All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added environment variable
to allow the configuration of the email address that will be used as the sender of account-related emails - Leverage SSL configuration to application administrators, so they can configure the application to use SSL or not
- Reduced size of the holo-char image by converting it to a WEBP format
Updated Spring starter dependencies to 3.2.9
Restricted access to API docs to only accounts with the following levels:
DEVELOPER (Level 50)
GAME MASTER (Level 30)
MASTER (Level 1)
Avoid account stealing by importing correctly the value from the
environment variable when generating and validating JWT tokens -
Added environment variable
to allow the configuration of the allowed origins for CORS requests -
header to prevent XSS attacks
- The capability to delete an account through API request
- The capability to delete an account through integrated UI
- The capability to verify an account using its email address using a verification token
- The capability to send a reset password email through API request using an account's email address or username
- The capability to send a reset password email through integrated UI using an account's email address or username
- The capability to reset an account password through integrated UI using a reset password token
- The capability to logging in using an account's username and password through API request
- The capability to logging in using an account's username and password through integrated UI
- The capability of registering a new account through API request
- The capability of registering a new account through integrated UI
- The capability of logging out through integrated UI
- The capability to update an account's email address through API request
- The capability to update an account's email address through integrated UI
- The capability to update an account's password through API request
- The capability to update an account's password through integrated UI