This exercise is a high level overview of how to create an extension for vscode.
A detailed set of instructions can be found here:
npm install -g yo generator-code vsce
yo code
Yeoman will ask a bunch of question, so select "New Extension Pack" and answer the following questions:
What type of extension do you want to create?
New Extension Pack
? Add the currently installed extensions to the extension pack
? What's the name of your extension?
? What's the identifier of your extension?
? What's the description of your extension?
Just a sample of extensions I like to use
Add this to the package.json file:
//change this to yourname, that you will need later
"publisher": "JeffKranenburg",
//change this to your repo
"repository": "",
Add the extensions you wish to add
There is a bit of switching between the browser and the terminal, so hopefully you won't get lost :-)
Step 1: To publish an extension you will need to create an access token
Go to and sign in with your microsoft account.
Next, go to the settings menu and create a personal access token.
- Go to settings in the top right under your profile picture
- Select Personal Access Token in the left column and then click on new token.
Step 2:
You will need to create a profile and then login using your access token.
vsce create-profile name
vsce login name
// followed by typing in the access token
Go to the folder that has the package.json file in it and type in vsce package
This will create the .vsix file that you will need to upload in the market place.
Step 3:
Back in the browser, go to the market place and sign in with your microsoft account (if it isn't already)
In the top left click on "Publish Extension"
You should see the publisher that you created earlier in the left column.
Click on New Extension and select visual studio code and upload the .vsix
file. You will then be notified when your extension is live. At which point you can download it in visual studio code.
My extension is jeffkranenburg.jeff-extensions
but it was my testing one, so it includes a lot of extensions :-)