific to certain versions of AGW (v1 vs v2). [Please see here for more information](# read more here:

name type required default description
enabled bool no false enables creation of AGW
name string no - if specified, overrides the auto-generated name with this string
private_ip bool no false enables creation of a private IP listener
private_ip_address string no "" if specified, sets the private IP address
private_priority string no 20 if specified, set the routing rule priority
private_ip_subnet_id string no - if specified, attempts to create the listener in the specified subnet_id
public_ip bool no true enables creation of a private IP listener
public_ip_id string no - if specified, instead of creating a public IP resource, will leverage the existing defined IP
public_priority string no 10 if specified, set the routing rule priority
sku_capacity string no "2" number of systems to deploy
sku_name string no WAF_v2 set subscription information
sku_tier string no WAF_v2 set subscription information
subnet_id string yes "" if agw is enabled, this is a required value to determine the subnet to place the AGW in


waf_configuration = {
  enabled                  = true
  firewall_mode            = "Detection"
  rule_set_type            = "OWASP"
  rule_set_version         = "3.2"
  file_upload_limit_mb     = 100
  request_body_check       = true
  max_request_body_size_kb = 128

This block defines the WAF configuration. As of azurerm 3.0, using a license sku of WAF_v2 requires configuration of the the WAF component either directly or via policy. These settings are used during initiation only. Once created, the policies are pulled out of lifecycle to be managed by aks, azure policy, or similar and ONLY applied if the appropriate sku is used.

name type required default description
enabled bool no true enables creation of WAF
firewall_mode string no Detection Detection or Prevention
rule_set_type string no OWASP only option available for now
rule_set_version string no "3.2" version of OWASP rules
file_upload_limit_mb number no 100 max file-size
request_body_check bool no true scan body and not just headers
max_request_body_size_kb number no 128 size of the body of the message


The node default pool refers to the system pool for AKS, following the recomended model of using 2 node pools to serperate system and user workloads.

Note: the default VM size differs from the aks_baseline example. This model was chosen as it is cheaper (with the same cpu/memory) as well as supported under a free-tier Azure subscription which makes testing easier.

node_default_pool = {
  enable_auto_scaling          = true
  max_count                    = 4
  min_count                    = 3
  name                         = "system"
  node_count                   = 3
  only_critical_addons_enabled = true
  os_disk_size_gb              = 70
  os_disk_type                 = "Ephemeral"
  vm_size                      = "Standard_D2ds_v5"
name type required default description
enable_auto_scaling bool no true enables auto-scaling
max_count number no 4 max number of nodes
min_count number no 3 minimum number of nodes
name string no "system" sets the name of the default node pool
node_count number no 3 sets the initial node count
node_labels map no null add labels to the nodes
node_taints list no null add taints to the nodes
only_critical_addons_enabled bool no true sets the node pool as type "system" restricting user workloads
os_disk_size_gb number no 70 size of node disks in GB
os_disk_type string no "Ephemeral" type of disk
os_sku string no null Specifies the OS SKU used by the agent pool. Possible values include: AzureLinux, Ubuntu, Windows2019, Windows2022
vm_size string no "Standard_D2ds_v5" set the node type


The node user pool refers to a dedicated pool for customer workloads, following the recomended model of using 2 node pools to serperate system and user workloads. Unlike the system pool, which is required, this pool can be disabled if desired to futher shrink the AKS footprint/cost.

note: if enabled = false, be sure to set only_critical_addons_enabled = false in the default pool to ensure user workloads have a place to run.

node_user_pool = {
  enable_auto_scaling = true
  enabled             = true
  eviction_policy     = "Delete"
  max_count           = 5
  min_count           = 2
  mode                = "User"
  name                = "user"
  node_count          = 2
  os_disk_size_gb     = 120
  os_disk_type        = "Ephemeral"
  os_type             = "Linux"
  priority            = "Regular"
  spot_max_price      = -1
  vm_size             = "Standard_D4ds_v5"
name type required default description
enable_auto_scaling bool no true enables auto-scaling
enable bool no true enable/disable this pool
eviction_policy string no "Delete" used with spot instances, set how nodes are eviced from the pool
max_count number no 5 max number of nodes
min_count number no 2 minimum number of nodes
mode string no "User" sets pool mode between User/System
name string no "user" sets the name of the node pool
node_count number no 2 sets the initial node count
node_labels map no {}1 add labels to the nodes
node_taints list no []1 add taints to the nodes
os_disk_size_gb number no 120 size of node disks in GB
os_disk_type string no "Ephemeral" type of disk
os_sku string no null Specifies the OS SKU used by the agent pool. Possible values include: AzureLinux, Ubuntu, Windows2019, Windows2022
os_type string no "Linux" the type of OS to run. As of this writing, supported types are Windows Linux
priority string no "Regular" the type of nodes
spot_max_price number no -1 used with spot instances, set a price limit on server cost, -1 means no limit
vm_size string no "Standard_D4ds_v5" set the node type


While log analytics and workspaces are beyond the reach of this module, it does include the ability to configure the diagnostic logging for both the cluster and AGW (if exists). All of the logs currently use the same retention_days setting.

oms = {
  enabled            = false
  agw_logs           = {
    ApplicationGatewayAccessLog      = true
    ApplicationGatewayPerformanceLog = true
    ApplicationGatewayFirewallLog    = true
  agw_metrics        = true
  aks_logs           = {
    cloud-controller-manager         = false
    csi-azuredisk-controller         = false
    csi-azurefile-controller         = false
    csi-snapshot-controller          = false
    kube-apiserver                   = true
    kube-audit                       = true
    kube-audit-admin                 = true
    kube-controller-manager          = true
    kube-scheduler                   = false
    cluster-autoscaler               = true
    guard                            = false
  aks_metrics        = true
  retention_days     = 30
  storage_account_id = ""
  workspace_id       = ""


tags = {
  Terraform = "true"

Map of tags to apply to every resource that is created.


Comming soon


  1. node_labels and node_taints are merged with default labels as recomended by Microsoft. As of this writing, this is specific to Spot instances. 2